Examination of the automated solute-independent calibration

Curtiss N. Renn, and Robert E. Synovec. Anal. Chem. , 1989, 61 (17), ... Leugers , Daniel P. Martin , Larry G. Wright , and E. Deniz. Yalvac. Analytic...
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Anal. Chem. 1909, 61, 1915-1921

that have not been completely separated by TLC. In addition, the method has been quantitated over a t least 4 orders of magnitude between 10 ng and 100 pg using an internal standard. The detection limit achieved is typically in the low nanogram regime. Registry No. Trp-Leu, 13123-35-8;Tyr-Gly-Gly, 21778-69-8; CBZLeu-Gly, 2706-38-9; phenanthrene, 85-01-8; pyrene, 129-00-0; pentacene, 135-48-8;anthranilic acid, 118-92-3;indole-3-acetic acid, 87-51-4;2-naphthylaceticacid, 581-96-4; L-tyrosine, 60-18-4; L-tryptophan, 73-22-3;L-phenylalanine, 63-91-2; DOPA, 59-92-7; dopamine, 51-61-6; synephrine, 94-07-5; papaverine, 58-74-2; nalorphine, 62-67-9;codeine, 76-57-3; morphine-3-~-~-glucoronide, 20290-09-9; dibucaine, 85-79-0; diphenylhydramine, 58-73-1; fentanyl, 437-38-7;chlorpromazine, 50-53-3;naphazoline, 835-31-4; amitriptyline, 50-48-6; imipramine, 50-49-7;tryptamine, 61-54-1; serotonin, 50-67-9; tryptophol, 526-55-6.

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(15) Unger, S. E.; Vincze, A.; Cooks. R. G.; Christian, R.; Rothman, L. D. Anal. Chem. 1981. 5 3 , 978-981. (16) Kushi, Y.; Rokukawa, C.; Handa, S. Anal. Biochem. 1988. 775, 167-1 76. (17) Iwabuchi, H.; Nakagawa, A.; Nakamura. K. J . Chromatogr. 1987, 44, 139-148. (18) Stanley, M. S.; Duffin, K. L.; Doherty. S. J.; Busch, K . L. Anal. Chim. Acta 1987, 200, 447-458. (19) Stanley, M. S.; Busch, K. L. Anal. Chim. Acta 1987, 794, 199-209. (20) Busch, K.+\Trends Anal. Chem. 1987, 6 , 95-100. (21) Chang, T. T.; Lay, J. O., Jr.; Francel, R. J. Anal. Chem. 1984, 56, 109-1 11. (22) Bare, K . J.; Read, H. Analyst 1987. 772. 433-436. (23) Tamura, J.; Sakamoto, S.; Kubota, E. JEOL News 1987, 23A. 20-25. (24) Ramaley, L,; Vaughan, M. A.; Jamieson, W. D. Anal. Chem. 1985, 5 7 , 353-358. (25) Ramaley, L.; Nearing, M. E.; Vaughan, M. A.; Ackman, R. G.; Jamieson, W. D. Anal. Cbem. 1983, 5 5 , 2285-2289. (28) Novak, F. P.; Hercules, D. M. Anal. Lett. 1985. 78(A4), 503-518. (27) Li, L.; Lubman, D. M. Anal. Chem. 1988, 60, 2591-2598. (28) Li, L.; Lubman, D. M. Anal. Chem. 1988, 60, 1409-1415. (29) Li, L.; Lubman, D. M. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 1988, 5 9 , 557-561. (30) Lubman, D. M. Anal. Chem. 1986, 59, 31A-40A. (31) Engelke F.; Hahn, J. H.; Henke, W.; &re, R. N. Anal. Chem. 1987, 59. 909-912. (32) Hahn, J. H.; Zenobi, R.; &re, R. N. J . Am. Chem. SOC. 1987, 709, 2842-2843. (33) Grotemeyer. J.; Boesl, U.; Walter, K.; Schlag, E. W. Org. Mass Specfrom. 1986. 27, 595-597. (34) Groterneyer, J.; Boesl. U.; Walter, K.; Schlag, E. W. Org. Mass Spectrom. 1988, 23, 388-396. (35) Lubman, D. M.;Jordan, R. M. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 1985. 5 6 , 373-376.

RECEIVED for review March 13,1989. Accepted May 11,1989. We acknowledge financial support of this work under NSF Grant CHE 8419383 and NSF Grant DMR 8418095 for the acquisition of the Chemistry and Materials Science Laser Spectroscopy Laboratory. David M. Lubman is an Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Research Fellow.

Examination of the Automated Solute-Independent Calibration Technique Curtiss N. Renn and Robert E. Synovec* Center for Process Analytical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, BG-IO, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195 The solute Independent calibration (SICAL) method is used to simultaneously measure analyte concentration and to provide information, namely, the equivalent tonic conductance, ieadlng to solute identification. The SICAL method was fully automated for sampling, chromatographic separation, data collection, and anaiysls and applied to ion chromatography using conductivity detection. theoretical predictions for the precision and accuracy of the fully automated method are presented and experimentally validated. The sample was varled wlth respect to analyte concentratlon and identity, with the automated method successfully monitoring real-time changes. Over a 24-h period under steady-state sample condttlons (26 measurements), the relative standard devlatlon of concentratlon was 2.5 % for fiuorlde and 3.9 % for chloride, while the relative standard deviation of the SICAL calculated equivalent lonlc conductance was 0.9% for fluoride and 1.7% for chloride. Precision of automated inlection for a slngie chromatographk system over the 2 4 4 period was better than 0.7%. Potential use of the method as a process monitor is discussed.

INTRODUCTION Process control in the chemical industry has entered a new 0003-2700/89/0381-1915$01.50/0

phase of research and development for more reliable and useful information (1). In the past, a wide variety of analytical techniques have been developed for chemical analysis. Many of the older techniques involve manual sampling and wet chemical analysis (ASTM procedures), thereby limiting the utility of these methods in the fast-paced, continuous, and potentially harsh environments of the chemical industries. Previously established techniques have largely given way to faster, automated analysis methods such as automated titration @), ion selective electrodes and sensors (l),gas chromatography (2,3), and flow injection analysis ( 4 ) . Robotics (5, 6) has also been successful in the automation of chemical analysis in both on-line and off-line process monitoring. The use of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) as an analytical technique for process control and monitoring has already found wide use (3,7-10). More specifically, ion chromatographyhas recently been implemented in process control for both on-line and off-line analysis (3,11,12). Implicit in standard methods of analysis is the assumption that the information necessary for control decisions is encoded in the chemical identity and concentrations of components in a process stream. Therefore, in process control two phases of development would be employed. The first step would be the correlation of analyte identity and concentration to the 0 1989 American Chemical Society



behavior of the chemical process (13). The second step would then involve the use of the analytical information to monitor and control the chemical process. Although, in principle a process is well understood and the subsequent analysis should be straightforward, in practice a process that goes “out of control” may do so for a number of reasons. In the HPLC analysis, an out-of-control process will result in chromatographic peaks where analyte peaks have potentially changed in qualitative or quantitative nature, or both simultaneously. The need for confident and reliable analytical information is, therefore, paramount in monitoring and the control of chemical processes. The typical HPLC procedure involves identifying analytes in a sample via retention time of the chromatographic peaks and comparing the retention time with that of known standards, constructing a calibration curve with known standards, and then quantitating the analytes in the process via the calibration curve (3). Many assumptions are made with this standard method of chromatographic analysis. First, is the assumption that the resolution is adequate to identify the analytes of interest. In process control, the need for fast HPLC (14) compromises the validity of this first assumption. A second assumption is that the chemical matrix is well characterized and is known at all times during the analysis. When this assumption is not valid, the possibility of coeluting species greatly increases, and the quantitation of analytes is adversely effected ( I ) . A third assumption is that the standards are stable and readily available. Obviously these conditions are not always met. A fourth assumption is that the conditions for the calibration and analysis remain exactly the same. Of particular concern are temperature drift (2), instrumental drift ( 2 ) ,eluent composition ( 3 ) ,and column performance (3). The ramifications of these assumptions is magnified as a limitation of standard analytical methodology as applied in process HPLC. The problem reduces to the need to improve current approaches taken to calibrate and quantitative process HPLC data. With the present limitation of standard analytical methodology in mind, an approach for confident calibration in off-line HPLC was introduced by Yeung and co-workers (15-21),referred to as solute independent calibration (SICAL). The SICAL method allows one to calculate the concentration and chemical properties of solutes without the use of solute calibration curves or the use of internal standards. SICAL is accomplished by simultaneously injecting the sample to be analyzed into two chromatographic systems and measuring peak areas in both chromatographic systems. In addition, two arbitrary calibrating ions are then injected into both chromatographic systems and peak areas are again measured. The peak areas are then used to provide a universal calibration scale to quantitate the chromatographic analytes of interest. A basic requirement of the SICAL method is the order of the peaks in both chromatograms must be known. For ion chromatography, this is trivial since the elution order is relatively invariant of the type of eluent (22). For other types of chromatography, a system for correlating the order of peaks was developed (21). With the goal of obtaining reliable analytical information for process control, we have investigated and evaluated the precision and accuracy of the SICAL method using a fully automated, continuous monitoring system. Ion chromatography (IC) followed by conductivity detection, as described earlier (16),was used. The method was first described for refractive index detection (15). Other areas for application of the method include, size exclusion chromatography with refractive index detection (17), IC with absorbance detection (B), microbore HPLC with optical activity detection (19),and gas chromatography with ultrasonic detection (20). Thus, the future of applying the S E A L method

Figure 1. SICAL-automated monitor using two ion chromatograph systems in parallel, shown in the position loading the injection valve with sample stream material: CI, calibrating ions (arbitrary); SAMPLE STREAM; PP, peristaltic p m p : SSV, sample selection valve: W, waste: I V , injection valve (two 5-pL loops); C1, C2, ion chromatography columns; Dl , D2 conductivity detectors; E 1, E2, eluents (different); P1, P2, pumps; PD, pulse dampeners: PR, printer or recording of data for processing. Dotted lines represent computer and data 110 interactions with system.

to chemical analysis is founded in several separation and detection principles. In the automated HPLC system described here, SICAL uses the “same” sample injected into two independent chromatographic systems to provide a universal calibration (16),in order to simultaneously calculate the concentration and equivalent ionic conductance of analytes in a sample stream. In this work, the sample stream consists of a 1-L vessel containing fluoride and chloride as process analytes. Analysis is accomplished without assumption of the analyte identity. The first study conducted was to test the reproducibility of the automated system toward sampling, injection of the sample into the two systems in parallel, and chromatographic peak area measurements. Next, the precision of the method was investigated experimentally and compared to theoretical expectations based on propagation of error. Third, response to solute change was evaluated by systematically varying the analyte concentrations in the sample stream. Potential use of the SICAL method for process analysis is discussed. It should be pointed out that the method provides both quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis, simultaneously, that in principal is of interest in process analysis verification. In general, our studies point toward the need to evaluate the precision of automated, multistep chemical analysis procedures, particularly in HPLC.

EXPERIMENTAL SECTION A diagram of the experimental configuration for the automated SEAL monitor is shown in Figure 1,and consisted of synchronous sampling, ion chromatographic separation, instrument control, data acquisition,and analysis. In Figure 1,a Nalgene 1-L reservoir was used to simulate a batch process or continuous process stream (sample stream), and a Nalgene 1-L reservoir was used for the calibration ions (CI). Both the sample stream (SS) and the calibrating ions were pumped continuously by a peristaltic pump (Isco, Tris, Lincoln, NE)through intake and delivery lines of 0.065 in. i.d. X 0.194 in. 0.d. silicone tubing. The calibrating ion solution was recirculated to the calibrating ion reservoir without introducing noticeable error in the method. The sample stream consisted of 10.0 mequiv/L KF and 10.0 mequiv/L NaCl prepared from dried reagent grade KF and NaCl (J. T. Baker Chemical Co., Baker Analyzed, Phillipsburg, NJ) and in-house deionized water. The calibrating ions consisted of 25.0 mequiv/L NaI03 and 25.0 mequiv/L NaBr prepared from dried reagent grade NaIO, and NaBr (Baker) and in-house deionized water. The sample stream and calibrating ions were pumped through a two-position electric-actuatedHPLC sample selection valve (SSV)







Measure A,,


Measure A,&

IC 2 +-IMin 4 611Min

:: 1 Min


l9Min +c6Min-r

(Valco, Model EClOW, Houston, TX) and then to the second electric-actuated HPLC injection valve (IV) (Valco, Model EClOW, Houston, TX) or to waste. The sample stream and calibrating ions were synchronously diverted to the injection valve (N)from the sample selection valve (SSV) via 0.007 in. i.d. Teflon tubing. The injection valve was equipped with two 5.0-pL injection loops made in-house from 10 cm lengths of 0.010 in. i.d. stainless steel HPLC tubing. Both injection loops were loaded simultaneously, thus within the chromatographic time frame essentially defined two “identical” volumes injected. The separation and detection of ions in the sample stream were accomplished via two independent IC systems. Both systems were identical with the exception of the eluents used. System 1used 1.25 mequiv/L benzoic acid (El) adjusted to pH 7.0 with NaOH while system 2 used 4.0 mequiv/L formic acid (E2) adjusted to pH 7.0 with NaOH. Reciprocating piston pumps (P1 and P2) (Milton Roy, Model 396-31, Riviera Beach, FL) delivered eluents 1 and 2 at a flow rate of 1.2 mL/min through pulse dampeners with pressure gauges (PD1 and PD2) (Alltech, Free-Flow Pulse Dampener, Deerfield, IL), through resin-based anion exchange columns (C1 and C2) (Wescan, Model 269-031 Anion/R-HS 4.6 mm X 100 mm, Santa Clara, CA), and subsequent detection via conductivity detectors (D1 and D2) (Milton Roy, Model ConducoMonitor 111, Riviera Beach, FL), each equipped with a 0.5-pL volume flow cell. The effluents from D1 and D2 were recirculated to E l and E2 reservoirs, respectively, to provide a closed-loop IC system necessary for continuous, long-term operation. No adverse affects were observed due to the recirculation procedure. The data acquisition and instrument control were facilitated via a laboratory interface (MetraByte, DASH-16, Taunton, MA) under the control of a personal computer (IBM-XT, Armonk, NY). The data from D1 and D2 were simultaneously collected via the laboratory interface on two separate analog-to-digital (A/D) input channels at the rate of 1000 points/s, boxcar averaged to 1 s to minimize A/D conversion noise and provide a 2-s time constant, and stored in the computer for further analysis. Four TTL digital-to-analog (D/A) output channels from the laboratory interface were used to independently control the sample selection valve and injection valve. All computer software was written in-house for data acquisition, instrument control, and data analysis. The results of the data analysis were then output to a printer (IBM, Proprinter, Armonk, NY) for inspection and for permanent record. The sequencing of data acquisition, instrument control, and data analysis is shown in Figure 2. IC1 refers to IC system 1 and IC2 refers to IC system 2. In the initial phase of the sample monitoring cycle, the sample selection valve delivered a portion of the sample stream to the injection valve, which was in the “load” position. A period of 1 min was sufficient to flush the Teflon tubing and to load the injection loops in the injection valve with no apparent carryover from previous samples. At the end of the loading interval, the sample selection valve and injection valves were simultaneously switched to inject the sample into IC1 and IC2 and to begin delivering the calibrating ions to the injection valve. This configuration minimized the lag time of loading samples in the injection valve. The sample stream chromatographic data from IC1 and IC2 were simultaneously collected for 11 min to allow complete elution of all ions. At the end of


collecting the sample stream chromatograms, the injection valve was returned to the “load” position to load the calibrating ions into the injection loops. At the end of this time period, the sample selection valve and injection valve were simultaneously switched to inject the calibrating ions into IC1 and IC2 and to begin delivering the sample stream to the injection valve. The calibrating ion chromatograms were collected for 19 min to allow complete elution of the calibrating ions. At the end of the chromatographic data collection, the automated monitor entered the data analysis phase. The raw chromatographic data were first base-line corrected about a numerical value of zero by choosing two portions of the chromatograms where no peak9 should appear (before the injection disturbance and after the last peak has eluted) and applying a linear correction, i.e., calculating a line from the initial and final base-line portions of the chromatograms and subtracting the line from the raw chromatographic data. After the chromatograms were base-line corrected, the data were stored on the hard disk of the computer for later data analysis. Next the parameters for peak integration were read from a file on the hard disk. The parameters include the number of peaks and the integrating boundaries for each peak in each chromatogram. The peaks in the chromatograms were then integrated by using a trapezoidal rule algorithm utilizing the appropriate boundaries for integration of each peak. The integrated areas were then input into the appropriate equations for calculation of the normality and equivalent ionic conductance for each integration interval by the SICAL method. The areas and integration intervals of each peak in each chromatogram were output to the printer along with the normalities and equivalent ionic conductances. This completed one full cycle and the automated monitor was then returned to the start position for execution of the next cycle. The cycle time was 38 min for our system, but could easily be shortened by further optimization of the IC separations. The cycle time did not detract from the objectives of our investigation.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION It is useful to summarize the basic equations for the signal from a differential conductivity detector employed in SICAL, as previously described (16) and defined in terms of Figures 1 and 2, namely the two IC systems, IC1 and IC2

A1,i = CiKl(Xi - Xi)


= CiK,(hi -




where Alc is the area of analyte, i, in IC1, A2,iis the area of the analyte in IC2, A3 and A5 are the areas of the calibrating ions in IC1, A4 and A6 are the areas of the calibrating ions in IC2,K1 and K 2 are the instrumental factors for D1 and D2, respectively, XI, X2, As, A,, hi are the equivalent ionic conductances of El, E2, CI1, C12, and analyte, respectively, C is the concentration (mequiv/L) of the arbitrary calibrating species, and Ci is the concentration (mequiv/L) of an analyte. Equations 1-6 apply only for retained solutes in the case of IC. There are three advantages of using peak area instead of peak height. First, the precision and accuracy of peak quantitation are better for peak area than peak height (23). Second, the height of a peak is dependent on retention time, while, peak area is independent of retention time (23). Third, peak area is proportional to the flow rate and data acquisition rate so the calibration ion and sample injected into both eluents accounts not only for any difference in instrumental response factors but also for any differences in flow rates, allowing the method of SICAL using peak areas to become self-calibrating with no assumptions necessary for instrumental factors or flow rates.





Table I. Limiting Equivalent Ionic Conductance, Xo, of Ions Used in Process Automated SICAL Method




fluoriden chloride" iodateb

54.5 76.4 40.5

bromideb benzoate' formate'

78.1 32.4 54.6

Calibrating ion. Eluent.

t , , # I 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I




123 I


cm2 equiv-'




cm2 equiv-'

.. '....



9 . 1



Figure 3. Relative conductance, AG, measured for fluoride and chloride in the benzoate eluent ion chromatographic system, represented individually by eq 1, 5.0 pL of 10.0 mequivlL of each injected.





period ,




. .







118 117 0






TIME, HOURS Ion chromatographic peak areas, in arbitrary units, for

Figure 5. fluoride (D) measured with benzoate as eluent over a 2441 continuous period including a 6-h delay period (system shut off and restarted). A representative chromatogram is shown in Figure 3.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 9



Flgure 4. Relative conductance, AG, measured for fluoride and chlorkle in the formate eluent ion chromatographic system, represented individually by eq 2. Quantities injected as in Figure 3. Solving eq 1-6 as a set of simultaneous equations yields an expression for the concentration of analyte (16)

In this experiment, both of the CI are used at the same injected concentration, C, to simplify eq 7 and 8 (16). With the additional information of the equivalent ionic conductances of the calibrating ions, it is possible to derive eq 8 for the equivalent ionic conductance of an analyte


where Ci is first calculated from eq 7. Figures 3 and 4 are ion chromatograms of the sample stream in benzoate and formate, respectively, as eluents. The darkened portions of the chromatograms signify the peak areas containing the analytical information of interest. Referring back to the basic ion chromatographic signal as given by eq 1 and 2, it becomes clear why the signals from chloride and fluoride in formate are less than those obtained in benzoate. One must recognize that the analytical signal is a differential

signal relative to the background signal of the eluent. In the case of formate as an eluent, formate has a higher equivalent ionic conductance than benzoate (see Table I); thus, the difference between the analyte and eluent conductivities is less in formate, resulting in a smaller analytical signal. Chromatograms providing the data for eq 3-6 are not shown for brevity. The first consideration under study was the precision of an automated monitor. The automated monitor was programmed to analyze a steady-state concentration of chloride and fluoride ions, in a conventional manner by measuring the area of the chloride and fluoride peaks with sodium benzoate as the eluent, in order to evaluate the precision of the method. The automated monitor was operated for 11h, shut down for 6 h (delay period), and then restarted and operated for 7 h to check the resiliency of the system over a full 24-h period. The peak areas of fluoride are shown in Figure 5 with a root-mean-square (mu)value of 1.40 with an average of 120.73 (arbitrary area units), or a relative uncertainity of 1.16%, which was calculated by assuming normal Gaussian statistics (24). Clearly, the magnitude of the peak area drifts with time, thus distorting the relative uncertainty. In principle, the drifting may be due to several factors, such as instrument stability (temperature and mechanical), or a changing fluoride concentration. The dilemma in conventional calibration approaches is in understanding and overcoming problems such as the drift, so data may be properly interpreted. After correction for the linear drift, the relative uncertainty of the fluoride area measurements in Figure 5 was only 0.67 % . Thus, the 0.67% accounts for the random fluctuations primarily associated with the automated injection technique. Chloride in benzoate yielded similar results. In comparison, a typical rms value of 3 % for peak area measurement is attainable by manual injection techniques (17,23). Other than the obvious advantage of reducing labor intensive analysis via automation, clearly, the precision of the automated injection technique is much better.



Table 11. Absolute Standard Deviation, s, of the Predicted" Concentration, SICAL-Measured Average Concentration, @, end Absolute Standard Deviation of the SICAL-Measured Concentration for Analytes Chloride and Fluoride Monitored over a 24-h Period Including the Delay Period (see Figure 5) s(Ci)",mequiv/L Cb,mequiv/L s(CiIC,mequiv/L

ion chloride fluoride

0.76 0.37





a Standard deviation calculated from propagation of error analysis of the SICAL equations using precision of area measurements (n = 26). bAveragefor SICAL-measured concentration (n = 26); in both cases C(true) was 10.00 mequiv/L. Standard deviation calculated from Ci values after applying SICAL method in an automated fashion using peak areas (n = 26).

After investigation of the operation of the automated monitor, the next step was to investigate the predicted precision of the automated SICAL method and compare the prediction to the actual precision of the method. Equation 7 is first expanded to simplify the propagation of error calculation

Through propagation of error using eq 9, eq 10 can be derived

where each variance term with regard to area measurements in eq 10 is given by eq 11-16. Note that the statistical

[ $-] [ F1-l+ [ $1 c[ [ Y1-l+ [ [ 91 F ]2 = C![

A5 -

[A, -


A6 -

A4 -



[ 51

C[ Alj[ A5 -


= C[










+ .2,i[

A, -


- Al,i[ A3 -

-' x] 7 A4A5



+ Al,i[ A3 -

uncertainty in C, namely the standard deviation of C written as 6C, is assumed to be equal to zero, although a systematic error in C may occur. Equations 11-16 were programmed on the computer to predict the propagation of error from the precision of the area measurements, where, for instance, dA3 stands for the standard deviation of the 26 A3 measurements. Averages of the 26 peak area measurements were used in applying eq 9 to predict the uncertainty in Ci for fluoride and chloride based on the uncertainty of peak area measurements, with the results shown in Table 11. Thus, using the precision of the measured peak areas, one would expect the SICAL method to calculate concentration with an absolute standard deviation of 0.76 mequiv/L for chloride (7.6% relative uncertainty) and 0.37 mequiv/L for fluoride (3.7% relative uncertainty). These relative uncertainties, s(Ci),are somewhat high, but note that any correlated drift increases dA, such as for fluoride in Figure 5, and will necessarily increase the value of s(Ci) calculated via propagation of error. After the predicted precision of the method was determined through the propagation of error analysis, the actual accuracy and precision of the automated SICAL method were examined. The SICAL calculated concentrations for chloride and fluoride were essentially constant over the 24-h period. The SICAL calculated precisions of chloride and fluoride are also reported in Table 11. It is interesting to compare s(CJ values in Table I1 calculated by propagation of error, and by the usual approach after applying the method to calculate Ci.Referring to Table 11,when calibration and quantitation are performed on-line by an internally consistent method, the relative precisions of the concentration calculations for chloride and fluoride are only 51 % and 68%, respectively, of the relative precision calculated through propagation of error. Thus, an F test is not appropriate, since SICAL internally corrects for correlated linear drift, while the propagation of error prediction cannot. Furthermore, the precision data in Table I1 suggest that the SICAL method is correcting for systematic drift. The accuracy of the SICAL method was also examined. Results are reported in Table 11. Both of the ions in the sample stream were formulated at 10.0 mequiv/L, while the calculated concentrations for chloride and fluoride were 10.9 and 9.2 mequiv/L, respectively, using the average of 26 measurements. Using 3 standard deviations as the boundary limits, the measured precision for each analyte, and a true value of 10.0 mequiv/L, one can calculate the boundary limits as 8.7 and 11.3 mequiv/L for chloride and 9.3 and 10.7 mequiv/L for fluoride. The SICAL measured average concentration values are, therefore, on the outer limits for the two analytes. The sample stream and calibrating ions were made




5’ 0








Figure 6. SICAL-calculated concentration (0)and equivalent ionic conductance (B),as continuously monitored for a programmed chloride concentration change (as explained in the text), including a 5-h delay period (system shut off and restarted).

from dried reagent grade materials to minimize contamination; however, potassium fluoride is hygroscopic and could have absorbed water from the air causing the fluoride concentration to be low. The signals from the detector were well within the linear range of operation. The inaccuracy more than likely stems from the implicit assumption that activity equals concentration (25). In the derivation of eq 1-6, it is assumed that the concentrations are at an activity coefficient of one and that the equivalent ionic conductances are completely independent of concentration. A slight modification of the experimental configuration could alleviate this problem by using eluents with similar ionic strength. Another assumption in deriving eq 1-6 is the absence of matrix effects in the two different eluents. Again, eluent choice could minimize these effects. Meanwhile, the SICAL calculated equivalent ionic conductances (average for 26 trials) for chloride and fluoride were 69.3 (1.7% relative uncertainty) and 55.4 (0.9% relative uncertainty), respectively. From Table I, these equivalent ionic conductances for chloride and fluoride are in reasonable agreement with the limiting equivalent ionic conductances, considering the experiments were not performed at infinite dilution. Being able to calculate the equivalent ionic conductance on-line may be a valuable diagnostic tool, particularly in process analysis. Again, this principle is not limited to conductivity detection (15-21). Another consideration of the method as applied was the relatively long time constant for new information, on the order of 38 min. As evident by Figure 2, the bulk of the time for the analysis is the acquisition of the chromatographic data. For a given chemical process, the makeup of the process will remain fairly constant and, therefore, the process monitor can be further optimized by reducing analysis time. An appropriate choice of the eluents could speed up the separation considerably (23). High-speed and superspeed HPLC may be employed (14). Another possibility is to reduce the rate at which the CI are analyzed. The next study of interest was to monitor a changing chemical sample. The system investigated was the same sample stream as before, but now the chloride concentration was increased while keeping the fluoride concentration constant. This was accomplished by steadily adding 50.0 mL of 50.0 mequiv/L NaCl and 10.0 mequiv/L KF to 200 mL of the stream by a syringe pump over a 8.33-h time period at which time the process stream conditions level off. Recirculation of the process stream and negligible injection volume essentially kept the final sample stream reservoir volume at 250 mL with no adverse effects. Thus, chloride should ideally begin a t 10.0 mequiv/L and reach 18.0 mequiv/L after 8.33 h and remain a t steady state, while fluoride should ideally remain constant throughout at 10.0 mequiv/L. During this

study, as in the steady-state concentration study, there was a delay period. The system was shut off at the 12-h point and restarted after 5 h. The SICAL measured concentration and equivalent ionic conductance of chloride are shown in Figure 6. Original chromatograms in the two eluents are also not shown, for the sake of brevity. The SICAL method was successful in monitoring the changing chloride concentration without the use of a calibration curve. The next question of interest was what happens to the equivalent ionic conductances during this same exercise? There should be no change in the SICAL measured equivalent ionic conductances as it is an intensive property of the ions that does not depend on concentration (25). Figure 6 also shows the measured equivalent ionic conductance for chloride. For chloride, the concentration changed as “programmed”,but the equivalent ionic conductance did not change as predicted by eq 8. For fluoride, neither the concentration nor the equivalent ionic conductance changed as anticipated, and for the sake of brevity, are not shown. The results of Figure 6 point toward the potential of the S E A L method, or some similar method, that simultaneously performs qualitative and quantitative analysis. Conventional HPLC quantitative procedures assume qualitative analysis by performing analyte calibration in a separate step, Le., measure a standard, then measure the unknown. With the SICAL method, the unknown is measured twice in an internally consistent fashion, thus providing a built-in consistency test that indicates whether or not the qualitative or quantitative nature of a particular analyte response has changed. This feature was clearly demonstrated for chloride in Figure 6. Likewise, the qualitative nature of a solute response may be charged, as in coelution interference. The method has also been tested for coelution problems and succeeded in diagnosing the problem. Thus, the method provides more information than the conventional single-column HPLC calibration procedure. Furthermore, the method indicates whether or not a change in the sample component is qualitative or quantitative in nature. This feature of the SICAL method may be useful in purity testing, evaluation of true unknowns, and process analysis if redundancy testing is required. Further developments in the instrumentation and deconvolution techniques (26)coupled with real process testing will be required in future developments in order to circumvent the cumbersome nature of the present SICAL method.

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RECEIVED for review February 8,1989. Accepted May 26,1989. C.N.R. and R.E.S. thank the NSF Center for Process Analflical Chemistry for support Of this work (Project Number 87-1).

Polyamine Detection System for High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Involving Enzymatic and Chemiluminescent Reactions Sachiko Kamei* and Akiyuki Ohkubo Department of Laboratory Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo, 7-3-1Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113,Japan Shin Saito and Shigeyuki Takagi T h e Medical Equipment Technical and Engineering Division, JEOL, Ltd., 1418,Nakagami-cho, Akisima-shi, Tokyo 196, Japan

We have developed a new specific detectlon system for polyamlnes, separated by high-performance liquid chromatography, to replace the usual o -phthalaidehyde (OPA) postlabellng method. Thls system utilizes a chemiluminescent reaction to determlne the amount of hydrogen peroxide generated through the enzymatlc oxidation of polyamines. With thls method, as little as 5 pmol of putrescine could be accurately determlned ( S / N = 4), and linearity between the amount of thb polyamine and the relative chemiluminescence Intensity was observed up to 500 pmol. I n the cases of cadaverlne, spermidlne, and spermlne, the linearity continued to 1 nmol. The within-assay coefficients of varlation for these four polyamlnes ranged between 0.97% and 2.03%. As compared with the OPA method, the new method Is highly specific for polyamines due to the high specificity of the enzyme used. Another advantage of the new method is the dlrect delermlnatlon of polyamines In urine samples that contain various compounds that Interfere wlth the OPA method.

The measurement of polyamine concentrations in urine is very useful for following the progress of cancer patients because increases in polyamine concentrations are often noted in the urine of patients with cancer aa well as in cancer tissues and body fluids. The amounts of polyamines are currently determined by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) employing either the ion exchange column (1-3)or the ion-paired reversed-phasecolumn of octadecylsilane (4-6). Usefulness of the latter column is especially remarkable since free and monoacetylated polyamines, as well as metabolites of polyamines, can be separated within a fairly short time when the column is developed by a gradient elution program (6). After separation, polyamines are usually detected by the fluorescence detection system, utilizing an o-phthalddehyde (OPA) postlabeling method (7).This detection method is sufficiently sensitive and reproducible for estimating the 0003-2700/89/036 1-1921$01.50/0

amount of purified polyamines. However, it is not satisfactorily specific for the determination of polyamines in biological materials because OPA reacts with various amino compounds other than polyamines and generally the quantity of polyamines in biological materials is very low compared to those of various interfering amino compounds. Thus, in the analysis of polyamines in biological materials, it is essential to choose very strict conditions in the elution program to separate each polyamine from many other amino compounds (1,3,6) or to treat the samples prior to the analysis to remove interfering materials. From this point of view, it is desirable to develop a simple detection system, which is highly specific for polyamines. With such a system, the conditions for HPLC to separate polyamines become rather simple, because the separation of polyamines from each other is only required for the direct measurement of polyamines in biological materials. Generally speaking, luminescence photometry is highly sensitive within wide dynamic ranges and has the advantage that it requires no light source or spectroscope. Application of a chemiluminescence (CL) reaction on HPLC has been reported for the detection of fluorescent compounds (8,9), in which the CL generated through the reaction between the compound to be determined, an oxalic ester, and hydrogen peroxide (H202)was measured. With the aim of applying a CL reaction to determine polyamines, which are not fluorescent compounds, we developed a new CL detection system. The system is based on the specific enzymatic oxidation of polyamines and separation with a fully automated HPLC, to produce H202. The amount of HzOz is then determined by using a CL reaction. Employing a flow system, we determined the conditions for the new CL detection method to obtain the highest precision and sensitivity. Then, we applied this method for the determination of free polyamines by HPLC and compared it with the OPA postlabeling method (10,ll).

EXPERIMENTAL SECTION Materials. Bis(2,4-dinitrophenyl) oxalate (DNPO), 8anilinonaphthalenesulfonate (ANS),and OPA were obtained from

Wako Pure Chemical Industries, Ltd., Osaka, Japan. Amino0 1989 American Chemical Society