ES&T Environmental Quality: Criteria What type should we be

Aug 1, 1991 - Peter Chapman. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 1991, 25 (8), pp 1353–1359. DOI: 10.1021/es00020a600. Publication Date: August 1991. ACS Legac...
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erza Peter M. Chapman E.V.S. Consultants 195 Pemberton Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7P 2R4 Canada The development of environmental quality criteria is a major global industry; it occupies the time and pays the salaries of professionals in a variety of fields. Scientists provide the data to support or oppose these criteria; lawyers provide the framework for or argue against their promulgation; administrators try to make criteria work or seek loopholes; politicians favor them (or say they do); environmentalists alternately promote and denounce them; and members of the general public hope the criteria will protect the environment but not adversely affect their own jobs or lifestyles. Is all this activity achieving its objective of improving environmental quality? Are we sure what that objective is? I believe that the answer to both questions is a clear “no.” The purpose of this article is to explain this position, to suggest possible remedies, and to urge their immediate implementation. Criteria vs. guidelines With respect to environmental quality, the words “criteria” and its singular, “criterion,” are inappropriate. A criterion is a narrowly and rigidly defined performance standard. The connotation of this definition in environmental science is that an exceedance of criteria will result in adverse effects such as ecological damage or health impairment. Although this rigidity, which provides a standard on which a de-

cision or judgment may be based, is useful in a court of law, it does not fit the real environment, which is naturally variable and difficult, if not impossible, to define by a series of numbers. For instance, we cannot precisely predict the local daily air temperature in our cities; instead, we use a range of values. This acceptance of reality, which has credence on the television weather forecast, does not seem to carry over into environmental science. Aquatic toxicologists use laboratory toxicity tests to define ranges of tolerance of organisms to specific chemicals, mixtures of chemicals, or environmental matrices such as effluents, waters, and sediments. Government bodies then accept results of these tests as the basis of environmental quality criteria (in the United States, the EPA Water Quality Criteria: in Canada, the Canadian Council of Environment Ministers [CCEMI Water Quality Criteria). The concept is admirable, but its application is seriously flawed, and not just because such criteria are based on the most sensitive tests and measures with an additional safety factor included. Like weather information, toxicity tests provide only a range of values ( I , 2). Thus using them to provide single, inflexible numbers is at best foolish and at worst capricious. Reporting on the intralaboratory precision of saltwater short-term toxicity tests, Morrison et al. (3)noted: “Coefficients of variation . . . ranged from 1.8 to 46.4%. The precision obtained is comparable to other toxicity tests, but it is uncertain whether the precision of such tests in general is acceptable.” The acceptability of such large but real

What type shozcld we be developifig? variation is discussed in greater detail later in this article. In view of the reality that environmental analyses such as bioassays, chemistry, and community structure provide a range of values rather than a definitive single number, we should not be developing inflexible criteria. Rather, we should be developing guidelines. This is not a minor issue in semantics; it is a major issue in attitude and use of data. The term “guidelines,” defined as broad performance standards that are applied on the basis of best professional judgment, describes a level of flexibility and a recognition of environmental realities that are not possible with the term “criteria.” The reasons for developing guidelines rather than criteria are best summarized by the following statement attributed to Aristotle: “It is the mark of an instructed mind to rest easy with the degree of precision which the nature of the subject permits and not to seek an exactness where only an approximation of the truth is possible.” Clearly, there is a general need for “instructed minds” among professionals and nonprofessionals alike. Endpoints To an instructed mind, however, the correct words and attitudes are not sufficient unless we also are measuring the right endpoints. Moreover, we cannot think of endpoints solely in terms of measurements of human inputs and effects. This type of thinking is dangerous; it encourages assumptions that measurements are an end in themselves and that a change in any endpoint has environmental significance. If this change is relative to a

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numerical criterion, we tend to give it great weight. Yet all too often such a number is inappropriate and should be replaced by a range of values that might well encompass that endpoint change. For instance, in North America, discharge permits commonly require that a certain level of success he attained in bioassays (toxicity testing) of fish or other standard organisms. If success (e.g.,survival) is less than a specified level, say 49% versus a specified 50%, then remedial action is required. Despite its incorrectness, this clearly arhitrary approach is acceptable even if it is based on a single number, provided that definitive decisions are not made on the basis of one test. Depending on the level of change ohserved, an appropriate response could include, in increasing level of severity: determining if the next scheduled test follows the same pattern, immediately running additional tests to confirm the results, and conducting further tests to determine the significance of these results. Unless the change approaches the catastrophic (e+, 100% mortality in a test that previously showed 100% survival) and clearly reflects actual conditions tested, inappropriate responses would include immediately revoking the permit, levying fines, taking legal action, or calling a press conference. Measurements of endpoints are only a means to the end of assessing, maintaining, and enhancing ecosystem health. As such, endpoints may include measures of that health, of anthropogenic effects, and of ”natural” effects. Ecosystem function is the trajectory that gets us to the target of ecosystem health. Endpoints provide measurements that allow us to determine that trajectory: multiple, never single, endpoints also may comprise the target. Clearly, endpoints need to be effects-based because if there is no effect, there is no problem. In this regard, measures of bioaccumulation may be desirable endpoints to protect human health, but not necessarily to protect ecosystem health. A certain few contaminants, such as mercury, DDT, and PCBs, are of concern because they can biomagnify up the food chain. Hence, measurements of these compounds in tissues of organisms that are eaten by other organisms, including humans, are important. Similarly, the measurement of contaminants such as arsenic in hair and fingernails of humans provides an indication of 1354 Environ. Sci. Technol.. VoI. 25, No. 8, 1991

direct exposure to a toxicant with known adverse effects. But bioaccumulation per se is a phenomenon, not an effect, for a variety of reasons. For instance, some contaminants such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons must be metabolized to have an effect, and not all organisms can metabolize all compounds. Also, exposure to low levels of contaminants resulting in relatively high tissue levels of contaminants may not have an effect because of gradual acclimation, whereas exposure to high levels of contaminants may have an effect even though contaminants reach only relatively low levels in tissues. In addition, the definition of endpoints ideally should be based on what we, as human beings, want to protect. There is nothing wrong with using surrogates, including “laboratory white rats,” as indicators. For instance, in the field of aquatic toxicity testing, rainbow trout and waterfleas (Daphnia, Ceriodaphnia) typically fill this role for evaluating the acute endpoints of survival and partial lifecycle testing, respectively. But data on responses of particular species are not necessarily, or always likely to be, applicable to different species, even within the same genus ( 4 ) . Thus data from these standardized species do not predict the responses of all other species. Moreover, the greater the taxonomic difference, the greater the possible difference in response. If, for example, we are concerned with salmon populations in rivers, we should he conducting tests and assessments with salmon, not with surrogates. We need to be clear why we are conducting particular tests and using particular organisms in these tests. Surrogates are useful for a variety of purposes, including characterizing relative effects in an area or a discharge plume, deciding on a mode of action, and comparing responses. Surrogates are not useful for absolute determinations of ecosystem health. In fact, they can be misleading if they are used for this purpose. Toxicity tests provide a range of responses. Arguably, this range encompasses a twofold difference under even optimum conditions with standardized, well-established tests on the same species and measurement of short-term lethality. For example, when 10% of fish tested in a bioassay with a particular effluent die in the first test and 20% die in the next test, these results are within the range of varia-

tion of the test itself, irrespective of any effluent toxicity. Moreover, different species will show even more different responses to the same chemical.

Recommended measures or endpoints of ecosystem health iapman (5) recommends that !asures or endpoints of ecosysn health include the following: he presence, absence, or condiion of multiple species, but nevei i single, or large number of speies; )ersistence of habitat; and continuance of normal succession as we know it: chanae is a normal part of community and ecosy development. Ecosystem health That ecosystem health is the objective of environmental quality guidelines is neither controversial nor arguable. “Ecosystem health,” however, is a relative concept estahlished by the user and not subject to an absolute definition ( 5 , 6 ) . Some definitions of terms, however, are required, if only to determine endpoints. Kelly and Harwell (7)state: . . an ecosystem can be perceived and defined only in an operational context.” According to this description, appropriate endpoints would he measures of change in selected indicators relative to a baseline condition, provided that an acceptable and realistic baseline condition can be defined. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature, the United Nations Environment Programme, and the World Wildlife Fund (81 define a healthy ecosystem as one having a high level of biodiversity, productivity, and habitability, which lead naturally to the endpoints of diversity, productivity, and habitat preservation. Although he does not define ecosystem health, Rapport (61 defines symptoms of ecosystem breakdown (ecosystem “unhealth”) as reduced primary productivity, loss of nutrients, loss of sensitive species, increased instability of component parts and populations, increased disease prevalence, changes in biotic size-spectrum to favor smaller life forms, and increased circulation of contaminants. These symptoms all form possible measurement endpoints for assessing ecosystem health. Potential changes to ecosystems and communities are illustrated in I‘.

Figure 1. Increasing human regulation of biodiversity is, in itself, neither good nor bad despite a tendency among many members of the public to view “natural” as good and desirable and anthropogenic as bad and undesirable. Natural conditions that are not modified to some extent by human beings and their activity are not common. It is noteworthy but not necessarily alarming that the only nonreversible changes shown in Figure 1 are a return to natural conditions after modification or cultivation: remedial action after a disturbance results in a new state, not a return to predisturbance conditions. This new state comes into existence not only because of the application of science and technology, but also because of social needs and wants, political considerations, available monies, and available scientific and technological expertise. Particular endpoints used to measure ecosystem health also are subject to scientific and nonscientific modifying factors. These affect the choice of endpoints and the determination of scale for chosen endpoints. For example, the level of acceptable increase in circulation of contaminants is a function of wha is measurable (such as laborator: detection limits) and what societ! finds acceptable. Societal levels o acceptability often are at odds with scientific acceptability. For instance, dioxins are of such general public concern that environmental groups such as Greenpeace have declared: “. . . the only acceptable standard for dioxin is zero” (9).This goal is unrealistic and unattainable for many reasons, not the least of which is that dioxins also are produced from nonanthropogenic sources such as forest fires. Statements calling for zero levels of chemicals that show a doseresponse relationship ignore Paracelsus’ (1493-1541) proven statement: “All substances are poisons: there is none which is not a poison. The right dose differentiates a poison and a remedy” (IO).Further, nonanthropogenic as well as anthropogenic compounds cause effects such as mutagenicity ( I I ) , which many members of the public appear to consider “unnatural.”

“me: References 8 and 23. .rrows Nndicale poSSible diiecltons 01 change, all Conditions are considered Io I return to “nalural’ CondiI8ons T h e human tmpact since 1750 $3equal 10 01 less than the impact 01 any other 5 StrUCtUle.

7 h e human impact 61nce 1750 1s greater than the impact 01 any other Species. but the s Cultivated Modified and ~ t i ~ c t ~ r acult8vated lly CDominatedby physical. human-built s t r ~ c 1 ~ r Bsuch s a5 Cities, dams. docks. m8neS. and ‘An ecosyrlem that suneied reduCliOnE m diversity and prcducllaty and lhal (E unlikely IC natural condition

ception, as determined by the current state of anxiety. Roberts does not assign priorities to these concerns, but in terms of degree of ecological risk Roberts’ list includes global climate change, ozone depletion, habitat alteration, species extinction, and loss of biodiversity. EPA’s list of concerns related to human health includes outdoor and indoor air pollution (smog, toxic chemicals), radon, drinking water contamination, occupational chemical exposures, pesticide application, and ozone depletion. In contrast, four of the public’s seven highest ranked environmental concerns do not appear on EPA’s list: active hazardous waste sites (#I), abandoned hazardous waste sites (#2), oil spills (#5), and nuclear power accidents (#7). Maksylewich provides a more detailed comparison (13). EPA’s Science Advisory Board Reality vs. perception (SAB) (14)recently noted that the In describing EPA’s list of envi- U.S. Congress pays the most attenronmental concerns, Roberts (12) tion to environmental problems behas aptly shown the difference be- lieved by the general public to pose tween reality, as determined by the the greatest risks and that EPA folcurrent state of knowledge, and per- lows the will of Congress. Accord-

ing to the SAB, relatively high-risk environmental problems include habitat alteration and destruction, species extinction and loss of diversity, stratospheric ozone depletion, and global climate change. Environmental problems that greatly concern the general public are regarded by the SAB as generally low risk. These include oil spills, groundwater contamination, and radionuclides (14). Clearly, those with the least knowledge of the subject control the focus of environmental legislation and funding. This situation is illustrated in Figure 2 as an inverse pyramid, in which perception has more importance than reality. Possible solutions are suggested later in this article. Kimbrough (15)notes: “In spite of our best intentions, public pressure and lack of adequate coordination can lead to attention and resources being devoted to minor problems while important issues are left unattended.” An excellent example of this is EPA’s National Priorities List (NPL) for hazardous waste sites. Many if not most of the NPL sites Environ. Sci. Technol.. Vol. 25, NO.8, 1991 1355

pose relatively little or no risk to human health or the environment, yet they are remediated. It is likely that sites that do pose high risks (e.g., highly contaminated sites in poor rural areas) are not on the list and hence are not being remediated

I Current societal decision-making emphasisa


A line between good and bad? The question of whether there is a sharp demarcation between good and bad ethical behavior, in the context of human activities, will elicit different answers from different people. Members of a selfrighteous minority, who consider themselves to be “totally honest,” probably would answer, “yes.” Most people, however, probably would answer “no” and, if asked to explain, would say that there is a “gray zone” between good and bad where subjective judgment applies. A similar situation exists in the field of environmental protection. Although criteria are promulgated on the basis of a line between good (acceptable) and bad (unacceptable) conditions, a sharply definable distinction exists only in legislation. The reality is illustrated in Figure 3. Uncertainty is high unless we choose to be either over- or underprotective. Although it is uncertain whether industrialists would really choose the latter, regulators will choose the former. Current regulatory philosophy involves use of the most sensitive measures, “worst case” laboratory tests, and “most sensitive” species. The intent is to ensure that change does not occur and that the question, “How clean is clean?” is answered by “totally clean.” Unfortunately, an approach that tries to avoid change does not recognize the following: Contamination (the presence of a chemical or substance) does not necessarily result in pollution (an adverse environmental effect related to contamination). Change occurs in nature: biological evolution is a clear example of change. “Natural pollution,” such as that caused by volcanic action and forest fires, can also result in change-possibly even evolutionary change. In any case, humans have no control over either of these categories of change.

Prediction VS. reaction Clearly, it is best to develop methods that allow prediction of environmental problems before they become acute and when they are most reversible. Determinations of effects 1356 Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 25, No. 8. 1991

based on widespread deaths or diseases in a local population, such as massive fish kills or birth defects in seals, come too late: if we could predict that these events would occur by measuring some enzyme system, for example, perhaps we could act before rather than after the fact. Although the philosophy of prediction rather than reaction is laudable, it can become dangerous if it is embraced wholly and without question, which is what generally happens when science becomes regulation. Specifically, the more sensitive our early warning systems are, the more likely they will be triggered by non-events such as false positives. An example of such “crying wolf” appears to be the use of animals to test possible carcinogens; a surprisingly large number of false positives may arise from the way the tests are done (11, 17,18). Prediction is generally attempted using reductionist or bottom-up approaches, which are based on simplistic laboratory data. Although these can be diagnostic and predictive, they do not describe the real world. At the other extreme are holistic or top-down approaches, based on field data. Holistic approaches describe the real world by evaluating impacts directly, but they are not diagnostic or predictive. As illustrated in Figure 4, reductionist approaches (e.g., the biomarkers concept currently gaining widespread scientific interest) embody the most reversible measures, whereas holistic measures embody the least reversible. However, because ecosystem stability arises from resilience and resistance,

thereby implying that conditions are dynamic rather than static, both measures are needed to assess and maintain ecosystem health adequately. Reductionist and holistic measures are also needed to define environmental problems because we do not have a clear demarcation between “good” and “bad.” What do we want to protect? We are losing sight of what we want to protect. As human beings we find it easier and much more comfortable to look at a small part of the environment and try to fit it into our artificial schemes (reductionist thinking) than to try to take in the whole picture and adapt our thinking to that reality (holistic thinking). We have grown used to changing our environment to suit ourselves. This always seemed to work in the past and did not appear to require the consideration of long-term implications. Now that we are more enlightened and want to stop damage, most of it caused by ourselves, we have trouble with long-term implications. More importantly, we have trouble grasping the differences between visually apparent problems that have only short-term, localized implications (e+, oil spills) and complex problems that have incredibly long-term, global implications (e.g., climate change). The first step in halting changes that we do not want involves defining the uses to which we as human beings wish to put our environment for our benefit. By defining these, we also define what we want to persist through time. Potential benefits range from the strictly utilitarian to

the aesthetic-from those ecosystem components that provide sustenance to the body to those that are essentially useless for physical needs but that are aesthetically pleasing, such as flowers, or that may he useful in medicine. (It is argued, for instance, that preserving the maximum biodiversity will make possible discoveries in medicine or other fields that will ultimately benefit human beings.) In any case, such benefits, once defined, become endpoints for the evaluation of ecosystem health. Once these endpoints are defined, we need to structure research, monitoring, regulations, and management accordingly. Further, we want to follow Aristotle’s dictum and have “instructed minds.” For example, as noted previously, aquatic toxicity tests have a low level of precision because coefficients of variation can approach 50%. Morrison et al. (3) acknowledge this, hut then state: “. . . if variability [for toxicity tests is] in the same range of variability associated with chemical analyses, then, since precision of analytical procedures is generally considered acceptable, precision of toxicological methods must likewise be judged acceptable.” This statement, which, incidentally, is not unique to Morrison et al. (31,is surprising and alarming. In my opinion, it is useful logic only if one agrees with the common position reiterated, but not supported, by Kimbrough (1990): . . that precision and accuracy in chemical analysis are of minor importance because the uncertainties in a risk assessment are usually several orders of magnitude. Thus imprecise and inaccurate chemical analytical data do not have much of an impact” (151. Kimbrough (15) points out the fallacy of this position: “ _, . because of the actionlno action significance attached to numerical standards [such as maximum concentration limits], ‘minor’ inaccuracies are very important and very costly in practice.” Moreover, numerical criteria tend to he generic. And, although generic criteria may he appealing in theory, all-encompassing numerical limits may he just as ephemeral in practice as the Saprobien concept of indicator species, which European aquatic scientists once looked upon as the ultimate measure of environmental conditions. For instance, Parkerton et al. (191 are correct: “Natural criteria used in formulating enforceable



Environ. Sa. Technol.. Vol. 25. No. 8, 1991 1357

water quality standards may be inappropriate when applied generically to all receiving systems due to site-specific interactions that may alter bioavailability."

Safeguardingenvironmental quality-Some recommendations

We need to avoid "criteria" and to develop methods and measures that work.

Following are several generic and specific recommendations:

Numbers do not ensure quality Developing effective environmental quality guidelines, which allow for both definition of present problems and early warning of potential problems, is not easy. What is easy is developing numerical criteria that do not work and that, even more distressingly, become ends rather than means to improve environmental health. We are deluding ourselves if we think that attaining and maintaining numerical goals will ensure environmental quality. As stated by the EPA's Science Advisory Board (14): subjective values always will-and shouldinfluence the ranking of relative environmental risks, no matter how sophisticated the technical and analytical tools become." In this regard, a flexible framework (guidelines) is much more usable than a rigid structure (criteria). Attaining a clean environment will not be cheap; it has been projected that the cost of complying with environmental regulations will reduce the United States' gross national product by 2.59% over the long term and that by the year 2000, federal, state, and local governments in the United States will be spending $61 billion annually for environmental protection (22).Accordingly, we clearly need to stop spending . vast sums of money to reduce the levels of chemicals in the environment to levels that cannot be adequately measured and that professional judgment would regard as presenting an acceptable risk" (25). Guidelines that work must be based on a definition of those uses of the environment that we want to protect, which inevitably leads us to specific, rational endpoints for measurement and assessment. We must structure research, monitoring, regulations, and management so that a "level playing field" exists for human beings and for the environment. Within human society, this "level playing field" must exist for the indusbial base that provides the things we require for acceptable human living standards as well as for the environment in which we choose to live. Ultimately it i s a matter of choices. We make choices whether or not we make conscious deci-

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void using "criterion" and "criteria": instead, use "guideline" and "guidelines." * Develop a framework,not a number, to determine environmental quality (health) and avoid the actionlno action alternative, which usually is presented as the only choice. This is not to imply that we should never take action, but rather that simplistic yes/no answers and decisions do not commonl fit the complicated reality of the g obal environment. * Obtain broad-scale consensus from scientists, managers, lawyers, politicians, and the general ublic on a strategy or rationale L r synthesizing and interpreting information. This would apply to toxicological, bioaccumuiation, and other data related to environmental quality. * Recognize that human existence implies environmental alteration but does not necessarily imply or require destruction; in other words, we change our current mea culpa outlook and accept that we are part of the environment.,~~ and neither oods nor devils. "~~~ Ensure tnat we always make "biological sense ' by emphasizing high-priority issLes sLch as gloDai ciimale change and StratosDheric ozone reduction and StoD wasting Drecious time, resources, and tar nt on low-priority issues such as il spills and "trendy" chemicals. Specific nsure that the endpoints we are measurino in our tests and monitorino in The environment are as ciosgas possible to what we want to protect and are uselul measures 01 ecosystem health. One 01









sions. Informed, rational choices are essential for defining and maintaining the environmental milieu in which we and our descendants will live. We need to return to common sense and basics (Le., a recognition of complexity rather than further efforts to oversimplify) in order to avoid the increasing use of bad science as a basis for regulation and management. The responsibility is ours; we may not be the best equipped or informed to make the necessary choices and we will undoubtedly make many mistakes, some of them serious, but we must choose what we want and work to

the major unceltainties in risk assessments arises from extrapolation from measured endpoints to what is to be protected. Measurement endpoints and assessment endpoints should be the same. * At the level of the individual organism, standardize and, where necessary, develop measures of survival, growth, and reproduction. The latter two measures integrate energetic processes; if an organism can complete all three activities, and a population is at least maintaining its size, the oranism is considered healthy. hese measures should be applied to key s ecies we want to protect; use o surrogates should be avoided wherever possible. * Determine community and ecosystem level-specific measures of health: i.e., endpoints for communities and ecosystems we want to protect. These should be based on structure and function and involve eneric and specific elements y2~7).For example, for macroph tes, Painter (21) defines heaitK communities as those that have Xree generic characteristics that could apply to most other communities-diversity, maximized productivity, and complex habitat-and one specific characteristic, a good mix of cover coverage of substrate with comitant exposure to light). * Determine the appropriateness of current procedures, including different endpoints of different toxicity tests, selected chemical contaminants ("trendy" or "convenient" versus those that pose real threats), selected measures of community structure, and other potential measures of in situ biological alteration.



attain this. If we do so, then I am convinced that we will persist and prosper. Can any biological organism ask more than that? Acknowledgments This paper was written for my daughter, Jennifer (horn May 13, 1990). following a request of Dr. Steve Klaine for a presentation given at the 11th Annual Meeting of the Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, November 11-15, 1990, Washington, D.C. Although the responsibility for the views expressed is mine alone, useful comments and discussion were provided by Elizabeth Power, Allen Burton, Ilona Kerner, Jennifer Shay, and three anonymous referees.

References (1) Munkittrick. K. R.: Chapman, P. M. Presented at the Tenth Annual Meeting of the Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Toronto, Canada, November 1989. ( 2 ) Kovacs, T. G.: Ferguson, S. M. Envimn. Toxicol. Chem. 1990.9.1081-93. (3) Morrison. G. et al. Res. 1. Water Pollut. Control Fed. 1989, 61,1707-10. (4) Chapman, P. M.; Farrell. M. A,; Brinkhurst. R. 0. Aquat. Toxicol. 1982.2,47-67. ( 5 ) Chapman. P. M. lournal of Aquatic Ecosystem Health, in press. ( 6 ) Rapport. D. 1. Perspect. Biol. Med. 1989.33.120-32. (71 Kelly, 1. R.; Harwell. M. A. In Ecotoxicology: Problems a n d Approaches: Levin, A. et al., Eds.: Springer-Verlag: New York, 1988, pp. 9-35. ( 8 ) IUCN/UNEP/WWF. "Caring far the World: A Strategy far Sustainability": International Union lor the Conservatan of Nature: United Nations Environment Programme; World Wildlife Fund: Washington. DC, June 1990, 2nd draft. 191 . . Gladwell. M. In The Washineton Post. final edition: Washington, b C : May 31. 1990. p. A3. (10) In Toxicology: The Bosic Science of

Poisons; Casarett, L. 1.; Doull. J.. Eds.; MacMillan: New York. 1975, frontispiece. (111 Ames, B. N.; Gold, L. S.Science1990, 249.97C-71. (12) Roberts, L. Science 1990,249,61618. (13) Maksylewich. W. In Proceedings of the 17th Annual Aquatic Toxicity Workshop: Chapman, P. M. et al.. Eds.; Canadian Technical Report, Fisheries and Marine Sciences, No. 1774: Ottawa, 1991. pp. 596409. (14) EPA Science Advisory Board. "Reducing Risk: Setting Priorities and Strategies for Environmental Protection": SAB-EC-90-021: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Science Advisory Board: Washington. DC. 1990, pp. 1-26. (15) Kimbrough, R. D. Environ. Sci. Techno/. 1990. 24. 1 4 4 2 4 5 . (16) Doty. C. B.: Travis. C. C. Environ. Sci. Technol. 1990.24.1778-80. (17) Ames. B. N.; Magaw. R.: Gold. L. S. Science 1987,236,271-80. (18)Marx, I. Science 1990.250. 74345. 1191 Parkerton, T. F. et al. Res. 1. Water Polluf. Control Fed. 1989, 61. 163644. (201 Harris, H. I. et al. Envimn. Sci. Techno/. 1990. 24. 598-603. (21) Painter, S . lourno1 of Aquotic Ecosystem Health. in press




(22) Nichols, A. 8. Water Environ. Tech-

nol. 1990, Nov.. 47-53. (23) Vitousek, P. M. et al. Bioscience 1986.36,368-73.

1 Peter M. Chnpman is a .siwior partner ofE.V.S. Conriillmts. He holds a Ph.D. in aquatic ecology from the University of Victoria. Canadn. His primary research interests ore aquatic ecology and toxicology. He has published more than 80 refereed journal papers. book chapters. technical reports, a n d proceedings, a n d h e serves on a number of pmjessional committees, councils, a n d boards, inc l u d i n g t h e C a n a d i a n Environmental Advisory Council and EPA's Science Advisory Board.

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