Essential Oils and Related Products - ACS Publications - American

on November 1, 1950. Monographs are included for the follow- ing products of interest to the essential oil trade: Page. Essential oils. Anise oil. 50...
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Essential Oils and Related Products ERNEST GUENTHER



Fritzsrhe Brothers, Znc., A e wY o r k , N . Y .


HIS annual review of analytic~al proctdurrs for eweiitial oils and related products follow;2 the general outline e s t a b lished in the two previous reviews (22, &9). Several iniportant publications of intertbst to the tvsrntial oil chemist have appeared and are discussed below in some detail. During the year very little original work has t)wn reportcd whirh deals directly with the annlysis of e w ~ n t i a oils. l

( 4 2 ) has been omitted; ho\rever, the close limits established for tho physical properties (especially for the specific gravity) wem xdequate t o assure a high glycol content. Following the principle alwady rstahlished by the Xational Formulary, the United State- Pharnixcopeia noJy makes u g of a new whhcading in the monographs for rssrntial oils, “Solubility ILI -% :drohol”; this is t o iridicatc that such data for wlubility in dilutts alcohol rrsprcwnt specifications for purity and are not t o he coiifused with the supplerncntary informative statcm~iits \\ hich a p p a r tu1dt.r the subheading “8olubility.” I n the nionograph for pcp~wrtiiintoil, the color test of the ( 6 7 ) is r c d o p t c d t o assure the absence of ( ~ l t ~ v e n trevision h ndultcmtion with oil of J I ~ n t h n a n e n r i s Such color tmts genr,rally are unsatisfactory for v\wntial oils; however, the prcwiit test is preferable t o thv furfural test of thr thirtecnth revision ( 6 8 ) Sevcrnl minor modificatious h:tvt, Iiceii made in order t o improve certain tests and a s s ~ y s ,and to bring specifications of the physical properties within accrptrd limits. T h e rdnth edition of the Kational Forinulary ( 4 S ) , which also became official on Sovemher 1, lO.iO, includes monographs for the following itemq:


The fourteenth revision of thv 1’h:irniwopt~ix of thc 17nited States (69) was published duiing t h c year and tiecamc, official on S o v e m b r r 1, 1950. l l o n o p r a p h ~are includeti foi tho t’olloning produrts of intrrcst to thc ew,iiti:ll oil trade: Pa ‘1v

Essential oils Anise oil Betula oil Birch oil, sweet Cassia oil Cinnamon oil (ca.n*iit oil) Clove oil Coriander oil Fennel oil Gaultheria oil Lavender oil Lemon oil Myristica oil Nutmeg oil, East, Indian Nutmeg oil, K e s t Indinti Orange oil Peppermint oil Rose oil lioseniary oil Sassafras oil Spearrrlint oil Wintergreen oil Synthetics and isolateh Benzyl benzoate Camphor Dimethyl phthalate Eucalyptol Eugenol Menthol Methyl salicylate Propylene glycol Saccharin sodium Vanillin Balsams. etc. Benzoin Orange flower wstrr Peruvian balsam Rode water I h e water, atronprr Storax

Tolu balsam

50 364

364 142 142 144 158

244 364 316 316 371 371 371


Isbential oil5 Almond oil, hitter

Bay oil Bergamot oil Birch tar oil. reotifird CarawaJ- oil Cardanloin oil (’hrnopodiuin oil F:uoalyptuq oil Juniper oil Myrcia oil Xeroli oil Orange oil, bittrr Orange flower oil Pirnenta oil Pine needle oil. dwarf (oi1;of


442 519

521 529

565 364

80 109


24 1 243 338 364 694 523



78 405 447 519 52 1 57 1 629

Oil of euoalyptus, oil of ctitfe (junipcr tar), and t,hyniol, which formerly a p p e a r 4 in the thirteenth revision, have i i c ~ c ~ rtransi ferrtd t o the liitrst, edition of the Sational Formulai~y. .I nciv motlograph for dimethyl phthalate has been addcd. Oil of cedar leaves has been delettd; this oil had been introrluctd wartime substitute for the i n q i o r t d lavendrr oil in prvlxiring official tincture of green soap. Rcc:tuse of t,he increased importance ( I I propyk~iw g l y c ~ l as a solvent), this item has t x v t i tr:tnsfwrtd from t h r S:iI ioii:i I Forniulary t o the United Strtttls Pharm:~eop(.i:i. ‘I%, ruiiitit~rsoniv : I S P R ~ for glycol conteitt ( ~ h i r l i: i p p t ~ ~ i xi i ~i Itht, S.1:. \‘I11 217


Pine oil Pants1 oil Tal. oil. re(.tificd Thyme oil Turperiti~ic.oil Turpeiitine oil, revtified \Voriiiseed oil. Atiiwicaii Syiit1ietic.i aid iso1:iti.s Anethole Benzaldehyde Beiizl.1 alcohol (~iiii~a!iialrichydr~ (’ouniar in ICtliyl acetate Iaopropvl alcohol Met h~-lcellulo~r Oleyl alrohol


342 82 83 123

126 136 20 1 282

342 364

363 364 387 387 388 443 3 3 ,543 559 ,563 1%

51 78 80 152

171 199

278 3: -i 1 311c)

Stearic arid


Terpin hg-dratc. Thyniol


Untiev.vleiiii, ; a v i d Balsani3, etr.

C’ade oil ( * ~ ~ & 1 . 9 i C U( IJ ~~:M., 21, 1454 (1949). (65) Stempel. B.. %. anat. Chem., 129, 232-3 (1949). (66) Trozzolo. A. 11..and Lieber, E., ANAL.CHEM., 22, 764 (1950). (67) C.S. Pharmacopeia, 11th revision. p. 259, Easton. Pa., black Printing Co., 1936. (68) Ibid., 13th revisioii, p. 390, 1947. (69) Ibid.. 14th revision. 1950. (70) Talentin. F. H. H., J . 5. Africa/L C ' h c n ~Irist., . [ S . S . ]2, 59 (1949). (71) Wilson, J. B., J . Assoc. O f i c . d g r . Cheniisfb, 33, 302 (19501. K W E I V E D Sovember 9,1950.