ES Literature - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

ES Literature. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 1981, 15 (8), pp 890–893. DOI: 10.1021/es00090a602. Publication Date: August 1981. ACS Legacy Archive...
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LITERATURE Groundwater monitoring. Series of brochures shows saturated-zone samplers, filters, bailers, other sampling equipment for groundwater monitoring. Well screens and lysimeters are also featured. T l M C O Mfg. Co. 151

Laboratory filtration. Catalog PB 600 lists many lines of filtration equipment for laboratories, for use in industrial hygiene, air analysis, fuels, many other applications. Gilmont Instruments

Construction site monitoring. Brochure describes environmental monitoring for air, water quality, and solid waste by field laboratories a t construction sites in U.S. Capabilities are covered. 152 United States Testing

Photometry. Brochure, “Luminometry,” describes Model 20 Photometer and its applications in water pollution control, oceanography, waste treatment, immunoassay, and other areas. 159 Turner Designs

Desalination. Brochure, “Desalination Technology,” covers reverse-osmosis systems for desalting brackish water and seawater, from smaller systems to a 60-mgd plant in Saudi Arabia. En153 virogenics Systems Dust collector maintenance. Bulletin S-1080 tells what is needed for proper maintenance of dust collection systems. Turnkey service also available. JT Systems 154


Safety supplies. June 198 1 catalog lists safety supplies that help meet various OSHA regulations. Special clothing, breathers, first-aid equipment, and other supplies are featured. Interex 160

Water treatment. Brochure WWT-B-2 features water treatment programs that minimize corrosion and deposition in water treatment, cooling water, and other such systems. Drew Chemical 161

Gas chromatography (CC). Bulletin Groundwater analysis. Brochures de- SB-CC shows G C and other analysis scribe total organic halides (TOX), instruments and systems. Accessories and other analyses using atomic ab- are also shown. Cow-Mac Instrument sorption, chromatography, and spec162 trometry. Services for water, tissue, and RCRA compliance. Harmon En- GC systems. Bulletin 8701 describes 155 the Basic gas chromatographs. Used in gineering & Testing industry and teaching. Carle Instru163 Dissolved oxygen. Catalog lists line of ments dissolved oxygen meters for municipal, industrial, and scientific water quality Steric exclusion. Application note LC analysis. Featured is digital model. 107 tells how to estimate molecular BOD probes, other items, also listed. weight by high-performance steric 156 exclusion chromatography. Molecules Yellow Springs Instrument in solution are separated according to effective size with a special column. Consultant services. Brochure de- Varian 164 scribes company’s consultant services designed to handle coal-related envi- Industrial hygiene. Brochure describes ronmental and occupational health company’s capabilities to provide inanalyses, especially in coal gasifica- dustry with personnel/expertise to 157 assess occupational environments action/liquefaction. Reotec curately. Kemron Environmental Services 165 Need more information about any items? If so. just circle the appropriate numbers on one of the reader service cards bound into this issue and mail in the card. No stamp is necessary. 890

Environmental Science & Technology

Dangerous goods book. Press release describes United Nations Orange Source Book which lists and describes proper handling for dangerous goods. It sells for $35 a copy. Labelmaster 166

GC/mass spectrometry (MS). Brochure describes 4500 Series G C / M S system, which has interchangeable ion volumes and automated GC functions. Operator has many options. Finnigan 167 MAT Breathing apparatus. Bulletin 0105-5 1 explains how to inspect and maintain self-contained breathing apparatus, as OSHA requires, and as contained in ANSI inspection and maintenance guidelines. Mine Safety Appliances 168

Fouling prevention. Technical data sets forth new method to prevent algal fouling of water system components that uses a 1-mL thick spray of pure metallic copper. TAFA Metallisa169 tion Air cleaners. Brochure discusses commercial clean-air equipment and compares precipitators and filtering units that are not electrostatic. Line of air cleaners is described. Ecology Tech 170

Energy and environment. Brochure tells how the firm offers services in energy facility construction and operation which meet environmental demands. 171 Research-Cottrell Analysis services. Brochure describes complete environmental and material analysis services, including MS, an industrial hygiene laboratory, and analyses of water and air. Princeton 172 Testing Laboratory Oil-skimming pump. Brochure TL-56 describes specially-designed pump for skimming oil films from water surfaces. Vanton Pump & Equipment 173

Companies interested in a listing in this department should send their releases directly to Environmental Science &! Technology, Attn: Literature, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Environmental services. Brochure lists a line of services featuring hazardous waste consulting, analysis, groundwater monitoring, other expertise. 174 Monsanto Research Particle size. Brochure describes the SediGraph 5000D particle size analyzer, and explains automatic sedimentation using a collimated light beam and the use of Stokes' law. Mi175 cromeritics Instrument E t 0 protection. Brochure ES-2008 describes improved protection from ethylene oxide (EtO) gas in the working environment. System is known as ENVIROGARD. AMSCO 176 Reference electrode. Release describes all-polymer, double-junction reference electrode which introduces no measurable chloride even in a lo-' M chloride solution. Graphic Controls 177 Water filters. Brochure discusses prepackaged, predesikned industrial water filter line. Includes organics removal, other uses. Hydro-Max 178 Microscreens. Bulletin 3 15- 17 1Rl describes Rex microscreens, which polish municipal effluents to levels finer than 10/10 BOD/SS, treat industrial wastewater, and recover 179 product. Envirex Conductivity indicator. Catalog Sheet WP-09 describes new single-range digital conductivity indicator, type DM, to indicate water purity. Beckman Instruments 180

HPLC columns. Brochure lists line of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) columns for high efficiency, retention, selectivity. Principle is 5-pm spherical silica. IBM Instru181 ments Environmental news. Vol. 1, No. 1 of Environmental Analysis News discusses EPA regulations and OSHA policies, as well as analysis applications and regulatory action dates. Training courses in analysis are also listed. Varian 182 Weather station. Release describes weather station for air quality monitoring and many other applications. Has programmable, microprocessorbased computer system. WEATH183 ERtronics

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Volume 15, Number 8, August 1981


Particle monitoring. Brochure describes Piezobalance and other systems for particle monitoring and air flow 184 measurements. TSI Inc. Pollution analysis. Brochure describes rapid and precise analyses for water and wastewater, sewage, hazardous waste, and priority pollutants. Chemical and microbiological analysis. New Jersey certification for many services. Industrial Corrosion Management I85

ability. Single or multicomponent solvent systems can be tested to select clothing or test makers’ specifications. Reiszner Environmental & Analytical Labs 188 Soil nitrogen. Technical Report 133 discusses plant uptake, mineralization, an volatilization of nitrogen in sewage sludge-treated soils. Water Resources Research Center, Purdue University, West Lafayette, lnd. 47907 (write direct) Water resources. Coordination direc-

Hazardous material management.

Brochure describes experience, equipment, procedures for routine and emergency hazardous waste problems, and the firm’s expertise in these areas. 186 Peabody International Automated analysis. Newsletter tells

about developments in automated analysis in the environmental sciences, emphasizing water, wastewater, and seawater. Technical lndustrial Sys187 tems Protective clothing tests. Brochure

describes services for testing protective clothing for vapor and solvent perme-

tory. Norma Wells, Water Resources Council, 2120 L St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037 (write direct) wastes. “Hazardous Wastes-DER Acts to Solve Pennsylvania’s Problems.” Explains Act 97, Solid Waste Management Act. Press Office, Dept. of Environmental Resources, Box 2063, Harrisburg, Pa. 17 120 (write direct) Hazardous

Water pollution markets. Summary of

200-page study available. Covers equipment markets. Predicasts, Inc., 11001 Cedar Ave., Cleveland, Ohio 44106 (write direct)

Monitoring instruments. “Survey of

lnstrumentaion for Environmental Monitoring Update to Vol. 2, Water.” September 1980. Environmental Instrumentation Group, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, Calif. 94720 (write direct) Formaldehyde. NlOSH Current Intelligence Bulletin 34 discusses evidence of carcinogenicity of formaldehyde. Publication 81-1 1 I . NlOSH, 4676 Columbia Pkwy., Cincinnati, Ohio 45226 (write direct) Nation’s water. lndex to the “Catalog of Information on Water Data” covers surface and poundwater. Warren E. Hofstra, Office of Water Data Coordination, US.Geological Survey, 41 7 National Center, Reston, Va. 22092 (write direct) The gypsy moth. Single copies of “The Gypsy Moth,” discussing a major forest pest, are available. Dept. of Environmental Resources, Division of Forest Pest Management, Harrisburg International Airport, 34 Airport Dr., Middletown, Pa. 17057 (write direct)

Chemical Hazards in the Workplace

Petroleum in the Marine Environment

State of the art and future directions of monitoring and measurement procedures for the occupational environment. ACS Symposium Series 149 628 pages (1981) Cloth $43.00

Presents analytical methodology and applications that will be of major interest to environmentalists and energy conservationists. Advances in Chemist Series 371 pages (1980) %oth $42.00

Monitoring Toxic Substances

Biomass as a Nonfossil Fuel Source

State-of-the-art techniques for identifying contaminants by nature, concentration, source and biological effects. ACS Symposium Series 94 289 pages (1979) Cloth $26.50

Latest research on biomass production, liquid fuels, gaseous fuels, economics and energetics, and systems analysis. ACS Symposium Series 144 564 pages (1981) Cloth $42.00

Particulates in Water: Characterization, Fate, Effects and Removal

Analytical Techniques in Occupational Health Chemistry

Latest research on improved modeling tools for water quality managers and designers of pollution control and water treatment facilities. Advances in Chemist Series 189 401 pages (1980) &oth $59.50

State-of-the-art review of new and improved instrumental methods for analyzing potentially hazardous chemicals in the workplace. ACS Symposium Series 120 318 pages (1980) Cloth $28.00

Pesticide Analytical Methodology

Cleaning Our Environment

Covers the latest analytical techniques for determining small levels of pesticides and their residues. ACS Symposium Series 136 406 pages (1980) Cloth $38.00

Contains information on the nature and sources of pollutants in air, water, and solid wastes, and recommends action in each area. 457pages (1978) Paper $9.50 Order from: SIS Dept. 65, American Chemical Society 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 o r CALL TOLL FREE 800-424-6747 and use your credit card.


EnvironmentalScience & Technology

Quadrupole MS. Brochure discusses Micromass 12000 Series of quadrupole mass spectrometers. Many analytical applications. VG Analytical, Tudor Rd., Altrincham, Cheshire WA14 5RZ, U.K. (write direct) Mine drainage monitoring. Vol. 5, User’s Manual for Premining Planning of Eastern Surface Coal Mining. EPA-600/7-81-022. U.S. EPA, Industrial Environmental Research Laboratory, Cincinnati, Ohio 45268 (write direct)

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Are you analyzing carcinogens

workplace? Here’s help for you from Varian.

Occupational health. Publications in the field are available. Building 31, Room 10A18, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Md. 20205 (write direct) Water resource research. Numerous publications are available. Water Resources Research Center, University of Maryland, College Park, Md. 20742 (write direct) Plasma discharge. Release lists plasma discharge source for mass spectrometry. VG Analytical Ltd., Tudor Rd., Altrincham, Cheshire WA14 5RZ, U.K. (write direct) Toxic substances. Various publications on toxic substances information are available. Toxic Substances Information, State Health Department, Room 1 10, Madison Building, 109 Governor St., Richmond, Va. 23219 (write direct) Well contamination. May 1981 Waterfacts describes the problem in New England. New England River Basins Commission, 141 Milk St., Boston, Mass. 02109 (write direct) Quality control. “Publication Catalog,’’ new list of “QC” publications. American Society for Quality Control, 161 West Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. 53203 (write direct) Hazardous waste. “Hazardous Waste Generation and Commercial Hazardous Waste Management Capacity.” Publication SW-894 covers many aspects. Office of Water & Waste Management, U.S. EPA, Washington, D.C. 20460 (write direct) Benzene vapor. Report No. 2/8 1 concerns exposure to benzene vapor associated with gasoline. CONCAWE, van Hogenhoucklaan 60,2596 TE den Haag, The Netherlands (write direct)

Send for these free brochures today! Instrument Systems. A large selection of gas chromatography, atomic absorption,ultraviolet-visible and liquid chromatography instruments designed to meet the latest standards in air and water pollution analysis. Applicatlon Reports. An ongoing series of Varian application reports on environmental pollution analysis. Local Support. Hundreds of Varian sales and service representatives and applications scientists located throughout the world. They’re on call to give you the help you need, before and after you buy. Workshops &Training Courses. Local workshops, ranging from elementary training in the analysis of carcinogens to special problem-solving courses tailored specifically for your needs. Lots of instrument training courses, too. Parts &Supplies. Everything you need to create a total GC, AA, UV-Vis or LC system for environmental pollution analysis. For literature, circle 10 on the reply card. If you’d be interested in a local “hands-on” workshop, circle 11. Circle 12 for a representative to call. Varian instrument Group 61 1 Hansen Way, D-070 Palo Alto, CA 94303

varian Volume 15. Number 8, August 1981 893