Estimating precision for the method of standard additions

and Scientific Support Branch of the Air Force Weapons. Laboratory, Kirtland Air ... Willy Kunzler for their technical support and acknowl- edge A. Gu...
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ACKNOWLEDGMENT The use of equipment and facilities of the Laser Division and Scientific Support Branch of the Air Force Weapons Laboratory, Kirtland Air Force Base, was instrumental in completing these studies. We thank Wayne Wasson and Willy Kunzler for their technical support and acknowledge A. Guenther and Keith Gilbert for their support and

encouragement of this project. The timely discussions with Kenneth Lincoln, NASA, Ames Research Center were greatly appreciated. Received for review September 25, 1972. Accepted January 29, 1973. This work was taken from the M.S. Thesis of S.G.C., The University of New Mexico, June 1972.

Estimating Precision for the Method of Standard Additions lngvar L. Larsen,l Norbert A. Hartmann,2and Jerome J. Wagner' Oregon State university, Corvallis, Ore. 97331

An estimate of the uncertainty term expected in the method of standard additions using linear regression analysis is presented. The method agrees favorably with the standard deviation for values which are not corrected for a blank as well as with the population standard error of difference for corrected samples. Analysis for zinc in an environmental sample yielded a concentration range within the expected value.

is determined by extrapolating a line to the abscissa. (If the line is not linear, often a transformation can be performed such as the conversion of light absorption to absorbance.) The best line which can be fitted to the data minimizes the sum of the squares of the vertical distance between data points and the constructed line, referred to as the line of least squares ( 4 ) . The least squares line can be described by the equation

? = M X + I The precision for an experimental process is usually determined through replication. When applied to calibration line data, however, sample replication may not only be insufficient but even misleading ( I ) . In addition, when applied to the method of standard additions, replication becomes tedious as well as time consuming. An estimated error term based upon linear least squares regression applied to the method of standard additions is presented as an approximation to the experimental error. The method of standard additions is often used to determine the concentration of an element in an interfering matrix (2). Caution, however, should be exercised when using this technique to ensure that the initial calibration of the instrument be accomplished with standards contained in as similar a matrix as the sample, both chemically and physically, in order to estimate the appropriate "blank" correction. In this way correction for light scattering due to the matrix can be approximated. Rains (3) discusses some aspects of elimination or control of interferences in atomic absorption spectrophotometry. In the method of standard additions, a small known concentration of the desired element is increasingly added to several samples of the unknown test solution, and the resulting solutions as well as an untreated one are then analyzed. The response readings from the particular instrument are then plotted linearly against the added concentrations and the amount of unknown element present School of Oceanography.

* Department of Statistics. (1) F. J. Linnig and John Mandel, Anal. Chem., 36 (13), 25A (1964). (2) 0. Menis and T. C. Rains, in "Analytical Flame Spectroscopy," R. Mavrodineanu. Ed., Philips Technical Library, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 1970, Chap. 2, pp 47-77. (3) T. C. Rains, "Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy." ASTM STP 443, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, Pa., 1969, pp 19-36.

where is the value predicted (absorbance) by the equation for a given value of X (concentration), M is the slope of the line, and I is the intercept of the line with the ordinate axis. Using data obtained from an analytical determination of treated and untreated samples, the slope of the least squares line can be calculated as follows: Slope, M = n Z X Y


n Z X 2 - (ZX)*


where X refers to the concentration of the standard solution, Y is the linear instrument response reading, and n is the total number of readings made. Equation 1 is referred to as the regression of Y on X , X being the independent variable and Y the dependent variable. The X values are assumed to be known without error, whereas the Y values are randomly distributed about some mean Y value (5, 6). The intercept of the line with the ordinate axis is calculated as follows: Intercept, I =

7 - Mil


where Y is the arithmetic mean of the total Y readings, X is the arithmetic mean of the total X values, and A4 is the slope of the line. An estimate of the variability of the data points about the least squares line is the standard error of regression and is calculated as follows: ( 4 ) C. L. Grant, Statistics helps evaluate analytical methods. "Developments in Applied Spectroscopy," Vol. 6, Proc. of the 18th annual mid-American spectroscopy symposium, Chicago, 15-1 8 May 1967, W. K . Baer, A. J. Perkins, and E. L. Grove, Ed., Plenum Press, New York, N. Y., 1968, pp 115-26. (5) John Mandel and Frederic J. Linnig, Anal. Chem. 29, 743-749 (1957). (6) George W. Snedecor and William C. Cochran, "Statistical Methods," 6th ed., The Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa, 1968, 591 PP.

A N A L Y T I C A L CHEMISTRY, VOL. 45, NO. 8, JULY 1973


Table I. Example of Data Concentration of added standards, ppm Zn


0 (untreated) 0.5 1 .o 2.0




K In I-

0.197,0.195, 0.199,0.195,0.197,0.195,0.197 0.291,0.289,0.289,0.287,0.293,0.288,0.287 0.381,0.384,0.383,0.382,0.384,0.380,0.384 0.556,0.553.0.55i,o.56i, 0.559,0.551,0.553 = 2.056; Slope (absorbance/ppm z n ) , Ms = 0.179. Ordi-

n = 28; t95 nate intercept (absorbance) ,Is = 0.199, Standard error of regression, ( 3 ) s = f3.81 X l o - ? Predicted value, 1Zsl = 1.11 f 4.98 X at 95% C.L. Calibration line data: n = 217; t s s = 1.960; Slope (absorbance/ppm Zn), Mb = 0.183. Ordinate intercept (absorbance), / b = 0.102. Standard error of regression, ( S f ) b = f 4 . 1 6 X i o - ? Predicted value, at 95% C.L. Calculations of the values relZbl = 0.559 f 4.49 X ported in the text were carried to more than three significant figures with the finai reDOrted values rounded to the third sianificant fiaure.



Instrument response readings (absorbance)

0'31 0.2

Table II. Results of 12 Replicate Analyses by the Method of Standard Additions 2.0

I O Determined











Arbitrary Units

Figure 1. Instrument calibration line and sample analysis line for the Method of Standard Additions. Zs and Zb are extrapolated values for the respective regression lines

Standard error of regression, Sr =

1 2 3 4 5 6 7



(4a 1

or in t e r m s of t h e X and Y values,


2x2 - (ZXY

Extrapolated value, PPm Zn

Analysis No.

) (4b)

9 10 11 12

1.07 1.11 1.11 1.09 1.08 1.09 1.09 1.11 1.07 1.08 1.10 1.10 Mean = 1.09 S t d d e v = f1.47 X

Estimated error, Sz (Equation 8)

f1.92 X lo-' f1.14 X lo-* f1.48 X f1.57 X lo-' f1.31 X lo-' f1.88 X lo-' ~ 9 . 6 x6 10-3 f2.42 X lo-' f1.46 X lo-' f1.56 X lo-' f1.85 X lo-' f2.28 X lo-'

n n-2 where P is the predicted value obtained from Equation 1 after M and I have been estimated. From the theory concerning prediction in linear regression analysis (6-11) a confidence interval for the extrapolated line to the abscissa (designated as 2 ) by the method of standard additions is as follows:


/ - ,

and the "best" single estimate of 2 will be

(8) and a confidence level is given as f




whereA = ( n l ) / n , B = (2 - X ) z / 2 ( X - X ) z = [D(Yo B z / M 2 , 2 = - I / M ] , t is the Student t value for the desired confidence level with n - 2 degrees of freedom and the other symbols are as previously defined. Equation 7 is valid only if M is highly significant, and if this condition is not met, Equation 5 should be applied.

EXPERIMENTAL where 7 is the arithmetic average of the Y values, Y o is the value corresponding to the unknown value 2, M is the regression coefficient (slope) in Equation 1, D = 1/Z(X x ) z , t is the Student t value for the desired confidence level with n - 2 degrees of freedom, and C = Mz tZSr2D. If the slope M , as given by Equation 2 is highly significant, then C in Equation 5 approaches M2 and Equation 5 reduces to

These limits are of the form 2 f tSz, where Sz denotes the estimated standard error of 2 for large samples, and can be estimated by 1512


45, NO. 8, J U L Y 1973

P r e p a r e d Samples. In order t o test the precision o f Z w i t h exp e r i m e n t a l values, a stock solution of zinc was prepared for analysis. F r o m t h i s solution, twelve replicate analyses were m a d e by the m e t h o d of standard additions, each consisting of a n u n t r e a t e d a n d treated samples containing 0.5, 1.0, a n d 2.0 p a r t s per m i l l i o n ( p p m ) added zinc. A P e r k i n - E l m e r M o d e l 303 a t o m i c absorption spectrophotometer a n d a d i g i t a l concentration readout accessory (DCR-1) were used t o measure t h e zinc concentration. Seven replicate readings per sample were performed giving a t o t a l of 28 (7) American Society for Testing and Materials, Committee E-11 on quality control of materials, Phiiadeiphia, Pa., Spec. Tech. Pub/. 313,1962, 28 pp, (8) C. Eisenhart, Ann. Math. Statistics, 10, 162-186 (1939). (9) Oscar Kempthorne and Leroy Folks, "Probability, Statistics, and Data Analysis," 1st ed.. The Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa, 1971, 555 pp, (10) Bernard Ostle, "Statistics in Research," 2nd ed., The Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa, 1963, 585 pp. (11) E. J. Williams, "Regression Analysis," John Wiley & Sons, New York. N. Y., 1959, 214 pp.

readings per analysis. (Inadvertantly 3 of the samples of the entire analysis had one less reading.) The data from each analysis (absorbance C S . concentration) were fitted to a linear least' squares model and the fitted line was extrapolated to the abscissa. Table I illustrates data for a specific sample analysis. A calibration line was established by reference to similarly prepared standard solutions containing 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 ppm zinc as well as a blank solution. Before and periodically during the course of the entire analysis, reference was made to these standard solutions and blank to ensure proper calibration and background readings of the instrument. Results of the estimated error term for each analysis as given by Equation 8 from least squares regression data are shown in Table 11. These estimated uncertainty terms show some variability, as expected, since in repeated sampling from the same universe, the uncertainty win vary in width and position from sample to sample, particularly with small samples, but should include ideally the true value P per cent ( P is the selected confidence level) of the time ( 7 ) . The precision term, S t , as calculated from Equation 8 provides an estimate of the variability expected from sample to sample as exemplified by the standard deviation of the twelve replicate analyses. Correcting for the Blank. Figure 1 illustrates a sample analysis line along with the instrument calibration line. The extrapolated value for the sample analysis line (2s) must be corrected for the background reading ( Z b ) since the instrument calibration line indicated the necessity of a blank correction. From the data of the instrument calibration line (Table I) extrapolated to the abscissa, a background reading of 0.559 ppm zinc was determined. It is this value which must be subtracted from the extrapolated sample analysis in order to obtain the net sample concentration. Since the extrapolated background value and the sample analysis value are both mean quantities and each has an estimated precision term, the difference between these means also will have an estimated uncertainty term. The variance of the difference between two independent means is the sum of their respective variances ( i e . , V(Zs - Z b ) = V ( Z s ) + V ( Z b ) ) .The variance for an extrapolated value. Z, is estimated (from Equation 8) as follows:

Table Ill. Net Zinc Concentration with Estimated Error AnaiyNet zinc Estimated error, sis No. concentration, ppm Sd (Equation 12) f3.38 X lo-' 1 5.10 X 10-1 f3.34 x 10-2 2 5.48 X lo-' h3.39 x 10-2 3 5.47x 10-1 f3.35 x 10-2 4 5.32X 10-1 f3.32 X 5 5.22X 10-1 f3.38 X 6 5.35 x lo-' f3.33 x 10-2 7 5.34x 10-1 f3.47 x 10-2 8 5.53 x lo-' f3.31 X lo-' 9 5.11 X 10-1 f3.33 x 10-2 10 5.20X lo-' f3.39 x 10-2 11 5.44x 10-1 f3.44 x 10-2 12 5.45 x 10-1 M e a n = 5.33 X 10-l *s ( S z , - S b ) = f2.85 x lo-' "Known a m o u n t " = 5.0 X lo-' f 1.0X lo-' For several independent samples drawn from the same population with a given variance, t h e best estimate of the population variance is obtained from pooling all the sample information. Thus, *S ( s z p - S b ) = v' ( S Z ~+) ~( S b ) 2 , where (Sz)and ( S b ) are calculated from Equation 8 for the individual samples and the blank, and, ( n , - 2 ) (SZl)' + (n2 - 2 ) (SZ2)2 , . . (n12 - 2 ) (SZ12)*, (SZP)2 = (n1 - 2) + (n* - 2) + . . . + (n,n - 2 )


dicates a zinc concentration of 25 f 3 (95% C.L.) ppm. The leaves were prepared for analysis by air-drying for 24 hours at 90 "C and dissolving a weighed portion slowly in 70% "03 on low heat and the dissolved material diluted with 0.lN "03. The zinc calibration standards and blank were prepared in 0.13 "03. The leaves were analyzed by the previously described method of standard additions. The zinc concentration determined in the dried sample was 25.2 f 3.45 (9570 C.L.) ppm, a range within the expected value.


(10) When combining the variances of two means, a pooled standard error of regression Si- is used ( 6 ) , obtained from the regression standard error for both the instrument calibration line and the sample analysis line.

Pooled standard error of regression,

sp =



X = concentration of standard solutions Y = linear instrument response reading X = average of concentration values = ( Z X ) / n

Y = average of instrument response readings = (Z Y)/n Yo = the Y value corresponding to the unknown 2 predicted Y value obtained from Equation 1 after M



2 ) ( s r S ) * (nb - 2)(srb)' n, nb - 4


a n d 1 have been estimated.


The estimated precision term S d , for the difference between two independent means (Zs - Z b ) is given by:

Subscripts s and b refer to the sample and blank, respectively. A confidence interval for Equation 12 can be obtained by multiplying by the appropriate Student t value, for n, + no - 4 degrees of freedom. Table I11 gives the net mean and estimated precision term as calculated from Equation 12 for the values listed in Table 11, corrected for the instrument background reading. It should be emphasized that the uncertainty interval may become increasingly large as the predicted value moves away from the mean of the standards, since estimates are expected to become poorer when extrapolating away from the range used in the original data ( 7 ) . The error term, Sd, calculated from Equation 12 provides an estimate of the variability encountered between samples as indicated by the standard error of difference for the twelve replicate samples. Environmental Analysis. The previously described technique was applied to an environmental sample consisting of a quantity of dried orchard leaves obtained from the National Bureau of Standards ( 1 2 ) and containing certified concentrations of several elements. The provisional certificate accompanying the leaves in-


(12) W. Wayne Meinke, Anal. Chem., 43 (6),28A-47A (1971)

n = total number of readings made M = slope of regression line I = intercept of regression line with oridinate axis 2 = -I/M, 1 2 1 = absolute value of 2 A = (n+ l ) / n B = (2- X ) Z / Z ( X - X ) Z C = M2 - t2Sr2D D = l/Z(X - X ) z t = Student t value for appropriate degrees of freedom

Sr = standard error of regression (Equation 4) S p = pooled standard error of regression (Equation 11) Sz = estimated error for the sample extrapolated value 2 (Equation 8 ) Sb = estimated error for the extrapolated background value (Equation 8) Sd = estimated error term for the difference between two independent means (Equation 12) ( S Z , ) ~ = pooled values for all sample information, Szl to SZlZ

V ( Z )= variance of 2 = ( S Z )(Equation ~ 10) S ( S * ( ~- ) sbi = standard error of difference between two independent means for the pooled sample values and the background

Received for review December 16, 1971. Accepted January 29, 1973. This work supported by United States Atomic Energy Commission, contract number AT(45-1)2227 Task Agreement 12. RLO-2227-T12-23. A N A L Y T I C A L C H E M I S T R Y , VOL.

45, NO. 8, J U L Y 1973