ES Literature - Environmental Science & Technology (ACS Publications)

Jun 1, 1981 - ES Literature. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 1981, 15 (6), pp 643–644. DOI: 10.1021/es00088a601. Publication Date: June 1981. ACS Legacy ...
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Spectrometer.Booklet describes the IL Plasma- 100 ICP emission spectrometer. Can determine up to 70 elements in many sample types, and is microcomputer-controlled. Instrumentaiton Laboratory 151 Respirators. Data Sheet 10-00-05 describes belt-mounted respirators to protect against certain gases, vapors, dusts, mists, and fumes. Has 28411. breathing tube, plenum assembly, facepiece. MineSafety Appliances 152 Carbon service. Air/Water Report for March 1981 describes company’s developments and activities in air and water treatment, especially with activated carbon. Calgon 153 SO2 in malt. Application Note 27 tells how ion chromatography analyzes SO2 in malt. SO2 inhibits NO,-amine reactions and reduces levels of potentially carcinogenic nitrosamines. Analysis time is less than 18 minutes; no known interferences. Dionex 154

Dissolved oxygen. “Procedure 5 16” explains step-by-step procedures for measuring 10-14 ppm of dissolved oxygen in water, wastewater, BOD samples. Direct reading on any pH meter. Orion Research 155 Filter collector. Brochure describes pulse-jet fabric-filter collector, the JAMAC. One application is emission control for hot-mix asphalt plant. Very little downtime. JAMAC Industries 156 Air pollution models. Literature describes dispersion models for hazardous chemical spills, photochemical oxidants, and other applications. Applied Modeling 157

Data logger. Brochure describes what company says may be only data logger with completely self-contained data Need more information about any items? If so,just circle the appropriate number$ on one of the reader service cards bound into this issue and mail in the card. No stamp is necessary.

acquisition/replay capabilities. Model M1600L is especially for science/ engineering field use. Up to 100 analog or digital channels. Crodata 158

Liquid-level gauging. Form No. 1142-81 describes level gauges for continuous monitoring/control of liquid level and weight within a tank. Hartel 167

Titrator systems. Brochure BR 416 highlights company’s line of Metrohm titrator systems. Can accommodate multiple endpoints. Titration curve, endpoint volume, other data displayable on printed sheet. Sybron/ Brinkmann 159

Environmental information. Bulletin describes overnight data retrieval, literature searching, current awareness, document retrieval, and information acquisition services. Environmental Resource Center 168

Emissions monitoring. Brochure describes KVB Continuous Emissions Monitoring System. Stack and fluegas desulfurization monitoring. Automatic calibration and other features. KVB Equipment Systems Division of Research-Cottrell 160

Ozone analyzer. Brochure describes portable chemiluminescent ozone analyzer. Ranges 0.1-1.0 ppm; 4 ppb minimum detectable sensitivity. Has batteries and gas source for up to 10 hours of operation. EPA-designated reference method. Columbia Scientific Industries 169

pH meter/tester. Seven-ounce “Mini-Test” provides signal source to test and calibrate pH meters and much ancillary equipment. pH 0- 14; 0-700 mV; 0-100 OC. L.G. Nester 161 Hazardous waste labels. Catalog lists mandatory hazardous waste labels, manifest forms, and placarding pursuant to Dept. of Transportation regulations. LABELMASTER 162 X-ray spectrometer. News release describes Dataplus+ and wavelengthdispersive x-ray spectrometer systems for analysis. Can “interface” with APPLE I1 Plus computer in BASIC language. DAPPLE SYSTEMS 163 Oil/water separator. News release and brochure describe KC7 16 cleaneroil/water separator, which can break existing emulsions and recover the oil. Effluent separation below 1 ppm of oil. Kensington Products 164 Ozone treatment. “Ozone Treatment of Potable Water” explains the latest use of ozone to treat drinking water in depth. Decolorization, turbidity, other parameters discussed. PCI Ozone 165 Controllers. Bulletin 9601 announces compact design controllers for a variety of metal-finishing waste-treatment applications. ERC/Lancy 166

Conductivity. Brochure describes conductivity and salinity measuring instruments for water/wastewater testing, manufacturing, and general laboratory applications. Yellow Springs Instrument 170 Baghouse/scrubber selector. Selector chart enables one to choose a baghouse or gas scrubber for specific air pollution control applications. W.W. Sly Manufacturing 171 Waste-oil screening. Bulletin describes efficient removal of suspended, floating, and settleable solids from waste oil. SWECO 172 Safe chemical storage. Wall chart explains how to organize chemical storage in accordance with recognized safety procedures. Covers carcinogens, teratogens, many other dangerous substances. Lab Safety Supply 173 Hazardous materials detection. Vol. 5, No. 1 of News and Notes for the Analyst features portable items for hazardous materials detection labs. Hach Chemical 174 Companies interestedin a listing in this department should send their releases directly to Environmental Science & Technology, Attn: Literature, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Volume 15, Number 6, June 1981


Pollution standards. Mini-catalog 5A features extensive list of important standards, including dioxins, PCBs, pesticides, furans, other. ULTRA 175 Scientific Leachates. Brochure announces a RCRA guidance manual entitled, “Management of Hazardous Waste Leachate.” Prepared for EPA, manual covers many areas of leachates. Touhill, Shuckrow, and Associates 176 Smelter pollution control. News release tells how automatic air controls “significantly” cut air pollution and improved overall efficiency of a lead furnace. Bunker Hill 177 Stack monitoring. Brochure describes the 8900 Series Stack Monitoring System. It meets EPA requirements for cost-effective monitoring and has up-to-date microcomputer control. 178 Bendix Natural gas calibration. Form No. 6680 describes calibration standard for precise/accurate comparison for analyzing natural gas composition. Ultra-sensitive. Liquid Carbonic 179

pH papers. Brochure describes pH papers for fast measurement. Various ranges available. Airtight, lightproof packaging. Fil-Chem 180 Extraction columns. Release describes VAC-ELUT vacuum manifold which can process up to 10 BOND ELUT columns simultaneously. Can be used to analyze organic pollutants in water, for example. Analytichem Interna181 tional Water improvement. Catalog lists 20 ways to improve surface water and wastewater. Many use enzyme for182 mulas. Applied Biochemists Analytical services. Brochures list total chemical analytical services in areas of water/wastewater, hazardous materials, and related chemical disciplines. GM/MS, HPLC, other up-to-date instrumentation at hand. Hauser 183 Laboratories Phenols. LC Note No. 96 explains how to determine trace levels of phenols in water by liquid chromatography. EPA-required method. Varian 184 Alternative energy. Release announces Alternative Energy Data Summary,

which compiles market penetration, sales revenues, price trends, other information for solar, biomass, and the like. Resource & Technology Man185 agement Solar hot water. SUN-PRIDE brochure describes line of solar domestic hot-water heating systems, components, and how to assess how much equipment is needed for hot-water requirements. Revere Solar and Archi186 tectural Products pH monitor. Brochure 421 5 describes latest-technology pH monitor for wastewater and industrial effluent monitoring. Beckman Instruments ’ 187 Reactor analysis. Release discusses new computer-aided method of analyzing nuclear reactor systems for safety and reliability. Potential system weaknesses can be pinpointed. EG&G 188 Idaho Reagents. 1981 buying guide lists a broad line of reagents and lab accessories. MCB Manufacturing 189 Chemists Stack sampler. Brochure describes Model 797 diluting stack-sampling system; uses ambient air monitors for source measurement. Kipp Analytica B.V., Box 620,7800 AP Emmen, The Netherlands (write direct)

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Environmental Science & Technology

Wood energy. Human Environment, February 1981, No. 18, “Wood Energy in Sweden,” by Anne s. Fage. Swedish Information Service, Swedish Consulate General, 825 Third Ave., New York, N.Y. 10022 (write direct) Engineering index. Technical abstract service. Catalog available. Engineering Index, Inc., 345 East 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017 (write direct) EPA R&D publications announcements. Research summaries, decision series, other. ORD Publications, Box 14249B, Cincinnati, Ohio 45214 (write direct) Permit directory. “CJRP Permit Directory” and “CJRP Manual of Colorado Joint Review Process,” for mineral and energy development,with small charge to cover postage/handling. Dept. of Natural Resources, Rm. 718,1313 Sherman St., Denver, Colo. 80203 (write direct)