Why should you spend $6,000 for a Melabs polarographic analyzer? mm 'iiïii
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(especially if you're already doing polarography?) Good question? Well, here's the answer. T h e M e l a b s C P A - 3 Pulse P o l a r o g r a p h i c Analyzer is 100 times more sensitive (0.01 ppm) than a conventional polarographic instrument (1.0 p p m ) . And offers 4 times better resolution. Proof? Look at the two curves at right. We ran the same sample on a conventional analyzer and on the Melabs CPA-3. Quite a difference, isn't there? Ο Polarography is a valuable analytical tech nique if you have the right instrument. And the right instrument is the CPA-3. Sensitiv ity isn't all it offers. All solid-state circuitry gives high reliability. Three-electrode poten tial c o n t r o l lets you work with organic solvents. In short, the CPA-3 is by far the most advanced polarographic analyzer in the world today. Π For more details, write to Melabs,Scientific Instruments Operation, 3300 Hillview Avenue, Stanford Industrial P a r k , P a l o A l t o , California 9 4 3 0 4 . In Europe, write MELABS, S. A., 43 Rue De N a m u r , Brussels, Belgium.
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