ES&T Products - Environmental Science & Technology (ACS

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PRODUCTS AIR POLLUTION Automotive pollution reduction. Mista-Fire is designed to reduce exhaust emissions of hydrocarbons or soot by 60% and carbon dioxide by 30%, as well as to provide up to 10% savings in fuel. Device is easily installed and comes with 10-year guarantee. Gas Savers of America 91

Vapor abatement. Thenno-Scavenger vapor abatement system is designed to

parts per trillion in IO mL of sample. Analysis time can be as short as 2 min. LDC Analytical 109

Waste containment bags. Bags ate designed to hold hazardous materials and wastes safely, and to resist temperatures 99 of up to 375 O F . Solvent Kleene

INSTRUM Opacity monitor. UYMLWU IS an opacity monitor designed to monitor stacks in compliance with EPA regulations under IO CFR Part 60, Appendix B for opacity. Rosemoont 101

destroy up to 95% of nonhalogenated vapor-phase hydrocarbons, even at concentrations as high as 7000 ppm. ORs Environmental Equipment 92

designed for fast filtration of groundwater samples with certified clean singleuse cartridges. QED 102

H,SO, mist collection. POLYTUBE electrostatic precipitator is designed to collect sulfuric acid mist. Construction is of corrosion-resistant fiberglass. Beltran Associates 93

Ammonia monitoring. Series 1801 ionselective monitor is designed for continuous on-line monitoring of ammonia, fluoride, or nitrate. Device is microprocessor controlled. Capital Controls 103

VOC destruction. RE-THERM system is designed to destroy volatile organic

Assaying volatile organics. Models 300 and 330 are designed to assay volatile organics in air, water, and soil samples

compounds and recover heat energy from the newly purified air. REECO 94

In-line sample filtration. QuickFilter is

by purge-and-trap methods. CDS Instruments 104

Air filters. Media air filters are designed to remove airborne pollutants in workplaces, schools, and shops. It cleans and recirculates air instead of exhausting it. Universal Air Precipitator 95

VOC emission reduction. Inerting Control System is designed to reduce VOC emissions and to control oxygen below flammable levels with inert gas. The system also is designed to use 60% less inert gas than similar systems. Neu96

,RDOUS MATERIALS ste containment. Permalon barriers are designed for the safe, reliable above-pound containment of hazardous waste. The material has a greater tensile strength than liners twice its weight, according to company spokespenons. Pennalon 91

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Glypbosate separation. PRp-X400 column is designed to separate the herhicide glyphosate and its metabolite in drinking water for analysis according to EPA Method 537. The analysis method is high-performance liquid chromatography. Hamilton 110

Sample concentration. RC1O.10 and RC10.22 centrifugal concentrators are designed to concentrate biological and other samples rapidly for subsequent analysis. Jouan 105

H,S analysis. Model 772R/102RES hydrogen sulfide analysis system is designed to measure H,S in fuel gas to combustion devices and give an alarm at concentrations above a certain level. Tracor Atlas 106

Pesticide testing. RaPID Assay System is designed for fast, low-cost detection of pesticides in water and food. Cost is said to be reduced by a factor of IO. Ohmicron 108

Elemental mercury analysis. The 1255 mercuryMonitor is designed to detect levels of elemental mercury as low as 10 in this deparwnt should send their release directly to Environmental Science and Technology, Ann: Products, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington. DC 20036.

Companies intemsi2d in a

0013-936W90/0924-1787$02.50/0 0 1990 American Chemical Society


Leak detection. TTC mini module is designed to detect leaks of water, aqueous chemicals, or hydrocarbons, and to differentiate between leaks and system trouble. False alarms can he avoided. Raychem 111

H,S sensor. Model IOIMS hydrogen sulfide sensor is designed to work fast and precisely, with a microprocessor included to suppress problems caused by the potentiometer. Texas Analytical Controls 112

Remote sensing. ABS Airborne Bispectral Scanner is designed for use in remote oil spill monitoring, vegetation studies, thermal water pollution monitoring, forest fire mapping, and other applications. Daedalus Enterprises 114 Hazardous gas detection. Gasmaster 4 system from England can be specified “with any combination of detectors for toxic or flammable gases, oxygen levels, and fire.” Examples include HCI, SO,, CO, H,S, and methane. CEA Instruments 11s

Hydrocarbon analyzer. LABLAN monitor with infrared analyzer is designed to analyze not only total oil concentration in water and soil, but the content of aromatic hydrocarbons as well. General Analysis 116

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Radiation simulator. Model RF2000 simulator can be used in a safe environment to train students to use radiation detection instruments. Resource Technical Services 119

Vinyl in solid waste. Information kit explains how vinyl (polyvinyl chloride) can he recycled, incinerated, and landfilled with no harm to the environment. The Vinyl Institute 128

Waste management. Company offers wide range of services in pollution control, hazardous waste management, laboratory services, and specialized instrumentation. Allied Technologies 135

NO, sensing. Polytron sensing heads

Aquatic oil pollution. Bibliography on the Fate and Effects of Aquatic Oil Pollution to 1987 covers oil effects literature up to 1987, cross-referenced to author and key words. Envirosphere Ltd. 129

Site remediation. Company’s services include on-site remediation, groundwater decontamination, and environmental assessments and audits. Groundwater Technology 136

are remotely mounted devices for detecting and measuring nitrogen dioxide in industrial applications. A similar device is available for SO, sensing and monitoring. National Draeger 120

Fast sample extraction. Model SFE/SO can he coupled to gas chromatography systems to use the principle of supercritical fluids to speed up sample extraction. Applications include measurements of pesticides and priority pollutants. Suprex 121

I on fuels and emissions. Information center on fossil and other fuels and emission control technology, said to be the world’s largest, is available. Membership requires an investment of $12,500. Battelle 131

Particle sampling. Model 1200 sizeselective inlet is attached to highvolume samplers to separate particles smaller than IO p (PM,,,) from larger particles. The high-volume filter collects the PM,, particles after they pass through the inlet. Andersen Instruments 122

Industrial hygiene. Company offers services in industrial hygiene engineering, asbestos management, laboratory testing, and waste management. RMT 137 Waste treatment. Company provides services in waste treatment, environmental assessment, and cleanup. Westioghouse HAZTECH 138



Groundwater sampling. GEOGUARD portable groundwater sampling equipment is designed for use at difficult-toaccess monitoring wells. American Sigma 123

Groundwater modeling. ModelCad software is written to design gwhydrological models to help solve groundwater problems. It runs on IBM-compatible computers. Geraghty & Miller 141 Soviet groundwater literature. Ground Water On-Line data base now features groundwater literature published in the Soviet Union’s scientific press. Data base records are in English. National Water Well Association 142

PUBLICATIONS Hazardous waste series. Report deals with cleaning up hazardous waste sites and with remediation technologies, including detection of underground contaminants, pump-and-treat technology, biorestoration, on-site remediation, and waste reduction. ACS 124 Community right-to-know series. Report discusses industrial emissions and the risk they pose to public health, a multimedia approach to modeling human health effects, the perils of state air toxics programs, and communicating right-to-know information on chemical risks. ACS 125 Ecotoxicology series. Report presents studies of the effects of chemicals on natural systems, including toxicants in ecosystems, aquatic and wildlife toxicology, and ecotoxicology from an ecosystem integrity viewpoint. It uses the Great Lakes as an example. ACS 126 Videos on hazardous waste. Videos on the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure, the liquid release test, and difficult-to-filter wastes are available. They were produced for EPA. Technical Video Productions 127

Asbestos testing. Laboratory has received accreditation for asbestos removal testing under the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act. Analysis can be conducted with transmission electron microscopy, said to he the most advanced testing technology. Hartford Steam Boiler 132 Hazardous waste analysis. System of environmental laboratories is set up to use latest techniques to determine whether organic and metallic contaminants are present. Laboratories participate in the Conuact Lab Rogram. Repats are available in hardcopy or on P c a m p t i h l e diskettes. R e m Environmental 133 Help for instrument purchase. Company is offering a free service to researchers and teachers in nonprofit institutions to help them obtain grants for chromatography and electrophoresis instrument purchase. The company’s Grants Assistance Program has access to a large data base. Spectra-Physics 134

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buffer solutions are traceable to those of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, and are used to perform high-precision pH measurements. Radiometer Analytical 143

R TREATMENT UV-oxlaation. Company markets water treatment systems based on ultraviolet and oxidation methods that are designed to destroy many organic contaminants of surface water and groundwater. OnSite Toxic Control 144 Peroxide treatment. Company offers water treatment systems based on W light and hydrogen peroxide that are designed to break organic contaminants down to sub-parts-per-billion levels “quickly and efficiently.” Peroxidation Systems 145 Ultrapure water. Alpha-Q system is designed to produce up to 0.5 L/min of ultrapure water direct from the tap without pretreatment. Treated water is suitable for analytical applications. Millipore 146