ES Literature - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Sep 1, 1981 - ES Literature. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 1981, 15 (9), pp 1029–1031. DOI: 10.1021/es00091a603. Publication Date: September 1981...
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LITERATURE Atomizer. Brochure describes the CRA-90 carbon rod atomizer, which overcomes sensitivity limitations of ffame atomic absorption analysis systems. Samples can be cut from 5 mL to 5 pL. Varian Instrument Group 151 X-ray analysis. Applications report discusses Trace Element X-ray Analysis System for up to 32 individual trace elements on a single filter. Sample tests can take as little as 15 s. Columbia Scientific Instruments 152 Geochemical analysis. Brochure describes CDS 820GS Geochemical Analysis and Research System. Versatile sampling, continuous detection. Allows determination of volatile organics and nonvolatile kerogen. 153 Chemical Data Systems Priority pollutant analysis. Brochure describes system for analyzing priority pollutants according to EPA methods 601-612. Typical results are present154 ed. Tracor Instruments Air pollution services. Brochure describes expert services in air pollution measurement, analysis, and consultation, including PSD and other aspects of clean air. Kemron Environmental 155 Services Doppler flowmeter. Brochure describes doppler flowmeter with flows down to 0.004 gpm. Can detect suspended solids down to 25 ppm. Flow tube is noninvasive. Horizon Ecology 156 Environmental services. Brochures describe services available, including sample processing, water quality modeling, impact assessment, and aquatic/marine ecology. Company acquired ecological services department of Texas Instruments, Norman157 deau Associates, Inc. Particle sampler. Flyer sheet describes particle sampler useful for all sample applications requiring an isokinetic sample from stacks, processes, ducts, fugitive dust, and the like. TSI 158 Need more information about any items? If so,just circle the appropriate numbers on one of the reader service cards bound into this issue and mail in the card. No stamp is necessary.

Air sampler. Brochure details line of systems/accessories for high-volume air sampling and describes Ultra-Vol 159 concept. Sierra Instruments Platinum probes. Brochure describes platinum probes for thermal pollution monitoring/control in power plant, lake, and marine applications. Works at up to 2000 ft and 600 OC for certain probe types. Yellow Springs Instru160 ment Electron microscopes. Brochure describes Nanolab 2000 series of scanning electron microscopes, which provide high-quality micrographs. Applied Research Laboratories 161 Sampler pumps. Data Sheet 08-01-02 addresses Samplair Pump and Testing Kit, which can detect up to 140 toxic gases, vapors, and mists in the threshold limit ranges. Mine Safety Appli162 ances Liquid handling. List sets forth prices for liquid-handling items, such as pipettes, cuvettes, and dispensers. BIO163 R A P Laboratories Seals/fittings. Catalog 4240 lists U1traSeal fittings, which are heliumleak-tested to cm3/s at -350 to 164 1000 O F . Parker Hannifin

Ion detector. Bulletin describes Model 21 3A temperature-compensated ion detector for use down to ppm-range ion chromatography; a suppressor column is unnecessary. Wescan Instruments 165 Dissolved oxygen. Technical notes explain pitfalls and errors in the Winkler method for measuring DO in water. Orbisphere Laboratories 166 Air purification. Brochure offers new technical data related to commercial air-purification equipment for restaurants, nursing homes, offices, other. 167 Ecology Tech Vials. Bulletin 39 lists vials and accessories that meet requirements for holding priority pollutant standard materials, dangerous materials, and the like. Other items are listed. Alltech Associates 168

Groundwater monitoring. Brochures list equipment and items needed for in-situ measurements of groundwater temperature, pH, specific conductance, and oxidation-reduction potential. Can be used in 2-in. wells down 169 to 330 ft. HYDROLAB Engine testing. Bulletin describes CYCON for performing EPA transient test cycle for heavy-duty engines and certain industrial systems. Automatic, microcomputer-controlled. Ultra Electronics, Inc. 170 Sulfur determination. Application Note 30 discusses determination of sulfur species and oxalate in kraft liquors by ion chromatography/electrochemical detection. Dionex 171 Trace metals in air. Applications Note No. AA-7 tells how to measure trace elements in air by furnace atomization. Applies to particles, especially. Varian 172 Instrument Group SO2 absorption. Information packet offers case histories of custom-engineered sulfur dioxide absorption systems at petrochemical complex, other 173 sites. Swemco

Leginella pneumophilia. Booklet tells how this microbe, alleged to cause “Legionnaire’s disease,” is related to cooling water in air conditioning systems and how microbiocides may 174 combat it. Chemical Testing Water testing. Brochure describes test equipment for water conditioning and treatment, from simple boiler tests to very complicated laboratory procedures. LaMotte Chemical Products 175 Moisture-humidity instruments. Short-form catalog lists Hygroline products for humidity measurement, including recorders, sensors, and calibration items. Beckman Instruments 176 (continued on page 1031)

Companies interested in a listing in this department should send their releases directly to Environmental Science & Technology, Attn: Literature, 1155 16th S t . , N . W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Volume 15, Number 9, September 1981


Fill a Staff Position on Capitol Hill Two ACS Congressional Fellowships Available To Begin Fall 1982 The objectives of the fellowship program are: To provide an opportunity for scientist5 to gain firsthand knowledge of the operations of the legislative branch of the federal government, To make available to the government an increasing amount of scientific and technical expertise, and To broaden the perspective of both the scientific and governmental communities regarding the value of such scientific-governmental interaction

qpplications should be submiffed by January 29, 1982 to: Dr. Annette T. Rosenblum Department of Public Affairs American Chemical Society 1155-16th St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036



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Environmental Science & Technology

Applications consist of a letter of intent, resume, and two letters of reference. The letter of intent should include adescription of the applicant's experience in publicoriented projects in which scientific or technical knowledge was used as a basis for interaction and a statement that tells why they have applied for the Fellowship and what they hope to accomplish as an ACS Congressional Fellow. The resume should describe the candidate's education and professional experience and include other pertinent personal information. Letters of reference should be solicited from people who can discuss not only the candidate's competence but also the applicant's experience in publicoriented projects. Arrangements should be made to send the letters of reference directly to ACS. For further information call




Zinc determination. Bulletin No. AB-29 tells of a potentiometric titration method used together with ion selectivity to determine zinc in crudes and wastewater. Fisher Scientific 177

Hazardous materials. Information describes hazardous material placards with four-digit identification numbers to meet hazardous materials shipping regulations set forth in 49 CFR Part 172.332, Nov. 10, 1980. Seton Name Plate 178 Sludge dewatering with KMn04. Brochure tells how potassium permanganate works to dewater sludge and control odors by oxidizing many compounds. Carus Chemical 179 Flotation. Releases describe J- 1000 series of air flotation systems for separating suspended solids, oils, and greases from wastewater. Systems are multicell. Clow 180 Organic analysis. Brochures describe gas chromatographs, mass or infrared spectrometers, and other equipment for state-of-the-art organic analysis to meet many environmental needs. 182 Chemical Data Systems CC/MS. Brochure covers full line of gas chromatography and mass spectrometry systems, products, instruments for organic/inorganic analysis. 183 Finnigan MAT Fly ash control. Fly Ash Bulletin FA1 / 8 1 gives “inside story” on fly ash control, featuring “RF” filter system and 75% energy saving. Test data given. CEACarter-Day. 184 Cascade impactor. Brochure describes Pilat Mark 3 Source Test Cascade Impactor for measuring particles of 0.2-20-p diameter in stacks and ducts at emission sources. Pollution Control 185 Systems Turbidimeters. Brochure describes full line of laboratory and process turbidimeters, as well as other products for water/wastewater analysis. Hach 186

Humidity definitions. Data sheet 3-050 sets forth terms and definitions with respect to dew point, relative humidity, absolute humidity, Dalton’s law, and other related terminology. EG&G Environmental Equipment 187

Safety products. Catalog lists safety products, ACS reagent-grade chemicals, and safety/first-aid information. VWR Scientific 188

Energy-dispersive analysis. The PV9 100 brochure discusses an energydispersive analyzer for analyzing elements “ranging from carbon to ura193 nium.” EDAX International

Environmental odor solutions. Data sheets contain lists of concentrated cover odors for industrial, municipal, and sewage facilities and describe ways to eliminate odors rapidly without capital investment. Stanley S. Schoenmann. Inc. 189

Oil spill control. “Industrial CleanUp” brochure explains company’s procedures-used in over 10 000 oil and hazardous material spills-to prevent or minimize harm. Peabody Clean Industry 194

Mass spectroscopy. Full line of MS standards is described in brochure. Covers priority pollutants and environmental toxicology. Some standards are labeled. KOR ISOTOPES 190

Industrial health. Brochure explains company’s goals and purposes. American Industrial Health Council, 1075 Central Park Ave., Scarsdale, N.Y. 10583 (write direct)

Groundwater monitoring. Capabilities in groundwater monitoring, especially at facilities affected by RCRA, are set forth in brochure. Assistance to site owner/operators needing action by Nov. 19. Ecology and Environment

Chemical news. “Chemical News Report” covers environmental aspects and other facets of chemical manufacturing. Chemical Manufacturers Association, 2501 M St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037 (write direct)


Desalination with RO. Brochure explains how to desalt water by reverse osmosis and gives technical data and cost comparisons. Allied Water 192

Water conservation. Flyer sheet lists publications for domestic water conservation. U S . Water Resources Council, 2120 L St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037 (write direct)

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Volume 15, Number 9, September 1981