Essential Oils and Related Products - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

Chem. , 1950, 22 (2), pp 210–215. DOI: 10.1021/ac60038a003. Publication Date: February 1950. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:Anal. Chem. 22, 2, 210-21...
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(86) Richards, R. B., Trans. Faraday Soc., 42A, 194-7 (1946). (87)

(88) (89)


(91) (92)

(93) (94) (95)

Dielectric properties of high polymers. A review. Roberts, A. G., AKAL.CHEM.,21, 813-15 (1949). Diphenylamine test for nitrates in mixtures of cellulose esters. Systematic examination of speed and strength of blue color development under specified conditions. Royer, G. L., Ibid., 21, 442-7 (1949); chemical microscopy in dyeing and finishing. Graphic illustration of expanded use of microscope in identification of textile fibers. Ruzicka, F. C. J., Oil Colour TTades J., 114, 442, 444, 446, 500, 502, 504, 556, 558, 615-16, 618 (1948). Alkyd resins, review of the past ten years. Summary of research which yielded results of interest in field of surface coatings. Sadtler, Philip, Am. Duestuff Reptr., 37, No. 17, Proc. Am. Assoc. Tertile Chemists Colorists, P555-8 (1948). Textile analysis by infrared technique. Emphasizes usefulness for qualitative and quantitative determinations of components in mixtures of dyes, resin finishes, and processing auxiliaries. Scheer, R. E., Rubber Age (Ar. Y . ) , 63, 596-8 (1948). Plasticizers for vinyl resins. Review oi present developments in the use of various types of plasticizers. Schildknecht, C. E., Gross, S. T., Davidson, H. R., Lambert, J. M., and Zoss, A. O., I n d . Eng. Chem., 40, 2104-15 (1948). Polyvinyl isobutyl ethers, properties, and structures. Includes discussion of several theoretical interpretations relating conditions of polymerization t o spatial isomerism in vinyl polymers. Schmidt, A. X., and Marlies, C. A,, “Principles of High Polymer Theory and Practice. Fibers, Plastics, Rubbers, Coatings, Adhesives,” New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1948. Schroeder, H. M., and Terrill, R. L., J . Am. Oil Chemists SOC., 26, 153-7 (1949). Styrenated drying oils. Details of preparation. Schwartz, A. M.,and Perry, J. W.,“Surface Active Agents,” New York, Interscience Publishing Co., 1949.

(96) Simha, Robert, and Budge, Mary, Natl. Bur. Standards, Letter Circ. LC 922 (1948). Bibliography of recent research

in field of high polymers. (97) Trotman, S. R., and Trotman, E. R., “Textile Analysis,” 2nd ed., London, Charles Griffin Co., 1948. (98) Yander Hoeve, J. A . , Rec. traw. chim., 67, 649-64 (1948) (in


(100) (101) (102) (103)


English). Analysis of textile auxiliary products. A system of qualitative analyses ior washing, wetting, retarding agents, and emulsifiers. Wampler, R. H., Org. Finishing, 10, So. 3, 22-3 (1949). Plasticizers in organic finishes. d review. Rillatt, Norris, Testile Age, 12, No. 10, 78, 80-2, 84-8, (1948). Fiber identification. Survey of visual and chemical tests. Wilson, S. P., Org. Finishing, 10, To. 2. 19-21 (1949). Solvents for organic finishes. %. review of various solvents used. Woodruff, J. A . , Am. Dyestuf Reptr.. 37, 691-6, i o 8 (1948). .i classification of direct d3,es. Workman, R. E . , Oficial Diaest Federation Paint & Varnish Production Clubs, No. 291, 177-87 (1949). Developments for high styrene-butadiene copolymers in protective coatings. Description of working characteristics of Pliolite 5-5, a styrene-butadiene copolymer. Wredden, J. H., Plastics (London), 12, 38-44, 90-7, 152-9, 208-15, 266-73, 323-9, 334, 381-7, 436-43, 496-501, 506, 551-7, 607-13, 662-9 (1948). Thorough discussion of microscopical examination of plastic materials, including 107

photomicrographs. (105) Zoss, A. O., Hanford, W.E., and Schildknecht, C. E., I n d . Eng. Chem., 41, 73-7 (1949). Preparation and properties of

alkyl phenol-acetylene resins (Koresin) .

RECEIVEDDecember 29, 1949.



HIS second revieiy of analytical procedures for essential

oils and related products follows the general outline established in the first of the series (39). Discussion is again restricted to several important publications of interest to the essential oil chemist, and to a report on analytical procedures that have been suggested or evaluated during the year. However, reference is made to several earlier papers which have been reported only recently in Chemical Abstracts; publications which were not included in the first review are discussed here. I n general, no basically new analytical procedures have been reported for essential oils and related products. Spectral absorption techniques have long been in use in research labor% tories for identification of essential oil constituents and for elucidation of structure. Recently such methods have been applied commercially to the analytical control and evaluation of several products in this industry, notably Pionone. Further developments along this line may be expected in the future. OFFICIAL COMPENDIA

The publication of the fourteenth revision of the Pharmacopoeia of the United States and the ninth edition of the Kational Formulary was expected during the year; b u t it now appears that these two important compendia will not be issued until 1950. The British Pharmaceutical Codex 1949 (IS) replaced the 1934 edition, following closely the publication of the British Pharmacopoeia 1948 (14). This latest revision of the Codex includes supplementary informative data for the following items which are official in the British Pharmacopoeia 1948: Essential oils Purified volatile oil of bitter almonds (free from prussic acid)

Page 565

Oil Oil oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil

of anise of cajuout of caiaivay of Chenopodium of cinnamon of clove of coriander of dill of eucalyptus of lavender

Synthetics and isolates Benzyl alcohol Benzyl benzoate Camphor Ethyl oleate Eucalyptol Menthol (1- or dl-) Methyl salicylate Terpineol Thymol Balsams, etc. Balsam of Peru Balsam of Tolu Benzoin Oil of cade Myrrh Purified storax

Page 567 573 575 579 580 575 582 566 585 593 595 602 598 611 818 62 146 197 55 332 517 529 895 914 128 129 144 572 544 860

I n addition, monographs (with specifications and standards) are presented for 28 essential oils and for 11 other items of interest t o the essential oil trade: Essential oils Oil of bay Oil of bergamot Oil of sneet birch 011of camnhor rectified oil cardimom Oil of cassia Oil of cedarwood Oil of chamomile Oil of citronella


Page 60 1 570 57 1 573

. g! alb

577 568 581


V O L U M E 22, NO. 2, F E B R U A R Y 1 9 5 0 Oil of cubeb Oil of fennel Oil of Siberian fir

Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil

of neroli of orange of pimento of pine, steam distilled of Pinus pumili’o of rose of sandalwood of sandalwood, Australian of sassafras of spike lavender of thyme (origaniim)

Page 584 586 564 586 592 588 597 616 603 569 605 606 606 610 612 613 614 594 621

Synthetics and isolates Dibutyl phthalate Die thy1 pli thalat e Dimethyl phthalate Eugenol Safrole Saponin Terpin hydrate Vanillin

295 56 312 334 778 787 896 941

Balsams. etc. Oil of ainber Oil of birch t a r Copaiba

617 612 270


During the year several works have been published which are of importance to the essential oil chemist. The second volume of Guenther’s “The Essential Oils” (38) appeared in March. This volume, written by Guenther and Althausen, contains descriptions of practically all known constituents of essent’ial oils. Each compound is discussed under the headings of occurrence, isolation, identification, properties, and uses. A supplementary section, by Sterret’t, describes the preparation of derivatives of essential oil constituents. This volume should prove of great value not only to t,he research worker but also to the analytical chemist. The third volume of this work (S?),which appeared in Sovember, consists of a series of monographs on the individual essential oils of the families Rutaceae and Labiatae. Many analytical data are included; the author draws not only upon the literature but also upon his personal experience and upon the extensive analytical records of Fritzsche Brothers, Inc., for establishing reliable analyt,ical limits for these essential oils. This volume represents a long-awaited and up-to-date treatise on the conimercially important essential oils of these two botanical families. The “Givaudan Index” (33) is best described by its subtit’le: “Specifications of Synthetics and Isolates for Perfumery.” It is a much-needed compilation of analytical data for some 254 commercial products of perfumery grade. Each item is arranged alphabetically by its commercial name. Specifications are given for specific gravity, refractive index, purity (and method of determination), solubility in dilute alcohol, and other tests that are applicable to the individual product; other pertinent data are included. A short chapter is devoted to certain recommended analytical procedures to which the reader is referred in the individual monographs. The data are arranged in outline form. Another “Annual Report!’ (7?), covering the year 1946, has been issued by Schimmel & Co. of New York. The Berichte i’on Schimmel & Co. (78-88)covering the war years have become available t’hrough an adequate review in the Perfumery and Essential Oil Record (i,3 ) . The 1939, 1940, 1941, and combined 1942-43 editions have been reviewed, but as yet no review has appeared for the combined 1944-47 editions. The Scientific Committee of the Essential Oil Association of the United States has drawn up new standards and specifications (28) for two essential oils and six aromatic chemicals. “Determination E. 0. A. KO.1-H” has also been proposed; it describes in detail the procedure to be followed for the determination of congealing point. The specifications and the deter-

mination have been approved by the membership of the associat,ion and will be published in loose-leaf form, ready for distribution early in 1950. This is a continuation of the program initiated in 1946. The new “Specifications and Standards” include the following: E s s e n t i a l oils Oil of l a v a n d i n Oil of sage D a l m a t i a ~ i Synthetics Acetophenone rlnisic a l d e h y d e D i p h e n y l oxide Ethyl phenyl acetate Methyl acetophenone Methyl phenyl acetate

Publication of the well-known periodical Deutsche ParfuinerieZeituny has been resumed under the new title of Parfiirrierie und Kosmetik (69). ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES FROM SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL LITERATURE

Acids. Ramsey and Patterson (73) extended their earlier work on the separation of saturated st,raight-chain fatty acids by partition chromatography to include the C,, to CIS acids. Green (56)studied the estimation of several official salts of \Teak organic acids in nonaqueous media; as solvent, he used a prop>-1ene glycol-isopropyl alcohol mixture (1 to 1) and found the results to be satisfactory for acetates, benzoates, and salicylates, when titrated with a standard solution of perchloric acid in the propylene glycol-isopropyl alcohol mixture. Hubacher (47) reported an analytical procedure for the determination of carboxyl groups attached to an aromatic nucleus; his method is based on the fact that such groups can be split off quantitatively as carbon dioxide by heating the acid in quinoline solution in the presence of basic cupric carbonate or other catalysts. Alcohols and Phenols. Terent’ev and Shor (86) suggested several minor modifications for the deterniination of active hydrogen by means of a Grignard reagent in an atmosphere of carbon dioxide; t,hese modifications were reported to give more accurate results than those obtained with the earlier techniques employed by Terent’ev and his collaborators. Hochstein (43) has made a careful study of the possible replacement of the Grignard reagent by lithium aluminum hydride for the determination of active hydrogen; satisfactory results were obtained with glycols, phenols, and amines. D a t a were presented with reference to the types of compounds which undergo reduction as well as replacement of active hydrogen. The use of lithium aluminum hydride should make the determination of active hydrogen considerably more attractive to the analyst and therefore more widely employed. Zaugg and Horrom (93) have confirmed the advantages of the use of lithium aluminum hydride for determining active hydrogen in a comparison with methyl magnesium iodide; they found the hydride to be superior in most of the thirteen compounds examined. Johnson (49) proposed a variation of the acetyl chloride procedure for the determination of hydroxyl groups in organic compounds; however, for many sensitive alcohols i t would appear that the acet,ic anhydride method is preferable. White and Dryden (91) studied the separation of forty pairs of aliphatic alcohols C1 to Cg by chromatic adsorption of their 3,5-dinitrobenzoates; the technique of Brockmann and Volpers was used. Kochi (51) suggested a rapid quantitative method for the determination of terpene alcohols in essential oils based on solubility of oxygenated constituents in 40y0 sodium salicylate solution; the method is not specific for the hydroxyl group and hence will prove of only limited value. For the determination of linalool, Gottlieb (34) proposed the use of dry oxalic acid as a dehydration catalyst; the volume of water formed is measured and the linalool content is calculated


212 from this value; there is no indication that oxalic acid is superior to many other catalysts t h a t have been suggested previously by other workers. Kobayashi (50) reported on a method for the determination of menthol in mint oils (Mentha amensis) widely used in Japan. This method is based on a comparison of the behaviors of the sample and of several standard oils when subjected t o cooling. The menthol contents of the standard oils are determined in the usual manner from the ester number and ester number after acetylation. It would appear that a method based on the congealing point would be very advantageous for Mentha arcensis oils and possibly also for peppermint oils (Jfentha piprrita), because it would be a n indication of the true ment,hol content. Further investigation of this possibility should be undertaken. Hoffmann and Rlaffei (4.5)made a comparison of three standard methods for the determination of linaloolLe., the Fiore method, the Glichitch method, and the Boulea method. They reported that the last method gave low results but' that the first two methods gave analytical results within 5y0 of each other. This investigation again points out the importance of specifying the method of analysis used in a n assay for constituents of essential oils. I n a study of the determination of thymol and carvacrol in Spanish thyme oils, Langenau (62) described the behavior of known mixtures of thymol and carvacrol when supercooled and seeded, as well as the behavior of such mixtures after separation and regeneration from reconstituted thyme oils; the procedure in general followed t h a t of Sage and Dalton but the result,s obtained differed greatly from those of the earlier work. It was suggwted that this discrepancy may he due to the possibility that the carvacrol of Sage and Dalton contained substantial quantities of thymol. Barcelo ( 5 ) report'ed on Spanish thyme oils; he described qualitative tests using ferric chloride to indicate the presence of thymol and carvacrol in the oil. For the quantitative determination, a n iodometric procedure was recommended; this method, however, does not appear to be entirely satisfactory for routine analysis. Caujolle and Couturier ( 1 7 ) proposed the use of a saturated aqueous solution of sodium thymotate for the separation of oxygenated constituents of essential oils, if only small amounts of terpenes are present; the whole oil is dissolved in the solution and the terpenes are separated by the gradual addition of water. Other applications were suggested; thus the phenolic portion of thyme oil can he separated into a t,hymol fraction arid a carvacrol fraction by this method. Aldehydes and Ketones. White (90) suggested a chromatographic technique for the separation of aliphatic carbonyl compounds; he recommended the use of T'olclay bentonit,e (325-mesh) for the separation of the 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazones. Results were reported on a study of twenty-two pairs of derivatives involving twelve aldehydes and ketones. Wearn, Murray, Ramsey, and Chandler ( 8 9 ) suggested the use of rnphenylenediamine dihydrochloride for the colorimetric determination of certain a,@-unsaturated aldehydes. This reagent was reported to be specific for a,@-unsaturated aldehydes and ketones, although a few ot,her highly reactive aldehydes interfere. Procedures are given for the determinat,ion of cinnamic aldehyde, croton aldehyde, and furfural without interference from acetaldehyde or benzaldehyde. Hoffmann (44)has compared the Stillman-Reed met,hod employing free hydroxylamine a t elevated temperatures with the standard hydroxylamine hydrochloride method a t rooni temperature; he confirmed the \i-ell-known fact that the former method gives much higher results for the determination of aldehydes in orange oils. I n another study (46)of these two methods in the determination of menthone in mint oil, the hydroxylamine hydrochloride method a t room temperature gave values from 1.7 to 6% lower than the StillmanReed method; Hoffmann recommended the use of the latter for this determination. Petit ( 7 0 ) reported on a new method for the estimation of

aldehydes and ketones using p-nitrophenylhydrazine; the insoluble derivative is treated with a known amount of stannous chloride or potassium stannate solution, in excess, to reduce the nitro group, and the excess stannous ion is determined with iodine. The method appears somewhat cumbersome and inadequate for general use with mixtures as complex as essential oils. For the estimation of aldehydes and ketones, Rao (74) proposed the use of hydroxylamine hydrochloride in 60% ethyl alcohol and the subsequent titration of the liberated hydrochloric acid with a standardized potassium hydroxide solution in 60% ethyl alcohol. This modification is neither novel nor generally applicable, for many of the essential oils evaluated by the standard hydroxylamine hydrochloride method are not solublr in such dilute alcohol. I n a review dealing with vanillin, Rutten ( 7 6 )described, among other things, the analysis of this aldehyde. Englis and Manchester ( 2 6 ) pointed out a possible source of error in the determination of vanillin by colorimetric or ultraviolet absorption methods: they reported that in the dilute solutions employed, vanillin is readily oxidized to vanillic arid by atmospheric oxygen. This source of error should also be caonsidered when dealing with other easily oxidizable aldehydes. Halpern ( 4 1 ) pointed out t h a t the use of a potentiometric end point greatly facilitates the determination of aldehydes when hydroxylamine or neut>ral sulfite methods are employed; the use of potentiometric titration is especially valuable when using the Stillman-Reed technique. For the separation of aldehydes and ketones from tars, Pronina ( 7 2 ) recommended a technique involving adsorption of the semicarbazories from a pet,roleum ether solution of the tar by means of silica gel; after the column is washed with petroleum ether until the effluent is colorless, the adsorbed semicarbazones are then eluted with ether. This method, with modifications, would appear to he applicable to essential oils. S a v e s and Bachmann ( 6 4 ) reported on t'he rates of reaction for the oximation of the cis and trans isomers of a-irories. In a further study of the irones, Xaves ( 6 1 ) reviewed the techniques of ozonolysis; a micromethod is described correcting in part the errors of the Doeuvre procedure; results betwren 92 and 102% of theory can be obtained with the modified technique. Greene ( 3 6 )described the behavior of catnip oil \\-hen treated with phenylhydrazine reagent, observations being made under a microscope using ordinary and polarized light. Fuchs and l l a t z k e ( 3 2 ) reported on the determination of aromatic aldehydes by means of hydrazine sulfate; this reagent is norv readily available in commercial quantities, so that procedures employing it may gain in popularity. Rees and Anderson ( 7 5 ) described a method for the determination of benzaldehyde in the presence of benzyl alcohol by t,he use of ultraviolet absorption measurements a t 283

mer. For the determination of the bromine number of aldehydes, ketones, and acids having unsaturat,ion in the a-position, Petrova ( 7 1 ) recommended a modification of the Kaufmann and Bsrick method; instead of titrating the excess bromine with sodium thiosulfate, he preferred the use of an alcoholic solution of anethole. This modified method proved satisfactory for the rates of reaction of formation of cinnamic aldehyde arid of isomerization of pseudoionone to a-ionone. The use of a mcrcaptan for the determination of a,p-unsaturated carbonyl compounds (and certain others) has been reported by Beesing, Tyler, Kurtz, and Harrison ( 6 ) ; the excess of dodecanethiol was established by titration with standardized iodine solution. Sat,isfactory results were reported for maleates, crotonates, and aldehydes, but ketones gave only approximate values. Wurtzschmitt ( 9 2 ) reported that maleic acid and its esters liberate sodium hydroxide when treated with aqueous sodium sulfite; this represents a possible interfering substance for the determination of aldehydes and ketones by the neutral sulfite method. Terpenes. I n a report on the difference in behavior of Pocimene and its isomer, myrcene. Crabalona ( 1 9 )pointed out that

V O L U M E 2 2 , NO. 2, F E B R U A R Y 1 9 5 0 8-ocimene takes up 6 atoms of bromine compared to 4 for myrcene during t,he determination of the bromine number. An attempt to correlate the Diels-.4lder values using maleic anhydride and p-benzoquinone as reagents proved unsuccessful for (Assential oils, inter alia, according to Carrera (16). Isothiocyanates. d rapid determination of organic isothiocyanates (and isocyanates) was proposed by Siggia and Hanna (84). This method is based on reaction with butylamine in dioxane and the subsequent titration of the excess amine with sulfuric acid. For the determination of allyl isothiocyanate, ('avicchi ( 1 8 ) suggested a new method based on oxidation with hromine. For determining isothiocyanates in the presence of isonieric thiocyanates, Bohnie (8) proposed a method based on oxidation with hydrogen peroxide and final precipitation of the sulfuric acid formed as t,he barium salt,. *%11the above methods may have special applications, but probably none will replace the official determination of t,he Sationril Formulaiy. For the estimation of mustard oil in dry mustard seeds and other plant material, de la Vega and Capillas (88)pointed out the possibility that the natural enzyme, myrosine, may have been inactivated, giving rise t o apparently low results. Peroxides. I n a continuation of the study of the assays of ascaridole in wormseed oil, Halpern (42) investigated the iodometric method. h rapid release of iodine during the first minute, followed by a further slow, steady release, was observed. Halpern concluded from his study that the nonstoichiometric behavior of ascaridole toward potassium iodide in the determination cannot be explained satisfactorily by the simple iodination of the olefins. This work again points out t,he importance of following rigidly all conditions of an analytical method Jvhen applied to essential oils. Lepetit ( 5 3 ) also investigated the methods of ascaridole determination and recommended the technique of t'he French Codex, which differs but slightly from the official method of the United States Pharmacopoeia. He reported that' the empirical factor (0.0084) used in the Codex is much too high, and that the factor of the United States Pharmacopoeia and the British Pharmacopoeia (0.0065) is also high. This author recommends the use of the factor 0.00605 for det'erminations of ascaridole in normal wormseed oils. Most investigators n-ho have worked with this met,hod are in agreement that t,he official factor is incorrect; Lepetit is the first to suggest a specific figure. I n two papers, Breit (11, 18) reported on the standardization of titanium trichloride solutions; three methods were evaluated with the aid of nine collaborators. Consistent results were obtained with potassium dichromate in the presence of diphenylamine indicator; such standardization proved to be more satisfactory than potassium permanganate as specified by the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists (4). Titanium trichloride solution is used in one of the standard deterininat,ions of ascaridole. Determination of Essential Oil Content. McKern and SmithWhite (65) described a new trap of the Clevenger type for the determination of essential oil content of botanicals; the calibrated collecting tube is removed from the niain stream of circulating water to prevent carry-back of large globules of oil t o the still. This carry-back is occasionally very troublesome when the Clevenger trap is used, especially if the oil being distilled has a specific gravity close to t h a t of Rater. For the isolation of plant constituents, Curts and Harris ( 2 1 ) proposed the use of ethylene ylycolmonoethyl ether ( Cellosolve); their experiments indicated that this solvent will extract all those plant constituents normally extracted by petroleum ether, diethyl ether, chloroform, and alcohol. Subsequent stepwise additions of water to the extract will separate vnrious constituents. The use of a single solvent should prove very convenient. to expcrimentcrs w~rlting with botanicals and other natural products. Determination of Water. Deahl, Powers, and Green (26) h a w studied the drying conditions of thc I'nited States Phar-

213 macopoeia, thirteenth revision, and the Kational Formulary, eighth edition; they found that drying at elevated temperature (105' C.) and normal pressure gave satisfactory resulk for most products and was generally pref'erahle to drying over desiccants such as sulfuric acid. I n drying liotanirals, oleoresins, etc., the use of a tiesiccant, is frequently adviswhle, because heating often causes loss of essential oil. Johnson (48)discussed mct.hods empoycvl i n an industrial laboratory for the, estimation of water: the Hr:il)rnder moisture tester, the effect on freezing point of phenol, the Dean-Starke distillation method, and the Karl Fischer technique all gave satisfactory results. The last two niet,hods are frequently used in the essential oil industry. Fischer (30) described three tests for the microqualitative deterinination of water; these tests must be interpret,ed with care if applied t.o essential oils, hecause the reagents employed are apt to cause dehydration of sensit'ive const.ituent>s,notably tertiary terpene alcohols. Seaman, McComas, and Allen (83) discussed the determination of water by the Karl Fixher reagent; they proposed the use of two solutions, one containing pyridine, sulfur dioside, and methanol to dissolve or suspend t,he smiple, the other containing iodine and met'hanol for tit,ration. These solut,ions are stable, so that the necessity for frequent, restandardization of the Karl Fischer reagent become unnecess:try. Mitahpll and Smith covered the use of the Karl Fischer reagent i n a text (58). Detection of Adulterants. Saves (60) pointed out that in t>he estimation of the ethyl alcohol content of rose oil from the Zeisel number, a source of error is the presence of eugenol and methyl ether of eugenol: these normally occur to the extent of 1 to 1.2% as natural constituents. Opfer-Schmni (67) described a niictrotechnique for the detection of glycerol; this method is based on the oxidation to acrolein and the subsequent, formation of the p-nitropheiiylhydrazone. I n a romprehensive review, Meyer, Massatsch, and Iiuntze ( 5 7 )described methods of detecting glycerol, ethylene glycol, diethylene glycol, and propylene glycol. Boos (9) improved the chromatographic acid procedure for t'he microdetermination of methyl alcohol by proposing the nieasurement of transmission at 580 mp. Bertrand and Silberstein ( 7 ) investigated the test for methyl alcohol in the presence of ethyl alcohol, which is based on an oxidation with potassium permanganate :tnd subsequent testing by the Schiff reagent; for routine analyt,icral rontrol, this technique is not. as satisfactory as the well-known chromatographic acid procedure. Sewburger (6'5) described in detail a method for the determination of castor oil in lipsticks; this appears to he readily adaptable to essential oils and related products. Saves (63) discussed methods of distinguishing betxeen pure and adulterated petitgrain oils and also neroli bigarade oils. Miscellaneous. The laboratory of Fritzsche Brothers, Inc. (SI),reported a rapid method for the estimation of anethole in anise and fennel oils ; mixtures of knoivn anethole-limonene content were prepared cont,aining 55 and loo'% anet,hole and the congealing points determined. When plotted, the resulting curve proved to be essentially a straight line. This mct,liotl is satisfactory for an approximate estimation. For t,he detection of heavy metals, several new procedures were proposed. The use of benzohydroxamic wid has heen reconimended; for details, the reader is referred to the papers of Xusante (5Q)and Trujillo (87). HBberli ( 4 0 ) described a colorimetric determination of arsenic in pharmaceutical preparations. Englis arid Reinschreiber ( 2 7 ) evaluated hy potentiometric titration the official procedure for the determination of saponification number; the investigation confirmed the correctness of t,he conditions prescribed by the hssociation of Official bgricultural Chemists. Maurel (66) described a new method for the determination of niethyl anthranilate in essential oils; the amine is diazotized and coupled with R acid to produce an intense color which is compared with known standards. For the det,ermination of indole, the same author (56') reconmiended a colorimetric procedure using



p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde. These tests must he applied with discretion. Bradbury (10) suggested a modification of Elek and Harte's method for the microdet'ermination of acetyl groups. Dobran, Acker, and Frediani ( 2 6 ) reported refractive index measurements for many official solids, gums, resins, and waxes a t temperatures above their melting points. Taylor ( 8 6 ) presented a table of corrections to be applied to essential oils and related compounds in order t o convert the specific gravity to "weight per ml. a t 20" C." as required by the British Pharmacopoeia 1948; these corrections are based on a general average for the change in specific gravity (0.00064 per degree centigrade). This will introduce a slight error if the value for the individual oil varies appreciably from this average figure. Lipkin, A?ills, Martin, and Harvey (54)described the design of two types of pycnometers for determining the specific gravity of oils; the advantages of the cup type and the sidearm type were discussed. Flash points for esdential oils and for certain synthetics and isolates were tabulated in the Perfumery and Essential Oil Record ( 2 ) . K O range of values is given for the individual essential oils, and thwefore the data probably are based on single deterniinations. The information will prove of some value, especially for labeling and shipping regulations. Opfer-Schaum and Piristi ( 6 8 ) point,ed out the little-knon-n fact that musk xylene can exist in three modifications having melting points of 84 ', 107 ', and 114 '; the t n o melting points of 104" to 106" and 112.5' t o 114.5" are often observed by analyst,s. According to the same investigators, ethyl vanillin is also polymorphous, existing in four crystalline modifications having melting points of 60 O, 65 ', 74", and 76 "; the commercial product usuaUy shows a melting point of 77' to 78". For the evaluation of orange flower water, Deshusses ( 2 3 ) recommended t,he determination of essential oil content; chromic acid oxidation showed the presence of 23 to 26 mg. of oil per 100 ml. of floral water in the samples examined. Using this same technique for rose water, Deshusses ( 2 4 ) found 12 to 32 mg. per 100 ml. However, because floral waters contain only small amounts of oil, they are best evaluated by odor and flavor. For the evaluation of capsaicin and capsaicin-containing drugs and preparations, Biichi and Hippenmeier ( 1 6 ) made use of a phosphomolybdic acid reagent with subsequent determination of absorption value in an electrophotometer. I n the application of this method to oleoresin capsicum i t would appear that the high color of most oleoresins would interfere. S o r t h ( 6 6 ) developed a colorimetric determination of capsaicin in oleoresin capsicum in which the readily available vanillin is employed for the standard solutions in place of capsaicin. Euverard and Hurley (29) reported a new method for surface tension measurements; the length of an air bubble of given volume in a horizontal tube of known diameter is determined, and from this measurement surface tension values are calculated. I n a review dealing with the structure of alcohols and aldehydes derived from aliphatic terpenes, Naves ( 6 2 ) defended the use of the Raman effect for the differentiation of isomeric compounds: other investigators have expressed doubt as to its value lor such differentiat,ion. Crocker and Dillon ( 2 0 ) prepared an "odor directory" for 244 aromatic chemicals and 115 natural odorants; this is an attempt t o describe odors numerically. It suffers from the basic fallacy of assigning values to a property for which no instrument capable of objective measurement has been conceived as yet. Until objective measurements can be made, such classifications serve no scientific purpose. LITERATURE CITED

(1) Anon., Perfumery E'ssent. Oil Record, 40, 209 (1949). (2) Ibid., p. 239. (3) Ibid., p. 265.

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