ES&T Products - Environmental Science & Technology (ACS

Oct 1, 1992 - Technol. , 1992, 26 (10), pp 1904–1904. DOI: 10.1021/es00034a607. Publication Date: October 1992. ACS Legacy Archive. Note: In lieu of...
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and groundwater from 500 ppb to 5 ppm. An important application is monitoring contamination by gaso111 line. Quantix Aquatic toxicology test. IQ Toxicity Test can yield results in less than 90 min, allowing the operator to make “real-time decisions.” Other aquatic toxicology tests need 46 h to 28 days to be completed. Aqua SurVeY 110

Respirator. PremAire air-line respirator allows up to 16 configurations from one unit and includes body cooling, an air-purifying mode, and an emergency escape capability. Applications include hazardous 98 waste site remediation. MSA

Coliform determination. MMOMUG method not only detects Escherichia coli, but eliminates the need to transfer to additional media. System identifies and confirms E. coli and total coliforms in 24 h with < 2 min hands-on time. Environetics 116

CLEAN ENERQY Efficient solar electric cell. Company expects to have a 225-cmZ polycrystalline solar electric cell with 17% efficiency in production by April 1993;17% efficiency is believed to be the highest in the world for such a large cell. Kyocera America 104

Breakdown of organics. MUNOX 712 bacteria inoculants degrade recalcitrant organics-including phenol, toluene, pentachlorophenol, and petroleum hydrocarbons-thus eliminating waste haulage costs and liability while meeting soil and groundwater remediation requirements. Osprey Biotechnics 105 Needle incineration. Needlyzer destroys medically hazardous hypodermic needles by incinerating them at 1500 “C and converting them into granules. The process takes only seconds. Fisher Scientific 109

EMF monitor. VLF-80D field monitor is a hand-held instrument that measures electromagnetic fields from 0.1 mG to 200 mG over a bandwidth of 12-50,000 Hz. Batterypowered device weighs 15 oz (about 420 9). Walker Scientific 120

PUBLICATIONS Environmental audits. All About Environmental Auditing consists of an audiocassette and book that offer training in proven methods for planning and conducting an audit. Ridgway Hall, Jr., an environmental attorney, is the audio program instructor. $295 per set. Federal Publications 123

tal workstation uses biotechnology to quantify benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, and xylenes (BTEX) in soil

Chemical safety. Chemical Safety Sheets Book is designed for hazardous materials emergency response teams, safety managers, and chemical transporters. Topics include exposure symptoms, first aid, fire extinguishing, and preventive measures. Price $124. Samsom Chemical Publishing U.S.A. 125

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Companies interested in a lisfing in this department should send their release directlyto Environmental Science & Technology, Attn: Products, 1155 16th St., N. W., Washington, L X 20036.

INSTRUMENTS BTEX determination. Environmen-

1W4 Environ. Sci. Technol., VoI. 26, No. 10. 1992

SERVICES Aerospace engineer retraining. Program retrains aerospace engineers for careers in environmental protection. University of Southern 132 California

SOFTWARE Wastewater regulations. Efluents is a database of regulations on water pollution control, including pointsource discharges and wastewater effluents. The regulatory basis is the Code of Federal Regulations, 40 CFR 400499. Hard disk storage requirement is about 3 MB. Regulation Scanning Technology 135 Chemical kinetics. NIST Chemical Kinetics Database, Version 4.0,includes information on 6900 chemical reactions with more than 20,000 individual data entries. It may be used in predicting a chemical’s impact on the stratospheric ozone layer. Price, $390; upgrade from previous version, $125. Graphics 137 monitor required. NIST

STANDARDS Inorganic spectroscopy. Tools of the Trade is a catalog of standards and other products for singleelement and multielement plasma emission spectroscopy. SPEX 139 Environmental standards. Catalog, 1992 Environmental Quality Control Standords, lists standards for monitoring contaminants. Environ141 mental Resource Associates

WATER TREATMENT Water ozonation. Ozonation system keeps water clean and clear for aquariums, marine exhibits, and research facilities. Ozone Research 142 and Equipment Oil-water separation. Ultra Aqua uses ultrafiltration to separate oilwater emulsions “in a cost-effective manner while meeting all relevant EPA standards.” Water output contains c5 ppm of oil. Ultrafilter 143 Water cleanup. Company offers line of filters, treatability testing systems, water purification systems, and water plants. CALL MAX 144

0013-936)(192!0926-1904$03.00/0 @ 1992 American Chemical Sociely