Ethyl will soon produce aluminium alkyls right where they're needed

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Ethyl will soon produce aluminium alkyls right where they're needed. Aluminium alkyls are in demand more and more these days for efficient polymer catalysis and organic synthesis. Ethyl is now breaking ground for a plant to provide a new source of aluminium alkyls in Europe, Africa and the Middle East. It's strategically located in the industrial zone at Feluy (Belgium) with excellent railroad facilities. The plant will be onstream in 1976. This Belgian plant joins other "Ethyl" aluminium alkyls manufacturing facilities, located in the U.S.A. and Canada, to assure plenty of future capacity for the growing needs of Europe and surrounding areas. So you

can plan on aluminium alkyls with complete confidence ! Ethyl, the world's leading producer of aluminium alkyls, also offers you extensive technical services. We can assist you in many ways, including plant design, lab techniques, and with specialists to advise on safety, handling and shipping. The new Feluy plant is just one aspect of our in-depth long-range commitment to supply Europe with the hightechnology industrial chemicals it needs. We want to tie our future to yours. Please send the coupon for complete details on what we can do for you.

Send literature on "Ethyl" aluminium alkyls, and other industrial chemicals.

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Ethyl S.A. Subsidiary of Ethyl Corporation Rue Paul Lauters 1, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium Tel. : 02/649.99.10-Telex : 2 2 4 5 ^