Experimental evaluation of recursive estimation applied to linear

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Bulk concentration of active species Concentration of active species at surface of electrode at t i m e t Diffusion coefficient of active species Voltage o u t p u t from 4335 function generator Potential of electrode at time t , minus a reference potential Faraday's c o n s t a n t Numerical c o n s t a n t defined in Equation 13 Numerical constant defined in E q u a t i o n 1 4 Electrolysis current a t time t Faradaic current Reference r a t e c o n s t a n t corresponding t o t h e selected reference potential; a constant A constant Laplace operator with respect t o Y E x p o n e n t of t i m e N u m b e r of electrons transferred per ion Power of time by which electrode area increases Power of t i m e by which t h e current increases Numerical c o n s t a n t defined in Equation 21 Universal gas constant D u m m y variable of Laplace transformation T i m e ; for subscripts, see Figure 2 Kelvin t e m p e r a t u r e Variables used t o describe action of 4335 Y - P + 112 Cathodic transfer coefficient Dimensionless analog of potential, defined E q u a t i o n 15 Dimensionless analog of current, defined E q u a t i o n 14 Transition t i m e

n n


LITERATURE CITED (1) H. F. Weber, Wed. Ann., 7, 536 (1879). (2) H. J. S. Sand, Phil. Mag., I,45 (1901). (3) L. Gierst and A . Juiiard, J , Phys. Chem., 57, 701 (1953). (4) P. Delahay and G. Mamantov, Anal. Chem., 27, 478 (1955). (5) P. Delahay, "New Instrumental Methods in Electrochemistry", Interscience. New York, 1954,Chap. 8. (6) C. N.Reilley, G. W. Everett, and R. H. Johns, Anal. Chem., 27, 483 (1955). (7) P. J. Lingane, Crlf. Rev. Anal. Chem.. 1, 587 (1971). (8) P. 60s and E. Van Dalen, J . Electroanal. Chem., 45, 165 (1973). (9) M. L. Olmstead and R. S. Nicholson, J . Phys. Chem., 72, 1650 (1968). (10) R. W. Laity and J. D. E. McIntyre, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 87,3806 (1965). (11) W. D. Shults, F. E. Haga, T. R. Muelier, and H. C . Jones, Anal. Chem., 37, 1415 (1965). 112) Y . Takernori. T. Kambara, M. Senda, and 1. Tachi, J . Phys. Chem.. 61, 968 (1957). (13) R. T. Iwamoto, Anal. Chem., 31, 1062 (1959). (14) D. G. Peters and S. L. Burden, Anal. Chem., 38, 530 (1966). (15) P E Sturrock. J. L. Huahes. B. Vandreuil. G. E. O'Brien. and R. H.Gibson, J . € l e c f r o c h e i . Socr, 122, 1195 (1975). (16) P. E. Sturrock, 6 .Vandreuil, and R . H. Gibson, J . Electrochem. Soc., 122, 1311 (1975). (17) P. E. Sturrock and R. H. Gibson, J. Electrochem. Soc.. 123, 629 (1976). (18) R. H. Gibson and P. E. Sturrock, J . Electrochem. Soc.. 123, 1170 (1976). (19) R. W. Murray, Anal. Chem., 35, 1784 (1963). (20) K. B. Oldham, Anal. Chem.. 41,936 (1969). (21) H. Hurwitz and L. Gierst, J . Elecfroanal. Chem., 2, 128 (1961). (22) F. JoviE and I. KontusiE, J . Elecfroanal. Chem., 50,269 (1974). (23) M. Senda. Rev. Polarogr., 4,89 (1965). (24) T. Kambara and I . Tachi, J . Phys. Chem., 61, 1405 (1957). (25) L. H. Chow, Ph.D. Dissertation, Seton Hall University, South Orange, N.J., 1977. (26) G. W. Ewing, Analog Dialogue, 8(l),19 (1974). (27) R. W. Murray and C. N. Reilley, J . Elecfroanal. Chem., 3, 64 (1962). (28) Z . Karaoglanoff, Z. Elekbochem., 12, 5 (1906). \


RECEIVEDfor review October 6, 1978. Accepted December 4, 1978. One of us (L.H.C.) was supported by a grant from the State of New Jersey under the Independent Colleges and Universities Utilization Act of 1972. Presented in part a t the 29th Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy, Cleveland, Ohio, February 28, 1978.

Experimental Evaluation of Recursive Estimation Applied to Linear Sweep Anodic Stripping Voltammetry for Real Time Analysis Paul F. Seelig' and Henry N. Blount' Brown Chemical Laboratory, The University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware

The recursive estimation technique known as the Kalman filter has been experimentally verified for linear sweep anodic stripping voltammetry (LSASV) at hanging mercury drop (HMDE) and thin film mercury (TFME) electrodes. Synthetic lead samples were employed for a critical comparison between this real time recursive estimation technique and traditional nonreal time digital filtering techniques. The recursive technique generally returned concentration estimates which were of greater precision than the other digital methods for LSASV at an HMDE and of comparable precision for LSASV at a TFME. The limits of detection for these techniques (0.4 ppb) were found to be governed by the exogenous background concentration of the analyte rather than the technique per se.

Present address: Department of Chemistry, Reiss Science Center, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. 20057. 0003-2700/79/0351-0327$0 1 .OO/O

1971 1

Recent advances in digital hardware which permit more comprehensive data analysis and experimental control are being incorporated into chemical instrumentation. As hardware costs drop and expertise with these new devices increases, more sophisticated and "intelligent" microprocessors are appearing as integral parts of new instruments (1-7). Such systems become increasingly capable of executing complex algorithms designed to extract analytically significant information from the output of the transducers. Paralleling these hardware developments have been substantial improvements in numerical methods of data analysis. T h e classification of data and identification of subsets by methods such as factor analysis (8-12), principal components (13),and pattern recognition (24-16) have been demonstrated. Smoothing of data (17-19) has been shown to be advantageous in many situations (20,21),although caution must be exercised to maintain the information content of the signal. Transforms C 1979 American Chemical Society



of data by Fourier or Hadamard methods have been used in various applications of filtering (22-24),computing derivatives (25, 26), and pattern recognition (27, 28). T h e integration of t h e computer into instrumentation affords the possibility of real time d a t a processing for more efficient analysis as well as real time control. T h e extent t o which these real time attributes can be realized is largely determined by the nature of t h e computational algorithm employed. Traditionally, the analysis has been carried out by some ex post facto method such as multiple regression. Such methods afford t h e optimal analytical result, but with t h e forfeiture of real time control capabilities. Various "pseudo-real time" techniques are available ( I 7-21) wherein estimates of the analytical parameters of interest are provided during the course of the experiment, but with a delay of several observation intervals. These methods sacrifice some degree of optimality of result, but with a concomitant gain in control capability. Recently, a n algorithm for the real time analysis of data, t h e Kalman filter, has been described (29). This recursive technique has been shown t o return precise and accurate estimates of the analytical parameters of interest over a broad range of signal-to-noise ratios. The real time character of this method minimizes t h e overall analysis time and maximizes real time control capabilities. The thrust of this present work is twofold: first, to present a n experimental evaluation of t h e Kalman filter as applied t o the analysis of trace metal analytes by linear sweep anodic stripping voltammetry (LSASV) and second, t o critically compare t h e analytical results from LSASV experiments obtained through t h e use of real time, pseudo-real time, and nonreal time analysis algorithms.

EXPERIMENTAL Apparatus. The instrument employed for the linear sweep anodic stripping voltammetric experiments was a Princeton Applied Research Corporation Model l74A polarographic analyzer (PAR174A). This instrument utilizes a conventional threeelectrode configuration and does not provide a means for ohmic drop compensation. Standard operational amplifier and digital timing circuits were used to couple the PARl74A to an analog-to-digital system which was designed and built in-house and has been described elsewhere (30). Control of the PAR174A and processing of the digital representations of the analog current and potential transients were affected using a NOVA1200 computer (Data General Corporation) configured as previously described (29). Software was written in standard ANSI FORTRAN IV, with the data acquisition subroutines being written in assembly language. compatible with Data General DOS FORTRAK Iv. The electrochemical cell bodies and glass probes were made of borosilicate glass and the cell tops fabricated from Teflon. A saturated calomel electrode (SCE) served as the reference and was separated from the solution by a saturated lithium perchlorate salt bridge with a Vycor plug used for the junction. The ohmic drop between working and reference electrodes was determined by ac conductance measurements and found to be 77 R. The auxiliary electrode was a platinum spiral approximately 1.0 cm in length and 2.0 mm in diameter. All potentials are reported relative to the SCE. All measurements were carried out at 25.0 f 0.5 "C. The magnetic stirrer was made from a 300-rpm Bodine sychronous motor. For all experimental measurements, the electrochemical cell was positioned on a vibration free table (Serva-Bench, Block Engineering) to minimize undesired convective mass transport. Reagents and Materials. Water used for solution preparation was deionized by passage through a high capacity mixed-bed resin column (Barnstead D0803) and distilled in a well leached glass still. Lithium perchlorate (Alfa Products) used for the supporting electrolyte was purified in the manner previously described (31). One-liter quantities of 0.100 M lithium perchlorate in 0.100% nitric acid (Ultrex, J. T. Baker Chemical Co.) and 1.00 M lithium perchlorate in 1.00% nitric acid were prepared from this material

and further purified by gross electrolysis for 24 h over a mercury pool electrode maintained a t -900 mV. Stock lead standards, 10.00 g/L lead, were prepared by dissolving 1.598 g lead nitrate in distilled water and diluting to 100 mL with 0.10 M lithium perchlorate solution. Standards containing less than 1.00 ppm lead were prepared daily and the 1.00 ppm lead standard was prepared weekly. Mercuric nitrate solutions were prepared from triply distilled mercury (Bethlehem) which was further purified by a method described elsewhere (32). Quarter-inch diameter spectroscopic grade carbon rods (National Carbon), used for the thin-film mercury electrode (TFME), were wax impregnated with paraffin (Gulfwax). Nitrogen (Linde), used for deoxygenation of the analyte solutions, was first bubbled through a vanadous chloride solution (33, 3 4 ) for oxygen removal and then through two stages of supporting electrolyte solution before being introduced into the electrochemical cell. Electrode Preparation and Characterization. Hanging Mercury Drop Electrode (HMDE). Mercury drops, formed at the tip of a DME capillary, were transferred to a mercury plated platinum tip electrode (Sargent S-29314-40 transfer apparatus). The mercury drop radius was determined to be 0.0479 (f0.0005) cm by drop mass measurements. For good reproducibility of the electrochemical response, it was necessary to clean the mercury from the tip with concentrated nitric acid and to redeposit the mercury prior to daily experimentation. Thin Film Mercury Electrode ( T F M E ) . Graphite rods, ca. 2.0 cm in length, were immersed in hot paraffin and degassed with a water aspirator vacuum until all venting of gas from the rod had ceased (ca. 15 min). After withdrawing the rod from the paraffin, it was cut into 0.65-cm segments to expose the graphite surface which was then polished using Crocus cloth (Norton No. 1507-3) and then filter paper (Whatman No. 1) until the surface exhibited a mirror finish. The rod was attached to a glass tube (6.0 mm) using Teflon heat shrink tubing (0.65cm). The shrinkage of the tubing and the excess paraffin on the outside of the graphite rod were found to form an air-tight seal. Mercury was used to make contact to the top of the graphite rod. For characterization, mercury films were deposited onto the wax impregnated graphite electrode under potentiostatic conditions (-750 mV) for 300 s from a mercuric nitrate solution, either 4.0 X M or 8.0 X 10-' M. The quantity of mercury deposited was determined coulometrically and calculations of film thickness were based on the assumption of uniform coverage. Procedure. All glassware was leached with 10% nitric acid solution for 24 h and then triply rinsed with 10% nitric acid and distilled water immediately before use. Linear Saeep Voltammetry ( L S V ) at H M D E . The standard lead solutions were prepared by diluting the appropriate quantity of 1.00 ppm stock lead solutions to 100 mL using the 0.100M lithium perchlorate (pH = 1.7 f 0.2). After introducing the sample into the cell, a stream of nitrogen was bubbled through the solution for deoxygenation for 300 s after which the nitrogen was directed over the top of the solution. For the stripping analysis trials. the lead was deposited into the drop under stirred conditions for 300 s at a potential of -750 my. The stirrer was then turned off and the solution allowed to come to rest for 20 s whereupon a potential sweep from -750 mV to 0 mV at the desired scan rate was initiated by the computer. The current and potential responses were digitized by the computer every 2.0 mV of the sweep and the data saved for later analysis. For nonstripping trials, the solution was allowed to come to rest for 20 s after which the potential was scanned from 0 mV to -750 mV at the desired rate. L S V a t TFME. The standard lead solutions were prepared by diluting 0.50 mL of 10.0 mM mercuric nitrate solution and the appropriate amount (0.05004.400 mL) of 1.00 ppm stock lead solution to 100 mL with 0.100 M lithium perchlorate (pH = 1.8 f 0.2). The lead standards and the tap water analytes were analyzed in an identical manner. Ten milliliters of the sample were placed in the cell and deoxygenated for 300 s after which the nitrogen was directed over the top of the solution. Under stirred conditions, codeposition of the mercury and lead at -750 m y was carried out, after which the stirrer was turned off and the solution allowed to come to rest for 20 s. The computer then initiated the potential sweep from -750 mV to 0 mV at 100 mV/s



Table I. Accuracy and Precision of LSV Models a t Various Potential Sweep Rates

sweep rate, mV/s 500 200

100 50 20 10 5

LSV a t plane electroden concentration reported, M X 1 0 3 %R S D ~ 0.989


1.oo 0.992 0.974

LSV at H M D E ~ concentration reported, M X 104 % RSD

0.2 0.4

0.6 1.1 1.3


4.44 4.49 4.55 4.54 4.47 4.45 4.38

0.6 0.4 0.6 0.3 0.5


LSASV a t HMDEC concentration reported, M x lo6 % RSD e 8.63 8.66 8.67 9.02 9.76 10.32

1.2 2.3 1.3 1.4 2.2 4.7

2.1 a Concentration taken was 1.00 x M DPA. Concentration reported is t h e average for four trials. Concentration taken was 4.83 x M lead. Concentration reported is the average of five trials. Concentration in the HMDE was for a 300 s deposition from a 2.41 X 10.- M lead sample. Concentration reported is the average of four trials. Percent relative standard deviation. Not determined. e

and acquired a current and a potential data point every 2.0 mV during the potential sweep. These data were saved for later analysis. After each trial, the mercury film was stripped off a t +750 mV before the next trial was run. Computational Algorithms. For the analysis of the experimental data the general current model employed was i = f ( C , E ) + pE + d (1) where i (PA) is the total current, f(C,Ej is the appropriate faradaic current model which is dependent on the concentration (C) and the potential ( E ) ,p (wA/mV) is the constant background slope, and /3 (wA) is the current offset or intercept at the start of the potential sweep. This background model assumes Cd (capacitance of the double layer) to be constant over the potential range of the experiment. Nonreal T i m e (NRT) Analysis. For the ex post facto analysis of the data, a standard multiple regression algorithm was employed (35). This method, which assures the minimization of the squared residuals between the model and the raw data, computed estimates of the concentration, background slope, and the background intercept. This computational algorithm carried out a stepwise search along the potential axis for the global minimum of the squared error for a given current-potential transient. Pseudo-Real T i m e (PRT) Analysis. For these techniques, the raw data were first corrected by subtracting the linear background, then either not smoothed or smoothed by one of four algorithms: five-point moving average, cubic spline (361, five-point grouping, or seven-point quartic quintic (18). Subsequent determinations of the concentration were based both on the peak faradaic current and the integral of the faradaic current over the potential sweep. In the former case, the peak faradaic current was determined both by absolute peak picking (APRT) wherein the entire data set was sequentially searched for the maximum current and by derivative peak picking (DPRT) in which the derivative of the currentpotential transient was computed using a nine-point quadratic algorithm (18). For the estimate of the maximum current, the maximum value and two data points on each side of the peak were averaged together. In the latter case, the transient was integrated (IPRT) using the trapezoidal method (37). Real T i m e ( R V Analysis. The two-measurement,five-state Kalman filter was essentially the same as previously described (29). The error covariances matrix computation was modified to ensure the matrix remaining symmetric positive definite and was carried out using P , = ( I - K,H,)M,(I K,H,lT + K,R,K,' -

where the subscript i is the time increment, P is the a posteriori state error covariance matrix, M is the a priori state error covariance matrix, R is the measurement variance matrix, K is the filter gain, H , is the observation model relating the states to the measurements, I is the identity matrix, and the superscript T indicates transposition. Other commonly used notation is given in Appendix I. While the computation of the error covariances, using this form, proceeds more slowly than that given earlier (reference 29, Equation 11),round-off error is diminished. The initial state estimates provided to the filter were computed from the first five data points acquired. The estimate of the

background intercept was the first data point, the background slope was estimated from the first five data points, and the concentration estimate arose from considerations of the estimated background intercept and slope together with the faradaic current model. The rapid convergence of the filter from greatly erroneous initial estimates (29) indicated that more stringent algorithms for the computation of the initial states would not have a significant effect on the final estimate of the concentration. Input from the operator provided the value of the initial covariance for state and measurement errors. The error covariances are an indication of the confidence placed in the initial estimates and for these cases the variances were made large, l o 4 or greater for the concentration, slope, and intercept and lo2 for the initial potential and the potential sweep rate. For the concentration, slope, and intercept, this variance indicates that the initial estimate falls within a range of il00 mol/L, pA/mV, or PA (depending on which state is being considered), and for the initial potential and rate of potential sweep the estimate is within *lo mV or mV/s. The measurement variances for the current and the potential were both set to one indicating the electrode potential noise as being fl mV and the current noise as being fl pA. R E S U L T S AND D I S C U S S I O N Models. The accuracy of the models was investigated for a wide range of potential sweep rates with t h e d a t a being analyzed by N R T multiple regression. All models used for these trials were computed for a potential range of f150 mV with respect to t h e E". T h e effects that errors in t h e model E" and errors in the radius or area of the electrode have on the concentration reported were determined using synthetic data which was free of any measurement noise. These errors in concentration were found to be deterministic, representing nominal values, and additional perturbation by measurement noise caused t h e overall error t o increase. Plane a n d Spherical Electrodes, S e m i - i n f i n i t e Diffusion. T h e general faradaic current response for these models is composed of two contributions, the plane component, zp, and the spherical component, z, as given by (38) i = i, + z, (3) where the individual current components are given in Appendix 11, Equations 1-6. Equation 3 , as written, is for t h e linear sweep voltammetric (LSV) nonstripping model and conversion to the LSV stripping model requires only that the sign on t h e spherical component be changed (39). LSV a t Plane Electrode. T h e plane electrode model was verified for t h e one-electron oxidation of 9,lO-diphenylanthracene (DPA) a t a plane, shielded platinum electrode over a wide range of potential sweep rates. T h e computed concentration of DPA based on a comparison of theoretical and experimental current responses for various sweep rates is shown in Table I. The higher reported variance a t the slower sweep rates is attributable to the decreased current response.



Table 11. Effect of E" Error on Reported Concentration Computed by Multiple Regression Analysis" LSASVd LSASV LSV (plane LSV E" bias, electrode),b ("DE), (TFME )," ( HMDE ),c 7% error % error % error mV % errorf 30 - 6.6 - 65.6 - 51.5 - 50.1 - 34.9 - 17.1 - 25.6 20 - 0.6 - 6.9 10 1.6 -- 10.5 - 0.4 0 - 10 - 20


0.0 - 2.7 - 22.2



14.1 - 6.2 - 13.7 - 40.0 - 26.0 - 30 - 25.3 - 59.1 -71.3 - 50.5 " Faradaic current models are given in Appendix 11. Model parameters are: n = 1,D R = 1 . 3 5 X l o w 4cm2/s,v = 0.100 Vis, E* = -0.200 V vs. E " , E" = 0.0 V. Model arameters are: n = 2, D o = 0.98 X 10.' cmz/s,v = -0.100 Vis, E * = 0,100 V vs. E " , E " = 0.0 V, and r o = 0.076 cm. $Model parameters are: n = 2, D R = 1.39 X 10.' cm2/s,v = 0.100 Vis, E * = -0.100 V vs. E " , E" = 0.0 V , and r o = 0.1056 cm. e Model parameters are: n = 2, D R = 1.39 X cm2/s,D o = 0.98 X 10.' cmz/s, u = 0,100 Vis, 1 = 30 pm, E * = - 0,200 V vs. E " , and E " = 0.0 V. f Error reported is the absolute percent error from the true concentration. - 5.1

For the plane electrode, errors made in the estimate of the electrode area are transformed to errors in the reported concentration such that a 15.0% error in the electrode area will result in a 75.0% error in the reported concentration. Errors resulting from uncertainty in the E" of the model are shown in Table 11. For this one-electron process, the error associated with a cathodic bias of the model results in a more severe error in the reported concentration because of the rapidly changing current response in the leading edge of the faradaic signal. LSV at HMDE. T h e LSV spherical electrode model was characterized over a wide range of potential sweep rates for the two-electron reduction of lead a t an HMDE. The results are shown in Table I and again the lower current levels for the slower sweep rates give rise to the observed decrease in precision. The dependence of the concentration error on the electrode radius error is twofold with inaccuracies arising from errors in the estimate of the electrode area and from errors in the estimate of the spherical component of the current for the model. Erroneous area estimates affect both the plane and spherical components of the current in a linear fashion such that A 5 . 0 7 ~deviations in the area give rise to ~ 5 . 0 %errors in the concentration. The electrode area exhibits a quadratic dependence on the electrode radius so that radius errors will result in area errors which are asymmetrically distributed about the correct area, with a positive radius error creating a greater area error. For the electrode radius of 0.0479 cm used in this investigation a +5.0% radius error yields an area error of +10.0% whereas a -5.0% radius error yields a -9.8% area error. At high rates of potential sweep, the contribution of the spherical term to the total current is decreased; thus, as the potential sweep rate increases, concentration errors arising from electrode radius inaccuracies diminish. The percentage of the peak current which is due to the spherical term is illustrated in Figure 1. Perturbation of the spherical current component by electrode radius errors gives rise to concentration errors which are asymmetrically distributed about the true concentration. Thus, a +5.0% error in the electrode radius used in this work affords an error of +4.8% in the spherical term and a -5.0% error in the electrode radius yields an error of -5.3% in the spherical current term. Errors in the concentration estimates resulting from errors in the E" can occur because of the requirement that the electrochemical model accurately represent the dynamics of the system. T h e effects that model E" errors have on the reported concentration are shown in Table 11. The narrower peak for this two-electron process is responsible for the error in the reported concentration which is seen to be greater than that noted for the one-electron process. Because this is a








Flgure 1. Percentage of spherical contribution to the total peak current for LSV at HMDE. Modeling parameters are n = 2, ro = 0.0603 cm, A = 1.0 cm2,D o = 0.98 X cm'/s, T = 298 K, E * = -0.100 V vs. E " , E" = 0.0 V, and C,' = 1.0 M

reduction process, the error is more pronounced on the positive side of the E", which again is attributable to the sharply rising leading edge of the faradaic current response. LSASV at HMDE. The LSASV spherical electrode model was investigated over a wide range of potential sweep rates for the stripping of lead from an HMDE. Although the same deposition time and stirring rate were employed for each analysis, no attempt was made to determine the quantity of lead actually deposited into the mercury drop other than by the voltammetric response. The concentrations computed for reduced lead in the mercury drop are shown in Table I. T h e lessened precision a t the lower sweep rates is attributable to the decrease in the current response. There is good agreement among the reported concentrations across the range of sweep rates. The effects that electrode radius errors have on the reported concentration parallel those effects observed for the nonstripping case at a spherical electrode. The only change from the nonstripping case is that the sign for the spherical term is negated resulting in a partial cancellation of the errors arising from the plane and spherical components of the current. For this two-electron oxidation process, the magnitudes of the concentration errors arising from uncertainty in the model E", shown in Table 11, are similar to the twoelectron reduction process, although the greater concentration errors now occur for cathodic bias of the E". Overall, the


Table 111. Effect of Physical Perturbations on Mercury Coverage of a WIGEa perturbation 76 mercury lost none 0 electrode lifted from a stirred solution (500 r p m ) 7 electrode lifted from a quite solution 20 deposition with stirring and N, bubbling 34 after deposition, N , bubbled and solution stirred for 200 s 56 a Mercury deposition from a stirred solution of 0.050 mM mercuric nitrate was carried o u t for 300 s at -0.750 V vs. SCE. precision of LSASV is less than LSV because of the uncertainty introduced in the deposition step. Based upon the two linear sweep cases investigated, LSASV and LSV, it can be estimated that a relative error of 1.5% is introduced by the deposition process prior to onset of potential sweep. LSASV a t TFME. Verification of this thin film model (Appendix 11, Equations 7-13) first involved characterization of the electrode surface. Coulometric characterization of the mercury deposition process indicated that 1.42 (*0.04) x mol of mercury (surface coverage of 4.5 x mol/cm2) were deposited during a 300-s controlled potential electrolysis from a solution of 0.050 m M mercuric nitrate. Assumption of a uniform thin film affords an electrode thickness of 7.0 X lo-: cm which is comparable to that reported by Florence (40) for deposition under similar conditions. Previous investigators (41-44) have reported that the wax impregnated graphite electrode (WIGE) gives rise to a globular form of mercury on the surface rather than a uniform thin film. The evolution of hydrogen at the surface of the electrode a t a potential of -750 mV indicated that the graphite was indeed exposed to the solution since hydrogen overpotential on mercury is in excess of -1.0 V under these conditions. Other investigators ( 4 1 , 4 4 ) have noted increased residual current at the T F M E with increased age of the mercury film. This has been explained (44) as the coalescing of the mercury into hemispheres on the electrode surface to give exposed graphite which contributes to the residual current. Perone (43) noted that exposure of a thick mercury film (1-10pm) to air for moderate lengths of time rendered the electrode unusable, presumably because of the increase in the residual current. Clem (41)noted that high concentrations of mercuric ion present during the deposition process resulted in poor reproducibility because tiny mercury droplets which were being deposited were also being swept off the surface of the electrode. In this work, difficulties similar to those reported by Clem were encountered with preformed mercury films (Le., those not prepared by codeposition with the analyte) in that poor reproducibility was observed in the current response using the same T F M E in different solutions of the same concentration. Results of determination of the mercury on the graphite surface following physical perturbation during deposition and before the strip-off are shown in Table 111. On these graphite surfaces, the film was unstable to even the mildest physical abuse and for this reason mercury films were generated by in situ deposition. T h e effects which thin-film electrode area errors have on the reported concentration are the same as in the plane electrode case. These area errors are linearly transformed, so that a 15.0% error in the electrode area will result in a 75.0% error in the reported concentration. The errors introduced by uncertainty in the model EO, shown in Table 11, are symmetrical about the Eo of the system. For such errors,


the deviation of the reported concentration from the true value is more severe than that for the HMDE cases because of the more sharply peaked faradaic response. From the estimated electrode thickness the peak width a t half height, b112, is expected to be 38 mV ( 4 5 ) . Recently Pinchin and Newham (46) found b1,2values of 48 to 51 mV for the current response a t a WIGE in the analysis for lead. In this present work, bIl2values were observed to be between 50 and 55 mV which has been shown by DeVries (45) to be indicative of an electrode thickness of 25 to 30 pm. As pointed out by DeVries ( 4 7 ) ,the theoretical peak current decreases both as the uncompensated resistance increases and as the film thickness increases. Concomitant with the decreasing peak current, a broadening of the peak occurs. T h e discrepancy of the theoretical and experimental b I I 2values observed in this work is most probably due to the incomplete coverage of the graphite surface by the mercury. As noted by Matson ( 4 4 ) ,broadening of the peak and decrease in the peak current is coupled to an increased exposure of the graphite to the solution. For the analysis of the data from the LSASV experiments a t a T F M E , an electrode thickness of 30 pm was determined by minimizing the error between the model and the experimental data with respect to the electrode thickness. E v a l u a t i o n of K a l m a n F i l t e r P e r f o r m a n c e U s i n g S y n t h e t i c Samples. The observation dynamics of a system can be formalized as 2 , = H,x, + L', (4) where at time i, L', is the measurement uncertainty and H , expresses the functional relationship of the states, x ' , to the observations, 2,. The state processes in the time domain are a continuum and the relationship from one time period, i, to the next time period, i 1, is given by



= +,XI

+ w,


where aLis the state transition matrix, w,is additive state uncertainty. If the measurement noise is assumed to be zero mean white Gaussian of known variance, R,, and uncorrelated with the state uncertainty, h,,which has known variance, then minimization of the state error covariances gives rise to the Kalman filter (29). Such state error covariances are given by

P, = E [ ( ? ,- x,)(x^, -



where 2 , is the estimate of the states (viz., concentration, background slope, background intercept, potential sweep rate, and potential) and x, is the true value of the states. The performance of the Kalman filter was evaluated under controlled conditions for the determination of lead in aqueous synthetic samples. For confidence to be placed in the results computed by the Kalman filter, it is imperative that the convergence of the states to invariant values and the accuracy of these values be demonstrated. T h e criteria which were established to test the convergence of this Kalman filter were designed such that evaluation of both the operational aspects of this filter, as well as the accuracy of the measurement and state models, could be carried out. These three criteria were: 1. Monotonically decreasing diagonal elements of the error covariance matrix, P. 2. Convergence of the states (concentration, background slope, background intercept, and potential sweep rate) to invariant values. 3. Convergence of the innovation sequence 0 , = 2 , - H,x, (7) to values uniformly distributed about a zero mean. If the Kalman filter algorithm operates properly, then criteria one and two will be met. However, the fact that criteria one and two have been satisfied is insufficient to








m x - 0 . .~ 2 1.6


1 L





( V -&oSCE)


Figure 2. Experimental current response (A)with model current overlayed (-) for the LSASV (HMDE) determination of a 4.0 ppb lead standard. Deposition time for this trial was 300 s. Model parameters are: n = 2, T = 298 K, DR= 1.39 X cm2/s, v = 0.100 V/s, E' = -0.100 V vs. E o , E o = -0.388 V, C R * = 1.28 X M, r o = 0.0479 cm. and A = 0.0288 cm2 0 5




Figure 4. Kalman filter computed state estimates for the LSASV (HMDE) trial shown in Figure 2. The initial estimates of the concentration were computed using the algorithm discussed in the text and were x , = 0.480 M, x 3 = 5.64 X yAlmV, x4 = 1.54 V vs SCE, x 2 = 5.16 X X lo-' wA, and x 5 = 100 mV/s. The states shown are (a) concentration (M), (b) background slope (yAlmV), (c) background intercept (PA), and (d) potential sweep rate (mV/s) I














Figure 3. Kalman fitter computed state variances for the LSASV (HMDE) trial shown in Figure 2. Initial value for all state variances (diagonal elements of P) and measurement variances was 1.00. The state variances shown are (a) potential (mV2), (b) concentration (M2), (c) background slope (WA/mV)', (d) background intercept (FA*), and (e) potential sweep rate (mV/s)2

demonstrate that the filter has converged to the true values of the states. Divergence of the computed state estimates from the true state values occurs primarily because either the computed error covariances, P , become artificially small relative to the true error covariances or there are inaccuracies in the measurement (H) or state (+) models. By fulfillment of the requirements of criterion three, not only is the possibility of divergence eliminated, but also the accuracy of the state estimates with respect to the models is assured. T h e convergence of the Kalman filter for a single LSASV determination a t an HMDE, shown in Figure 2, was evaluated by application of the three criteria described above. The LSASV trial is for the determination of a 4.0 ppb lead sample a n d overlayed on this experimental data is the model employed for the Kalman filter analysis. For the analysis of this

i Y -0.30


E ( V -&wSCE) Flgure 5. Potential innovation (a) and current innovation (b) sequences for the LSASV (HMDE) trial shown in Figure 2, variances in Figure 3, and states estimates in Figure 4

trial, the initial error covariances and measurement variances were all set equal to one. As pointed out in a previous paper (29),increases in the initial state error covariances give rise to increases in the rate of convergence of the states to the true values. This is due to the greater confidence placed in the data relative to that placed in the initial state estimates. Figure 3 shows the convergence of the diagonal elements of the error covariance matrix, P, during the potential sweep. It can be seen that these covarianes are monotonically decreasing, thereby fulfilling the requirements of criterion one. Figure 4 shows the convergence of the state estimates with respect to the potential of the current measurements. For the states (concentration, background slope, background intercept, and potential sweep rate), an invariant estimate is achieved







.o -
















very quickly, indicating fulfillment of criterion two. The minor variations in the estimates of the background intercept and slope arise from the assumption of a linear background for the measurement model. Figure 5 shows the innovation sequences for the potential and current measurements for this trial. T h e potential measurement innovation sequence is normally distributed about a zero mean. This distribution, which satisfies criterion three, is indicative of convergence and the high accuracy resulting from the potential measurement model and potential state dynamics. The current measurement innovation sequence shows minor trending due to the simplifying assumptions made for the background models. From Figures 3, 4, and 5 it can be seen that for this LSASV trial, shown in Figure 2, the Kalman filter converges according to the first and second criteria. The potential innovation sequence is indicative of convergence, but the simplifying assumptions made in the current background model result in the slight trending of the current innovation sequence. T h e performance of the filter was further evaluated by examination of the autocorrelation of the innovation sequence. A biased estimator of the autocorrelation coefficients, ck. at various lag times, k , is given by (48)

s =


xo,Ck-rT i=k





Figure 6. Potential (a) and current (b) normalized autocorrelation coefficient sequences for the LSASV (HMDE) innovation sequences shown in Figure 5. The solid horizontal lines are the 95% confidence interval computed a s given in the text (Equations 8 and 9)


where LV is the total number of data points and L , is the innovation sequence at time i. The normalized autocorrelation coefficients (NAC), l j k , can range from +1.00 to -1.00 and provide a measure of the correlation of the innovation sequence a t some time 1 to the innovations a t some later time i + h . For the innovation sequences in Figures 5a and 5b, the NAC are shown in Figures 6a and 6b. The NAC for a finite white noise sequence have a normal distribution centered about a zero mean with the 95% confidence interval for the coefficients given by f 1.96/N1 (48). If less than 5.0% of the coefficients fall outside this confidence interval, then the innovation sequence is taken to reflect white noise and the filter is performing optimally. The N A C for the potential innovations. shown in Figure 5a, exhibit optimal behavior with only 2.5% of the coefficients outside the 95% confidence limits. Twenty percent of the



0 0



, -0.x)

( V GWSC€) Figure 7. Coefficients of correlation (-) of concentration taken with Kalman filter estimate of the concentration at each measurement potential for LSASV (HMDE). Faradaic current model (A) used for the analysis is overlayed. Model parameters are: r o = 0.0603 cm and A = 0.0457 cm'; all other model parameters are identical with those given in Figure 2

NAC for the current innovation sequence are outside the 95% confidence range which is indicative of a nonoptimal Kalman filter for the current measurements. Again the non-ideality of the behavior is due to the simplifying assumption of a linear background. A prominent feature of the current innovations NAC sequence is the periodicity, which is attributable to the 60-Hz interference that is not obvious in the measured current response (see Figure 2). The current-potential data for a series of LSASV trials over a range of concentrations from 0.5 to 4.0 ppb lead were analyzed by the Kalman filter. For each trial, the Kalman filter computed an estimated concentration for each current observation along the potential axis. These results were similar to those seen in Figure 4a. A t each measurement potential, these Kalman filter estimates of the concentrations were regressed with respect to the concentrations taken. The correlation coefficients for this series of regressions is shown in Figure 7 as a function of the measurement potential. Overlayed on this figure is the faradaic current model used for the analysis of the data. I t can be seen that the Kalman filter estimate of the concentration becomes highly correlated with the analytical concentration well in advance of the maximum amplitude of the analog signal from which quantitative measurements are traditionally made. Analysis of S y n t h e t i c Analytes. The data from LSASV experiments a t the TFME and HMDE were analyzed by three basic approaches: nonreal time, pseudo-real time, and real time algorithms. As discussed in a previous section, the NRT and R T algorithms utilized the complete current potential transient to compute an estimate of the concentration. The P R T and DPRT algorithms utilized the magnitude of the peak faradaic current response and the IPRT analysis relied on the integral of the current as a concentration related parameter. In the ensuing discussion the three basic approaches, NRT, R T , and P R T analysis, will be critically compared. The various P R T algorithms will first be evaluated. and then the N R T and R T algorithms will be evaluated together because both employ the same model for the analysis. The N R T multiple regression algorithm provides a numerically equivalent cross check of the results for the R T Kalman filter. The P R T algorithms will then be compared to the N R T and R T algorithms with respect to the fidelity of the results, complexity of algorithm development, tractability of operation, and control capabilities.



Table IV. Comparison of Nonreal Time, Pseudo-Real Time and Real Time Computational Algorithms for Linear Sweep Anodic Stripping Voltammetric Analysis at an HMDE concentration reporteda pseudo-real time analysis methods

nonreal real time time analysis analysis

absolute peak picking derivative peak picking -~ concen5-point 5-point tration no 5-point movno 5-point movmultiple taken, smooth- grouping 7-point cubic smooth- grouping 7-point cubic regress- Kalman M X 10' ing ing average quintic spline ing ing average quintic spline ion filter 19.3 22.2 22.2 22.1 22.0 22.0 22.2 22.1 22.0 22.2 22.1 22.1 22.2 RSD~ 10.9 9.6 9.1 9.7 9.6 4.2 10.1 17.2 10.0 10.1 10.0 4.0 14.5 10.4 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.4 10.8 10.4 10.3 10.4 10.4 10.6 9.7 RS D 9.8 6.9 7.4 7.1 7.1 9.2 7.6 21.3 4.6 4.6 9.1 9.0 9.65 9.7 9.9 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.3 9.8 9.8 9.7 9.8 18.3 19.6 RSD 18.1 17.5 18.4 17.5 19.4 9.1 9.6 18.1 18.0 18.1 4.83 4.7 4.7 4.6 5.0 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.6 3.6 3.7 4.7 5.7 RSD 19.0 24.7 18.3 18.6 18.2 5.5 18.4 5.6 18.2 20.0 18.2 30.2 2.41 4.3 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.0 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.4 3.9 4.1 RSD 30.2 36.6 30.5 33.8 31.3 30.5 30.5 46.4 31.5 2.5 2.6 33.0 Concentrations reported are based on the average of three trials. Potential sweep rates for these trials was 0.100 Vis and a current data point was acquired every 2.0 mV. Relative standard deviations expressed in percent.

LSASV a t HMDE. The results of the LSASV analysis a t an H M D E for lead standards are shown in Table IV. Generally the A P R T algorithms afford results which are comparable to each other in both precision and reported concentration, with the five-point grouping algorithm being the primary exception. The precision of the results reported by the D P R T algorithms was generally poorer than the precision of the A P R T algorithms, although the reported concentrations were comparable. I P R T algorithms were not evaluated in this context because the long tailing of this type of data does not lend itself t o valid integration over a range of experimental conditions. T h e results computed by N R T and R T algorithms were comparable to each other in both precision and reported concentration. For these analyses, the correlation between NRT and R T reported concentrations was 0.99 or greater. These two approaches, NRT and R T analysis, returned concentration estimates which were, in general, significantly more precise than the P R T analysis methods. LSASV a t T F M E . T h e results of the LSASV analysis at a T F M E for lead standards are shown in Table V. Again the results determined using the APRT algorithms were comparable to each other, except for the five-point group smoothing which again exhibited poorer precision. D P R T algorithms returned concentration estimates which were similar in value and precision to the P R T algorithms. The I P R T algorithms returned concentration estimates which were of comparable value to the D P R T and APRT algorithms, but of greater precision. T h e prec'ision observed for the I P R T analysis of data smoothed by the five-point group algorithm was greater than the precision of either APRT or D P R T analysis with smoothing by five-point grouping. This is because the loss in data density from the grouping makes location of the peak more difficult and consequently introduces more error. T h e estimated concentrations for the N R T and R T analyses were comparable in both concentration estimate and precision. For these analyses, the correlation between N R T and R T reported concentrations was 0.99 or greater. The NRT multiple regression and R T Kalman filter estimates of the concentration were generally comparable to the APRT and D P R T algorithms, the only exception being the poorer precision of the smoothing by five-point grouping. The IPRT algorithms returned concentration estimates which agreed well with the APRT, D P R T , N R T , and R T algorithms and did so with generally increased precision. C o m p a r i s o n of O p e r a t i o n a l Aspect of N u m e r i c a l Algorithms. In addition to the evaluation of these algorithms

using the accuracy and precision of the computed results, other aspects such as developmental complexities, operational tractability, and control capabilities must be considered. The developmental complexities are threefold: the experience required to utilize the algorithm, the difficulties in encoding the algorithm, and the time required for full implementation. Of the three basic approaches, RT, P R T , and NRT, the P R T methods require the least experience and time for implementation, and have fewer developmental problems than either the NRT or R T methods. Both NRT and R T methods are similar in developmental complexity. The tractability of an algorithm refers to the stability and time required for execution of the algorithm. All three techniques are computationally stable. Although divergence of computed estimates from the true values is possible for any of these methods, proper design of the algorithm eliminates these problems. P R T methods require the least computer time for execution. N R T methods utilize more execution time than the P R T methods, but less time than that for the R T approach. The control capabilities of the algorithms refer to those attributes which afford real-time computer feedback to the system based on the dynamic response of the signal. While some real-time control can be accomplished using P R T algorithms, feedback based on the analytical information for the system cannot occur until after the maximum amplitude of the signal. For K R T methods, control feedback is predicated on completion of the trial, whereas R T techniques, which are designed for control, afford feedback to the system subsequent to each observation. R e p r o d u c i b i l i t y a n d Limit of Detection. Using the optimized NRT multiple regression technique, an analysis of the variance of the reported concentrations was carried out for the LSASV data at an HMDE to determine the precision of the analysis technique and the reproducibility of the solution preparation. T h e RSD for repetitive analysis of the same 0.4 ppb lead standard was found to be 6.0%. The RSD for the repetitive analysis on four independent 0.4 ppb lead standards was 15.0%. From error propagation considerations, it is estimated that the maximum RSD introduced by volume errors in the dilutions is 2.8%. If i t is assumed that the analysis errors and the dilution errors are additive, then the RSD which could be expected across samples of the same concentration is estimated to be 8.8% in contrast to the 15.0% observed. Considering the concentration of the lead, 0.4 ppb, this magnitude of unexplained error, 6.2%, suggests that 4.8 x lo-" mol of lead contamination was introduced from ex-



ogenous sources such as glassware, pipets, or dust in the air (49). From the error associated with the intercept of the calibration plot, the limit of detection for LSASV a t an HMDE is 0.4 ppb lead. From repetitive analyses of the 0.4 ppb lead analyte and backgrounds run on the same day, the estimate of the limit of detection based on twice the standard deviation of the background is 0.3 ppb lead. From these results, it is clear that the lower limit of detection is determined by the background lead concentration rather than the precision of the technique.



The thrust of this work was to evaluate the Kalman filter and critically compare the relative merits of real time, pseudo-real time, and nonreal time algorithms for analyzing data resulting from linear sweep anodic stripping voltammetric analysis a t an HMDE and a TFME. The model current-voltage transients for LSV a t a plane electrode were found to agree well with the experimental data over the range of sweep rates investigated. For the LSV and LSASV model at a spherical electrode, there was good agreement among the calculated concentrations over the range of potential sweep rates. The model for T F M E showed slight deviations from the experimental current response. Other investigators using essentially identical experimental conditions (40, SO), but with different electrode substrates (e.g., glassy carbon or silver), have demonstrated agreement of stripping peak shapes with the model of DeVries (45). For the WIGE, Pinchin et al. (46) observed deviation of the experimental waveforms from theory, while others have shown agreement (44). This present work indicates that on a WIGE the peak shapes cannot be accurately estimated from the film thickness not only because of uncertainty regarding the physical form of the mercury on the surface and incompleteness of the mercury coverage of the graphite, but also because of possible alteration of peak shape by uncompensated resistance. The Kalman filter was evaluated by the convergence of the states and the accuracy of the computed concentrations for LSASV experiments a t the HMDE using synthetic water samples. The convergence of the states to invariant values and the covariances t o small values was rapid even though system modeling errors were made apparent by the current innovation sequence. It should be noted that, even in the presence of correlated noise (60 Hz), there was still rapid convergence to accurate estimates of the states. The optimal N R T multiple regression analysis was employed as a cross check for the Kalman filter results because both the NRT and R T analysis methods utilized the same faradaic and nonfaradaic current models. The coefficients of correlation of the concentrations reported for the optimal NRT multiple regression method with the concentrations reported by Kalman filter analysis were always 0.99 or greater. The rapid convergence of the states and the accuracy of the results computed by the Kalman filter were further demonstrated by the high degrees of correlation between the analytical concentration and the concentration estimated a t each measurement potential. This high correlation was established well in advance of the maximum amplitude of the faradaic signal, thus demonstrating greater capabilities for dynamic control than are possible with P R T or N R T methods. The synthetic analyte studies indicate that the RT and N R T analysis methods return results which have higher precision than the P R T analysis methods. It is noteworthy that the smoothing algorithm which yielded the most precise results was the five-point moving average. This is because the frequency cutoff for this filter (51, n'2) is considerably lower than for the other smoothing filters, except for grouping. The



grouping algorithm reduces the data density significantly and, because of this, the difficulty in locating the peak is increased and the precision is decreased. This coupling of the filter frequency response with the precision of the results suggests that more accurate and precise results could be obtained using the PRT analysis if the filter employed had an even lower cutoff frequency than that of the five-point moving average. As expected with the P R T analysis methods, the concentrations computed for the T F M E trials were more precise than those reported by the HMDE analysis because of the magnitude of the current response. The sharpness of the peak for the T F M E analysis lends itself well to the location of the peak by derivative methods.

APPENDIX I. RECURSIVE ESTIMATION NOMENCLATURE For the representation and discussion of equations referring to the Kalman filter, the following notation holds: (1)Lower case English letters represent vectors or scalars. (2) Upper case English and Greek letters define matrices; the corresponding use of lower case letters signifies the scalar representation of the matrix. (3) T h e expectation value of x , E ( x ) , is given by E(x) = lIxfl(x)dx

where P(x) is the probability density function of x . (4) Superscript -1 indicates matrix inversion. (5) Superscript T indicates matrix transposition. (6) Vector quantities, x, expressed as 2 , signify a posteriori information, while those quantities expressed as % signify a priori information.

APPENDIX 11. MODELS T h e faradaic current a t a plane electrode for semi-infinite linear diffusion conditions is given by (38)

+ 21/21 di) cosh2[(ln 8 - p + 21/21 tanh[(ln 0 - p



for 0 >> 1 and the faradaic contribution for electrode sphericity is (38)

is = n F A C * D / r , [ l / ( l

+ 0 exp(-at))]





z = a(t -

0 = exp[(nF/RT)(E*




a = nFv/RT


p a = ( n F / R T ) ( E *- E )


and C* is the concentration of the electroactive species and the significance of the other electrochemical notation is summarized below. T h e faradaic current response for the thin-film electrode is given by ( 4 5 ) ql =

[(3/4)C~*(aDR/()‘’’(l - exp{-jaO) - [1 + expl-jut1 ( D ~ / D o ) ” ~ / f l ’ I s-i (3/2)S21/[(3/2)(A1 B,) + 1 + e ~ p ( - j a ( ] ( D ~ / D , ) ’ / ~ / / e(A-7) ’] where

j- 1

= -qj-l+




qk-1) [ ti - k

+ 1)3/2




(A-8) 5’2

= qj-lB1



k = l ([(qk -



h ) + qklAj-k+l

A , = a, - a,-l; B , = b,







(A-9) (A-10)


b, = (2/3)

[ ~ ~ / ~ e x p { - i ~ l ~-/ ((i212/tDR)a,,i] D~uJ i=l

(A-11) m

a, =


= ~ [ ~ u 1 ~ z e x p { - i 2 ~ 2-/ ~ D ~ u ) i=l


2(ai212/tDR) ll2erfc{i212/tDRu)] (A- 12) 8’ = (fR’/fo’)eXp[(nF/RT)(E* - E ” ) ]


[ is the time interval (seconds) on the potential axis between computed currents, u is a positive integer, a is defined by Equation A-5, CR* is the concentration of the reduced form of the electroactive species in the mercury film and the significance of the other common electrochemical notation is summarized below. For equations pertaining t o the models of the electrochemical systems, the following notation holds: i = current (amperes) n = equivalents/mol A electrode area (cm’) D = diffusion coefficient (cmz/s) v = sweep rate (VIS) F = 96 485 coulombs/equivalent R 5 8.3143 V-coulomb/deg-mol K 13.14159 i-,, = radius of H M D E (cm) t = time (s) f ’ = activity coefficient (M-’) 1 thickness of T F M E (cm) q i/nFA E” standard electrode potential (V) E* = initial sweep potential (V) E E electrode potential (V)

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RECEIVED for review August 2, 1978. Accepted November 3, 19i8.

Correction for Background Current in Differential Pulse, Alternating Current, and Related Polarographic Techniques in the Determination of Low Concentrations with Computerized Instrumentation A. M. Bond"' and B. S. Grabaric2 Department of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Melbourne, Parkville, 3052, Victoria, Australia

despite the improved sensitivity offered by these more modern polarographic methods, the fact remains that it is still the background or residual current, rather than an unfavorable signal to noise ratio, which ultimately determines the limit of detection available with these techniques. With direct current polarography, the charging current or background current in general is approximately a linear function of potential. This approximation is certainly an excellent one over the small potential range occupied by a sigmoidal shaped direct current wate. Indeed, many commercially available polarographs provide an analog circuit, using the linear approximation, to compensate for the charging or background current and accurate measurement of limiting current is facilitated by this method. More recently, the advent of instrumentation using laboratory computers has become common (5,6). With data obtained in digital format, correction for the background current can be made by storing the data obtained on a blank, if available, and mathematically subtracting the result from the test solution made up in the bame matrix. Alternatively, a mathematical algorithm to represent the background currents may be constructed from data obtained a t potentials removed from the faradaic current. An extrapolation to the potentials of interest where the faradaic current is present and subtraction of calculated values thereby enables the purely faradaic current t o be calculated. This latter procedure has been exploited in direct current and normal pulse polarography with considerable success (7) and with alternating current techniques assuming the background current is purely capacitive (8). T h e former approach is, in fact, equivalent to the dual cell or subtractive method of polarography available in analog instrumentation ( I ) and the second is akin to the linear compensating analog electronic circuit available with direct current polarographic instrumentation. However, both methods are implemented far more successfully with computerized instrumentation than with purely conventional instrumentation.

Modern electroanalytical techniques, such as differential pulse and atternating current polarography, can be used to accurately determine concentrations of electroactive species at I O - ' M concentration levels, or below, provided the background current can be corrected for. Using computerized instrumentation, a quadratic least squares fit of data removed from the faradaic peak current of interest is shown to provide a general method of predicting the base line over all of the required potential range. Since no theoretical assumptions are involved in the calculation, contributions from residual oxygen levels or other trace impurities are included in the background prediction and correction procedure, and the method is applicable to a wide range of techniques and conditions. Results are presented for the determination of cadmium in the io-' to lo-* M concentration range in 1 M NaCI, and data at these very low concentration levels are generally found to be superior to those obtained by storing a polarogram of the blank in memory and subsequently subtracting the result from test solutions.

As an analytical technique. direct current polarography suffers from the disadvantage of having a relatively unfavorable faradaic to charging current ratio (1-3). Consequently, modern polarographic techniques such as differential pulse polarography, phase-selective alternating current polarography (fundamental and second harmonic), linear sweep voltammetry, and other techniques which substantially discriminate against the charging current are becoming widely used as alternatives to the direct current method ( 4 , 5). However, P r e s e n t address, D e a k i n U n i v e r s i t y , D i v i s i o n of C h e m i c a l a n d Ph sical Sciences, W a u r n P o n d s , V i c t o r i a , 3217. A u s t r a l i a . 'On leave from t h e D e p a r t m e n t of I n o r g a n i c C h e m i s t r y , F a c u l t y of Technology, U n i v e r s i t y of Zagreb. Zagreb. Yugoslavia, 1975-1977. 0003-2700/79/0351-0337$01.00/0


1979 American Chemical Society