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Web edition $25
Robin D. Rogers, Editor Alan S. Myerson, Associate Editor Ken Seddon, Associate Editor
Crystal Growth & Design publishes theoretical and experimental studies on the physical, chemical and biological phenomena and processes related to crystal growth and the design of new materials. Published bi-monthly in print and continuously on the Web, Crystal Growth & Design has the added feature of allowing readers to manipulate and rotate three-dimensional images of crystal structures. The images are enhanced with Chime-Pro software, a free program that can be downloaded from the website of its creators, MDL Information Systems, Inc. View a sample issue: http://pubs.acs.org/crystal
"77775 convergence of the top-down and bottom-up approaches A JOURNAL DEDICATED at the nanometer scale marks the first time in history TO NANQSCIENCE AND «AN01ECHN010GY when it appears within reach to design a macroscopic functional material by controlling the composition of Wph Pdition L E T T E R S matter on every length scale from the atom up. " fcoc
—Paul Alivisatos, Editor
Nano Letters provides rapid disclosure of the key elements of a study, publishing preliminary, experimental and theoretical results of the physical, chemical, and biological phenomena, processes and applications of structures within the nanoscale size range. Like Crystal Growth & Design, the Web Edition includes embedded images to enhance a readers understanding. View a sample issue:
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AMERICAN CHEMICAL S O C I E T Y >. 1876-2001 >