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Recommended Health-Based Limits in. Occupational Exposure to Pesticides. Technical Report Series 677. 110 pages. WHO Publications Centre. U.S.A., 49 S...
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BOOKS Recommended Health-Based Limits in Occupational Exposure to Pesticides. Technical Report Series 677. 110 pages. WHO Publications Centre U.S.A., 49 Sheridan Ave., Albany, N.Y. 12210. 1982. About $6.50, paper. The key words are "health-based" limits. The report deals with carbaryl, dinitro-o-cresol, lindane, and malathion. Primary emphasis is on industrial and agricultural worker epidemiology, with secondary consideration given to animal models. Special attention is paid to recommendations of international organizations. Biotechnology—International Trends and Perspectives. Alan T. Bull et al. 84 pages. OECD, 2, Rue André Pascal, 75775 Paris Cedex 16, France. 1982. Inquire as to price. Biotechnology is a new and burgeoning field with much promise, but its development will face considerable constraints, and many projects under way could well turn out to be costly and long term. This report examines scientific and technological trends. Management of Industrial Wastewater in Developing Nations. David C. Stuckey, Ahmed Hamza, Eds. 510 pages. Pergamon Press, Maxwell House, Fairview Park, Elmsford, N.Y. 10523. 1982.570. This book is one of the first attempts to look at industrial waste management in developing countries, and it highlights the need for further work in this area. The stress is on countries in warmer and tropical climates. Impact, surveillance and monitoring, water recycling, by-product recovery, inplant control, and suitable treatment technologies are among the many topics covered. Tidal Energy. Roger H. Charlier. 336 pages. Van Nostrand Reinhold, 135 West 50th St., New York, N.Y. 10020. 1982. $28, hardcover. Tidal energy is another renewable source of energy for generating electric power, and it is normally applicable to areas of large tidal ranges. Passamaquoddy, Maine, western France, and parts of Britain, South Korea, and other areas may be suitable. Low-head turbines may increase the number of

suitable sites. This book looks into these aspects as well as new approaches that may make tidal energy more feasible and less costly in the future. Nitrogen, Public Health, and the Environment: Some Tools for Critical Thought. John H. Timothy Winneberger. xv + 77 pages. Ann Arbor Science Publishers, P.O. Box 1425, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48106. 1982. $14.95, hardcover. This book considers numerous public health aspects of nitrogen, including adverse effects on blood, eutrophication of lakes, soil distribution and plant uptake, and septic-tank problems. Field studies are also discussed in detail. Toxic Substances Journal, Fall 1982 and Spring 1983 issues. George S. Dominguez, Senior Ed. Quarterly periodical. SMS Publications, 10 Springborn Center, Enfield, Conn. 06082. U.S. subscription, $75/y. These issues are listed because they will be continuing a series of articles on exposure assessment prepared by Devra Lee Davis et al. Davis is with The Johns Hopkins University. These articles and one in a previous issue constitute a monograph on the subject of exposure assessment. Hazardous Solid Waste Testing, STP 760. Richard A. Conway, B. Charles Malloy, Eds. 352 pages. ASTM, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103. 1982. $39, hardcover. This book arises from a symposium organized by ASTM's D-34 Committee (ES& T, April 1982, p. 219A). It covers topics such as laboratory extractions and leaching procedures; large-scale leaching vs. laboratory tests; analysis of residues, extracts, soils, and groundwater; evaluation of land disposal sites and materials; and risk assessment approaches. Landfill liners, field experience, and other subjects are also discussed. The Infrared Spectra Handbook of Priority Pollutants and Toxic Chemicals. Contains more than 500 spectra. Sadtler Research Laboratories, 3316 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19104.1982. $245.

Among spectra included are those of chemicals on EPA's priority pollutants list and on the OSHA Category I List of Carcinogenic Substances. Spectra are presented on a linear transmittance vs. frequency (wave number) format for the region 4000-400 cm - 1 . Compound name, molecular formula, structure, sample source, CAS registry number, and NIOSH number are given. Protein Recovery from Food Processing Wastewaters. Stephen Beszedits, Aharon Netzer. 160 pages. B&L Information Services, P.O. Box 458, Postal Station "L," 473 Oakwood Ave., Toronto, Ontario M6E 2W4, Canada. $75 ($90, Canadian), spiralbound. The world protein shortage is believed to be about 5 Χ 109 lb/y. Thus, ways are sought to produce more pro­ tein. This review sets forth the latest techniques for reclaiming proteins from food processing wastewaters. Included are coagulation, precipita­ tion, reverse osmosis, and many other methods. Hazardous Waste Leachate Manage­ ment Manual. Alan J. Shuckrow et al. 379 pages. Noyes Data Corp., Mill Road at Grand Avenue, Park Ridge, N.J. 07656. 1982. $36, hard cover. This book addresses the latest knowledge of leachate characteristics and handling, including its generation, management options, treatment technologies and process selection, and monitoring. Safety considerations, RCRA, and treatability are also dis­ cussed. Foundations for the Solar Future. Richard L. Koral, Ed. AEE Energy Books, Dept. 1095, Association of Energy Engineers, 4025 Pleasantdale Rd., Suite 340, Atlanta, Ga. 30340. 1982. $36, hardcover. This book explains how fundamen­ tal solar energy pioneering of the late 1970s has evolved into technically feasible applications. Heating and cooling systems are addressed as is the future of the solar industry; also cov­ ered are solar products and systems and their performance, and practica­ bility and limitations of the technology now available. Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 16, No. 12, 1982


Upgrading Coal Liquids

A C S S y m p o s i u m Series No. 156 R i c h a r d F. S u l l i v a n , Chevron Research

Editor Company

Based on a symposium jointly sponsored by the Divisions of Fuel Chemistry and Petroleum Chemistry of the American Chemical Society. Latest research critical to the goal of developing alternative energy sources. As a direct result of recent energy short­ ages, a major effort is now being made to develop new and improved coal liquefac­ tion technologies. Liquids derived from coal are lower in hydrogen content and contain more impurities than do petro­ leum products. Upgrading of coal liquids to make specification fuels involves both hydrogen addition and removal of impur­ ities. This book will serve as a convenient ref­ erence source for chemists and chemical engineers in the energy industry, gov­ ernment laboratories doing research on energy, and universities with research programs related to energy. CONTENTS Composition of Coal Liquids · Composition of Anthracene Oil · Catalytic Upgrading of SRC-II Syncrude · Catalytic Upgrading of Η-Coal Syncrudes · Hydrotreatment of SRC-II · LC-Fining of Solvent-Refined Coal · Catalytic Assess­ ment of SRC · Hydrotreating of SRC-I Product · Hydrodesulfurization and Hydrodenitrogenation · Thermal Cracking · Liquid Sulfur Dioxide • Refining of Coal-Derived Syncrudes 277 pages (1981) LC 81-1277

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Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 16, No. 12, 1982

State of the Environment 1982. 439 pages. The Conservation Foundation, 1717 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. 1982. $15, paper. This book discusses a variety of en­ vironmental issues, including acid rain, groundwater contamination, wildlife, land use, air and water quality, haz­ ardous waste disposal, and other cur­ rent topics. The report was prepared under the direction of Edwin H. Clark II. Methods of Monitoring and Evaluating Airborne Man-made Mineral Fibers. 53 pages. WHO Publications Centre U.S.A., 49 Sheridan Ave., Albany, N.Y. 12210. 1982. About $2.50, paper. A number of international studies have been carried out in this field. However, differences in methods of monitoring and analyzing such fibers from country to country have lessened the value of such studies. This book's aim is to set forth the problem and to recommend study methodologies that could be used in different countries uniformly. Resource Recovery in Maryland. 6 pages. The Council of State Govern­ ments, Iron Works Pike, P.O. Box 11910, Lexington, Ky. 40578. 1982. $3. AskforRM-717. This booklet describes a state agency that is also a nonprofit corpo­ ration and a public service utility. The Maryland Environmental Service op­ erates energy and resource recovery and sludge composting facilities through cooperative agreements with local governments and industry. Emission Inventories and Air Quality Management. 390 pages. Publications Department, Air Pollution Control Association, P.O. Box 2861, Pitts­ burgh, Pa. 15230-2861. 1982. $28 ($24 for APCA members). This topic is presented in 27 tech­ nical presentations covering such areas as emissions inventory applications, data adequacy, uncertainties and pol­ icy implications, data base develop­ ment and management, and models. Biodégradation and Detoxification of Environmental Pollutants. A.M. Chakrabarty, Ed. 160 pages. CRC Press, Inc., 2000 Corporate Blvd., N.W., Boca Raton, Fla. 33431. 1982. $48.50 ($57 outside U.S.), hardcover. This book contains contributed papers on subjects such as microbial metabolism and enzymology of selected pesticides, degradation of PCBs, chemical transformations of aromatic

hydrocarbons that support microbial growth, mercury-mercury compound detoxification, and the science of metabolic evolution. Ozone/Chlorine Dioxide Oxidation Products of Organic Materials. Rip G. Rice, Joseph A. Cotruvo. 488 pages. International Ozone Association, Inc., Tower Suite 510, 301 Maple Ave., Vienna, Va. 22180.1982. $35 ($29.75 for IOA members), hardcover. As the use of disinfectants other than chlorine is being considered, more must be learned about the nature and toxicities of oxidation products of these alternative disinfectants. This book looks at the products of alternatives such as ozone, chlorine dioxide, ultraviolet light, bromine chloride, and ferrates in water supplies and wastewater. RCRA Inspection Manual. 300 pages. Government Institutes, Inc., 966 Hungerford Dr., No. 24, Rockville, Md. 20850. 1982. $35. Originally EPA developed a RCRA Inspection Manual to support its own inspectors involved in supporting RCRA requirements for hazardous waste management. This manual is being made available by Government Institutes so that managers and engineers can ensure compliance with the law before the inspector comes to visit. Included are checklists to help readers review their compliance programs thoroughly. The World Environment Handbook: A Directory of Government Natural Resource Management Agencies in 144 Countries. World Environment Center, 605 Third Ave., 17th Floor, New York, N.Y. 10158. 1982. $25 (plus $2 for postage; $4.50 for overseas air mail). This book lists nearly 400 government environment agencies from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, and serves as an international "Who's Who" in the environment field. Agencies listed deal with agriculture, water, industry, national parks, health, energy, and other areas. ERT Handbook on Requirements for Industrial Facilities under the Clean Air Act. 5th ed. 31 pages. ERT, 696 Virginia Rd., Concord, Mass. 01742. 1982. $2, paper. This book updates previous editions advising companies of their responsibilities under the Clean Air Act, as amended. Included is the latest information on EPA's bubble policy.