WHO KNOWS MORE ABOUT HEATING AND STIRRING? Thermolyne manufactured their first hot plate more than 45 years ago, and since then we've developed the industry's most complete line of hot plates, stirrers and stirring hot plates. You can now choose from four distinct top plate materials, and an assortment of sizes and styles. In 1990, we expand the list with our NEW Remote Control Cimarec"*1 giving you convenient operation (up to 6 feet away) with our per formance engineered ceramic top units. So when you want to know more about heating and stirring, call the experts at Thermolyne: 1 - 8 0 0 - 5 5 3 - 0 0 3 9 Or write Barnstead j Thermolyne, 2555 Kerper, Dubuque, IA 52001. Because you don't want to stir up trouble in your^wok!< ι
Thermolyne For a F R E E detailed catalog, circle reader service card no. 18.