facturer directly by phone or fax by us ing the new 'Έβ&Τ Information. Ex press" page (p. 223) in this issue. The phone numbers and names of custom...
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ES&T PRODUCTS AIR POLLUTION VOC abatement. Roxidizer regener­ ative thermal oxidizers operate vir­ tually fuel-free to destroy volatile organic compounds. Oxidizers meet even southern California stringent requirements. Capacities available are 2000-35,000 ft 3 /min. Tellkamp Systems 100 VOC destruction. Recuperative thermal oxidizer system destroys VOCs from industrial air emissions. The combustion chamber, heat ex­ changer, and burner are in a single package. Durr Industries 101

efficiency for particles as small as 0.3 microns. Aercology 104

CLEAN ENERGY Electric vehicle drives. EVD 100 variable-speed electric propulsion systems deliver increased power to electric vehicles. They use 28 leadacid batteries and allow the motor to recharge the batteries during de­ celeration. MagneTek 105 Fuel from waste paper. FiberTherm Plus replaces coal with a blend of nonrecyclable paper and sludge. S 0 2 and NO x emissions are re­ duced. Process was developed by Cemtech LP. Rader Companies 106 Waste-to-energy. Process converts municipal solid waste to a fuel with heat value near that of coal, but at least 94% of precursors of dioxins, furans, and other toxic chlorinated organics are removed first. EnerTech 107


Fugitive emissions control. Inte­ gral-Bonnet needle valves help re­ duce fugitive emissions and exter­ nal a d j u s t m e n t s . Valves can withstand pressures as high as 6000 l b / i n . 2 from - 6 5 °F to 600 °F. Whitey Co. 102 Reduced sulfur compound control. Hydrogen peroxide can be used to control reduced sulfur in stack scrubber systems and even recover sulfur from S 0 2 scrubbers. Water treatment applications also are available. Solvay Interox 103 Dust and smoke control. DM-500 a n d DM-1500 collectors filter smoke and dust from air in indus­ trial applications. Numbers repre­ sent cubic feet per minute capacity. Optional filter guarantees 99.97% Need more information about any items? You can now contact the manu­ facturer directly by phone or fax by us­ ing the new ' Έ β & Τ Information Ex­ press" page (p. 223) in this issue. The phone numbers and names of customer service representatives are also listed for advertisers.

minute quantities up to more than 3000 ppm. HNU Systems 111

Spill control. pH Nine spill control equipment neutralizes acid or caus­ tic spills up to pH 9.5 and absorbs liquids and organic spills. No heat is generated during alkaline neu­ tralization. Thomas Scientific 108

INSTRUMENTS Beta radiation detection. GC-RAM quantifies beta radiation to as low as 5 Bq of radioactivity. It uses 3H or 14 C as a standard and can display its data with Windows-compatible software. IN/US Systems 109 Leak detection. Palmer MK4 ground microphone uses the latest sensor technology and electronic amplification to pinpoint leaks; leak signals are more accurately dis­ tinguished from ambient noise. Fluid Conservation Systems 110 Leak detection. DL-101 WR photoionizer detects leaks and gives a lin­ ear response for contaminants from Companies

interested in a listing

Organic vapor analysis. MSI-301 organic vapor monitors detect sin­ gle or multicomponent organic va­ pors with direct readouts as low as parts per billion, " w e l l below OSHA and EPA established limits." Microsensor Systems 113 COD test reagents. Company has in­ troduced a new line of mercury-free test reagents for measuring chemi­ cal oxygen demand in wastewaters with low chlorine content. Reagents are designed for nonreporting pur­ poses. Bioscience 114 Reformulated gasoline testing. GS360 gas analyzer tests reformu­ lated gasoline for oxygenated com­ pounds, aromatics content, and ole­ fins, as the Clean Air Act requires. PetroSpec 115 Compound identification. HP G1800A GCD system furnishes qualitative structural and quantita­ tive information for easy identifica­ tion of a broad range of organic com­ pounds. Ask for Literature 50919573E. Hewlett-Packard 116


this department should send their re­ lease directly to Environmental Science & Technology, Attn: Products, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, DC 20036.

240 A Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 28, No. 5, 1994

Personal H2S detection. GASMAN personal gas monitors now can de­ tect highly toxic hydrogen sulfide in the workplace and sound an alarm before dangerous levels are encountered. CEA Instruments 112

Water quality monitoring. WP4007 monitor measures and logs water quality parameters such as pH, ORP, and ion concentrations "on lo-