Experimental and Density Functional Theory Analysis of Serial

Apr 13, 2010 - Department of Chemistry, Nanoscience Center, UniVersity of JyVäskylä, FI-40014 JyVäskylä, Finland. ReceiVed: February 9, 2010; ReVised ...
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J. Phys. Chem. C 2010, 114, 8276–8281

Experimental and Density Functional Theory Analysis of Serial Introductions of Electron-Withdrawing Ligands into the Ligand Shell of a Thiolate-Protected Au25 Nanoparticle Joseph F. Parker,† Katarzyna A. Kacprzak,‡ Olga Lopez-Acevedo,‡ Hannu Ha¨kkinen,‡,§ and Royce W. Murray*,† Kenan Laboratories of Chemistry, UniVersity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599, Department of Physics, Nanoscience Center, UniVersity of JyVa¨skyla¨, FI-40014 JyVa¨skyla¨, Finland, and Department of Chemistry, Nanoscience Center, UniVersity of JyVa¨skyla¨, FI-40014 JyVa¨skyla¨, Finland ReceiVed: February 9, 2010; ReVised Manuscript ReceiVed: March 25, 2010

The progress of ligand exchange reactions between the ligands of Au25(SR)18- nanoparticles (SR ) S(CH2)2Ph) and thiols with electron-withdrawing substituents (HSPh-p-X; X ) Br, NO2) was monitored using 1H nuclear magnetic resonance. As the reactions proceed, the introduction of the electron withdrawing -SPhX ligands into the nanoparticle ligand shell causes a shift of the nanoparticle redox waves (Au251+/0 and Au250/1-) to more positive potentials. Combining the NMR and electrochemical results reveals a nearly linear shift of the redox formal potentials as a function of the average number of exchanged ligands: ∼42 and 25 mV/ligand for X ) -NO2 and -Br, respectively. Using a simple model electron-withdrawing ligand (-SCH2Cl), density functional theory (DFT) was used to study in detail the effects on the nanoparticle electronic structure caused by exchange of this ligand for -SCH3. The calculations show how the electronegative -X group changes the polarizationofthenanoparticleandthechargedistributionamongtheligands,theprotecting(-SR-Au-SR-Au-SR-) semirings, and the Au13 core. The HOMO-LUMO gap is unchanged by the ligand exchanges; both states are equally stabilized by the presence of each incoming ligand, by ∼60 mV/ligand. Charge analysis suggests no significant changes in the Au13 core, even after complete exchange. Rather, the charge is transferred inside the ligands, mostly from nearest-neighbor atoms of the semirings. Introduction Gold nanoparticles with thiolate protecting ligands have received considerable research attention over the past decade due to their interesting size-dependent properties. The electronic structure of very small gold nanoparticles ( 2. The metal-electron shell structure (eight-electron closed-shell configuration) of the Au13 core is not disturbed by the chlorinated ligands.

It is important to recognize that both the formal potential and NMR data represent an average of the nanoparticle ligand shell composition at any one time. The ligand exchange has a statistical aspect17 in that, for example, when an average of one ligand has been exchanged, there will be a substantial population of nanoparticles with two and with none exchanged. The distribution will ultimately follow a binominal distribution. The

Figure 5. Energies of the HOMO and LUMO states as a function of chlorinated ligands in the model cluster Au25[SCH3]18-x[SCH2Cl]x-. The solid symbols correspond to the HOMO and LUMO energies of the optimal-energy isomers at a given x, and the open symbols are the HOMO and LUMO energy of higher energy isomers. The HOMO-LUMO gap remains constant, but both HOMO and LUMO energies shift downward (are stabilized) with the increasing number of SCH2Cl. Accordingly, the vertical detachment energy increases linearly by exactly the same quantity (Figure S-7 (Supporting Information)).

curvatures seen in Figures 2 and 3 at low numbers of ligands exchanged may possibly reflect averaging within an initially distorted binominal distribution. Given the known structure of the nanoparticle, consisting of a Au13 core surrounded by six -SR-Au-SR-Au-SR- motifs (“semirings”), one can now study in detail what happens to the electronic structure of the nanoparticle with the presence of electron withdrawing ligands, i.e., what parts of the nanoparticle are affected? To accomplish this, a ligand exchange of -SCH3 with a simple electron-withdrawing ligand -SCH2Cl was modeled using density functional theory. The results of the


J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 114, No. 18, 2010

Parker et al.

Figure 6. Bader charges (in |e|) versus number of exchanged ligands in the model cluster Au25[SCH3]18-x[SCH2Cl]x-. The Au13 core remains at the same weakly positively charge state as in the nonchlorinated cluster (with x ) 0). The total chlorine charge (negative) increases linearly with x. The charge is depleted from the Au and S atoms and the CH moieties in the gold-thiolate units (“semirings”).

calculations shed light on how the electronegative -X group changes the polarization of the nanoparticle and how it affects the charge in the ligands, the semirings, and the Au13 core. DFT Results and Discussion. To model the experiments, we considered the theoretical model of the methylthiolatepassivated Au25 cluster anion, which can be written6 as Au25(SCH3)18- ) Au13[Au2(SCH3)3]6-, and systematically replaced the methylthiolate ligands in the Au2(SCH3)3 “semirings” with corresponding chlorinated ones, giving a composition Au25(SCH3)18-x(SCH2Cl)x- with 0 e x e 18. Several isomers of each cluster with a given x were checked to find clusters with the lowest total energy. In some structural isomers, interaction between the chlorine in the chlorinated methylthiolate and hydrogen from the nearest-neighbor methylthiolate led to formation of hydrogen-bonded Cl · · · H, but in those cases, the total energy of the cluster was not optimal. In addition, we found that it is energetically optimal to exchange first the 12 -SCH3 ligands that are closest to the Au13 core. The character of the frontier orbitals remains similar for any x; that is, the Au25(SCH3)18-x(SCH2Cl)x- clusters are all socalled eight-electron “superatoms” in which the cluster valence configuration, derived from Au(6s) electrons, can be written as S2P6 with a 3-fold degenerate HOMO of P-symmetry.6 The five D-like empty orbitals are split into two groups by the ligand field, with 2-fold LUMO and 3-fold LUMO+1 (Figure 4). The HOMO-LUMO gap remains the same for all x, at 1.25 eV. Both HOMO and LUMO states are stabilized as a function of x in a rather linear fashion, the downshift of the orbital energy being about 0.06 eV per each added SCH2Cl (Figure 5). We also checked the electron detachment energy of the chlorinated cluster anions in vacuum and observed the same trend; that is, a linear increase of the detachment energy as a function of the number of chlorinated ligands (Figure S-7 (Supporting Information)). Charge analysis (Figure 6 and Table S-1 (Supporting Information)) suggests no significant changes in the Au13 core of any chlorinated cluster; rather, the charge is transferred inside the semirings of the ligands, mostly from nearest-neighbor

atoms. In the completely chlorinated cluster Au25(SCH2Cl)18-, the chlorine atoms attract a total negative charge of -4.42 |e| (-0.246 |e| per Cl), which originates from the 12 Au atoms in the semirings (total of +0.36 |e|), sulfurs (+0.94 |e|), and CH2 moieties (+3.12 |e|). This strong charge-transfer inside the semirings induces a strong modification of the electric dipoles in the ligand shell (Figure S-8 (Supporting Information)) which are responsible for the stabilization of the metal electron states of the Au13 core. The net dipole vector originates from the Cl-C bonds and has the largest component in a radial direction Au(core center) f C (pointing toward the Au13 core). A single chlorinated semiring unit Au2(SCH2Cl)3 has a net dipole change of 2.3 D in the vacuum as compared with the nonchlorinated semiring (projected onto the S-Au-S-Au-S plane of the semiring). This result is in line with earlier estimates (1.2 D) of the net change of dipoles that result in the electrochemical stabilization of the metal states of this nanoparticle in solution by exchanging -S(CH2)2Ph into -SPhNO2.8 The strong depletion of the charge from the CH2 moieties is also reflected in the analysis of the local atomic orbitals in the carbon bound to Cl that shows comparable weights of the C(2s) and C(2p) with 50% each, signaling significant changes to the sp3 hybridization (Figure S-9 (Supporting Information)). Conclusions The presence of strongly electron-withdrawing X groups on incoming -SPhX ligands prompts a shift to more positive potentials of the nanoparticle’s redox waves in a nearly linear relationship. Experimental ligand exchanges with -SPhNO2 and -SPhBr ligands and the theoretical exchange with -SCH2Cl ligands shift the redox waves by 42, 25, and 60 mV per ligand, respectively, as compared with the original ligand shell. Density functional theory was also used to elucidate the changes in electronic charge distribution of the nanoparticle during exchange. Confirming earlier reports, the HOMO-LUMO gap remains the same during the course of the reaction, with both states being stabilized by the presence of each incoming ligand.

Introduction of Ligands into Shell of Au25 NP Charge analysis suggests no significant changes in the Au13 core, even after complete exchange. Rather, the charge is transferred inside the ligands, mostly from nearest-neighbor atoms. Last, we call attention to earlier, as yet unexplained observations20 of linear relationships between increases in near-infrared luminescence intensities of Au25 and of another nanoparticle during ligand exchanges that included use of the same HSPhBr and HSPhNO2 thiols as employed in this paper. It is likely that further study will show an involvement of electronic polarization effects in the semirings that is related to those illustrated in the calculations presented in this paper. Acknowledgment. This research was supported by the National Science Foundation, Office of Naval Research, and the Academy of Finland. Molecular graphics images were produced using the UCSF Chimera package from the Resource for Biocomputing, Visualization, and Informatics at the University of California, San Francisco (supported by NIH P41 RR01081). K.K., O.L.-A., and H.H. thank J. Akola and H. Gro¨nbeck for discussions. Supporting Information Available: Supplementary redox potential, cyclic voltammetry, NMR, electronic polarization data. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at http:// pubs.acs.org. References and Notes (1) Lee, D.; Donkers, R. L.; Wang, G.; Harper, A. S.; Murray, R. W. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2004, 126, 6193–6199. (2) Brust, M.; Walker, M.; Bethell, D.; Schiffrin, D. J.; Whyman, R. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun. 1994, 801–802. (3) Donkers, R. L.; Lee, D.; Murray, R. W. Langmuir 2004, 20, 1945– 1952. (4) Wu, Z.; Suhan, J.; Jin, R. J. Mater. Chem. 2009, 19, 622–626.

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