The Analytical Research Division of Esso Research and Engineering Company
Seeks Creative Chemists several years experience
Offers opportunities
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Initiate research programs of your own selection on new tools and techniques which will expand the field of analytical chemistry. Work as a member of a team with oilier research chemists and chemical engineers to define reaction mechanisms, kinetics, structures using modern analytical tools. Employ new techniques for determining the cornposition and structure of polymers, petrochemicals, additives, catalysts.
Career opportunities in an expanding Division devoted exclusively to analytical research. A management which recognizes and rewards ideas and accomplishments. Excellent facilities. Address inquiries in professional confidence to: Mr. T. P. Greeley, Professional Employment Department 24
RESEARCH & ENGINEERING CO. P.O. Box 175, Linden, New Jersey A n Equal OppurluniLy
Circle No. 175 on Readers' Service Card
and Easy
New, Automatic Triple-Action
Space-saving, economical ROTORACK, with Automatic wash, rinse, distilled rinse and extra-high pressure spraying, is a powerful, efficient, fastaction washer for almost all glass ware. Yet it is built so compactly that it can be used on any laboratory counter top. Its uniquely-designed centerless rotary conveyor and s c i e n t i f i c a l l y placed jet sprays assure that no glass surface can escape the strong and repeated a c t i o n of hot detergent spray, hot water rinse and final dis tilled water rinse. Simple and easy to operate, always reliable ROTO-RACK is the low-cost, high-production washer for your labo ratory glassware. We'll be happy to send you literature describing it fully. Laboratory Service Division
ROTO-RACK is also available with floor stand-
Eitoblishad 1926
905 North Avenue / Elizabeth 4, New Jersey Circle No. 78 on Readers' Service Card ·
New Standards Laboratories Organization A new organization, t h e National Conference of S t a n d a r d s Laboratories ( N C S L ) , has been established to help meet needs of science and industry for improved uniformity and greater p r e cision in calibration and measure m e n t s in all areas of physical sciences, engineering, and technology. Membership consists of representa tives of organizations concerned \vith standards activities in Government, industry, education, and professional societies. Major activities will consist of a con tinuing series of standards laboratory conferences and establishment of a voluntary system of measurement agreement checks to demonstrate com petence and continued uniformity among s t a n d a r d s laboratories. The first conference will be held in August 1962 a t t h e Boulder (Colo.) L a b o r a tories of the National Bureau of Standards. Objectives of N C S L are to deter mine t h e requirements of science and industry for greater precision in meas u r e m e n t ; increase the over-all com petence of standards laboratories by the development of uniform practices relating to organization, staffing, and operation; and provide o p p o r t u n i t y for voluntary participation in meas urement agreement operations to demonstrate competence and continued uniformity among standards labora tories. N C S L will work with other organi zations with related objectives. H e a d of the general committee is Lloyd B . Wilson, Chief, P r i m a r y S t a n d a r d s and Measurements, Sperry Gyroscope Co., G r e a t Neck, Ν . Υ.
Russian Technical Journal Translations
Metalwash 64 A
quantities of t h e 3 p r i m a r y colors re quired to m a t c h the various colors in the visible spectrum. I n a recent N B S study, the variability inherent in these values was computed in order to pro vide a basis for determining the signifi cance of color measurements made by t h e s t a n d a r d observer svstem.
Designers and manufac turers of all types of l a b o r a t o r y glassware washers, animal cage ' washers, bottle washers, bottle fillers and dryers.
Translations of 1961 issues of four leading Russian technical journals are currently being published by the I n s t r u m e n t Society of America under a National Science Foundation grant. T h e ISA "Soviet I n s t r u m e n t a t i o n and Control Translation Series" is now in its fifth vear.