Katherine M. Broadus and Steven R. Kass. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2001 123 (18), 4189-4196. Abstract | Full Text HTML | PDF | PDF w/ L...
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previous workers3 have claimed that thiophene and iron pentacarbonyl afford the 7r-complex thiophene-iron dicarbonyl, described as a pale red solid with a melting point of 51" and characterized by carbon, hydrogen and oxygen analysis. However, although the literature describes numerous well authenticated n-complexes involving iron tricarbonyl groups, similar complexes of iron dicarbony1 groups are rare.

lithium with 1-chlorocyclopentene-l-l'C proceeds with rearrangement, and the extent of formation of l-phenylcyclopentene-l-'Tis almost exactly that which would be expected for cyclopentyne (I) as an intermediate. The 14.970 of l-phenylcyclopentene-5-14C formed in the reaction most probably arises from a phenyllithium-induced allylic re-

(3) R . Burton, M. L. H. Green, E . W . Abel and G. TVilkinsm. Chemistry a n d Zndrrstuy, 1692 (1958). (4) Department of Chemistry, University of California, Los Angeles. (6) National Science Foundation predoctoral fellow, 19.58-51. (6) General Electric Educational and Charitable F u n d predoctoral fellow, 1959-61,



H. D. K A E S Z ~ R. B. K1ric5 T. A . ~ I A N U E L ~ L. D. SICHOLS~ F. G. A . STONE


48.97 .'36.2' I1 111

1 1 9'


( NNHCONH, C,H,C(CH~&O~H /I Na,COj KMnO, C b H 5 C 0 2 H



Vol. 82




2, NH,NH-



Evidence has been presented previously for the -t 2 cos intervention of benzyne2r3 and cyclohexyne* as 49.9'0.8 intermediates in nucleophilic substitution reactions of phenyl and cyclohexenyl halides, respectively. I n studies designed to determine the minimum ring size for operation of the elimination-addition mechanism, we have now found that an entity with the symmetry properties of cyclopentyne must be involved in the formation of 1-phenylcyclopentene from 1 - chlorocyclopentene - 1 and phenylc1 0 lithium. The occurrence of cyclopentyne as a reaction intermediate was suggested some time ago. Favorskii proposed that tris-trimethylenebenzene, formed by the action of sodium in ether on 1,2-dibromocyclopentane, arose from the trimerization of cyc1opentyne.j Very recently Wittigo ~ ~ + C&CO,H ~ ~ appears to have trapped cyclopentyne as a DielsVI1 97.320.7 Alder adduct in a similar reaction. (100) The general plan of attack was similar to that Fig. 1.-Degradative schemes for l-phenylcgclopenteneemployed previously' with l-chlorocyclohexenex-I4C and l-~hlorocyclopentene-l-~~C. Specific activities W4C, except that the degradation scheme and con- for key compounds: 5-phenyl-5-oxopentanoic-x-14Cacid trols were more nearly complete. semicarbazone (V), 2.331 i 0.002 pc./mmole; succinicOur starting material was adipi~-lB-'~CZacid.' x-14C acid, diluted (VI), 0.470 & 0.002 pc./mmole; 5phenyl-5-0xopentanoic-5-1~Cacid semicarbazone, diluted The preparation of l-phenyl~yclopentene-x-~~C (VII), 1.150 =k 0.004 Mc./mmole. The figures under the from this material as well as the degradative formulas represent the found percentages of I4C content schemes and 14Canalyses for l-phenylcyclopentene- relative t o the corresponding key compounds from which x-14C and l-chlorocyclopentene-l-14C are sum- they were derived. marized in Fig. 1. Clearly, the reaction of phenyl- arrangement of the double bond of the first-formed (1) Supported in part b y t h e Petroleum Research Fund of t h e l-phenyl~yclopentene-2-'~C(111). The starting American Chemical Society. Grateful acknowledgment is hereby chloride, l-chlorocyc1opentene-l-l4C. had 97.3y0 of made t o t h e Donors of this Fund. the I4Cin the 1-position. (2) (a) J. D. Roberts, H. E . Simmons, Jr., L. A. Carlsmith and Our attempts to extend this type of study to C. W, Vaughan, THISJOURNAL, 76, 3290 (1953); (b) J. D.Roberts, C. W. Vaughan, L. A. Carlsmith and D . A. Semenow, ibid., 78, 601 halides with still smaller rings so far have been (1956); (c) E. F. Jenny and J. D. Roberts, Helv. chim. acta, 58, 1248 unsuccessfd. 1-Bromocyclobutene does indeed (1955). react with phenyllithium, but the only reaction (3) Cf.t h e recent review of R. Huisgen and J. Sauer, Angcw. Chem., products that have been isolated are phenylacety72, 91 (1960). ( 4 ) F. Scardiglia and J. D. Roberts, Tetuahedron, 1,343 (1957). lene and cyclobutene. The mechanism of the (5) A.E . Favorskii, J . Gcn. Chenz. ( L r . S . S. R . ) , 6, 720 (1936). unusual fragmentation reaction that affords phenyl(6) G. Wittig, A. Krebs and R . Pohlke, A n g c w . Chem.. 7 2 , 324 acetylene is not yet known. Efforts to induce (1960). substitution by way of the elimination-addition (7) Supplied by Merck and Company, Limited.





Sept. 3, 1YGO


Spectral analyses2 indicate that secondary phosphine sulfides exist in the thiono, rather than the thiolo, form. A characteristic P-H absorption band of weak to medium intensity is exhibited in the infrared a t 2320 f 10 cm.-' (half intensity CONTRIBUTION No. 2605 LAWRENCE K. MONTGOMERYband width of 35 wave numbers) together with a GATESA N D CRELLINLABORATORIES OF CHEMISTRY P-S (CsBr disc) a t 600 cm.-' (alkyl) or 640 cm.-' CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE O F TECHNOLOGY PASADENA, CALIFORNIA JOHND. ROBERTS (aryl). Nuclear magnetic resonance spectra in the phosphorus region show a doublet centered near RECEIVED JULY21, 1960 -22 p.p.m. (relative to %yoHzP04) with an average splitting of 28 p.p.m. which is consistent with SECONDARY PHOSPHINE SULFIDES the proposed structure. Sir: Secondary phosphine sulfides have been further We wish to report the preparation of a new class characterized by base-catalyzed addition of aldeof compounds, secondary phosphine sulfides R1- hydes and ketones t o form a-hydroxy-substituted R2P(S)H (I), by the oxidation of secondary phos- tertiary phosphine sulfides (111). Typical examples phines with elemental sulfur. Oxidation of secs S ondary phosphines t o the corresponding dithiophosII II phinic acids (11) has long been known,' but the RIRzP-H RIRIC=O +RIRZP-CR~R~ addition of only one atom of sulfur to secondary I OH phosphines has not been accomplished previously.

mechanism with 1-bromoadamantane through the corresponding unsaturated compound with a double bond a t the bridgehead (in violation of Bredt's rule) have been unsuccessful. The only reaction so far observed has been halogen-metal exchange.






II + 2s ---+ RIR2P-SH I1


are di-n-butyl-a-hydroxybenzylphosphinesulfide (757, yield; m.p. 54-55' from heptane; anal. Calcd. for C16H26POS: C, 63.35; H I 8.86; S, 11.27. Found: C, 63.56; H, 8.98; S, 11.49), bis- (2 - cyanoethyl) - 1-hydroxy-1-methylethylphosphine sulfide (70% yield; m.p. 113-115' from benzene; anal. Calcd. for C Q H ~ N ~ O P C, S : 46.94; H, 6.57; S, 13.93. Found: C, 46.92; H, 6.51; S, 13.88), and diphenyl-l-hydroxy-l-methylethylphosphine sulfide (7570 yield, m.p. 118-120' from benzene; anal. Calcd. for C1bHl,OPS: C, 65.19; H, 6.20; S , 11.60. Found: C, 65.11; H, 6.99; S, 11.25). I n addition, secondary phosphine sulfides can be oxidized by elemental sulfur to the corresponding dithiophosphinic acids (11). Details of this reaction and the carbonyl addition will be presented in a broader study of the chemistry of the secondary phosphine sulfides.

Successful control of the process is effected by the addition under nitrogen of one equivalent of sulfur to a solution of a secondary phosphine in an inert solvent, such as benzene 01 carbon tetrachloride. Disappearance of the sulfur signals completion of the reaction, whereupon the product is obtained in a fair state of purity by removing the solvent under reduced pressure. Further purification of liquid products by distillation is accompanied by decomposition which reduces the yield of purified material considerably. By this method there were obtained : di-n-butylphosphine (2) We are indebted t o N. B. Colthup for the infrared spectral d a t a , sulfide (100% crude yield, 36% distilled, b.p. and t o J. E. Lancaster for the n.m r. results. 122-125' (1.5 mm.); anal. Calcd. for CaHlePS: CHEMICAL RESEARCH DEPARTMENT PI 17.38; S , 17.99. Found: PI 17.69; S, 18.00), CENTRAL RESEARCH DIVISION GRACEPETERS di-isobutylphosphine sulfide (65yo yield, m.p. AMERICANCYANAMID COMPANY CONNECTICUT 61-62' from ligroin; anal. Calcd. for CsH19PS: STAMFORD, C, 53.89; H, 10.74; S, 17.99. Found: C, 53.89; RECEIVED JULY12, 1960 H, 11.06; S, 18.29), cyclohexyl-2-cyanoethylphosphine sulfide (liquid, 56% yield; anal. Calcd. for ARYLSULFUR TRIFLUORIDES AND C Q H l N " : P, 15.39; S , 15.93. Found: PI 15.42; PENTAFLUORIDES S, 16.0l), bis- (2-carbethoxyethyl) -phosphine sulfide (liquid, 82% yield; anal. Calcd. for C10H19P04S: Sir : C, 45.10; H , 7.19; P, 11.63. Found: C, 45.26; We wish to report the tirst synthesis of arylH, 7.19; P, 11.88),2,4,6-triisopropyl-3,5-dioxa-l-sulfur pentafluorides and the first general syntheses phosphacyclohexane-1-sulfide(5770 distilled yield, of arylsulfur trifluorides. b.p. 107-112O (1.5 rnm.), m.p. 37'; anal. Calcd. Perfluoroalkylsulfur trifluorides and pentafluofor C12H2&'02S: C , 54.52; H, 9.53; P, 11.72; rides are known derivatives of sulfur tetrafluoride S, 12.13. Found C, 54.03; H, 9.48; PI 11.44; and hexafluoride, respectively, prepared in general, S, 11.78), and diphenylphosphine sulfide (lOOyo by oxidative fluorination reactions. Although yield, m.p. 95-97' from acetonitrile; anal. Calcd. other sulfur hexafluoride derivatives such as S2FlO,lb for C12HllPS: C, 66.03: H , 5.08: P, 14.19; S, (1) (a) Lovelace, Rausch and Postelnek. "Aliphatic Fluorine Com14.69. Found: C, 6.5.93; H, 5.23; P, 14.47; S, pounds,'' Chapter 13, Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York. N. Y.. 14.78). 1958; (b) Special Publication No. 12, "Chemical Society Symposia, (1) A. W. Hofmann and F. Mahla, Ber., 26, 2436 (1892): L, Malatesta a n d R. Pizzotti. Gaee. Chim. ILA,16,167 (1946).

Bristol, 1958," T h e Chemical Society, Burlington House, W. I., London, 1958,p. 317-327.