Esterline Corporation - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Esterline Corporation. Anal. Chem. , 1970, 42 (9), pp 43A–43A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60291a737. Publication Date: August 1970. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite thi...
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A 1 MV Digital Data Acquisition System priced at $3,540*? Esterline Angus must be kidding. Not at all! We've got the most compact, feature-packed 5 to 20 channel Digital Data Acquisition System available today. Our Model D-2020 has low level signal conditioning available for each channel. You can switch select 1, 10 or 100 MVDC full scale with 200% over-range. These low level inputs eliminate external signal amplification which is required to adapt to high level inputs of more expensive competitive units. We've also got a real time, solid state clock (nixie tube display); a 20 column printer with floating

decimal; adjustable frame scan rates, and 100 megohm input impedance. The entire Esterline Angus Digital Data Acquisition system is contained in an attractive housing that's 17Ve" wide, 7" high, 161/e" deep. For more information, call or write for our colorful catalog. *Price of basic five-channel system which is wired to accept 20 channels of data. You can add an additional 15 channels with plug-in boards. They are available at $250 per five-channel board.

ESTERLINE ANGUS Division of Esterline Corporation Box 24000 · Indianapolis, Ind. 46224 Telephone 317/244-7611

Circle No. 33 on Readers' Service Card


GAS-CHROM Q DOUBLE-CHECKED FOR CONTROLLED QUALITY Quality control makes G A S - C H R O M ® Q the finest silane-treated support you can use. For better GC separations, use GAS-CHROM Q -a top quality silane-treated diatomaceous earth sup­ port. To make sure that it meets our high standards, we double check each batch with two standard analyses - one of steroids and one of pesticides. The chromatogram at left shows a typical steroid separation obtained during a quality control test. GAS-CHROM Q is the support recommended for pesticides, steroids, alkaloids, and other difficult-toanalyze compounds. Write for more information.

Applied Science Laboratories, Inc. P.O. Box 440/State College, Pennsylvania 16801 Tnlephone: 814-238-2406 West




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