Esterline Angus Instrument Corporation - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

Esterline Angus Instrument Corporation. Anal. Chem. , 1977, 49 (3), pp 364A–364A. DOI: 10.1021/ac50011a785. Publication Date: March 1977. ACS Legacy...
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NO. F L I G H T S T O S P A C E O V E R : . If it is desired to process the first flight on the tape, the operator inputs 0; if the second flight is wanted, a 1 is input, etc. T h e program will then read and process the desired data off the tape and output it to the printer. When an "end of flight" coding is encountered on the magnetic tape, an appropriate message is output to the teletype and the program prompts for another command. If the end of tape is reached before the end of flight indicator, the following is output: E N D - O F - T A P E , NO. of PARITY E R R O R S IN T A P E READ = . T h e number of detected parity errors is used as a diagnostic aid for both the data logger and the tape reader. If an illegal event code is read, where the event code is a recorded three-digit number t h a t designates both a specific instrument and a particular range setting, the teleprinter writes: ILLEGAL E V E N T CODE, N E W CODE? . T h e operator must input a legitimate event code (101,803, etc.) to continue data processing. If the operator inputs —1 for the event code, the program will ignore the corresponding data scan. Ground-Level Data Processing. T h e P R . G N D and CA,GND operator

communications and the processing algorithm for the ground-level data are almost identical to those specified for AIR in the preceding sections. T h e major differences between GND and AIR processing are t h a t no calculations of navigational parameters or corrections for altitude effects on instrument responses are performed for GND measurements. Furthermore, the G N D processing algorithm does not use the event code channel for detecting real-time instrument range changes. Therefore, the ground station data from each instrument are processed by using the initial range setting specified for t h a t particular instrument during the preparation of the method. D u m p Command. Following the CA,DMP command, the computer reads several scans of data from the Metrodata tape reader and then asks: W H I C H C H A N N E L S : . T h e operator can input up to 20 channel numbers, separated by commas. T h e computer then responds with: D U M P EVERY N T H SCAN . . . N = ? . After the operator inputs an integer between 1 and 750, the computer will continue to d u m p d a t a until t h e operation is aborted by pressing switches 15 and 0 on the display register. No data conversion calculations are performed for

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Basic Software Operation After a processing method (either AIR or GND) has been prepared and stored in memory, it can be called to use via the CA teleprinter command. Immediately, the P O L U T program jumps to subroutine G E T R C and certain initialization steps, such as set-

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data record channels 3-20 during a data d u m p ; however, the time information in channels 1 and 2 is o u t p u t in correct digital format. List Command. In the LI,AIR or LI,GND modes, the computer directs the teleprinter to list all the parameters and channel assignments used in the designated method. Modify Command. T h e MO.AIR and MO,GND commands enable the operator to modify a previously prepared AIR or GND processing method t h a t is stored in memory. T h e operator simply inputs an item number t h a t selects the method item to be modified and then types the desired change. When all the modifications are completed, the Modify sequence is aborted by typing a / (slash). T h e ability to modify stored methods prevents the operators from having to prepare a completely new method to process data tapes t h a t are similar except for minor changes; e.g., title, date, etc.



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