Excimer-monomer emission ratio in ... - ACS Publications

A. Chesters, J. Pritchard, and M. L. Sims, J. Chem. Soc.,. Chem. Commun., 1454 (1970); J. Pritchard, J. Vac. Sci. Technol.,. 9, 395 (1972); K. Horn, M...
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bulklike metal particles to simulate bonding to the surface, the presence of more than one metal atom is nevertheless essential for adequate simulation.

E. P. Kurrelig, M. Moskovits, and G. A. Ozin, Can. J. Chem., 51, 2737 (1973). H. Hubr, E. P. KOndig, M. Moskovits, and G. A. Ozin, J . Am. Chem. Soc., 97, 2097 (1975). J. E. Hulse and M. Moskovits, Surf. Sci., 57, 125 (1976). H. Dubost, Chem. Phvs.. 12. 139 (1976). R, N. Perutz and J. J.Turner, J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. 2 , 68, 452 (1973). M, Moskovits and J. E. Hulse, J. Chem. Soc., faraday Trans. 2 , 73, 471 (1977). R. P. Eischens, S. A. Francis, and W. A, Pliskin, J . Phys. Chem., 80, 194 (1956). E. 0. Fischer and K. Bittler, P. Nafurforsch. 6 , 18, 835 (1961). F. A. Cotton and P. L. Hunter, Inorg. Chem., 13, 2044 (1974). K. Horn and J. Pritchard, Surf. Sci., 55, 701 (1976). A. D. Anderson, Surf. Sci., in press. G. Doven and G. Ertl. Surf. Sci,. 43. 197 (1974). R. P. Eischens, W. A: Pllskir, and S. 'A. Franels, 'J. Chem. Phys., 22, 1786 (1954). J. Pritchard and M, L. Sims, Trans. Faraday Soc., 70, 427 (1969). M. Moskovlts, C. J. Hope, and B. Jantzl, Can, J . Ckem., 53, 3313 (1975). A. W.'Smlth and J. M. Quets, J . Catal., 4, 463 (1965). R. Colton, C. J. Commons, and 8. F. Hosklns, J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Common., 363 (1975). C. Choi and M. Moskovlts, unpublished results.

Acknowledgment. We thank the National Research Council of Canada, the Research Corporation, the Atkinson Foundation, and the Connaught Foundation for financial support. One of us (J.E.H.) thanks the National Research Council of Canada for a scholarship. References and Notes (1) A. M. Bradshaw, Surf. Sci., in press. (2) H. Haas and R. K. Sheline, J . Chem. Phys., 47, 2996 (1967). (3) (a) M. A. Chesters, J. Pritchard, and M. L. Sims, J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 1454 (1970); J. Pritchard, J. Vac. Sci. Technol., 9, 395 (1972); K. Horn, M. Hussain, and J. Pritchard, Surf. Sci., 63, 244 (1977). (b) P. J. Page and P. M. Williams, faraday Discuss., 58, 80 (1974), and other papers in that number. (4) J. R. Schrieffer and P. Soven, Phys. Today; 24 (April, 1975). (5) G. C. Bond, Discuss. Faraday Soc., 41, 200 (1966). (6) J. E. Demuth and D. E. Eastman, Phys. Rev. Lett., 32, 1123 (1974). (7) T. E. Madey, J. T. Yates, Jr., and D. R. Sandstrom, Treatise Solid State Chem., 6B, 1 (1976).

Excimer-Monomer Emission Ratio in Electrochemihminescenee Csaba P. Keszthelyl' Depattment of Chemistry, Unlverslty of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80309 and The Frank J. Seller Research Laboratory (AFSC), USAF Academy, Colorado 80840 (Received December 28, 1976; Revised Manuscript Received August 4, 1977) Publication costs assisted by the Air Force Systems Command

Excimer/monomer emission ratios for both energy deficient and sufficient electrogeneratedchemiluminescent (ECL) systems are evaluated from a kinetic standpoint. Correction due to the absorption-refluorescence (ARF) cycle is introduced and a rigorous general expression is given for the excimer/monomer emission ratio.

It has been pointed out1 that while the [dimer emission intensity/monomer emission intensity] ratio2 in optical pumping is a rather straightforward luminophor concentration dependent function, it is not so in the case of electrochemiluminescence (ECLIs3 In the present paper we examine in some detail evaluation of this important term as a function of kinetically defined parameters. For the general case, the excimer/monomer emission ratio C#Q/f#JM has been given by Maloy and Bard4 as

-@_ D

- q

k, 1



- + (1+ a)k,[A]

+ arDkd rM

where k j and kf are the rate constants for the radiative transitions of the excimer and the monomer, respectively; 7 D and rMrefer to excited state lifetimes; kd and k, are the rate constants that determine the steady-state distribution between excimer and monomer; and a is defined by the ratio of the rate of dimer formation (RD)to the rate of monomer formation (RM), i.e. C Y = RDIRM

Although the treatment given by Parker5 and Birks6for delayed fluorescence is correct, it cannot be carried over to T-route ECL without additional considerations. In eq 1 if we represent (kj/kf)rD by k where k is a constant, then eq 1 may be rewritten as

The first term inside parentheses can be represented as



In the special case where no independent excited singlet generation is assumed to occur, RMapproaches zero and consequently LY approaches infinity.

The second term inside parentheses in eq 2 is

* Present address: Department of Chemistry, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, La. 70803.




The Journal of Physical Chemlsty, Vol. 8 1, No. 2 1, 1977


Csaba P. Keszthelyi

and as 4 D / 4 M is defined as since lim ( a

+ a )= a


we may put in the value of [A2*]from eq 11 in eq 13 to obtain

and consequently lim b =o a+= a + a thus



_ @M 'D - 'fkd

The third term inside parentheses in eq 2 can be expressed as

and again, since lim(-) a = 1 a=- a a


which is identical with eq 7 previously derived, the simplest expression for $JD/$JM in a T-route system. At this stage it may be recalled that an ECL encounter complex (a precursor to the excimer) is going to make at best a small contribution to the total luminescence intensity. Although by extending the treatment of Goldschmidt and cow o r k e r ~the , ~ two types of encounter complex (ECL vs. TTA) do not coincide in general for the same parent compound, a T T A encounter complex should be regarded as a precursor to the excimerl and the following schemes (eq 14 and 22) may be outlined: 3A* + 3A*





J ~ E XRD k p 2 A t hv' rp RM 'A* t A t ( A * * * A * ) A,*

7 4 TI






Taking the limit of eq 2 as a approaches infinity, we may apply eq 3, 4, and 5 to obtain


lim ?E= k[&a -+ m qbM


D M d





Equation 1 is applicable, and in addition the steady state equation for the encounter complex (A-.A*) may be expressed as

RM+ R,


Putting the value of k back, we obtain


k,, [3A*]2


and since a = RD/RM

(7) This equation can also be easily derived directly from the original emission scheme if it is assumed that there is no production of the first excited singlet state from the ground state, i.e., the step RM



is totally omitted and the scheme becomes

a = hX [ 3 ~ * 1 2- I = k,, l3A*I2- RM RM RM Using eq 16 and 17 in conjunction with eq 1 we obtain



A + hv







7 8 , 'Dkd (hEx

- RM)




the steady state equation for lA* may be written as =


+ hv'

If we define, in the customary way, TM and 1/rM= kf + ho + kt



+ ka[A]I['A*]

and that for [A,*] may be written as The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Voi. 81, No. 21. 1977


Getting back to the pure T-route scheme outlined in eq 8, it should be pointed out at this stage that, although we have taken RM = 0, this is really erroneous in practical application because of the relatively high concentration of the fluorescors used and consequent absorption of the



emitted light and occurrence of the absorption-refluorescence (ARF) cycle,8the extent being dependent on the magnitude of the overlap between the absorption and emission spectra of the compound, and its fluorescence efficiency (4f). The absorption results in the production of the first excited singlet state 'A* from the ground state, and in this regard the emission from the dimer A2* is unimportant since this is shifted considerably more toward lower wavelengths compared to the absorption spectrum of the ground state [A], and thus no significant overlap and absorption should exist insofar as the dimer emission is concerned. If the fraction of the overlap of the singlet state emission and the ground state absorption spectra is given by 1 and the fluorescence efficiency of lA* is 4f,then upon the first cycle of emission 1 amount would be absorbed, and generation of lA* would be proportional to 1 (we, of course, are assuming complete absorption, as is observed). On the next cycle 1 X $famount would be emitted and so 1 X (14f) amount would be absorbed, and the generation of lA* would be proportional to 12$f. On the next cycle it would be proportional to 134f2and so on. The total generation of lA* from A due to absorption would thus be proportional to

1 ~D~~[A]['A + *7DkE[3A*]2= ] -


M ' d '

a' -[



RM A*] - kd



['A*] =

7Dkdk,[3A*]2 + R,

- 7Dkd ) +




1 7~kdh~[~A +* ] ~ 1- l$, " [ka[A](l - ~ ~ + (k1 / ~~ ~) ) ]


For a scheme like the one represented in eq 8 the constant of proportionality can be seen to be

(26) Substitution of RD in place of k ~ [ ~ A *referring l~, back to a scheme parallel to the one outlined in eq 8 would give us

and thus

and the general eq 1 can be applied with a=




Choosing typical value^^^^ (1 = 0.5 and r$f = 0.84 for DPA, 1/(1 - 14f)= 0.861, this ARF correction has been shown8 to introduce significant change in the overall calculations for S-route ECL systems, and, as pointed out below, is also necessary in the general ECL scheme. For the general scheme A t hu hu 3A*t 3A* k,

'A* + A===

A .k.Jht






2A t hu'


Y' 2A

the steady state equation for [A2*]becomes

ka[A]['A*] + k , ['A*]'= [A2*]/rD and that for ['A*] is


RM3. kd[Az*]=


Equating values of [A2*] from eq 23 and 24 we obtain

and use of this value of CY in eq 1gives a rigorously correct and generally applicable equation for all cases. The continuing interest in electrochemiluminescencein nonaqueous solvents, and the related quest for an electrochemically pumped dye laserlo favors an in-depth inquiry into ECL dimer formation and related losses. These results pertain to both dc and pulsed electrolysis conditions, though there are special restrictions when dealing with thin-layer ECL cells, and those have been treated separately.ll We should not close without mentioning that the quenching terms ko and k,-,' in ECL include losses due to the presence of the electrogenerated cations and anions, hence these cannot be readily substituted from conventional fluorescence measurements. At the present level of advancement the common model that treats the ECL annihilation zone as an infinitely thin section of the double layer is no longer satisfactory, and interpenetration of the ECL parent ionslO needs to be included; this correction is especially needed for emission measured along the plane of the electrode, as would be the case for an electrochemically pumped dye laser. Acknowledgment. This was presented in part in Paper No. 58 ("Electrochemiluminescence in Non-aqueous Solvents") at the 26th Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Sept 21-26, 1975, Baden bei Wien, Austria. Valuable comments, contributions, and criticisms by P. K. Dasgupta (Louisiana State University), J. S. The Journal of Physlcal Chemistry, Vol. 81, No. 21, 1977


T. N. Bell and P. G. Perkins

Pekrul (University of Colorado), and Capt. L. P. Davis (FJSRL, USAF Academy) are gratefully acknowledged. References and Notes (1) C. P. Keszthelyi, Spectrosc. Lett., 7, 409 (1974). (2) C. A. Parker and G. D. Short, Trans. Faraday Sac., 63, 2618 (1967). (3) (a) D. M. Hercules, Acc. Chem. Res., 2, 301 (1969); (b) A. J. Bard, C. P. Kesztheiyi, H. Tachikawa, and N. E. Toke1 in “Chemiluminescence and Bioluminescence”, M. J. Cormier, D. M. Hercules, and J. Lee, Ed., Plenum Press, New York, N.Y., 1973; (c) C. P. Keszthelyi, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,96, 1243 (1974).

(4) (a) J. T. Maloy, Ph.D. Thesis, The University of Texas, 1970; (b) J. T. Maloy and A. J. Bard, J . Am. Chem. Soc., 93, 5968 (1971). (5) C. A. Parker and C. G. Hatchard, Trans. Faraday Soc., 59, 284 (1963). (6) J. B. Birks, J. Phys. Chem., 87, 2199 (1963). (7) C. R. Goldschmidt, R. Potashnik, and M. Ottolenghi, J. Phys. Chem., 75, 1025 (1971). (8) C. P. Keszthelyi, N. E. TdtedTakvayan, and A. J. Bard, Anal. Chem., 47, 249 (1975);‘ (9) I. B. Berlman, Handbook of Fluorescence Spectra of Aromatic Molecules”, 2nd ed, Academic Press, New York, N.Y., 1971, p 24. (10) C. P. Keszthelyi, Appl. Opt., 14, 1710 (1975). (11) C. P. Keszthelyi, Croat. Chem. Acta, 48, 25 (1976).

Calculation of the Energies of Activation for Some Gas-Phase Reactions Thomas N. Bell Department of Chemistry, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada V5A 1S6

and Peter G. Perklns” Depalfment of Pure and Applied Chemistry, University of Strafbdyde, Glasgow GI IXL,Scotland (Received November 22, 1976;Revised Manuscript Received June 20, 1977)

A method for calculating the energies of activation for gas-phase hydrogen transfer reactions is described. The basis lies in the self-consistent electronic structure of all species lying on the reaction coordinate. AE*and log A for the reactions of CHs. and CF3. with CH4, Hz, and HC1 are calculated.

Introduction In a preliminary communication1 we outlined a novel method for calculating the energies of activation for hydrogen abstraction reactions in the gas phase. We now give a full account of the method and its application to some gas-phase hydrogen-abstraction reactions. Method In previous work a rotationally invariant quantity, the bond index, has been defir~ed.~B This is compounded from the relevant elements of the Coulson bond order density matrix, in turn obtained from a quantum mechanical self-consistent field molecular calculation on the system of interest. The bond index is given by BAB



2 PhoZ


where the P,, are the Coulson density matrix elements. Bond indices for simple molecules such as hydrocarbons follow a pattern which correlates with the chemist’s concept of multiplicity of bonds; thus, for ethane, ethylene, and acetylene the C-C bond indices are, respectively, 1.023, 2.032, and 2.99K2 Following this trend, we suggest that such bond indices may be used, in conjunction with experimental standard-state heats of atomization, to obtain a set of standard energy terms for a range of bonds. Since the bond index reflects minor variations in the intrinsic bond strength with the environment of the bond in question, the concept should lead to an improvement in the simple calculation of heats of formation for molecules. This is being followed further.* A set of bond indices may be calculated for any system and can thus afford, in principle, the heat of formation for that system in the standard state. Thus, in the case of one or more species undergoing reaction, a grid of points on an energy surface can be set up, the heat of atomization The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 81, No. 21, 1977

TABLE I: Bond Energy Parameters Energy, Bond

kJ mol-’


C-Ha C-Fa c-CI H-Clb

420.66 504.17 336.70 25.87

c1-Cl F-F H-F Cl-F

Energy, kJ mol-’ - 20.49

291.62 - 140.18


a These values refer t o CH in methane and to CF in CF, (vide infra). A second value for this parameter is used when there is “bonding” interaction between H and C1 (vide infra).

for the system computed for each, and the reaction followed along a coordinate and over a saddle. We first calculated the sets of bond indices for the molecules comprising the complete series of fluoro- and chloromethanes. The basic calculations were all performed using a self-consistent molecular-orbital method paramwith 3d orbitals included etrized as described previou~ly~,~ on the chlorine atoms. Bond distances were abstracted from standard compilations. Bond indices were finally computed from the spinless density matrix. Use of these together with the experimental heats of atomization of the compounds in the standard state at 298 K yielded a set of bond-energy-likeparameters relating to each interaction in the molecule. The latter was effected by taking a weighted sum of the bond indices for each interaction in each molecule and setting this equal to the experimental standard-state heat of atomizations for the systems. Since the approach depends essentially on the assumption that the energies of separate bonds in molecules and radicals are additive, for CHzClz (for example) we write