es&t literature - ACS Publications

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ES&T LITERATURE S 0 2 analyzer. Paper by Robert L. Nelson describes an S 0 2 analyzer based on a potassium sulfate electrolyte sensor. The analyzer works in situ. Westinghouse says that reliability could be increased while maintenance costs are cut. Westinghouse 151

Fugitive emissions. Data sheet LAD 001-004 tells how to monitor for fugitive emissions of organic vapors. The device involved was used to help EPA establish monitoring standards for volatile organic compound leak detection. Foxboro 158

Fermentation equipment. Booklet gives suggestions on how to purchase fermentation equipment and tells how to avoid 19 critical mistakes when buying such equipment. New Brunswick Scientific 152

Solvent recovery. Bulletin 219 describes a system that recovers solvent vapors from air with a fixed-bed recovery technique combined with a hot inert gas. Nuclear Consulting Services 159

Municipal air purification. Bulletin 23-166 describes VentSorb canisters, which contain Type IVP granular activated carbon used to remove odors at municipal wastewater treatment plants. Calgon 153 Known mixtures of gases. Bulletin describes Model 610 precision gas cylinder, which can be used to prepare mixtures containing known quantities of gases for analytical standards. Its uses include environmental analysis. Tracor Atlas 154 Gas sampler. Bulletin 2333-1 describes a sampler that can detect S 0 2 , N 0 2 , H 2 S, NH 3 , and aliphatic aldehydes. Andersen Samplers 155 Opacity monitor. Brochure details Model 900RM opacity monitor that has a double-pass system for spans up to 165 ft. The monitor meets 1983 EPA specifications. Datatest 156 Dust collectors. Brochure describes cased Datamatic dust collectors, which can provide 215-25,380 ft2 of filter fabric area to give high-efficiency collection. DCE Yokes 157 Need more items? If so, numbers on cards bound the card. No 378A

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Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 18, No. 1 2 , 1 9 8 4

Toxic gas detection. 1984 catalog lists items and products including a toxic gas detector system and a complete sampling and analysis kit for detection and measurement of toxic gases and vapors. Matheson Gas Products 160 Turbidity measurement. Data sheet 48T/383 describes turbidity sensors based on a double-beam, color-compensating, self-calibrating measurement technique. Great Lakes Instruments 161 Recent technology books. Fall 1984 catalog lists recently published technology books. In includes titles on trihalomethane reduction in water and monitoring for groundwater in the vadose (unsaturated) zone. Noyes Data 162 Carbamate pesticide analysis. Application report explains how to analyze for carbamate pesticides using highperformance liquid chromatography and how these pesticides enter a potable water aquifer. Kratos 163 Computer protection. Bulletin 132-B details systems that provide protection—especially against corrosion—to computers, microprocessors, and related devices at water and wastewater treatment plants. Purafil 164 Chromatography. Product guide gives an overview of a full line of equipment for high-performance liquid chromatography, thin layer chromatography,

and advanced ion exchange cellulose and column chromatography. Whatman 165 Ultrafiltration and RO. Booklet describes spiral-wound membrane elements used in ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis. A glossary of terms is supplied. Desalination Systems 166 Sample filtration. Bulletin P-200 scribes sample filtering techniques can minimize error in stack gas, and water sampling. Balston

dethat air, 167

The Clean Air Act. The 1984 edition of the ERT handbook on requirements for industrial facilities under the Clean Air Act has new information on toxic air pollutants. ERT, 696 Virginia Rd., Concord, Mass. 01742 (write direct) Innovative hydrology techniques. Report WSP 2262 contains many papers on critical issues and innovative techniques in hydrology. Branch of Distribution, Text Products Section, U.S. Geological Survey, 604 S. Pickett St., Alexandria, Va. 22304 (write direct) Marine research. Vol. V, No. 1 of WINDWARD describes expanding marine research facilities at the University of New Hampshire. University of New Hampshire, UNH Marine Program, Marine Program Bldg, Durham, N.H. 03824 (write direct) Privatization. " T h e Privatization Book" tells how privatization of certain public facilities, such as wastewater plants, helps to conserve capital and promote efficiency. Arthur Young, 277 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. 10172 (write direct)

Companies interested in a listing in this department should send their releases directly to Environmental Science & Technology, Attn: Literature, 1155 16th St., N. W, Washington, D. C. 20036