Exposition - ACS Publications

Oct 7, 1975 - Applied Science Laboratories, Inc. P.O. Box 440, State ... family ofDEClab-11 computer systems, in- cluding latest ... Dedicated minicom...
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Exposition The Exposition at the 2nd FACSS Meeting will be held at the In diana Con ven tion -Exposition Center, Oct. 7-9, 1975. Exhibit hours are from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Exhibit only badges are available for $1.00 Analog Technology Corp. 3410 E. Foothill Blvd., Pasadena, Calif. 91107. Model-140 constant-current-type wide dynamic range electron-capture detector system with scandium-tritide radioactive source. Model-150 wide range digital electrometer for conversion of lowlevel signal currents from detectors to a pulse-train output. Model-160 chromatographic memory and display for storage, real-time, or subsequent display and analysis of chromatograms. Applied Research Laboratories 9545 Westworth St., Sunland, Calif. 91040. Inductively coupled R F plasma excitation source with quantometric analyzer for simultaneous multielement analysis of trace concentrations. Applied Science Laboratories, Inc. P.O. Box 440, State College, Pa. 16801. Complete line of supplies for gas, thinlayer, and liquid chromatography, plus chemicals and standards, isotope labeled chemicals and reagents (clinical, esterification, silylation). Beckman Instruments, Inc. 2500 Harbor Blvd., Fullerton, Calif. 92634. Ultraviolet and infrared spectrophotometers, including ACTA M UV Series, IR Series 4200, Models 24/25 UV/VIS spectrophotometers and digital pH meters. Biomed Instruments, Inc. 6 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 2000, Chicago, III. 60302. Soft laser scanning densitometer, single hollow fiber concentrators, instant dialyzers, immunodisc electrophoresis, elution disc electrophoresis, microconcentrators. Brinkmann Instruments, Inc. Cantiague Rd., Westbury, N.Y. 11590. Sartorius balances, Metrohm electrochemical apparatus, recording titrators, and TLC apparatus. Camag, Inc. 2855 S. 163rd St., New Berlin, Wis. 53151. Instruments for TLC including the Eluchrom for quantitative techniques, the Varios-KS-Chamber for optimizing development conditions, streakers, and various supply items. Chemical Data Systems, Inc. RD 2, Box 74, Oxford, Pa. 19363. Model 800 reaction systems for rapid determination of kinetic parameters in gas phase, thermal and catalytic pulsed and continuous reactions; Model 1200 elemental analyzer/peak identifier for GC effluents; Model 820D controlled atmosphere pyrolysis system; Model 120 Pyroprobe solids py-

rolyzer with 1400° option and three-position function switch; Model 100 Pyroprobe with 1000° programmable option and Model 210 automatic temperature programmer with cryogenic capability and Model 200 multichannel temperature controller.

900 energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer.

Chemtrix, Inc. 135 N.W. Adams, Hillsboro, Ore. 97123. pH meters, oxygen meters, conductivity meters, specific ion meters, colorimeter, specific ion probes, pH probes, pH temperature meter.

Hamilton Co. P.O. Box 10030, Reno, Nev. 89510. Microliter syringes, miniature valves, dispensers, amino acid resins, chromatographic accessories, syringe specialities.

Columbia Scientific Industries P.O. Box 6190, Austin, Tex. 78762. Computing integrators for chromatography, multichannel data system for chromatography, mass spectrometer data system, thermal analyzer, and portable X-ray analyzer. CRC Press, Inc. 18901 Cranwood Pkwy, Cleveland, Ohio 44128. Scientific and medical publications. Diano Corp., Industrial X - r a y Div. 2 Lowell Ave., Winchester, Mass. 01890. XRD-8000 detectors—new solid state, digital electronics, detectors for X-ray analyzers. Digilab, Inc. 237 Putnam Ave., Cambridge, Mass. 02139. Model FTS-10; also its standard line of instrumentation, together with some of its newest innovations in the field of Fourier IR spectroscopy. Digital Equipment Corp. 146 Main St., Maynard, Mass. 01754. New family of DEClab-11 computer systems, including latest hardware and software tools for laboratory automation. Interactive graphic display, floppy disks, foreground/ background R T l l , laboratory applications, extended Fortran IV, and basic software to emphasize easy automation for chromatographic, mass spec, and other laboratory computer applications. Electronic Navigation Industries, Inc. 3000 Winton Rd., S. Rochester, N.Y. 14623. Completely solid-state, broadband, power amplifiers covering frequency range from 10 kHz to 560 MHz with power levels up to 1 kW for use with CW-pulse NMR or ENDOR spectroscopy systems. Finnigan Corp. 845 W. Maude Ave., Sunnyvale, Calif. 94086. Model 3200F-6103 automated gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer, Model

Fisher Scientific Co. 711 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15219. Complete analytical instrumentation in the areas of atomic absorption spectrometry, gas chromatography, and thermal analysis.

Hewlett™ Packard 1501 Page Mill Rd., Palo Alto, Calif. Gas chromatographs; reporting integrators; laboratory data systems; gas chromatograph/ mass spectrometer/data systems; liquid chromatographs; and GC, IC, and GC/MS accessories.

Instrumentation Laboratory 113 Hartwell Ave., Lexington, Mass. 02173. IL351, single-double beam AA, push-button operation; automatic calibration and zero; dual, automatic switching monochromator gratings for greater energy throughput; concentration or absorbance readings without recalibration. IL251, double-beam AA high-speed digital electronics; peak height/area detection; curve correction; push-button auto zero; LED readout; zoom lenses for constant focal point; large %-m Ebert monochromator. IL455, flameless atomizer, 3500°C temperature levels; multilinear temperature programming with visually enhanced six-step ramp or instantaneous temperature control; direct temperature readout; pyrolytic graphite and tungsten furnace cuvettes; inert furnace environment; overlay program cards. International Scientific Communications, Inc. 808 Kings Hwy, Fairfield, Conn. 06430. Current and past issues of American Laboratory, International Laboratory, and their direct information postcard booklets; "Laboratory Instrumentation Series—1," Volumes I-IV.

ISCO 4700 Superior St., Lincoln, Neb. 68504. Liquid chromatographs; fraction collectors; absorbance monitors; pumps and accessories for liquid chromatography. Jarrell-Ash Div., Fisher Scientific Co. 590 Lincoln St., Waltham, Mass. 02154. Inductively coupled argon plasma AtomComp for simultaneous multielement determinations of trace metals in sub parts per million range. Dedicated minicomputer


our trinocular** Stereomicroscope



is employed for control of the spectrometer system and further to allow random access of a wide range of solution matrices. Johns-Manville Greenwood Plaza, Denver, Colo. 80217. Chromosorb and Membra Fil. J o i n t C o m m i t t e e on P o w d e r Diffraction Standards 1601 Park Lane, Swarthmore, Pa. 19081. Publishers of the Powder Diffraction File. File is produced as data cards, books, mi­ crofiche, and is available on magnetic tape and computer time sharing. Indexes for re­ trieval and supplements are published each year. Also publish crystal data. Laboratory Data Control, Div. M i l t o n R o y Co. Interstate Industrial Park, Riviera Beach, Fla. 33404. New multiwavelength UV de­ tector, 5000-psig pulsationless pumping system, and high-performance strip chart recorder for HPLC; digital thermometer; radiometer; LDC/Cheminert fittings, valves and columns. M o n r o e , T h e C a l c u l a t o r Co. 550 Central Ave., Orange, N.J. Calcula­ tors.


Nicolet Instrument Corp. 52Î5 Verona Rd., Madison, Wis. 53711. Nicolet 1070 and TT-7 data acquisition systems. TT-7 Fourier transform accessory for 13 C spectroscopy on T-60A and R-12 spectrometers. NICi-1070. Ortec Inc. 100 Midland Rd., Oak Ridge, Tenn. 37830. SEFA 6120 source excited fluorescence analyzer with energy-dispersive X-ray analysis for qualitative and quantitative reports in product quality control and research; 9511 quantum photometer light measuring system which provides photon counting and electrometer facilities in a single instrument; and photon counting modules for photon, ion, and electron counting.

The bio-lab would like to steal this one from the industrial lab and vice-versa. Keep your eye on the Wild M-5. Example 1. Dissection. The double iris diaphragm gives the increased depth of focus you need to keep specimen, scalpel or forceps in clear focus with optimum resolution. Example 2. Inspection. Mount the M-5 on the Universal Swing Arm Stand. Perfect for inspecting wide surfaces and large objects. Example 3. All day viewing. No eyestrain. The advanced optical path correction assures fatigue-free observation. Example 4. Features and Accessories. Standard or avail­ able... for magnifications from 2x to 200x... four sequential power steps...flatfield optics for large field diameters... Camera Lucida... photomicrography... CCTV and cinemicrography. Examples 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Please ask for the Wild Brochure M-5, or for a demonstration. **CONVERT ANY BINOCULAR INTO TRINOCULAR M-5 BY SIMPLY INSERTING THE 75:25 BEAMSPLITTER PHOTOTUBE. YOU CAN BUY IT SEPARATELY.

WILD HEERBRUGG INSTRUMENTS, INC. F A R M I N G D A L E , N E W Y O R K 11735 · 516-293-7400 W I L D O F C A N A D A , 881 LADY ELLEN PLACE, OTTAWA 3, CAN. W I L D O F M E X I C O , S . A . LONDRES 25β, MEXICO 6. D. F. CIRCLE 2 3 6 O N



P e r k i n - E l m e r Corp. Main Ave., Norwalk, Conn. 06856. First microcomputer-controlled IR spectrophotometer (Model 283); atomic absorption spectrophotometer with built-in microcomputer (Model 460); UV-VIS spectrophotometer with unique optics (Model 575); cardreader-controlled gas chromatograph (Model 910); double-beam fluorescence spectrophotometer (Model 572); fluorescence spectrophotometer {Model 1000); thermogravimetric system (Model TGS-2), and combination liquid chromatograph and variable wavelength UV detector (Models 601 and 55). Philips Electronic Instruments 750 S. Fulton Ave., Ml. Vernon, N.Y. 10550. X-ray spectrometer; IR, UV spectrophotometers; liquid chromatograph, energy-dispersive analysis of X-rays. Precision Gas Products, Inc. 681 Mill St., Rahway, N.J. 07065. Gas handling equipment. Princeton Applied Research Corp. P.O. Box 2565, Princeton, N.J. 08540. New Model 374 polarographic analyzer system and Model 316 automated cell sequencer. M374 has built-in microprocessor, which gives answers to analytical problems on digital display and directly on chart paper. M316 performs automated voltametric analysis of up to 36 samples at one loading. Princeton Gamma Tech P.O. Box 641, Princeton, N.J. 08540. Model 100 bench-top series of chemical analyzers and computerized Model 250 spec-


X-Ray System for Quartz-Crystal Studies DIANO has it !

trochemical analyzer (all of which can be operated with fixed or remote probe head or cryogenic detector for high-resolution testing). Also Model 400 automated X-ray spectrochemical analyzer with automated sample sequencing and pulsed or continu­ ous X-ray tube selection. All operate on principle of X-ray fluorescence and analy­ sis from 1 to 81 elements.

Rigaku/USA 607 North Ave., Wakefield, Mass. 01880. 3064 X-ray spectrometer featuring an endwindow rhodium target X-ray tube, multi­ ple sample holder, NIM modules, micro­ computer control, software and data reduc­ tion capability. Unique low-cost diffractometer system which will sell for less than $10,000. Sadtler Research Laboratories, Inc. 3316 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19104. CIRA 101 chromatographic infrared analyzer; standard and commercial collec­ tions of reference spectra, including IR (liquid and vapor phase), NMR, 13C NMR, UV, Raman, fluorescence, and DTA; audio­ visual programs on instrumental tech­ niques of analysis, basic chemistry and math; technical books on chemistry and spectroscopy; "Reactiones Organicae," a documentation of useful organic reactions on slotted punch cards.

Schoeffel Instrument Corp.

Quartz-crystal orientation, cutting, sorting, and testing are just what DIANO's new system does better than anyone else. This compact diffraction instrument is geared to rapid analysis of piezo-electric crystals. System features can be selected to meet the accuracy and repeatability needed for your industrial or scientific application. The DIANO A 4 9 7 6 B A / B B XRD-700 Quartz System utilizes an Xray detector to indicate peak intensities of X-ray diffraction effects from quartz oscillators. An argon-gas-filled Quartz Ionization Cham­ ber and its Electrometer are mounted in a cylindrical container on the high-precision piezo goniometer. X-ray intensity is read directly from a microammeter on the table-mounted Amplifier. DIANO's XRD Double-Crystal Goniometer is available for greatest accuracy and repeatability in your orientation tests. A reference crystal (monochromator) is mounted to provide its reflected beam for rediffraction from parallel planes in the work crystal. This unique feature enables exact crystal orientation to within 5-15 seconds of arc, with over 9 5 % repeatability by skilled operators. Quartz testing from four positions is quickly accomplished. The built-in 0-50° vernier scale on the quartz goniometer arm eliminates gear-train error and provides exceptionally easy direct measure­ ment of test angles. For critical tuning, a 2 " dia. micrometer and vacuum chuck with three-point sapphire tip backing are standard on the Double-Crystal Goniometer. Crystallographic studies now can be faster, simpler, and more accurate with this new performer from DIANO. See your nearby DIANO representative for more details, or write:




24 Booker St., Westwood, N.J. 07675. New continuously variable wavelength monitor for LC; chromatogram scanners, research and clinical models (TLE, TLC); accesso­ ries include computing integrator, printout and recorder interfacing; high-intensity lamp housing (arc and filament type); lowcost miniature grating and prism monochromators, new V4-m high-intensity grat­ ing monochromator, plus other monochro­ matic illumination systems; and photodetection equipment.

Scientific Research Instrument Corp. 6707 Whitestone Rd., Baltimore, Md. 21207. Biospect—dual ΕΙ/CI quadrupole mass spectrometer, complete GC-MS com­ puter system for analysis of biochemical and organic compounds. Spectrametrics, Inc. 204 Andouer St., Andover, Mass. 01810. Spectraspan—plasma emission spectrome­ ter. Echelle grating spectrometer and plas­ ma excitation source combination.

Spectra-Physics 2905 Stender Way, Santa Clara, Calif. 95150. Liquid chromatography products: Model 3500B research liquid chromatograph, Model 3100 low-cost liquid chromatograph. LC pumps, detectors, columns, and column packings. Chromatography au­ tomation products: complete family of computing integrators for LC and GC. Minigrator, System 1, System IV, and Sys­ tem AA. Spectrotherm Corp. 3040 Olcott St., Santa Clara, Calif. 95051. Model ST-10 high-speed, double-beam, fast Fourier transform IR spectrometer system in tandem with GC system equipped with minicomputer, floppy disk for data storage, and real time display of IR spectrum of submicrograms of GC effluent. Model 800 IR thermal imager featuring high resolution and video display.

Supelco, Inc.

Supelco Park, Bellefonte, Pa. 16823. Prod­ ucts relating to gas, liquid, and thin-layer chromatography. Accessories and products

Attention Gas Chromatographers Derivatizing Agents The following are some of the derivatiiing agents available f r o m PCR stock. 27090 34040

13090 13100 13120 34020 34090 11023 13200 27490 NOTE:

Chlotomethyldimethylchlorosilane (CMDMCS) 5 0 g - $15.25; 2 5 0 g - $ 6 0 . 0 0 N,N-Diethylaminotrimethylsilane (Trimethyl-N.N-diethylaminosilane) 10g -$20.00; 50g- -$80.00 Heptafluorobutyric acid 5 0 g - 515.00; 250g- $62.50 Heptafluorobutyric anhydride 25g— $19.50; 100g- -$61.00 Heptafluorobutyryl chloride 2 5 g - $16.00; 100g- $60.00 Hexamethyldisilazane (HMDS) 1 0 0 g - $12.00; 500g- $25.00 1,1,3,3-Tetramethyldisilazane 25g $21.00; 100g- $65.00 Trifluoroacetic acid (High Purity Fe Free) 1 0 0 g - 10.00; 500g- $40.00 Trifluoroacetic anhydride 100g - $ 1 2 . 0 0 ; 1kg- $88.00 Trimethylchlorosilane (TMCS) 100g $10.00; 5 0 0 g - $ 2 5 . 0 0 Minimum order: $25.00


Research Chemicals Division P.O. Box 1466/Gamesville, Florida 32602 (904) 376-7522 CIRCLE 174 ON READER SERVICE CARD

*S* Highly accurate igh sensitivity calibrate and use A I ^ J % · • Lame Large sarriD sample compartment • Spectral Range: 220 to 750 nm Optional "Light Quantum Counter" ^^m W allnws "Corrected" Spectra allows



• Easy tô

JASCO Model FP-4 Fluorescent Spectrophotometer features double-beam ratio photometry and indicates fluorescent spectra at 50 nm/min scanning. Connects to any High Pressure Liquid Chromatograph. Includes two independent grating-type monochromators.

For complete details, please call or write: JASCO INCORPORATED 218 Bay Street Easton, Maryland 21601 (301)822-1220



in this area include column packings, supports, stationary phases, chemical standards, reagents, columns, syringes, and column selection course materials in gas chromatography, including a textbook, "The Packed Column in Gas Chromatography."

Arthur H. Thomas Co. Vine St. at Third, Philadelphia, Pa. 19105. Thomas peak detection system including Model 268 peak detector, Model 68 readout 80 printer with Thomas universal tape punch. All new Thomas "Big Dipper." Equipment from selected manufacturers, Camag. Eluchrome and fraction collector. Hitachi, new 100 series spectrophotometer; 701 two wavelength photometer. Isotope Zeeman atomic absorption and Mettler balances.

Tracor lue 6500 Tr'acor 'Lane, Austin, Tex. 78721. Model 560 digital gas chromatograph, universal liquid chromatograph, Tracor analytical processor with TTY. Specific detectors for GC and LC, recorders, and air pollution monitors. Tracor Northern 2551 W. Beltline Hwy, Middletown, Wis. 53562. X-ray analysis system including NS-880 quantitative, computer-based X-ray analyzer with TN-1310 wave dispersive automation options. TN-1700-X lowcost, computer-based, semiquantitative X-ray analyzer. TN-11/1203 computerbased signal processing and data acquisition system, new TN-1500 computer-controlled digital signal analyzer, NS-570 lowcost dedicated digital signal averager. Variable Volumetrics, Inc. P.O. Box 209, Industrial Way, Wilmington, Mass. 01887. Finnpipettes, variable column, high-accuracy, and precision hand-operated pipetors, covering complete range from 0 to 5,000 μΐ. Tips, polypropyl­ ene disposable pipet tips, Finntips, volu­ metric tips, budget tips. V-V cuvettes, polystyrene disposable 1-cm light path cu­ vettes. Ultra filtration cells, Nature maga­ zine, British Journal of Anaesthesia. Varian 611 Hansen Way, Palo Alto, Calif. 94303. (No products to be listed). Waters Associates, Inc. Maple St., Milford, Mass. 01757. Complete liquid chromatography instrumentation, accessories and LC and GC column packing materials. W h a t m a n , Inc. 9 Bridewell Place, Clifton, N.J. 07014. Broad range of Pellicular and microparticulate packings and prepacked columns for HPLC. Featuring partisil family of 5-, 10-, 20-, and 40-μ silica, reverse phase, polarbonded phase and ion exchangers for both analytical and preparative liquid chroma­ tography. Complete line of complementing tubing, fittings, and injection mechanisms. Wilks Scientific Corp. 140 Water St., S. Norwalk, Conn. 06856. Complete line of IR accessories for all IR spectrophotometers including various long path gas cells. Miran-1 portable IR analyz­ er for on-the-spot liquid, solid, and gaseous sampling. Miran-101 specific vapor analyz­ er. Miran-II continuous monitoring IR ana­ lyzer for ambient air analysis and process control. W i l m a d G l a s s Co., I n c . Route 40 and Oak fid., Buena, N.J. 08310. NMR, EPR, IR sample tubes, cells, and ac­ cessories; recording charts, deuterated sol­ vents, microliter syringes; plus new innova­ tions in NMR glassware.