ES&T Meetings - Environmental Science & Technology (ACS

Dec 1, 1989 - ES&T Meetings. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 1989, 23 (12), pp 1460– ... Koch to join methanol project · Trio of Texas biotech fir...
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Jan. 21-24, 1990 Chapel Hill, NC Environmental Change and Public Health Conference UNC School of Public Health The focus will be on major public health consequences of specific, anticipated environmental changes on global, national, and proximate scales. More frequent exposure to hazardous pollutants and wastes resulting from increased urbanization will be among topics emphasized. Registration $125. Brenda Mauer, Office of Continuing Education, University of North Carolina School of Public Health, CB# 8165, Miller Hall, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-8165; (919) 966-4032. Jan. 29-Feb. 2 Lake Buena Vista, FL Energy from Biomass and Wastes XIV Institute of Gas Technology This conference will cover subjects such as research on and commercialization of energy from wood, cogeneration of biomass and wastes, alcohol fuels, chemicals from biomass and wastes, conversion of cellulosics, and advances in genetic engineering. Susan Robertson, IGT, 3424 S. State St., Chicago, IL 60616; (312) 5673881; Fax: (312) 567-5209. Feb. 5-7 Arlington, VA International Conference on Particle Detection, Metrology, and Control Institute of Environmental Sciences This conference will review progress in solving problems connected with the detection and control of particles in air and liquid media. Institute of Environmental Sciences, 940 East Northwest Highway, Mount Prospect, IL 60056; (708) 255-1561. Feb. 26-March 2 Austin, TX Engineering Calculations in Air Pollution Control The University of Texas at Austin Participants in this short course will be able to solve problems that often arise 1460

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in air pollution control. Practical methodology for the analysis of air pollution control problems will be emphasized.

Joe Ledbetter, College of Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, Cockrell Hall 10.324, Austin, TX 78712-1080; (512) 471-4597; or Howard Liljestrand, (512) 471-4604.

March 18-22 Austin, TX SOLAR 90 American Solar Energy Society, Inc One part of this symposium will deal with photovoltaics, solar thermal power, wind energy, solar-derived fuels and chemicals, and solar resource assessment. The other part will be devoted to passive solar energy for large and small buildings. American Solar Energy Society, 2400 Central Avenue, B-1 , Boulder, CO 80301; (303) 443-3130; Fax: (303) 443-32 12. March 19-23 Vancouver, BC, Canada GLOBE '90 GLOBE '90 This first North American conference and exhibit of its kind is concerned with international environmental business in six sectors: air and noise, land use, information, water and wastewater, solid waste and recycling, and hazardous and toxic materials management. GLOBE '90, Suite 250, 1130 W. Pender St., Vancouver, BC V6E 4A4, Canada; (604) 681-6126; Fax: (604) 681-1049; Telex: 04.352848 (VCR). March 20-22 Los Angeles, CA Specialty Conference on Tropospheric Ozone and the Environment Air & Waste Management Association Papers will be presented on topics such as ozone health effects, ecological effects, air quality data analysis, modeling, monitoring, and attainment strategies. Jon Fedorka, Air & Waste Management Association. PO. Box

2861, Pittsburgh, PA 15230; (412) 232-3444.

April 4-5 Washington, DC 26th Annual Meeting of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements Emphasis will be on health and ecological implications of radioactively contaminated sites. W. Roger Ney, NCRP, 7910 Woodmont Ave., Suite 800, Bethesda, MD 20814-3095; (301) 657-2652. April 23-24 San Francisco, CA 2nd Symposium on Use of Plants for Toxicity Assessment American Society for Testing and Materials Committee E-47 Speakers will present papers on such subjects as plant bioassay methodology and use for regulatory purposes; plant use for pollution monitoring; plant bioaccumulation, uptake, and metabolism: and plant test designs. Dorothy Savini, ASTM, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, PA 19103-1187; (215) 299-5413. April 30-May 3 Raleigh, NC 1990 EPA/A&WMA International Symposium on Measurement of Toxic and Related Air Pollutants EPA and Air & Waste Management Association Topics include hazardous-waste emissions, acid deposition, source measurements, radon monitoring, fate of toxic pollutants, exposure assessments, indoor air pollution, and air monitoring at Superfund sites. Jon Fedorka, Air & Waste Management Association, PO. Box 2861, Pittsburgh, PA 15230; (412) 232-3444.

May 1-3 Orlando, FL First International Symposium on the Biological Processing of Coal U.S. Dept. of Energy, Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center


1989 American Chemical Society

Subjects will include coal structure and bioreactivity ; coal analysis; and coal biosolubilization, biogasification, and biobeneficiation. The bioconversion of coal-derived substances also will be discussed. The Electric Power Research Institute is cosponsoring the symposium. Kee H. Rhee, U.S. Dept. of Energy, Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center, PO. Box 10940, MS 141/L, Pittsburgh, PA 15236; (412) 892-5913.

May 8-11 New Orleans, LA The 1990 SO2 Control Symposium EPA and Electric Power Research Institute Speakers will address such issues as state and federal acid rain legislation, clean coal research, flue gas desulfurization, new and emerging technologies, in-furnace dry SO2 technologies, and combined SOJNO, control. Sharon Luongo, Electric Power Research Institute, PO. Box 10412, Palo Alto, CA 94303; (415) 855-2010.

May 9-16 Primosten, Yugoslavia 11th International Symposium “Chemistry of the Mediterranean” Ruder BoskoviC Institute

The symposium will emphasize new experimental and modeling techniques, fate and transport of trace contaminants, reactivity of colloidal and transient chemical species, the validity of bioindicators for aquatic pollution assessment, and evaluation of reaction rate-determining steps at fresh-saline water interfaces.

Vancouver, BC V6T 1W5, Canada; (604) 228-6407 or 228-2556; Fax: (604) 228-5785.

June 10-13 Washington, DC International Conference on Pollution Prevention: Clean Technologies and Clean Products EPA and International Association for Clean Technology Presentations will include, but not be limited to, recycling and reuse, material and product modification and substitution, process changes, nonpolluting products, and regulatory issues. Mary Bourassa, Science Applications International Corporation, 8400 Westpark Dr., McLean, VA 22102; (703) 734-3198.

Marko Branica, Ruder BoskoviC Institute, Center for Marine Research, YU-41 001 Zagreb, Hrvatska, Yugoslavia; phone (041) 435-1 11; Telex: 21 383 yu irb zg.

May 13-17 Vancouver, BC, Canada 18th International Technical Meeting of NATOICCMS on Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application NATO/Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society Topics will include model assessment and policy implications, regional-scale modeling, global-scale pollutant dispersion studies, accidental releases of dense and radioactive gases, and new developments in dispersion modeling. Registration C$225 (about U.S. $200). D. G. Steyn, Atmospheric Science Programme, Dept. of Geography, The University of British Columbia,

July 22-25 Lexington, KY Urban Non-Point Source Pollution and Stormwater Management Symposium University of Kentucky and others Topics will include nonpoint source management, stormwater management, modeling, and monitoring. Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute, 219 Anderson Hall, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0046; (606) 257-8013.

Physical & Chemical Reference Data Editor, David R. Lide National Institute of Standards and Technology Published quarterly by the American Chemical Society and the American Institute of Physics, the JOURNALOF PHksICAL AND CHEMICAL REFERENCE DATA provides you with compilations and reviews produced under the National Standard Reference Data System of the National Institute of Standards and Technology. JPCRD contains recommended values uncertainty limits, critical commentary on methods of mesurement, and full references to the original papers. Call Toll Free 1-800227-5558 and charge your order! In DC or oulsida the (202)8724363, or unite: Amm’can Chemical Society, I155 16th Street, Woshington, DC 20036, U.S.A.


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micropracessor control

For informationand FREE applications notes, call Judie Gclffordat: CIRCLE 2 ON READER SERVICE CARD Envtron Sci Tecnnol Vol 23 h o 12, 1989