es&t products - ACS Publications

N02 emissions from company's Tri-. NOx scrubbers to 20 ppm .... based HgTalk software allows fully automated analysis and ... the activities of the AI...
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Flue gas treatment. Powdered acti­ vated carbon products for flue gas treatment can help incinerator oper­ ators meet standards for mercury, dioxins, and furans. Calgon 100 Smoke and dust removal. Electro­ static precipitators remove smoke, dust, and fumes with ionization and collection efficiency and save en­ ergy. Aercology 101 NO x removal. NOXSORB Solution is a chemical agent that cuts NO and N 0 2 emissions from company's TriNOx scrubbers to 20 ppm regardless of input loading. Tri-Mer 102

down petroleum contaminants so that the soils can be reused on site. Breakdown takes about 9 months. The system is in use in The Nether­ lands and meets stringent Dutch standards. Groundwater Technol­ 106 ogy Leak and spill response. A variety of products is available to handle large or small leaks and spills and to package hazardous waste. Ask for "Pigalog" catalog for Jan. 1994. New Pig 107

Ventilation emissions. Ventilation Emission Monitoring System uses photoacoustic infrared technology to test for up to five gases and va­ pors such as solvents and green­ h o u s e gases to s u b - p p m levels. Bruel & Kjaer Instruments 112


Ozone precursor monitoring. Ozone Precursor Analyzer monitors smog-causing organic gases with no need for a liquid cryogen; estimated monitoring cost savings are up to $40,000 a year. Perkin-Elmer 113

Sample preparation. Empore ex­ traction disks, EnvirElut columns for oil and grease, and Bond Elut columns for pesticide analysis give reproducible results and avoid many of the hazards of extraction. Varian 108 Testing for lead. Lead Alert profes­ sional test kit can detect lead at as low a level as 0.5 μg, and meets HUD lead abatement g u i d e l i n e s . Sensidvne 109

Gasoline and BTEX removal. Bio­ logical Air Treatment system re­ moves gasoline and benzene-toluene-xylene hydrocarbons from air by biological means, with an acti­ vated carbon coating to eliminate upsets. AlliedSignal 103 Fugitive emission control. Emission Containment Seal backs up the pri­ mary seal in a simple cartridge de­ sign, thereby containing fugitive emissions. EG&G Sealol 104

HAZARDOUS WASTE Solvent recovery-reuse. Solvo-Salvager distillation system allows the recovery of up to 98% of used con­ taminated solvents. Physical han­ dling of solvents and waste is virtually eliminated. Westport Environmental Systems 105 Soil bioremediation. Aboveground b i o r e m e d i a t i o n of s o i l s b r e a k s Need more information about any items? You can now contact the manu­ facturer directly by phone or fax by us­ ing the new 'Έ3&Τ Information Ex­ press" page (p. 170 A) in this issue. The phone numbers and names of customer service representatives are also listed for advertisers.

Water quality. H a n d - h e l d 520c monitor helps keep track of dis­ solved oxygen, pH, total dissolved solids, conductivity, and ion con­ centration in water, and is self-test­ ing. Solomat-Neotronics 110 PCB testing. PCB in Soil test kit al­ lows on-site detection of polychlorinated biphenyls to 1-10 ppm in less than 30 min. Kit uses immu­ noassay technology. Hach 111 Companies


in a listing


this department should send their re­ lease directly to Environmental Science & Technology, Attn: Products, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, DC 20036.

Monitoring for PSD. Sensors meet or exceed EPA r e q u i r e m e n t s for monitoring w i n d , d e w p o i n t , and other factors to show prevention of significant deterioration (PSD) un­ der the Clean Air Act. Earth and At­ mospheric Sciences 114 Trace metals analysis. PDV 2000 voltammeter detects trace metals to as low as 1 ppb and comes with a case that contains standards, elec­ trolytes, and pipettes. A.I. Scientific 115

Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 28, No. 4, 1994

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Testing for DDT. EnviroGard Soil Test Kit uses a rapid field method to detect DDT and breakdown prod­ ucts DDE and DDD to ppm by im­ munoassay. Up to 16 samples per hour can be tested. Millipore 116 E m i s s i o n s m o n i t o r i n g . TX 117 monitors NO v , oxygen, and CO from industrial boilers and process heat­ ers in keeping with regulations in Texas and other states. Rosemount Analytical 117

ants" gives 10 case histories of the use of alternatives to chlorofluorocarbons bv U.S. companies (publi­ cation no." EPA 430-K-93-002). EPA Office of Air and Radiation 123 Mexican environmental issues. EnviroMexico Vol. II, Issue 11. dis­ cusses effects of NAFTA, new Mex­ ican e n v i r o n m e n t a l audit requirements, and sites for waste disposal and recycling. Subscrip­ tion is SI95 a year. Market Strate­ gies International 124

and control full-scale sewage treat­ ment plants, and simulates the en­ tire plant under d y n a m i c condi­ tions. Hydromantis 132 Right-to-know. STATE R-T-K pro­ vides a hazardous materials and right-to-know rule database; that names the chemical and lists the state rule(s) that apply. Softrak Sys­ tems 133


Metal emission control. Abstracts Vol. III. No. 4, features an article on controlling vapor-phase metals emissions. ADA Technologies 125 Pollution prevention. N o n p o i n t source pollution prevention is fea­ tured in Waste Management Re­ search Report, Vol. 5. No. 3. SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry 126 Field toxicity testing. Model 600 Field Test System performs on-site toxicity tests of drinking water and wastewater by using light-emitting microbes; increasing toxicity re­ duces light output. Microbics 118 Low emission sampling. Systems use patented needle samplers and pre-engineered panel assemblies to sample small amounts of hazardous liquids and gases to meet Clean Air Act requirements. Sentry Equip­ ment 119 Mercury analysis. Systems allow the detection of mercury to levels as low as 1 part per trillion; Windowsbased HgTalk software allows fully automated analysis and reporting. Thermo Separation Products 120 C o m p o u n d i d e n t i f i c a t i o n . HP G1800A gas chromatography detec­ tor system provides analysts with qualitative structural information to detect a broad range of compounds. Hewlett Packard 121

SERVICES Waste management. Brochure de­ scribes waste management and other services available worldwide, m a n y on a t u r n k e y basis. WMX Technologies 127


SOFTWARE Air toxics inventory. ORACLE soft­ ware will be used to develop the computerized Regional Air Pollu­ tion Inventory Development System (RAPIDS) for the Great Lakes Com­ mission and the eight Great Lakes states. Radian 128 Tracking toxic chemicals. Visual ChemTrack offers a library of toxic: chemicals and is compatible with spreadsheets such as Microsoft Ex­ cel and Lotus 1-2-3 for Windows. ModelVision Software 129


Alternative refrigerants. Database, REFROP 4.0, lists physical proper­ ties of 38 refrigerants that could help companies phase out chlorofluorocarbons. National Institute of Standards and Technology 130

Waste reduction technologies. Waste Notes newsletter describes the activities of the AIChE Center for Waste Reduction Technologies a n d lists r e l e v a n t p u b l i c a t i o n s a v a i l a b l e . A m e r i c a n Institute of Chemical Engineers 122

Training without programmers. New multimedia-based training ser­ vice allows training without the need for professional programming help; environmental training could be included. Michael Jackson Soft­ ware 131

A l t e r n a t i v e s to CFCs. B o o k l e t "Moving to Alternative Refriger­

Sewage plant performance. GPS-X software is used to design, operate.

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Zero air generator. Generator can produce up to 15 L/min of zero air that contains