Expansion of DIVCHED's subcommittee on continuing education

Expansion of DIVCHED'S Subcommittee on Continuing Education activnies. Oneoftheacrions which wasapproved by rhecommittee was the rxpansionof the ...
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Expansion of DIVCHED'S Subcommittee on Continuing Education activnies. Edu. Oneoftheacrions which wasapproved by rhecommittee was the rxpansionof the Subrummitte~un('ontin~rinp. s i p Ethel I.. S~~hulrs. catim from a Task Force of one to a working comrnltree ot sewn peuple. ('ha~rmonof r h ~ Subcamm~rwe Marblehead. hlatsachuwtts and committee member; are E w l w Bank. M'rstmm*trr. ('olorsrlm Kathy Domlmnk. St. L u u ~ . Missouri: J& Harris. Houston. Texas: Rav Martin. ~everlv.~assachusetts: Eric streitbere&. ~ulierton.california: and

An immediate goal of the committee is to publicize successful programs so that these programs could serve as role models for other groups of interested people to build upon. One of these programs has already been described in a recent article Evelyn Bank, past chairman of the Colorado Section, ACS, by Jed White in the March 1982 issue of the THIS JOURNAL. has also written an article which will soon appear in THIS JOURNAL. Members of the subcommittee will he present at the Biennial Conference of the Division Chemical Education, Oklahoma State Universitv.Stillwater. A oanelaf those oresent will be included in the Conuersations With... s e w e n t of theoromam in your region. Ethel L. Schultz Chairman Subcommittee on Continuing Education Marblehead High School, Marblehead, MA 01945


Journal of Chemical Education