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ethylene oxide-glycol plant on stream for calcasieu chemical corporation

Nov 6, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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385 Madison Avenue

New York Ί 7 , M. Y .

ETHYLENE 0XIDE-GLYC0L PLANT ON STREAM FOR CALCASIEU CHEmiCAL CORPORATION Lummus Designs and Engineers Plant to produce 60,000,000 Lbs./Year of Ethylene Oxide or 8,000,000 Gallons/Year of Ethylene Glycol Calcasieu Chemical Corporation's n e w ethylene oxide-glycol plant at Lake Charles, Louisiana is

was also designed., engineered and constructed by The Lummus Company.

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of ethylene glycol, used principally as a permanent anti-freeze, or 60,000,000 lbs/year of ethylene oxide. Designed and engineered b y The Lummus Com­ pany, the plant utilizes the Shell Development Company process. The facility is staffed and oper­ ated by employees of Petroleum Chemicals, Inc. P.C.I· will also supply ethylene raw material to the new plant from a n adjacent ethylene unit which

unusually high yields and virUial elimination of the waste disposal problems encountered in the Chlorohydrin Process, is conducted in two steps. The first step is direct catalytic oxidation of ethyl­ ene with oxygen in fixed bed reactors. Here ethyl­ ene oxide, valuable petrochemical intermediate, is produced for use by manufacturers of detergents

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vents, textiles, drugs a n d many other petrochemical compounds. The second step of the Shell Process calls for thermal hydration of ethylene oxide to ethylene giycoi, essential to manuiacturers Οι anti-ireeze, explosives,

plasticizerS, n u ê i s , resins,


flviids and many more chemical products. This is the third ethylene oxide unit engineered and constructed b y Lummus, based upon the Shell Process. For ethylene oxide and ethylene glycol, or for any type of chemical or petrochemical plant, Lummus' half century of world-wide experience on more than 800 plants for the process industries L· at your disposal. T H E LUMMUS COMPAIKTY, 385 Madison Avenue, N e w York 17, N. Y., Houston, Washington, D. C , Montreal, London, Paris, The Hague, Maracaibo. Engineering Oet>elopment Center: Newark, N. J.

Visit the Lummus Exhibit, Fifth World Petroleum Congress Exposition, N e w York Coliseum, June 1—5, 1 9 5 9


