Ethyl Corporation - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

growing field of organometallic chemistry, is also one of the nation's top 10 chemical ... of research, development, production, marketing, and te...
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Career Opportunities


Ethyl Corporation 100 Park Ave., New Vork, N. Y . fcthyl Corporation, a world pioneer in the rapidly growing field of organometallic chemistry, is also one of the nation's top 10 chemical producers. Formed in 1924 t o make and sell antiknock compounds for gasoline, it has grown into the world's largest manufacturer of tetraethyllead, metallic sodium, ethyl chloride, and ethylene dichloride. I t also produces large volumes of ethylene, hydrogen chloride, sodium sulfate, anryl nitrate, and propyl nitrate. Eecent new chemicals include jet-fuel additives, vinyl chloride for plastics, ignition improvers for diesel-engine fuels, chlorinated hydrocarbons, sodium derivatives, a n d such fucl-andlubricant additives as ignition-control compounds and antioxidants. In growing to a company of more than 6000 people, Ethyl has relied heavily on chemists and engineers a t all levels of its operation and management. This reliance is greater today than ever before, as the company continues to expand its areas of research, development, production, marketing, and technical service. Research Ethyl's research is dynamic, forward-looking, and a challenging career opportunity for the man v/ho wants to delve into the unexploredMuch of it might be called basic research with a picrpose. For example, we w a n t to learn much m o r e about combustion phenomena in engines in order to develop new a n d better fuel additives. Likewise, we want to extend our knowledge of organometallic chemistry so we can capitalize on our head start in t h a t field. M a n y other examples could be cited. This work is important. In 1957 our organometallic research alone resulted in two new processes and one new potential product. One of the processes is for making t r i ethyl aluminum, useful both as a polymerization catalyst and as a special fuel for supersonic aircraft and missiles. The other is for m a k -


ing tetraethyllead from readily available raw materials. The new product is methyl cyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl, a new a n t i k n o c k additive for gasoline. Development Development of products a n d processes offers another challenging opportunity. Among current projects is commercialization of a new one-step route to ortho-alkylated phenols and aromatic amines. This process will make several important uses of such chemicals economically feasible for t h e first time. One r e sult has been development of a series of antioxidants for fuels a n d lubricants. Here, as is often t h e case, the products of a process a r e being evaluated a t the same time t h e process itself is being refined for commercial use. Whether y o u a r e developing products or processes, t h e work is stimulating. Production Commercial production of E t h y l products is a highly complex business, requiring t h e best efforts of m a n y chemists and engineers. T h e w o r k includes directing operations, planning and supervising improvements, designing additions, troubleshooting, etc. T h e m a n y processes and phases of work offer variety and opportunity for advancement. Marketing and Technical Service M a r k e t i n g Ethyl products is more than just a selling job. T a k e our antiknock compounds for example. They raise the octane number of gasoline, but so do several different refining processes. Thus, refiners must weigh m a n y variables to find the combination of processes and antiknock compound giving the best fuel at the least cost to motorists. Ethyl's sales and technical-service representatives work with our customer companies in solving such problems. A refinerytechnology division makes special studies to provide them with the latest technical information. Either sales or the technical support be(ADVERTISEMENT)

hind it offers another Ethyl career.


Growth and Advancement Ethyl never has had more good technical men than it could make good use of in high-level positions —and, because of t h e technical nature of our business, we probably never will. Thus, our concern with your growth and advancement is more than just a m a t t e r of offering competitive fringe benefits. We need t h e best you can rise to, and we have voluntary-participation programs t h a t will help you get there. These include company aid to graduate studies, on-the-job training, special lecturers and consultants, and job-rotation plans. Our policy of promotion from within dovetails with this flexible program for employee development. Thus, you'll have room to grow in a company which has more than doubled its size in t h e last eight years. And you'll be helped to grow, not pushed. Locations Our Research and Development Department has laboratories at D e troit, Mich., a n d Baton Rouge, La. T h e headquarters for process engineering and general engineering are in Baton Rouge. Full-scale production operations are conducted at Baton Rouge, Houston, Tex., and Pittsburg, Calif. Pilot and semiplant operations are also conducted in Orangeburg. S. C. Our main offices are a t 100 P a r k Ave., ISTew York. Regional offices are located in New York, Chicago, Tulsa, and Los Angeles.

O u r De+roit Laboratories are located outside t h e city, near attractive suburbs and wooded lakes. The company's other locations also offer unusual advantages f o r happy community living

S e m i n a r s a n d discussion p e r i o d s a r e c o n d u c t e d t o k e e p you u p t o d a t e a n d t o b r o a d e n your horizons. This m e e t i n g o n t h e l a t e s t B a t o n R o u g e r e s e a r c h a c t i v i t i e s was h e l d f o r Detroit personnel

W e encourage further education by paying p a r t o r a i l o f t h e c o s t . This r e s e a r c h c h e m i s t , so a i d e d , r e c e n t l y r e c e i v e d his m a s t e r ' s d e g r e e f r o m the U n i v e r s i t y o f D e t r o i t

Further Information Like other scientists and engineers, you probably want t o weigh every available fact before making a decision. Knowing this, we have prepared a brochure t o help you decide whether employment with Ethyl meets your personal specifications for a challenging and rewarding career. Special inserts describe the opportunities for chemists, chemical engineers, mechanical engineers, etc. T o get your copy, just name your field in a request to Ethyl Corporation, c/o Dr. Harold Soroos, 1600 West Eight Mile Road, Ferndale 20, Mich., or Ethyl Corporation, c / o Mr. R. S. Asbury, Box 341, Baton Rouge 1, L a . (ADVERTISEMENT)

M o d e r n f a c i l i t i e s a t Baton Rouge ( a b o v e ) a n d Houston are o n l y o n e of t h e a t t r a c t i v e o f t h e s e l o c a t i o n s . A n o t h e r is t h e i r y e a r - a r o u n d m i l d c l i m a t e


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