Executive committee meeting, Division of ... - ACS Publications

lished in collected form, to serve as reference text material. R. A. Baker was elected to the Board of Publication for threeyears, succeeding G. J. Es...
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EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING, DIVISION OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION The Executive Committee of the Division met in Boston a t 1 0 : 0 0 A.M. on Thursday, September 14th. Present: M. V. McGill, S. R. Brinkley, N. W. Rakestraw, Virginia Bartow, W. T. Read. After discussion, it was voted to amend the By-Laws of the Division in two respects: (1) Altering the membership of the Executive Committee to include two members-at-large and only one past chairman (instead of two). (2) Providing that the chairman of the Division shall not be ex-officio chairman of the Board o f Publication, but that the Board shall elect its own chairman.

A suggestion for future programs was made and approved: That at each of the several following meetings papers by experts be invited, dealing with successive topics in the content of courses in general chemistry, and that eventually these papers be published in collected form, to serve as reference text material. R. A. Baker was elected to the Board of Publication for three years, succeeding G. J. Esselen. NORRIS W. RAKESTRAW, Secretary