Exchange and flip-flop of dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine in liquid

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Biochemistry, Vol. 29, No. 19, 1990


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CORRECTIONS Exchange and Flip-Flop of Dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine in Liquid-Crystalline, Gel, and Two-Component, Two-Phase Large Unilamellar Vesicles, by William C. Wimley and T. E. Thompson*, Volume 29, Number 5, February 6, 1990, pages 1296-1303. Page 1298. Equation 2 should read k,k,Ak2k4D + k2k4D exp[-flk:k3A


+ k2k4D)t

k2D + k3A




+ k2k4D


Mechanism of Spontaneous, Concentration-Dependent Phospholipid Transfer between BY-vers, by Jeffrey D. Jones and T. E. Thompson*, Volume 25, .*iumber 6, February 13, 1990, pages 1593-1 600. Page 1596. Equations 4 and 5 should read

k , = D,/Ib2 exp(-AG:"/RT)


-AH:" as:" In k l = -+ -+ In [D,/l?] R RT
