Essentials of College Chemistry (Hopkins, B. Smith)

College. Chemistry. B. Smith Hopkins,. Professor of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Illinois. ... satisfactory degree of thoroughness, there is a r...
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RECENT BOOKS advantaee - of the most recent advances in the studv of the historv of chemistry. The work thus constitutes an up-to-date source book of Roman chemical knowledge and practice. The work contains an amazing amount of sound information, The author, "believing that the aims of education are best and is exceedingly interesting reading. It ought to be read served when the course in elementchemistry is intensive with humilitv. If one commences to read Plinv cocksure that rather than extensive," has endeavored to prepare an outline the ancient. knew but little of chrmictry, he will put dosrl tlw "complete, concise, and stimulating" "to meet the needs book after b a h g had humility confrrrcd tallon him- or he will of students who wish to secure a fairly comprehensive survey be on