ESSENTIAL OILS A N D RELATED PRODUCTS Ernest Guenther, Kurt Krrlka, and J . A. Rogers Fritzsche Brothers, Inc., -Yew York, 11'.Y .
seventh review of analytical procedures for essential oils and related products covers the literature from September 1956 to August 1958, inclusive. The present report maintains the gencral outlinc established by Ernest Guenther. E. E. Langenau, and others in previous revien s. The groviing noiiiber of analytical inethods applicable to this industry is rrflectecl in the increased number of rcferences listed here. I n the last review it n a s pointed out that gas chromatography has been introduced as a novel analytical procedure; the anticipated value of the technique has since then been fully iccognized. HIS
10-1 106 107 108 109 110 111 118 122 123 124 125 127
128 129 131
132 134
The Scientific Coimiitt'ee of the Essential Oil Association of t-.S. A. has publishd specifications for 16 additional essential oils and 18 aromatic chemicals. increasing the total number of specifications from 100 to 131. The essential oils added during the last' two years are:
11i 119
121 126 1:KI 133
Specifications for the folloiT-ing aromatic chemicals n-ere issued:
Oil lemor?grass
64 Oil amyris
Speeificat,ions for six aromatic chemicals were revised; they are included in S o . R-4: XO.
9 16
Oil calamus Oil black pepper Oil sanddn-ood !Last Indian Oil birch tar rectified Fir needle oil Canadian Oil juniper berries Oil wormwood Oil cumin Oil orris root Oil tansy Oil laiirel leaf Oil of basil (Reunion) Oi! estragori Oil ; \ l i p s alba Euc:rl>-ptus citriodora Pinus sj-lvestris
Isobutyl phenyl acetate Aldehyde C-8 Trichloromethyl phenyl carbine Ethyl butyrate Aldehyde C-16 (so called) -4m\-l acetate Ami1 butyrate Yarayara .41lyl caproate Aldehyde C-11 (undecylic) Benzvl cinnamate Citrdnellyl acetate Cedryl acetate Methyl eugenol Dipheiiylmethane I-Carvone d-Carvone Phenylacetaldehyde dimethyl acetal
Revisions n-ere w i t t e n for two essential oil specifications, which are contained in S o . R-5:
so. 101 102 108 105 112 113 114 115
26 dl
52 91
Terpinyl acetate Ger:iniol Aldehyde C-10 -1ldehx-deC'-l?] lauric hltlehj-de C-12, methyl nonyl acetaldehyde .Ildehytle C-0
Four neiv gyneral t added to S o t c s for Standards:
S O .
1. Cassia flask \-acuum distillation apparatus
The British Pharmacopoeia, 1958 tdition (Pharmaceutical Press, London) hecame official on Septcniber 1, 1958. I t contains nionographs on ten essential oils as wrll as several aromatic chemicals. The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 24th edition, Volume I (Pharnlaceutical Press, London, 1958). contains a section on '*Essentials Oils and Aromatic Carminatires." The British Standards Institution, London, issued in 1957 a hooklet with specifications for the essential oils: cananga, celery seed, cinnamon leaf Ceylon, cinnamon leaf Spy(,belles, cubeb, lavandin, Japanese mint, neroli, parsley seed, patchouly East Indian, patchouly Seychelles, pepper, Spanish sage. spearmint, and vetiver. Among books of interest in the last tn-o years are:
J . L. Siinoneen and JJ-. C. J. Rose, ,,The Terpenes,'' 1-01. V, Cambridge Knivtrsity Press, London, 1957, E. Gildemeister ,.and F. Hoffmann, ,,Die aet,herischen Ole," 4th ed., revised by \T. Treibs, T-01s. IA and IVB, Akademie Verlag, Berlin, l9PG and 1057. E;. S. Maurer, . Perfumes and Their Protliiction," United Trade Press, Ltd., London, 1958. A. Muller, "Internationaler liiechstoff Kodes," Supplement I, -1. Hiithig, Ilridclberg, 1957. Arthur D. Little, h e . , ,'Flavor Resc,nrch and Food .~cceptance," lieinhold, l ' i ~ n -l-ork, l!158. -1niong new journals nppearing in the
IMemiiiintion of :I( ::mine t~!..l~~~,.?iloritlc nip, hoti: liot j
Standards for ap11aratus n-crc' :et up and diagrams tlrann for:
s i i n i ~period are:
Lo France et Sea P a i f z i ~ t s Paris. , I n d i a n Perjiiiner, published by the I:s.Patton, S., J . D a i r y Sei. 39, 1104 (1056). (120) Iiharhitize, 0 . T., Sadocodstro, T7inoqi.nrlni.sti,o i I'inodelie Moldacii 12, T o . 1.32 (1957). (121) Iiinochita, T.>lloriyama, S.! J . P h u r n f . Soc. J a p a n 76, 709 (1956).
(122) liirchner, J . G., Stanley, \I-. L., AKAL.CHEY.28, 1800 (1956). (123) Kirsten, \I-. J., Zbzd., 29, 1084 f 1057). (124) Klein, F. , de Jong, K., Rec. f r a v . rh7ni . 75, 1285 (1956). ( i i 5 j Kondo, S., 17akugaku Zasshi 77, 694 (1957). (126) Kosuge, T., Niyashita, S..Karramnra, F., -4nn. Rept. Fac. P h a r m . Kanazawa Cnzv.. KO. 5. 9 11955). (127) Kuck, J. .I.]Iltieri, ' P'.L., Arnold, M.,X i k r o c h i m . Acta 1956, 1544. (128) LaFace, F., Riganesis, h1. D., Ricerca sei. 26, 819 (1956). (129) Lal, J. B., I l a t h u r , G. S.>J . Proc. Oil Technologists Sssoc. I n d i a , K a n p u r 9, 42 (1953). (130) Landolfi, J. AI.>AIolina, R. R., Rev. f a r m . (Bitenos-Aires) 97, 133 (1965). (131) Lemli, J. A. J. lI., J . P h a r m . a r d Pharmacol. 9, 113 (1957). (132) Levine, V. E., Taterka, AI., drzal. Chiin. Acta 15, 237 (1956). (133) Liberti, A, Cartoni, G.>Riv. ilal. essente, projunii, piante ofic.: oli cegetuli, saponi 39, 69 (1057). (134) Liherti, .I.,Cartoni, G. P., Pallotta, U., zinn. chim. (Rome)48, 40 (1958). (1%) Liberti, h., Conti, L., Kic. ilal. essenre, profumi, piante o$c., 012 r e p tali, saponi 39, 128 (1957). (136) Liherti, .I.,Conti, L.. Crescenzi, V.,.Vatitre 178, 1067 (1956). (137) Lotz, J. R., STillingham, C. B., Znd. H y g . Foundation d m . T r a n s . Bztll., 10. 30, 195 (1956). (138) Ma> T. S., Logun, J., Mazzella, P. P., JIicrocheni. J . 1 , 67 (1957). (139) Mangin, C., Bottreau, 31. N., C'ompt. rend. 242, 2637 (1956). (140) Martinez ?-add, X. G., Am. Perf u m e r ..lroniat. 69, 27 (1957). (141) Narurama, AI., A n n . Rept. Taka.niine"Lab. 7, 103 (1955). (142) Massera, V., Riz.. ital. essenre, profumi, piante ofic., oli cegetali, saporii 39, 182 (1957). (143) Massera, I-.)Gallo, G., Zbid., 38, 258 (1956). (144) N a t h u r , G. S., Lal, J . B., J . Proc. Oil Technologists dssoc. India, K a n p u r 9, 86 (1953). (145) lIathur, G. S., Patnardhan, V. lI., Pant,R.C.,Lal,J.B.,Ibid.,10,97(195-1). Technologists dssoc. I n d i a , K a n p u r , (146) Mehlitz, X., Matzik, B., Znd. Obstitnd Gemfiseaerzcertitng 42, 127 (1957). (147) Meigh, D. F., Chem. and Znd. (London) 1956, 986. (148) Meiklejohn, R. -I.,JIeyer, R. J., AAronovic, S. M., Schuette, H. -I., Meloch, T'. JT., .Isa~.CHEX 29, 329 (1957). (149) IIeinhard, J., Pha,niazie 12, 413 (1957).
(150) Menon, T. 11.)Menon, T. C. IAXAL. CHEX.29, 1676 (1957). (153) lIeyer>F., lleyer>E., d r c h . P h a r m . 290, 109 (1857). (154) llitchell, L. C., J . dssoc. O f l c . c h ( I n d z a ) 15B, 548 (1956). (238) Takeda. .I..Senda. .J.. Be,.. Ohara Insts. landw~rtseh.B i d . , Oka,ya,iia I-nic., .
10, 241 (1956).
(239) Takeshita! T., Iiitajima, 11.)Iiopyo K a g a k u Zasshi 59, 645 (1056).
(291) T P L I ~H., : ~K, o ~ pS, O .42, 10 (1056). (232) Tarnel-, T. A , . J . O r y . C'heni. 22, 1692 (1057j. (253) Crbanski, T., Ritii. acad. polon. xi .. C'lasse I I I . 4. 599 11956). (254) \-anDame,' H. C . , ' J . j s s o r . O j i c . d g r . C'heniists 40, 404 (1957). (255) Van den I)ool, H.: Perfijitiery Essent. Oil Record 28, 30 (1957). (256) 1-annier, S. H., Stanley, IV. L., J . dssoc. Ojic. Ayr. Chemists 41, 432 (1958). (257) 1-an OF, F. H. L., Scholtens, C., Pnrfiinis! cosnietiqlies, saz'ons 13, 14 (1958). (258) 1-ecera, AI,, Friedrich, K., Cheni. l i s t y 51, 283 (1957). (259) 1-eibel. S.. Andersen. I. G. IC.. ' Anal. Chiiii. ,icta 14, 320'(1956). ( 2 6 0 ) I b i d . , 15, 15 (1956). (261) T'erma, 11. R., Agrawal, IC. C., Paul, S . D., J . Sei. I n d . Research ( I n d i a ) 16B, 213 (1957). (262) \-ettori, L. R., Restum, hI., Bo/. inst. q~tinz.a g r . (Rio de J a n e i r o ) , S o . 41, 7 (1955). (263) Vioque, E., de la IIaza: 11.del P., Grasas y aceites (Secille, Spain) 8 , 19 (1957). (264) \?tali, T., Costa-Finzi, A. AI., d t e n e o Parmense 27. 4T2 (195ti). (265) Vonesch, E. E.', Cuagnini, 0. -A,, Anales asoc. quim. ayr. 45, 84 (1957). (266) T'oss, H., Cheni. Ztg. 81, i 7 (1957). (267) Wagner, G., Pharmazie 9 , i41 (1954). (2ti8) Katarai, T., l\-ippon Jozo K y o k a i Zasshi 51, 554 (1956). (269) Kheeler, 0. H., Mateos, J. L., J . Org. Cheni. 21, 1110 (1956). (270) Kick, E. L., Cairncross, S. E., Food Technol. 10, 423 (1956). (271) \\-illart, S., Sjostrom, C., Srensk Kem. Tidskr. 68, 296 (1956). (272) Kinter, %I., Demole, E., Sundt, E.: Helc. Chim. Acta 40, 467 (1957). ( 2 7 3 ) Kiseman, TJ-. h.,Perfumery Essent. Oil Record 4 8 , 3 8 0 (1957). (274) Talcindag, 0. S., Bitll. soc. pharrn. B o r d e a m 93, 151 (1955). (2T5) Yaniaguchi, I ( ' h e m . Zvesti 1 1 , 59n (195T). VOL. 31, NO. 4, APRIL 1959