ES&T Products - American Chemical Society

NO* control systems for utility and steam generators. Ask for ... ground telephone vaults. Plugs impervi- ... Companies interested in a listing in thi...
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PRODUCTS AIR POLLUTION Low NO, from diesels. Hybrid LowNO, process has been demonstrated to reduce NO, emissions from diesel engines by 99% to below 25 ppm by volume (ppmv) and carbon monoxide to below 50 ppmv. The process uses tbermal “burnout” and catalytic reduction and oxidation. Radian 99 Air monitoring. Unmanned stations monitor and record air data for pollution assessment, forestry, airports, other applications. Aanderaa Instruments 100 Low-NO, bnrwr. The Transjet burner is designed to meet southern California’s stringent standards without flue gas recirculation. Emission levels as low as IO ppm are attainable. Hague International 101 NO, reduction. An application guide explains advantages of combustion-zone NO, control systems for utility and steam generators. Ask for Application Guide AG-4911-040-24. Bailey Controls 102

Substitute for l,l,l-trichloroethane. PF Degreaser is formulated as a safe, effective replacement for suspected carcinogen 1,l.l-trichloroethane, a groundwater contaminant. P-T Technologies 106 Migration prevention. Revalt service is designed to eliminate water, gas, and toxic chemical intrusion into underground telephone vaults. Plugs impervious to gas and water are made to seal all points of cable entry. FlowMole 108 Municipal waste as fuel. Facility will make Neulite, a nontoxic, noncombustible lightweight aggregate whose manufacture will use municipal solid waste as a fuel source. Recyclable materials are to be recovered, nonrecyclables would become aggregate and energy. Neutralysis Industries 109 Solvent extraction. Proprietary solvent extraction equipment is designed to be “best demonstrated available tecbnology” for treating hazardous wastes from petroleum refineries. CF Systems 110

H,S detector. Colortec detector uses a chemically treated pad that develops a dark color in the presence of even low concentrationsof hydrogen sulfide. Color reference standards provide dosage evaluation. VICI Metronics 113 W a s t e w a t e r sampler. P o r t a b l e STREAMLINE samplers are designed to sample wastewater under a wide variety of field conditions. Instrument has noncontaminating sensor and is microprocessor-controlled. American Sigma 116 Dioxin detection. DB-Dioxin GC column is designed to resolve the two most toxic chlorinated dioxin and furan isomers in a single run. J&W Scientific 117

Medical waste management. Series of seminars is designed to provide a full understanding of the management of medical waste and of regulations that pertain to this subject. Environmental Resource Center 111

Snlfate-reducing bacteria test Test for sulfate-reducing bacteria is designed to provide on-site results in 20 min. One application is wastewater treatment systems. Conoco Specialty Products 118

Solids removal. Pulse-jet baghouse uses


special ceramic fiber bags to remove sufficient fine particles from hightemperature gases to meet southern California’s tough standards. MikroPul Environmental Systems 104

Water quality data logger. The 4007 is designed to log water quality data and comes complete with probe and soft115 ware package. Solomat

Chemical ionization for MS. Chemical ionization now is available for use with benchtop HP 5971A gas cbromatograph/mass selective detector. HewlettPackard 119

HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Waste to energy. Facility will be the nation’s largest solid waste-to-energy facility (750 tons/day; about 72.5 MW) when it starts up in August 1990. Pollution control technology is built into the facility. Ogden Martin Systems 105

Portable instruments. Company offers a line of portable instruments and software packages for environmental and industrial analysis. Featured is the SpectraTrak 6000 gas chromatograph/ mass spectrometer that can be used at remote field sites. Viking Instruments 112

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Comjmnies interested in a listing in this department s h o d send their release directly to Environmental Science and Technology, Am: Products, 1155 16th Sr., N.W ,Washington, DC 20036.

Dlst removal. MCF Dust Filter is d e signed to remove up to 99.9% of dust from air in industrial applications. MAC Equipment 103

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Sulfur-specificGC. Model 760 is said to be the only on-line, continuous, sulfurspecific gas chromatograph currently available. The microcomputer-based instrument samples automatically and can provide a 24-h average. Tracor Atlas 120 Digital gas flow meter. Five-pound flow meter measures hydrofen, helium, and nitrogen at 0-100 cm /min and air at 50-500 cm3/min. A.E.D. 121 CO, monitor. The aq-510 Carbon Dioxide Monitor is designed to assess indoor air quality through C 0 2 measurements. Its range is 0-5000 ppm. Metrosonics 122 Environ. Sci.Technol.,Vol.24. No. 7, 1990 S89

VOC canister sampler. VOCCS system uses a canister sampler to collect trace levels of volatile organic compounds in ambient air. It can collect 24-h samples. The canister is inert to the air sample. Andersen Instruments 123

Personal gas monitor. Gas-specific portable personal monitor is designed to warn of the danger of toxic or pyre pboric gases, such as hydrogen chloride, arsine, ozone, silane, and SO2, to subppm levels. False alarms are prevented. 124 Scott Specialty Gases Leak detection. Program is set up to train testers in the use of Tracer Tight nonvolumetric leak detection tests and monitoring systems. The systems are designed to detect leaks as small as 125 0.0004 gal/b. Tracer Research Nitrogen and pH testing. AgriTrak portable laboratory is designed to test for nitrate and pH in soil, water, plant tissue, and sap. It can he used by persons with no testing experience. Hach 126 Sopercritical fluid chromatograph. Car.lo Erba SFC 3000 Series uses the technique of supercritical fluid chromatography to sample oils, pharmaceuticals, dyes, foods, and organic intermediates. Fisons Instruments 127 Sludge level detector. Portable Sludge Gun uses infrared light to detect a sludge bed in clarifiers and settling tanks. It ignores suspended solids. Markland Specialty Engineering 128 CeU culture studies Model 2025 Prw grammable Thermal BIok is designed for cell culture studies, DNA amplification and hybridization, and related 114 work. Lab-Line Instruments

PUBLICATIONS Commercializingenvironmental technologies. A report, “Incentives and Barriers to Commercializing Environmental Technologies,” identifies these incentives and barriers. The report was p r e pared for EPA. NETAC 131 Spill reporting. Environmental Spill Reporfing Procedures Manual offers clear, step-by-step instructions for business managers and lawyers who must decide whether and how to report a release of contaminants. Morgan, Lewis & Bockius 132 Groundwater protection. Progress in Ground-Water Profection and Restoration (EPA 440/6-90-0001) describes

EPA’s accomplishments over the last 133 five years. EPA

SERVICES Waste testing. Company is expanding its activities into the business of analyzing sites for the presence of radioactive, hazardous, and mixed wastes. Compu134 Chem Training. Company offers training courses and consulting and laboratory services in analytical and environmental sciences. There are 35 short courses as well as consulting services in data quality evaluation. Environmental Training Specialties 135 On-site analysis. Mobile analytical laboratory is available for real-time determination of contamination of soil, air, and water. Hart Environmental Man136 agement Superfund site closure. Company carries out work in Superfund site closure and incineration of wastes on site. IT 107 Buying analytical services. A seminar series, “Solving the Mysteries,” helps environmental managers understand the purchasing of analytical services. NUS 137

Groundwater sampling without wdls. Hydropunch can be driven into unconsolidated soils and draw a groundwater sample of up to 500 mL. Cost is estimated at 10% of the cost of drilling a well. QED Groundwater Specialists 129 Mass flow controllers. FC-2900 series of mass flow controllers is designed for environmental gas sampling applications. Repeatability is f 0.2% with 0.5% full-scale linearity. Tylan General 130 970

Envlron. Sci. Technol., Vol. 24, NO. 7, 1990

Compliance strategies. Company prepares video productions on environmental and hazardous waste topics; a twcproduction series, Environmental Regulatory Compliance Strategies, is now available. Gardy McGrath International 138

SOITWARE Groundwater data transfer. Lab Transition System is a program that allows automated transfer of laboratory information into Groundwater/DMS, a groundwater data management system originally released in May 1988. CSW 139 Data Systems

Chemical prncess simulator. MASSBAL C is a PC-based simulator of chemical, mineral, and metallurgical processes. It operates on XT and AT compatibles. PPS Systems 140 Wastewater plant design. CAPDET-PC is a software package for designing and estimating costs of wastewater treatment plant alternatives. Hydromantis 141 Carcinogenicity. Carcinogenicify Predictor (CPBS) is available for online

access through Numerica, a technical data base service. Technical Database Services 142 Environmental fate. Environmental Fate Data Bases (EFDB) is set up to find physical and chemical fate and monitoring data on individual chemicals. Syra143 cuse Research Corporation Toxicity and BOD tests. Company offers program known as respEASY! designed to work with their instruments that measure biological oxygen demand and toxicity automatically, with the aid of an IBM-compatible PC and soft144 ware. Tech-Line Instruments

STANDARDS CLP standards. These standards are specially designed for laboratories that do Superfund work. Alfa Products 145 Environmental standards. Catalog lists line of standards required for environmental analysis. ULTRA Scientific 146 Analytical solution standards. Solution standards are available for use with a wide range of analytical instruments. VHG Labs 147

WATER TREATMENT CIO, generation. Compact BelloZon chlorine dioxide generation system for water disinfection, at 30-5000 g/h, is available. C102 is said to be much less hazardous than chlorine. ProMinent 148 Fluid Controls Metal sludge detoxification. SDS-2 technology is designed to detoxify metal sludges, spent plating baths, and ion exchange regenerate solutions. It is said to provide an “instantaneous in-situ’’ re duction to metal. ETUS 149 Lead removal. Water cooler filter is designed to remove inorganic and organic lead from fountain water. Met-Pro 150