Experiments, theory and problems in general chemistry - Journal of

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Lloyd E. Malm, Professor of Chemistry, University of Utah, and Horper W. Frontz, Professor of Chemistry, Pasadena City College. W. H. Reeman and Co.,San Francisco, 1954. nxvi 342 pp. 102 figs. 21.5 X 27 cm. $3.30.

Korol I. Mysels and Charles S. Copelond, Associate Professors of Chemistry, University of Southern California. Ginn and Co., Boston, 1952. x 126 pp. 15 figs. Tables. 19.5 X 26 cm. $1.75.

INTENDED as an alternate edition of this well known laboratory manual, all the experiments of the original manual m e retained, several new experiments have been added, and many questions, problems, and other material have been added or changed. Thus, instructors may alternate between the old manual and this new one. Experiments (34-38) emphasizing the principles of ionic equilibria precede those on qualitative analysis ( 3 9 4 ) . Ex-

ARRANGED in the sequence suitable to accompanying the authors' text, this manual consists of 31 experiments of medium difficulty, designed far three hours of laboratory a week for one year. Although most experiments are more or less traditional in type, many of them are conducted with a quantitative emphasis. No systematic qualitative analysis is included although there are a few experiments illustrating analytical principles and interpretations. All experiments are perforated and punched in order to facilitate handing them in for correction of experimental results and answers to questions and subsequent filing in standard notebooks for later reference. In the appendix are lists of equipment needed per locker and supplies needed per experiment.


other texts. For each exexperiment there are iniluded perforated sheets for reports of experimental data, calculations, exercises, and problems. For the benefit of teachers the manual is available in combinetion with a "Teachers Manual" of 44 pages, ufhich contains suggestions for conducting experiments, lists of supplies, suggestions for quizzes and examinations, and answers to prohlems and other a~signmentn.



V. & Domerell, Western Reserve Univerpity. The Macmillan Co., New York, 1952. iv 124 pp. 18 figs. 21.5 X 28 cm. $1.75.






Co~srs~ ofs 25 chapters, suhdivided into 130 romparatively Hoamer W. Stone and JamesD. McCullouqh, professors of short experiments, each chapter heing about the equivalent of in other ~manuals., The material is arranged to . lH ~ ~~ ~ M ~ ~G ~ ~~one~ experiment chemistry, university of califorda, L~~ ~ accompany the author's texthook hut could easily he adapted to ~~~k company, I ~ ~N~~ . , york, 1953, viii + 352 pp, 43 figs other similar situations of terminal courses for avwsge students 26 tables. 22.5 X 28 om. $6. reauirine no analitative analvsis. *ap& are perforated so that questions can be answered and THISmanual is intended for use by chemistry majors, premedi d , and engineering students, and for that reason is rather rig- handed in. A list of reagents hut not of quantities needed is oraus and challenging. The authors use it as a text by supple- appended. menting it with other reference books, although the extent of the theoretical material appears to be rather limited for this purpose. 0 LABORATORY MANUAL FOR INTRODUCTORY CHEMISTRY The material is divided into eieht sections. each consistine of several eloselv related exoerimen&. totaline.31 e m r i m e n c in dl. Tlw work is Imrkcn d k r i n nll'raerr ini;,eyp&rrrtnl work Lillion Hoaqland Meyer, Western Michigan College of with a~wmqt~royi~ag w p ~ mwl,icI~uwrilly i- of quantitative nature, Education. Second edition. The Macmillan Co.. New York. 144 pp. 21.5 X 28 cm. $1.75. rhewcrkal diwussion, :mcl p r o l h n npplirntions. l ' d o r ~ ~ t e d 1952. ii pages facilitate handling in the well arranged reports. THIS manual is a collection of 42 experiments for terminal An unusual feature is the inclusion in the appendix of sample students of home economics and similar interests s h o need x sets of examinations and a list of answers to problem8 in addition general course which include8 organic and biochemistry, but to the usual ttahlea of information. not qualitskive. A minimum of quttntitativc ~sperimentsis included, most of them being of the simple test-tuh~type. Numerous questions are interspersed all through the directions. The LABORATORY PROBLEMS IN GENWAL CHEMISTRY pages are perforated for convenience in handing in rpports for Howord Nechomkin. Associate Professor of Chemistrv. ,. Pratt cormctian. Institute. Thomas Y.'~rowell Co., New York, 1953. d v 274 pp. 16 figs. 14.5 X 22 om. $2.50. LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS IN GENERAL CHEMISTRY AND SEMI-MICRO QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS THIS is a collection of 46 experiment0 to be used with any standard, college general chemistry text. Practically every ex- ,=eorqe W. watt, professor of chemistry, T , , ~ u~~~~~~~ of approach- T periment is design& to be a challenge to the student ~ and ~L. 0. ~ Moqon, ~ , Associate Professor of Chemistrg, ing the problem in a manner which is new to him, not s.repetition ~ h ,university of T ~ ~ill ~ ~~~~k, co,,lnc,, N~~ of high-school tesetube methods. Most experiments "involve york, lg53, viii + 232 pp. 46 figs. 22.5 28.5 cm, $3.50, the solution of a definite laboratam based u w n the " urohlem . verification of a principle, the clarification of a concept, the deALTHOU~A intended to accompany the text "General Chemtermination of a universal constant, the illustration af a eammer- istry" by Felsing and Watt, this m n u s l is readily adapted to cia1 process, or the analysis of an unknown mixture." Most use with other texts. A n earlier manual written by Professor experiments depend upon gravimetric, volumetric, or calorimetric Watt was very similar to this except that it made use of a, macro procedures. Reports, which are very brief and time-saving for method of qualitative analysis. instructora, are made on wrforated data sheets. No ~uahtative This manual is divided into two parts, each intended for one analysis i s included. semester of work. Part 1 consists of 49 emeriments of fairlv In the appendix arc 200 questions and problems and a list of materials needed for 40 students in addition to the usual tahles of information.



