Exclusion of noncrystalline polymer from the interlamellar region in

Exclusion of noncrystalline polymer from the interlamellar region in poly(vinylidene fluoride)/poly(methyl methacrylate) blends. Hiromu Saito, and Ber...
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Macromolecules 1994,27, 216-218

Exclusion of Noncrystalline Polymer from the Interlamellar Region in Poly(viny1idene fluoride)/Poly(methyl methacrylate) Blends Hiromu Saitot and Bernd Stuhn' Fakultat fur Physik, Uniuersitat Freiburg, Hermann-Herder Strasse 3, 0-79104 Freiburg, Germany Received June 16, 1993; Revised Manuscript Received October 13, 199P

ABSTRACT We investigated the intraspheruliticstructureof poly(viny1idenefluoride)(PVDF)/poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) blends using polarized microscopy and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). The structure of the spherulite is coarser with increasing crystallizationtemperature. The internal crystallinity obtainedby SAXS is much larger than ita overall value derived from DSC for the coarse spherulite, indicating that the amorphous region between lamellar bundles is large in this structure. For coarser structures, the electron density difference between the crystalline and the amorphous phase, obtained from an analysis of SAXS scattering profiles, is lower. That is, the concentration of PMMA in the interlamellar amorphous region is low in the coarse spherulite. This suggests that PMMA is partially excluded from the interlamellar region in the coarse spherulite. In mixtures of crystalline and noncrystalline components, the noncrystalline component must diffuse away from a crystal growth front; i.e., exclusion should take place. The exclusion effect is well-known in polymer/ diluent systems.14 When the diluent can rapidly diffuse away from a growing spherulite due to its large mobility, aconcentration gradient is established at the growth front. The existence of the concentration gradient has been confirmed by the concentration distribution observed by ultraviolet microscopy5f6and indirectly by the growth rate depending on the distribution of spherulite^.^ Because of the existence of the concentration gradient, the crystallization kinetics is nonlinear; i.e., the spherulitic growth rate is constant at the beginning, but it decreases at the late stages.14 On the other hand, in polymer/polymer systems, the mobility of the noncrystalline polymer is small. Thus the noncrystalline polymer seems to be excluded only on the length scale of lamellar bundles, at most. Keith and Padden have suggested that the spherulite becomes coarse and open when the noncrystalline polymer diffuses out of the interlamellar region and is trapped in pockets between lamellar bundles.1~2-7-9However, the exclusion effect on the sperulitic structure has not been demonstrated experimentally. Experimentally, the exclusion will be elucidated by investigating the effect of the intraspherulitic structure on the compactness of the spherulite. Typically, adding the noncrystalline polymer or raising the crystallization temperature causes the spherulitic morphology to become coarser and more open, while reducing the fraction of noncrystalline polymer or dropping the crystallization temperature causes it to become more compact. In this paper, the spherulite of a poly(viny1idenefluoride) (PVDF)/poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) blend, having different compactness at the same blend composition, is prepared by crystallization a t different temperatures. The spherulite morphology is characterized with polarized light microscopy and the intraspherulitic structure is investigated by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). + Present address: Departmentof Organic & PolymericMaterials, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Ookayama, Meguro-ku,Tokyo 152, Japan. 0 Abstract published in Advance ACS Abstracts, November 15,


The polymer specimens used in this study were commercial polymers. PVDF was supplied by Polyscience, Inc.; M, = 60 000. PMMA was supplied by Rohm GmbH; M, = 58 000. PVDF and PMMA were dissolved at 10 wt % of the total polymer in N,N-dimethylacetamide (DMAc). The solution was cast onto a cover glass. After the solvent had been evaporated at room temperature, the cast film was dried further under vacuum (10-4 mmHg) for 3 days at room temperature. The thin film thus prepared was used for optical microscopy and DSC experiments. A stack of thin-cast film was compression-molded at 210 "C using a molder of 17-mm length and 5-mm width into a thick film of about 1-mm thickness. This thick film was used for the SAXS studies. The specimen was melted at 210 "C for 10 min under pressure and then cooled to the desired crystallization temperature a t a cooling rate of 20 "Urnin. Crystallization was carried out for 24 h to ensure complete crystallization, Le., volume-filled spherulites. After crystallizing, the specimen was quenched in a water bath. The spherulitic morphology was observed by a Leitz I1 Pol-BK polarized microscope equipped with a 35-mm camera (Type A-E, Leica). DSC thermograms were recorded using a Perkin-Elmer DSC-4 at a heating rate of 20 K/min. The SAXS measurements were performed in an evacuated Kratky compact camera (Type KKK, Anton Paar K.G.) using an 80-pm entrance slit. The radiation of a Cu anode (Siemens X-ray tube FK 60-20) was reflected from a graphite monochromator to obtain monochromatic Cu K a radiation with a wavlength h = 0.154 nm. The generator was operated at 40 kV and 50 mA. The scattered intensity was detected by a scintillation counter in a step scanning mode and was stored on a computer. The measurement was carried out at 20 "C. The scattering profiles were corrected for background scattering and desmeared using Strobl's method.*O Then, the scattering caused by the thermal density fluctuation was eliminated by evaluating the slope of a 1q4 versus q4 plot at high scattering vectors, q = (47r/X) sin(8/2) where 8 is the scattering angle.'l Typical spherulitic morphologies of PVDF/PMMA blends are shown in Figure 1. In neat PVDF, compact spherulites having a clear Maltese cross pattern are observed (Figure la). Similarly compact spherulites are also developed in the blend crysallized at a low crystal-

0024-929719~/2227-0216$04.50l0 @ 1994 American Chemical Society

Macromolecules, Vol. 27,No.I , 1994

Exclusion of Noncrystalline Polymers from PVDF/PMMA 217 -10'


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Figure 1. Optical micrographs: (a) PMF/PMMA 1W/O crystallized at 160 "C;(b)compact spherulite; PVDFiPMMA 60/40 crystallized at 145 O C ; (c) coarse spherulite, PVDFiPMMA 60/ 40




[nm] Figure 2. Correlation functions K ( z ) derived from SAXS.



is completely lost (Figure IC). The spherilutes are also banded.lz.13 Their coarseness may be caused by the exclusion of PMMA from the lamellar bundles. The excluded PMMA hinders the radial growth of the crystalline lamellae, as suggested by Morra and Stein.lz The intraspherulitic structure of these three textures was investigated by SAXS measurement. To discuss the intraspherulitic structure based on the SAXS results, it is convenient to employ the Fourier transformation of the scattering curve, i.e., to calculate the linear correlation function K ( z ) defined by1'J5

The correlation function K ( z ) thus obtained is shown in Figure 2. In the application of the transformation eq 1to the SAXS data it is important to determine the scattering profile up to large enough q and subtract the scattering due to density fluctuations in order to avoid cutoff errors. K ( z )is related to the electron density distribution p ( z ) . so that the parameters of the intraspherulitic structure can be obtained from the shape of the K(z).l4J5The meaning of the parameters is indicated in Figure 2 for the example of the measurement on pure PVDF. The position of the first maximum (arrows in Figure 2) indicates the long spacing L, which means the most probable next-neighbor distance of the lamellae. The extrapolation of the initial slope for the K ( z ) intersects the base line K(z) = -A at z = ( d ) , the average thickness of the crystalline region. Here the base line is the horizontal line for the plateau region of the first minimum of K ( z ) and the slope d K W d r is given by

crystallized at 153 O C .

lization temperature (Figure lb). However, the Maltese cross pattern is diffuse compared to that of neat PVDF; i.e., there is a mottling of the regions where light is transmitted at 0' and 90". The diffuse Maltese cross pattern may be ascribed to the randomness of the orientation of lamellar bundles. In the blend crystallized athighertemperatures (above 150"C in thiscomposition), coarse spherulites are developed. They consist of lamellar bundlesoflargecrosssection,andtheMaltmecross pattern

whereQis theinvariant whichisobtained by extrapolating K(2) to z = 0. From the values of ( d ) and L,the linear crystallinity W I is obtained11J6's WI = ( d ) / L (3) On theotherhand,theaveragecrystallinitywithinlamellar

Macromolecules, Vol. 27, No. 1, 1994

218 Saito and Stuhn Table 1. Thickness of the Crystalline Region (I?), the Long Spacing L, and the Resulting Thickness of the Amorphous Region A M for Pure PVDF and Both Spherulite Structures of the Blend PVDF" compact* coarsec

( d ) (nm)

L (nm)

2.8 5.4

10.0 28.0

AM (nm) 7.2 22.6 23.4




Neat PVDF crystallizedat 160 "C. Compactspheruliteof blend; PVDF/PMMA 60/40 crystallized at 145 "C. Coarse spherulite of blend; PVDFiPMMA 60140 crystallized at 153 "C. Table 2. Values for the Crystallinity wi (Eq 3) and wo (from DSC) and the Compactness Parameter a (See Text). w0 c1 Q (eunm4) PVDF 0.28 0.28b 1 2420 compact 0.193 0.118 0.61 7800 coarse 0.233 0.120 0.51 4880 WI

(vc- v,)* (eunm4) 12 000 82 100 53 500

a The electron density difference pc - pa is obtained from Q according t o eq 5. b This value was normalized by that of u.

bundles w Iis given by14

w i= A / ( A+ Q) (4) Since the base line was not identical in the blends, A and ( d ) were obtained from eqs 2-4 by assuming w1= Wi.The average thickness of the crystalline region ( d ) ,the long spacing L, and the thickness of the amorphous phase AM, obtained as AM = L - ( L ) ,are shown in Table 1. Note here that the addition of noncrystalline polymer causes an increase in the thickness of the AM. This suggests that the noncrystalline polymer is incorporated between the crystalline lamellae, as already demonstrated in refs 11 and 16-18. However, the details should be discussed in terms of the electron density difference, as demonstrated later. In Table 2 we show the linear crystallinity wl and the crystallinity w o obtained by DSC. The w o is the overall crystallinity, while the w1 is the internal crystallinity within the lamellar bundles. Thus a ratio of these values, a = wo/wl,should be a measure for the compactness of spherulite if the specimen is completely volume-filledwith spherulites. a increases as the amorphous region between lamellar bundles gets smaller (more compact), while it decreases as the amorphous region gets larger (more open). The result is shown in Table 2. The a of the coarse spherulite is smaller than that of the compact spherulite, indicating that the coarse spherulite is more open than the compact spherulite. According to Keith and Padden, the excluded noncrystalline polymer is trapped in the pockets between lamellar bundles in the open spherulite.1,2!*?9If the noncrystalline polymer is excluded in this manner, the concentration of the noncrystalline polymer will be lower in the amorphous phase between lamellae with decreasing compactness, while it will be higher in the pockets between lamellar bundles. In the following, the concentration of the noncrystalline polymer in the amorphous phase between lamellae will be discussed in terms of the electron density difference measured in SAXS. Since the invariant Q is proportional to a, the meansquared electron density difference between the crystalline and amorphous phases (qc - qa)* for an ideal two-phase system is given by14

- vel2 = Q / a ~ l ( 1~- 1

(5) Q and (qc - qaI2 are shown in Table 2. For PVDF the observed electron density difference results in a mass density difference between the crystalline and the amor(7,


phous phase Ap = 0.37 g/cm3 in accordance with values reported in the literature. The (qc - qd2of the blends are much larger than that of neat PVDF. We note that the electron densities of neat polymer systems are ~ Q V D F = 0.860 mole/cm3 and q a , P m = 0.643 mole/cm3.1s Therefore, the large value of (ac - qa)' in the blends is ascribed to the small qa due to the presence of PMMA in the interlamellar amorphous region. Most interesting here is that the (qc of the coarse spherulite is smaller than that of the compact spherulite, indicating that qa of the coarse spherulite is larger than that of the compact spherulite. That is, the concentration of PMMA in the interlamellar region is lower because the spherulite is more open in spite of the same blend composition. This finding suggests that PMMA is partially excluded from the interlamellar region in the coarse spherulite. Thus, the partial exclusion of noncrystalline polymer in coarse spherulite has been proved. This may support the theory of Keith and Padden. The origin of the coarseness of the spherulite lies in the exclusion of noncrystalline polymer from the interlamellar region.lJ However, amore detailed discussion will have to take into account the specific interaction which restricts the exclusion.20121 Finally we remark that the thickness of the interfacial region between the crystalline and the amorphous phase increases from 0.4 nm in pure PVDF to 1.8 nm in the blend. Detailed properties of the interface will be discussed in a separate publication together with results from dielectric spectroscopy.22 Acknowledgment. We aregratefultoProf. G. R. Strobl for helpful discussion. H.S.thanks the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung for supporting his postdoctoral study in Germany. References and Notes (1) Keith, H. D.;Padden, F. J., Jr. J . Appl. Phys. 1963,34,2409. (2) Keith, H.D.; Padden, F. J., Jr. J. Appl. Phys. 1964,36,1270. (3) Goldenfeld, N. J. Cryst. Growth 1987,84,601. (4) Okada, T.; Saito, H.; Inoue, T. Macromolecules 1990,23,3866. (5) Ryan, T. G.; Calvert, P. D. Polymer 1982,23,877. (6) Calvert, P.; Billingham, N. C. Applied Polymer Light Microscopy; Ekevier Applied Science: New York, 1989,Chapter 7. (7) Warner, F. P.; Macknight, W. J.; Stein, R. S. J. Polym. Sci., Polym. Phys. Ed. 1977,15,2113. (8) Stein,R. S.;Khambatta,F. B.;Warner,F. P.;Russell,T.;Eecala, A,; Balizer, E. J. Polym. Sci., Polym. Symp. 1978,63,313. (9)Hudson, S. D.; Davis, D. D.; Lovinger, A. J. Macromolecules 1992,25,1769. (10) Strobl, G. R. Acta Crystallogr. 1970,A26, 367. (11)Russell,T. P.; Ito,H.; Wignall, G. D. Macromolecules 1988,21, 1703. (12) Morra, B. S.;Stein, R. S. J.Polym. Sci., Polym. Phys. Ed. 1982, 20, 2261.

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