Pont de Nemours & Co., Wilmington, Del. 19898. 4:00 Surface ... Cleveland, Ohio. The Exposition of the .... apparatus. ATOMERGIC CHEMETALS CO. Divisio...
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Pittsburgh Conference 2:20 The Pyrotector: A New T h e r m a l Analysis Instrument. A. C. S t a p p , D. W. Carle, Carle I n s t r u m e n t s , Inc., 1141 E. A s h Ave., Fullerton, Calif. 92631 2:40 A Precision Automated Thermometric Titration Calorim­ eter. P. Watts, J . J . C h r i s t e n s e n , R. M. Izatt, Tronac, Inc. a n d B r i g h a m Young University, Provo, Utah 3:00 Standardization of Dilute Ferrous Solutions by T h e r m o ­ metric Titration Calorimetry. R. M. Izatt, H. J . C h r i s t e n s e n , H. D. J o h n s t o n , Λ W. Richards, B r i g h a m Y o u n g University, Provo, Utah 3:40 Recording Cubic Dilatometer. G. W. Miller, Jr., E. I. d u Pont d e N e m o u r s & Co., W i l m i n g t o n , Del. 19898 4:00 Surface Area Measurement Using a Modular Gravimetric Adsorption System. C. J . Williams, Cahn Div., Ventron I n s t r u ­ m e n t s Corp., 7500 Jefferson St., P a r a m o u n t , Calif. 90723


J. Beaseley, Presiding

2:00 Quantitative Analysis Using a Computer Controlled High Resolution N M R Spectrometer. J . N. Shoolery, L. H. S m i t h s o n , Varian Associates, 611 H a n s o n Way, Palo A l t o , Calif. 94303 2:20 An Instrument Data System for the Measurement of Epi­ taxial Film Thickness. Ron C o m p t o n , AI R o d d a n , B e c k m a n I n s t r u m e n t s , Inc., 2500 Harbor Blvd., Fullerton, Calif. 92634 2:40 Improved Spectrometer Sensitivity by Computer Ensem­ ble Averaging. R. E. A n d e r s o n , R. I. Bystroff, R. G. Gutmacher, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Livermore, Calif. 94550 3:00 A New Analytical UV-Visble Spectrophotometry System for the Methods of Kinetic Reactions. N. Shifrin, B e c k m a n I n s t r u m e n t s , Inc., 2500 Harbor Blvd., Fullerton, Calif. 92634 3:40 A Nondispersive X-Ray Emission System with an On-Line Computer. F. W. C h a m b e r , I B M , T h o m a s J . Watson Research Center, P. O. Box 218, Y o r k t o w n Heights, Ν. Υ. 10598

4:00 Two Approaches (Hardware and Solfware) to Automation of a n X-Ray Spectroscopy System. W o l f g a n g Ritzert, Sie­ m e n s , Karlsruhe, W. Germany 4:20 A Simplified Approach to Ore Analysis Using an On-Stream X-Ray Analyzer and a Digital Computer. A. H. S m a l l b o n e , R. Lathe, A p p l i e d Research Laboratories, P. O. Box 129, S u n l a n d , Calif. 91040 4:40 A Versatile Remote Console for I n s t r u m e n t / C o m p u t e r T i e - I n . D. A. B u r n s , W. C. Bass, A b b o t t Laboratories, N o r t h Chicago, III.


Friday Afternoon

2:00 Selectivity Studies on Liquid-Membrane Electrodes, K. Srinivasan, G. A. Rechnitz, State University of New York, Buffalo, Ν. Υ. 14214 2:20 Direct Measurement vs. Potentiometric Titration with Selective Ion Electrodes. Clark Westcott, T h e r o n J o h n s , B e c k m a n I n s t r u m e n t s , Inc., 2500 Harbor Blvd., Fullerton, Calif. 92634 2:40 Recent Developments in the Field of Ion-Selective Elec­ trodes. Erno Pungor, Klara T o t h , University of C h e m i c a l I n d u s t r i e s , V e s z p r e m , Schonherz Z. u. 12, Hungary 3:00 Use of New Solid State Ion-Selective Electrodes for T i t r a ­ tions of Copper, Lead, and C a d m i u m . J . W. Ross, Jr., M. S. Frant, Orion Research, Inc., C a m b r i d g e , Mass. 3:40 Electrochemical Sensor for Dissolved Ammonia in Water. C. H. Beebe, Allen Strickler, B e c k m a n I n s t r u m e n t s , Inc., 2400 Harbor Blvd., Fullerton, Calif. 92634 4:00 Ion-Selective Electrodes of the Second Kind. G. M. Farren, Coleman I n s t r u m e n t s , 42 M a d i s o n St., M a y w o o d , III. 60153 4:20 Measurement of Blood p H , Sodium, and Potassium with Glass Electrodes and a New Electrometric Instrument. W. L. Carruth, R. W. Negus, W. R. Williams, Cary I n s t r u m e n t s , 2724 S. Peck Rd., Monrovia, Calif. 91016

EXPOSITION OF MODERN LABORATORY EQUIPMENT Cleveland, Ohio The Exposition of the Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy will be held at the Cleveland Convention Center. The Exposition will be open t o all interested persons without charge ACE GLASS, I N C . P. O. Box 6 8 8 Vineland, N . J . 0 8 3 6 0 Exhibiting: New photochemical appa­ ratus including power supply, lamps, and reaction vessels; Wheeler spinning band column; Instatherm, the modern way of heating glassware ; complete line of threaded glassware and assorted glassware for the analytical chemist. ACE SCIENTIFIC SUPPLY CO., I N C . 1 4 2 0 East Linden Ave. Linden, N . J . 0 7 0 3 6 Exhibiting: AQV-50 automatic spectro­ photometer, E E L atomic absorption spec­ trophotometer, Hughes metering pumps, QV-50 UV-visible spectrophotometer with circular dichroism, optical rotatory dis­ persion, and flow dichroism accessories, Servomex portable oxygen analyzer.

48 A



ADVANCED METALS RESEARCH CORP. 1 4 9 Middlesex Turnpike Burlington, Mass. 0 1 8 0 3

W M . AINSWORTH, I N C . 2 1 5 1 Lawrence St. Denver, Colo. 8 0 2 0 5 Exhibiting: Automatic weighing system with printout, analytical balances, re­ cording balance system, T G A - D T A sys­ tem.

AIR PRODUCTS & CHEMICALS, I N C . 7 3 3 West Broad St. Emmaus, Pa. 1 8 0 4 9 Exhibiting: Gaseous chemicals; cali­ brating gas mixtures; gas handling and regulating equipment; catalogs and tech­ nical data sheets.

ALLEN-BRADLEY CO. 1 2 0 1 S. Second St. Milwaukee, Wis. 5 3 2 0 4 ALLIED CHEMICAL CORP. 4 0 Rector St. New York, Ν. Υ. 1 0 0 0 6 Exhibiting: Laboratory reagents and fine chemicals. ALOE SCIENTIFIC Brunswick Corp. 1 8 3 1 Olive St. St. Louis, M o . 6 3 1 0 3 AMERICAN BOOK C O . — V A N NOSTRAND, REINHOLD 5 5 Fifth Ave. New York, Ν. Υ. 1 0 0 0 3 Exhibiting:


Circle No. 185 on Readers' Service Card

Pittsburgh Conference

Electrophoretic Mass-Transport Analyzer

AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 1 1 5 5 Sixteenth St., N. W. Washington, D. C. 2 0 0 3 6 Exhibiting:


AMERICAN I N S T R U M E N T CO., INC. 8 0 3 0 Georgia Ave. Silver Spring, M d . 2 0 9 1 0

Uses various methods to measure the electrophoretic mobility of particles in concentrated suspensions.

Exhibiting: Aminco-Bowman spectrophotofluoromctcr with T L C scanner, solid state photomultiplicr, corrected spectrum attachment and ellipsoidal condensing system ; Aminco Moni-Corder ; solid state fluoro-micropholometer ; Aminco-Chance dual wavelength, split beam ratio record­ ing spectrophotometer; Adsorptomat— for automatic determination of nitrogen adsorption—desorption isotherms ; SorBET—performs rapid total surface area measurements of catalysts and adsorbent materials; Porosimeter—60,000 psi model ; modular thermogram balance ; carbon-nitrogen analyzer; nitrogen ana­ lyzer; Accumelt—melting and boiling point determinations; flame emission spectrometer; Assayomat; rotary Kjeldahl digestion and distillation equip­ ment; grating monochromator; 4-4433 solid state chloride titrator; automatic p H titration system; dual wavelength spectrodensitometer and fluorometer scanner for T L C plates and other solid support media.



• A research instrument for the colloid and surface sci­ entists involved in studies of particle interactions and re­ search in electrokinetic phe­ nomena • A quality control instrument for analyzing a wide range of industrial dispersions in­ cluding heavy slurries hav­ ing up to 70% of solids without dilution • Zeta potential may be calcu­ lated from mobility data • Useful in studying chemical processes involving coagu­ lation,flocculation, deflocculation and flotation Price $2,420

Numinco NUMEC®InstrumentsandControlsCorporation 106 North Plaza, Apollo, PA. 15613 Phone. 412 · 478-1131 Circle No. 174 on Readers' Service Card

50 A ·



AMERICAN M I N E C H E M CORP. P. O. Box 2 3 1 Coraopolis, Pa. 1 5 1 0 8

AMERICAN OPTICAL CORP. Analytical Instrument Div. 2 0 0 South Garrard Blvd. Richmond, Calif. 9 4 8 0 4

Exhibiting: Robot Chemist, an auto­ mated wet chemical analysis system per­ forming logically grouped chemical test panels ; Auto-Spenser, Auto-Dilutor, frac­ tion collector, and water bath shaker— precision laboratory instruments for semiautomation pipetting, diluting, fractiona­ tion and incubation.

AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING & MATERIALS 1 9 1 6 Race St. Philadelphia, Pa. 1 9 1 0 3

Exhibiting: The powder diffraction data file including microfiche and limited batch processing using a General Electric teletypewriter; the ASTM-Dow S I R C H System using the IBM 1130 computer; and related publications of ASTM scien­ tific data projects. ANALABS, INC. 8 0 Republic Dr. North Haven, Conn. 0 6 4 7 3

Exhibiting: Supplies and accessories for gas chromatography. ANALTECH, INC. 1 0 0 South Justison St. Wilmington, Del. 1 9 8 0 1

Exhibiting: Precoated glass and plas­ tic thin layer chromatography plates, selfcontained columns for preparative TLC, accessories for TLC and instrumentation for fiuorometric and spcctrodensitomctric quantitation of thin layer and other me­ dia. ANGSTROM, INC. P. O. Box 2 5 6 Belleville, Mich. 4 8 1 1 1

Exhibiting: Labtester direct reading spectrometer ; Bausch & Lomb Model AC 2-20 atomic absorption unit ; new rapid carbon analyzer for computer control ap­ plication ; new combustion furnace ; spectrochemical and chemical sample prep­ aration accessories including disc mill, briquetting press, Handy Kaps and sam­ ple molds; metal organic standards; chart paper. A N D O N I A N ASSOCIATES, INC. 2 6 Thayer Rd. Waltham, Mass. 0 2 1 5 4

Exhibiting: Modular liquid helium dewars, temperature sensors and tempera­ ture control devices, storage dewars, con­ tainers, and cryogenic accessories. APPLIED RESEARCH LABORATORIES P. O. Box 129 Sunland, Calif. 9 1 0 4 0

AMERICAN OPTICAL CORP. Scientific Instrument Div. Eggert and Sugar Roads Buffalo, Ν. Υ. 1 4 2 1 5

Exhibiting: Quantovac 31000 (new 80 receiver vacuum optical emission spec­ trometer with integrated source and read­ out ; complete operational stability over ± 2 0 °F) ; high repetition rate source 7100 (electronically ignited multisource) ; new universal readout console ; vacuum pro­ duction control X-ray quantometer (VPXQ-Mark I I ) , 22 channel fluores­ cence analyzer.

Exhibiting: Advanced laboratory mi­ croscopes ; Reichert Mctallograph ; Zetopan research polarizing microscope ; auto­ matic camera ; melting point determina­ tion equipment.

APPLIED SCIENCE LABORATORIES, INC. P. O. Box 4 4 0 State College, Pa. 1 6 8 0 1


Exhibiting: Gas chromatography sup­ plies; thin layer chromatography sup­ plies and equipment; high purity lipids; prccoated T L C Plates; H I - E F F fluidizer; column coiler, and T L C streaker. ΑΤΑΚΑ AMERICA, INC. (Shimadzu Seisakusho Ltd.) 633 Third Ave. New York, Ν. Υ. 10017 Exhibiting: Spectrophotometer double40 series with automatic enzyme system; spectrophotometer MPS-50L with microspectrophotometry attachment; spectro­ photometer AQV-50 with automatic cell positioner; differential thermal analysis apparatus. ATOMERGIC CHEMETALS CO. Division of Gallard-Schlesinger Chemical Mfg. Corp. 584 Mineola Ave. Carle Place, Ν. Υ. 11514 Exhibiting: Spectrograph^ grade car­ bons; Aristar (high purity solvents and acids) ; vitreous carbon ware, ultra pure metals and chemicals (as spectrographic grade standards) B D H lab reagents, sta­ ble isotopes, crucible kits; microanalytical reagents, organic analytical stand­ ards; Analar standards; analytical serv­ ices. AUGUST SAUTER OF AMERICA, INC. 80 Fifth Ave. New York, Ν. Υ. 10011 Exhibiting: Analytical balance with preweigh and tare, Model 414/13; elec­ tronic printing balance, Model S1000T/ 0.1 with printer; Toppan balances: Model S D T 1000/0.01, S D T 8000/0.1, M A T 80/0.005, M D T 160/0.001; M D T 400/0.005; Moisture balance Model MPKT 160/100; precision balances, Models 180/10, 180/100. AVCO ELECTRONICS DIV./TULSA OPERATION 10700 East Independence Tulsa, Okla. 74115 Exhibiting: Mass spectrometers associated equipment.


AZTEC INSTRUMENTS, INC. 2 Railroad PI. Westport, Conn. 06880 Exhibiting: Atomic absorption, emis­ sion, and fluorescent spectrophotometers, with a complete line of accessories, in­ cluding spectral light sources, burners, and standard solutions; air micrometer; electro-balance; lamp power supplies and micro wave generators; permanent and electromagnets. BAIRD-ATOMIC, INC. 33 University Rd. Cambridge, Mass. 02138


Exhibiting: The latest in emission spectrochemical instrumentation. J. T. BAKER CHEMICAL CO. Red School Lane Phillipsburg, N. J. 08865 Exhibiting: Ultrex acid ampoules of certified purity; Baker-Flex sheets for thin layer chromatography; T L C rea­ gents; Dilut-It, analytical concentrates for preparation of solutions; Dual-Tint, new p H indicator paper ; specialty gases. BARBER-COLMAN CO. Chromatography Products 1300 Rock St. Rockford, 111.61101 Exhibiting: Series 5000 gas chromatograph, with coiled and U-shaped column oven ; radioactivity monitoring system ; automatic injection gas chromatograph ; liquid chromatography detector; Series 5300 chromatographs and accessories. BARNES ENGINEERING CO. 30 Commerce Rd. Stamford, Conn. 06902 Exhibiting: Infrared spectrophotom­ eter accessories including new amalgam sealed cell, polyethylene cells, precision pathlength cells, gas cells, KBr die, pol­ ishing kit, variable temperature chamber pyrolyzer, universal ATR/Specular re­ flectance modules, beam condenser and attenuator, GC fraction collector, re­ corder pens, chart paper, and crystals. BARNSTEAD CO. 225 Rivermoor St. West Roxbury, Boston, Mass. 02132 Exhibiting: Water purity meters, com­ pact cabinetized water still and tank; redistiller with Pyrex condenser, accessory to eliminate scaling in water stills; tin lined distribution systems; laboratory water demineralizers. BAUSCH & LOMB, INC. 635 St. Paul St. Rochester, Ν. Υ. 14602 Exhibiting: Newest advances in spec­ trophotometers, Zymat enzyme analyzer, gratings, monochromators, analytical sys­ tems. BECKMAN INSTRUMENTS, INC. 2500 Harbor Blvd. Fullerton, Calif. 92634 Exhibiting: Advanced concepts in in­ frared and ultraviolet spectrophotome­ ters, including a new system for auto­ matic monitoring of the kinetics of chem­ ical reactions; new atomic absorption spectrophotometer; gas chromatograph; new data reduction system ; complete line of p H meters; new automatic recording titrator; recorders and instrumentation supplies.

best Day in and day out, the reliability, long life and versatility of Tygon flexible plastic Tubing proves over and over that it's your best laboratory tubing investment.

TYGON TUBING Crystal-clear Flexible Chemically inert Non-oxidizing 74 standard sizes At laboratory supply houses every­ where, or write Norton Plastics and S y n t h e t i c s D i v i s i o n , A k r o n , Ohio 44309.

NORTON PLAST/CS& SYNTHETICS D/V. fORMmr us. STOwm/iEmc. AKRON. OH/0 44309 Circle No. 117 on Readers' Service Card

VOL. 4 1 , NO. 2, FEBRUARY 1 9 6 9


51 A

Pittsburgh Conference

Interferometer; accessories for infrared and ultraviolet spectrophotometry; mi­ crobalance and accessories; extensive line of conductivity instruments and conduc­ tivity cells. BEL-ART PRODUCTS Pequannock, N. J. 07440 Exhibiting: "Plastics for Science" the complete line of stock plastic laboratory ware of Bel-Art; as well as the various instruments produced by TectmiLag I n ­ struments, subsidiary of Bel-Art (timers, shakers, rotators, heating blocks, etc.). BENDIX CORP. Scientific Instruments & Vacuum Div. 3625 Hauck Rd. Cincinnati, Ohio 45241 Exhibiting: New gas chromatograph/ mass spectrometer system with separa­ tor: new family of mass spectrometers ; atomic absorption spectrophotometer with digital readout and printer (Model A-3174) ; all electric automatic polarimeter with digital readout and printer (Model 1174-01); differential, twincell cathode ray Polarotrace (Model 1660); portable electrostatic air sampler; mag­ netic electron multiplier detectors, bakeable models. BETHLEHEM APPARATUS CO., INC. Front and Depot St. Hellertown, Pa. 18055 Exhibiting: Glass blowing equipment, including glass lathes, hand tools, strain detectors, and related accessories; also mercury and mercury cleaning service. BIO-RAD LABORATORIES 32nd and Griffin Ave. Richmond, Calif. 94804 Exhibiting: Bio-Rad's complete line of A.G. ion exchange resins; porous glass for gel permeation chromatography ; columns for liquid chromatography by ion ex­ change ; adsorption and gel filtration.


CARLE INSTRUMENTS, INC. 1141 East Ash Ave. Fullerton, Calif. 92631

Exhibiting: Laboratory potentiometrictype strip chart recorders featuring linearlog calibration—multi-speed chart drives —chart type integrators and many other features compatible with the needs of the users of scientific instruments and equip­ ment.

Exhibiting: Basic gas chromatographs; micro volume gas chromatography valves; micro detector systems, G C - I R fraction collector systems; heated I R gas cells; micro volume valve program­ mers.

BROOKS INSTRUMENT DIV. Emerson Electric Co. Hatfield, Pa. 19440 Exhibiting: Flow controllers, flow reg­ ulators, flowmeter, and precision valves. BRUKER SCIENTIFIC, INC. 1 Westchester Plaza Westchester Industrial Park, Elmsford, Ν. Υ. Exhibiting: Nuclear magnetic reso­ nance; HX-60; 60 multi spectrometer; pulsed N M R ; BKR-3225; variable fre­ quency system. BURRELL CORP. 2223 Fifth Ave. Pittsburgh, Pa. 15219 Exhibiting: Reichert microscopes ineluding the Zetopan with photo-auto­ matic camera and microflash attach­ ments; the Visopan projection micro­ scope, hot and cold stages and new O M U2 ultramicrotome plus MeF2 metallograph; K-4 chromatograph—395.00; air and water pollution sampling and testing equipment featuring the Unico com­ pletely portable GC incorporating carrier and recorder ; Stanton analytical balances including TGA and DTA. CAHN DIV.

VENTRON INSTRUMENTS CORP. 7500 Jefferson St. Paramount, Calif. 90723

BLUE M ELECTRIC CO. 138th and Chatham Blue Island, III. 60406

Exhibiting: Millibalance, automatic zero shifter, G-2, G R A M , RG, R H electrobalances, adsorption system, ultrapure chemicals and metals for analytical chemists.

Exhibiting: Laboratory oven with Power-O-Matic to solid-state control; laboratory furnace ; shaker bath ; port­ able cooling unit, and the related tem­ perature controlled equipment.

CAM AG, INC. 11830 West Ripley Ave. Milwaukee, Wis. 53226

BRINKMANN INSTRUMENTS, INC. Cantiague Rd. Westbury, Ν. Υ. 11590

Exhibiting: Thin layer chromatogra­ phy, thin layer electrophoresis, and highvoltage electrophoresis equipment includ­ ing ultraviolet lamp, streakers, micropi­ pettes and adsorbents.

Exhibiting: T L C line including a T L C chromatogram copier, precoated T L C layers on aluminum sheets; com­ pact fraction collector and accessories; Metrohm polarographic analyzers, re­ cording potentiometric titrators, record­ ing Combititrators for p H stats; Ronor counter current distribution apparatus; Stroehlein N 2 / 0 2 analyzer; EM-reagent products. 52 A ·


CANBERRA INDUSTRIES, INC. 50 Silver St. Middletown, Conn. 06457 Exhibiting: Nuclear instrumentation; Ge(Li) detectors for gamma spectros­ copy ; X-ray detection instrumentation ; programmed controllers for X-ra3' dif­ fraction and spectroscopy systems.

CEC—ANALYTICAL INSTRUMENTS DIV. Bell & Howell 360 Sierra Madre Villa Pasadena, Calif. 91109 Exhibiting: Type 21-490 mass spec­ trometer operating with a gas chroma­ tograph; Type 22-001 high-speed emis­ sion spectrometer readout system in operation with a vacuum emission spec­ trometer; Type 26-321A solids moisture monitor; Type 21-621 modular mass spectrometer with new 21-440 quadrupole analyzer. THE CHEMICAL RUBBER CO. 18901 Cranwood Parkway Cleveland, Ohio 44128 Exhibiting: Portable dry ice maker; laboratory glassware washer; automatic filtering apparatus; dialyzing cells and shakers; constant temperature controller; peristaltic pumps; Teflon coated ware; safety equipment; C R C handbooks of chem. and physics; laboratory safety; biochemistry, and other scientific publi­ cations. CHEMTRIX, INC. P. O. Box 725 Beaverton, Ore. 97005 Exhibiting: A single-sweep polaro­ graphic analyzer with digital readout and automatic printout of peak heights; dif­ ferential single-sweep polarographic ana­ lyzer with dual D M E assembly; wave­ form generator for electrochemistry. CINTRA PHYSICS INTERNATIONAL CO. 711 Eunice Ave. Mountain View, Calif. 94040 Exhibiting: Optical test instruments and accessories. SOCIETE DE CONVERSION DES ENERGIES CODERG 15 Impasse Barbier 92 Clichy, France Exhibiting: New and special Raman laser; spectrometer. CONFERENCE BOOK SERVICE, INC. 705 Prince St. Alexandria, Va. 22314 Exhibiting:

New and current journals.

COORS PORCELAIN CO. Coors Spectrochem Laboratory 600 Ninth St. Golden, Colo. 80401

Pittsburgh Conference

Exhibiting: Alumina laboratory ce­ ramics; chemical porcelain; complete analytical laboratory service ; ceramic tubes. CORNING GLASS WORKS Corning, Ν. Υ. 14830

Exhibiting: Pulse height spectrometer, data acquisition system, preamplifiers, paper tape and card positioning system and Compu-Board programmer.

EASTMAN KODAK CO. Eastman Organic Chemicals Rochester, Ν. Υ. 14650

DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORP. 146 Main St. Maynard, Mass. 01754

Exhibiting: Organic chemicals for spectrophotometry, nonaqueous titrimetry, thin layer chromatography, scin­ tillation counting, gas chromatography atomic absorption, electron microscopy, etc. ; Chromagram products for thin layer chromatography.

Exhibiting: Model 104 p H meters; p H electrodes; four-channel digital analyzer; specific-ion electrodes; water stills and demineralizers; hot plates, mixers, Pyrex, Corex, Vycor laboratory glassware, Model APG-402 preparative scale gas chromatograph.

Exhibiting: N M R - 8 , computer based signal averaging system; GC-8, computer based gas chromatographic system; P D P , digital general purpose medium-sized computer operating multi-user focal.

COULTER ELECTRONICS 2601 Mannheim Rd. Franklin Park, III. 60131

DISC INSTRUMENTS, INC. 2701 S. Halladay St. Santa Ana, Calif. 92705

Exhibiting: New 15-channel Τ Coulter counter-complete particle distributions in 20 seconds; Model Β Coulter counter; Model M volume converter.

Exhibiting: Scries 200D integrators; Model 610 automatic printer, accessory to recorders equipped with D Series in­ tegrator; Model 607 counter, accessory to integrator for digital display of area of trace.

CRAWFORD FITTING CO. 29500 Solon Rd. Solon, Ohio 44139 Exhibiting: Fittings—tube and pipe valves, pumps and other hydraulic and pneumatic products. W. H. CURTIN & CO. P. O. Box 1546 Houston, Texas 77001 Exhibiting: Latest developments in analytical instruments and apparatus in­ cluding new products by Orion, Mettler Instruments, Gelman, Bausch & Lomb, Precision Scientific, Union Carbide, G. K. Turner, Corning Glass Works, and Cole­ man Instruments. DATAMETRICS, INC. 87 Beaver St. Waltham, Mass. 02154 Exhibiting: Barocel pressure sensors; electronic manometers; Type 1018, 1014, 1023 ; Type 1056, null offset adapter. DATEX DIV. Conrac Corp. 1600 S. Mountain Ave. Duarte, Calif. 91010 Exhibiting: A X D 111, automatic Xray diffractometer system; D I R - 1 , digital integrating recorder. DECCA RADAR, INC. 386 Park Ave., S. New York, Ν. Υ. 10016 Exhibiting: Nuclear quadrupole reso­ nance spectrometer. DIGITAL AUTOMATION CO., INC. 68 Highway 31 Pennington, N. J. 08534 54 A .


DOHRMANN INSTRUMENTS CO. 1062 Linda Vista Ave. Mountain View, Calif. 94040 Exhibiting: Microcoulometric titrat­ ing system ; laboratory recorders. DUNN ASSOCIATES, INC. 11601 Newport Mill Rd. Silver Spring, Md. 20902 Exhibiting: FTS-12 near infrared Fourier spectrometer ; FTS-14 revolution­ ary Va cm - 1 resolution near I R Fourier spectrometer; FTS-16 far I R Fourier spectrometer; complete series of attach­ ments for the F T S series spectrometers.

EBERBACH CORP. P. O. Box 1024 Ann Arbor, Mich. 48106 Exhibiting: Electro-analysis appara­ tus; reciprocating shakers; Dyna-Cath, mercury cathode apparatus; stirrers; ul­ tra-speed electro analyzer; thermoelec­ tric immersion cooler; water bath sha­ ker; differential thermal analysis. EDWIN INDUSTRIES CORP. 11933 Tech Rd. Silver Spring, Md. 20904 Exhibiting: Grubb Parsons M K I I far infrared interferometer. ELECTRONIC ASSOCIATES, INC. West Long Branch, N. J. Exhibiting: Pace II, precision com­ puting equipment for data reduction and analysis of gas chromatographs ; Quad 160, laboratory mass spectrometer. ELECTRONIC ASSOCIATES, INC. 4151 Middlefield Rd. Palo Alto, Calif. 94303 Exhibiting: Low-cost, rapid scan, high-sensitivity laboratory mass spec­ trometer including a solid sample inser­ tion probe and a gas ehromatograph in­ terface.

E. I. duPONT de NEMOURS & CO. 1007 Market St. Wilmington, Del. 19898

FABRI-TEK INSTRUMENTS, INC P. O. Box 4218 Madison, Wis. 53711

Exhibiting: DuPont's complete line of analytical instruments including the introduction of the DuPont liquid ehromatograph.

Exhibiting: ers.

DURRUM INSTRUMENT CORP. 3950 Fabian Way Palo Alto, Calif. 94303 Exhibiting: Model J-20 spectropolarimeter with enhanced sensitivity of ORD and C D ; Model D300 temperature jump and stopped-flow spectrophotometer; Model D200 high resolution recording spectrophotometer with 180-1000 milli­ micron wavelength range. EASTERN SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, INC. 236 Wood St. Braintree, Mass. 02189

Signal averaging comput­

FARRAND OPTICAL CO., INC. Commercial Products Div. 535 South Fifth Ave. Mt. Vernon, Ν. Υ. 10550 Exhibiting: Recording spectrofluorometer with thin layer scanner and phos­ phorescence accessories; ratio fluorometer; grating monochromators ; interfer­ ence filters. FINNIGAN INSTRUMENTS CORP. 2631 Hanover Street, Stanford Industrial Park Palo Alto, Calif. 94304 Exhibiting: 1015 Laboratory mass spectrometer for high sensitivity analysis to mass 750 ; electronic console consists of


Pittsburgh Conference a stable R F / D C generator with "First Mass"—"Last Mass" controls, ionizer con­ troller, and electron multiplier power sup­ ply; vacuum console contains stainless steel housing with two flanged inlet ports, 295 1/sec oil diffusion pump (using poly­ phenol el her fluids), liquid nitrogen cold trap, Bayard Alpert type pressure gauge, all heaters and controls for quadrupole probe bakcout, and elevation of ion source temperature.



FISCHER & PORTER CO. County Line Rd. Warminster, Pa. 18974 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. 711 Forbes Ave. Pittsburgh, Pa. 15219 Exhibiting: Contenipra laboratory furniture; Aecumet p l l meters; Titralyzer with quick-change syringe; Holo­ graphic electrode display; T G A / D T A assembly with the 10-560-5V1 furnace accessory; Castaloy clamps with Flexafnune ; Vuemix and Versa-mix automatic .stirrers; safety burner; Isotcmp wall oven ; Jarrell-Ash Div. quarter meter spectrometer, Atomsorb, Dial A t o m ; chemicals, reagents, and solutions fea­ turing PolyPac containers, thcrmctrie standards, buffers, primary standards, standard solutions; other items. FORMA SCIENTIFIC, INC. Box 6 4 9 Marietta, Ohio 45750 Exhibiting: Table top vacuum ovens to 280° C; table top and floor model re­ frigerated and heated baths—window model, solid state control; mechanically refrigerated immersion coolers, portable; infrared oven, table top, indicating py­ rometer, 5-channel selection; mechani­ cally convected oven table model; sentinels and electronic monitoring de­ vices from Forma-Tronics Div. GAERTNER SCIENTIFIC CORP. 1201 North Wrightwood Ave. Chicago, III. 60614 Exhibiting: M120C linear comparator (used in conjunction with high resolu­ tion focusing typo mass spectrometers); new rectangular optical/instrument bench; new holography system. GALLARD-SCHLESINGER CHEMICAL MFG. CO. 584 Mineola Ave. Carle Place, Long Island, Ν. Υ. 11514 Exhibiting: Test papers for pH de­ termination; indicator papers for detec­ tion of numerous ions, anions, and other radicals; filter papers; hydrophobic fil­ ter papers for the separation of water and organic liquids; special filter papers for the filtration of corrosive materials.

continuous scanning . . . over the entire 4 0 0 0 - 4 0 0 cm"' range is just one of the unique fea­ tures of the Bausch & Lomb/Shimadzu SPECTRONIC 270 IR Infrared Spectro­ photometer. An automatic grating-andfilter interchange permits recording absorption spectra continuously—with no scanning stop. A vernier gives 1 OX readability over the paper, there's a 3 slit program for automatic opera­ tion, and you can make manual a d -

justments as well. You can get three different size spectra — normal, 2:1 scale expansion on the Τ axis, and re­ duced for report writing. There's a 5X wavelength scale expansion and a choice of four scanning speeds—10, 20, 4 5 , and 90 minutes. Performance is outstanding, too. Ex­ ceptionally high resolution—0.8 cm"' at 1000 cm"' (manually); ± 0 . 5 % Τ accuracy; 0.5% Τ reproducibility; and very low stray light. Care to compare? Write for our Catalog 3 9 - 6 0 0 9 , or in­ sist on a demonstration. Analytical Systems D i v i s i o n , Bausch & Lomb, 6 0 9 1 4 Bausch Street, Rochester, New York 14602. See us at Booth 201-205, Pittsburgh C o n f e r e n c e , Cleveland, O h i o , March 3-7, 1969 Circle No. 19 on Readers' Service Card

Spectronic 2 7 0 IR I n f r a r e d S p e c t r o p h o t o m e t e r

Pittsburgh Conference GCA TECHNOLOGY Div. of GCA Corp. Burlington, Rd. Bedford, Mass. 01730 GELMAN INSTRUMENT CO. 600 South Wagner Rd. Ann Arbor, Mich. 48106 Exhibiting: No. 24008 sequential air sampler; No. 23607 sentinel photo-type sampler; No. 51446 Immunoelectrophore­ sis kit; No. 39372 Gelscan; No. 51102 electrophoresis kit; No. 38201 power sup­ ply; No. 51326 I T L C kit. GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. Analytical Measurement Business Section 40 Federal St. West Lynn, Mass. 01905 Exhibiting: XRD-410 operating auto­ matic X-ray emission system; mass spec­ trometer gas analysis apparatus; X-ray diffraction/DTA Apparatus. GEOSCIENCE INSTRUMENTS CORP. 2335A Whitney Ave. Hamden, Conn. 06518 Exhibiting: Model 2000 digital sta­ bilizer; Micro-Classifier 8, for particle size separation and analysis of pow­ dered materials, and accessories.



GLENCO, INC. 3121 White Oak Dr. Houston, Texas 77007 Exhibiting: Liquid chromatography equipment featuring borosilicate glass columns in 12 diameters (1 mm to 100 mm i.d.) with PVC or Teflon end plates for aqueous or organic solvent systems; gas and liquid microliter syringes; Teflonglass reagent dispenser; glass sample tubes with Teflon stoppers; automatic glass water still; liquid-liquid extraction apparatus.

GORDON PUBLICATION, INC. (Laboratory Equipment) 20 Community PI. Morristown, N. J. 07960 Exhibiting: Laboratory Equipment is a monthly publication featuring new products and product information, and is designed to keep Ihose in the laboratory field abreast of "what's new." 56 A .

HEAT SYSTEMS—ULTRASONICS, INC. 38 East Mall Plainview, Ν. Υ. 11803

Exhibiting: New Nano-Katharometer for increased sensitivity, interchange­ able with most commercial gas chromatographs; gas leak detector, Flow-Mate, a gas flowing monitoring instrument; GC accessories; thermal conductivity cells; hot wire filaments of tungsten, rhe­ nium, nickel ; thermistors ; temperature regulated cells ; Gas Master.

Exhibiting: Sonifier cell disruptor; ul­ trasonic pipette and glassware cleaner; ultrasonic laboratory cleaners; spectro­ photometer cells.


HEATH CO. Benton Harbor, Mich. 49022

GRAPHIC CONTROLS CORP. 189 Van Rensselaer St. Buffalo, Ν. Υ. 14210

Exhibiting: Spectrophotometers; new digital instrument; analog-digital de­ signer; p H meter; polarography lab.; voltmeters; power supplies; oscillo­ scopes ; servo chart recorders.

Exhibiting: Recording charts for all analytical instruments; oscillograph, chromatographs, spectrographs, etc.; also a complete line of graph paper.

HEMCO CORP. P. O. Box 210, 111 North Powell Rd. Independence, Mo. 64051

GULF GENERAL ATOMIC, INC. P. O. Box 608 San Diego, Calif. 92112 HAMILTON CO. P. O. Box 307 Whittier, Calif. 90608 Exhibiting: Microliter syringes ; multi­ purpose pyrolysis system ; chromato­ graphic inlet systems; miniature valves; chromatographic accessories; liquid dis­ pensers; svringe cleaner; specialty nee­ dles. HARLECO 60th and Woodland Ave. Philadelphia, Pa. 19143

GILFORD INSTRUMENT LABORATORIES, INC. 132 Artino Oberlin, Ohio 44074 Exhibiting: eters.

GOW-MAC INSTRUMENT CO. 10 Kings Rd. Madison, N. J. 07940

Exhibiting: Sulfation plates and pararosaniline reagent for S 0 2 analysis ; atomic absorption standard solutions. HARSHAW CHEMICAL CO. Div. of Kewanee Oil Co. 1945 E. 97th St. Cleveland, Ohio 44106 Exhibiting: Activation analysis in­ strumentation; cryogenics and associ­ ated electronics for nondispersive X-ray analysis; disposable silver chloride win­ dows and holders; KBr Wick-Stick ele­ ments; IR spectrophotometer windows; pressed pellet powders; X-ray analyzing crystals ; Hamner electronics X-ray in­ struments; TiO» analyzer. HCL SCIENTIFIC, INC. 1600 Broadway (P. O. Box 4223) Rockford, III. 61110 Exhibiting: 1600 Series gas chromatog­ raphy instruments for industrial, educa­ tional, and biomedical research and qual­ ity control ; temperature programming, flame ionization, thermal conductivity and electron capture accessories; unique four column, independent duo column temperature control, eight detector sys­ tem.

Exhibiting: Fiberglass laboratory fume hoods; tissue culture hoods; bacteriologi­ cal hoods. HEUSSER INSTRUMENT CO. P. O. Box 1233 Walnut Creek, Calif. 94597 Exhibiting: Laboratory balances and scales ; syringe pipettes ; weighing dishes ; microscope slide; filing system; Sprayway glassware washer; test tube racks, and other laboratory equipment and ap­ paratus. HEWLETT-PACKARD 1501 Page Mill Rd. Palo Alto, Calif. 94304 Exhibiting: Analytical gas chromato­ graphs ; preparative gas chromatographs ; sampling systems; digital integrator; atomic absorption photometer; osmom­ eters; quartz thermometer. HIGH PRESSURE DIAMOND OPTICS, INC. 929 Mackall Ave. McLean, Va. 22101 Exhibiting: High Pressure cell with X-ray attachment.


HOKE, INC. One Tenakill Park Cresskill, N. J. 07626 Exhibiting: Metering valves and pre­ cision controls for valves. HONEYWELL, INC. 1100 Virginia Dr. Fort Washington, Pa. 19034 Exhibiting: New 111 recorder control­ ler; 163 multipoint recorder; 193 and 194 strip chart recorder; new 500 X Y recorders; Visicorder oscillographs; 333 Digitest DVM ; temperature and humid­ ity instruments ; peak area recording inte­ grator.

Pittsburgh Conference HOTPACK CORP. Cottman Ave. at Melrose St. Philadelphia, Pa. 19135 Exhibiting: Complete line of labora­ tory ovens, baths, refrigerators and fur­ naces; featured models: MagFlo baths, safety ovens, table top furnaces, all-pur­ pose lab ovens; also new lightweight laboratory furnace with one-piece mufHetype insulation. HUMPHREY ELECTRONICS, INC. P. O. Box 9143 Raleigh, N. C. 27603 Exhibiting: 914 Series tape pro­ grammed positioners; TC 1-100 X-ray measurement systems. HUNTER ASSOCIATES LABORATORY, INC. 9529 Lee Highway Fairfax, Va. 22030 Exhibiting: Instruments to measure color, whiteness, gloss, haze, turbidity, and yellowness; New D47 Dori-Gon glossmeter for mirror image and diffuseness of high gloss surfaces; D25 color difference meter for color by transmission and reflection, direct readout of yellow­ ness index, haze and color differences; D40 refiectometer for white and near white products and fluorescent whitening agents. INFOTRONICS CORP. 7800 Westglen Dr. Houston, Texas 77042 Exhibiting: Digital integrators for gas chromatography; digital readout instru­ ments for mass spectroscopy and atomic absorption analyzers; on-line computer systems for gas chromatography. INSTRUMENTATION LABORATORY, INC. 9 Galen St. Water-town, Mass. 02172 Exhibiting: Atomic absorption spectro­ photometer; monochromator; p H meters and electrodes; oxygen analyzers; flame photometer. INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES Data Processing Div. 112 East Post Rd. White Plains. Ν. Υ. 10601 ISOMET CORP. 433 Commercial Ave. Palisades Park, N. J. 07650 JARRELL-ASH Div. Fisher Scientific Co. 590 Lincoln St. at Rt. 128 Waltham, Mass. 02154 Exhibiting: Model 750 low-cost di­ rect-reading spectrometer; 75-150 fast spectrograph/spcctrometer with laser 58 A ·


microprobe ; Betaprobe X-ray spectrom­ eter portable X-ray fluorescence mater­ ials analyzer; 19-300 arc stand; laser Raman spectrometer; diffraction grat­ ings; spectrographic supplies. JEOLCO (U.S.A.), INC. 477 Riverside Ave. Medford, Mass. 02155 Exhibiting: N M R ; E S R ; acid ana­ lyzer; spectroscopy computers; auto­ mated data handling systems; accesso­ ries, etc. JOHNS-MANVILLE 22 E. 40th St. New York, Ν. Υ. 10016 Exhibiting: Chromosorb 103, porous polymer chromatographic packing for separation of amines and basic com­ pounds. KAMAN NUCLEAR Division of Kaman Sciences Corp. 1700 Garden of the Gods Rd. Colorado Springs, Colo. 80907 Exhibiting: A-711 neutron generator; activation analysis transfer system ; D300 neutron dosimeter. KEITHLEY INSTRUMENTS, INC. 28775 Aurora Rd. Cleveland, Ohio 44139 LABCONCO 8811 Prospect Ave. Kansas City, Mo. 64132 Exhibiting: Laboratory fume hoods; glove box; carts, vacuum disiccator cabi­ net.

LEEDS & NORTHRUP 4901 Stenton Ave. Philadelphia, Pa. 19144 Exhibiting: Aeroscan and Hydroscan analyzers, analytical laboratory equipment including both manual and continuous injection-type blood p H in­ dicators. E. LEITZ, INC. 468 Park Ave. S. New York, Ν. Υ. 10016 Exhibiting: Leitz MPV microscope photometer; Orthoplan with automatic exposure camera, new stereo microscope ; Ortholux-Pol research microscope. LeMONT SCIENTIFIC, INC. Box 157, Pike St. Lemont, Pa. 16851 Exhibiting: Laboratory furnaces and heating elements; probe and spectros­ copy accessories; eyepiece monochroma­ tor ; cathodo luminescence device ; crys­ tal models and other teaching aids. LIF-O-GEN, INC. P. O. Box 302 Lumberton, N. J. 08048 Exhibiting: Gas pressure regulating and control equipment designed for use in chromatography. LINDBERG HEVI-DUTY Division of Sola Basic Industries 2450 West Hubbard St. Chicago, III. 60612 Exhibiting: Lab furnace control con­ sole, 3-zone tube furnace, single zone tube furnace, crucible furnace, box (muf­ fle) furnace, bench-type conveyor fur­ nace.

LABINDUSTRIES 1802 Second St. Berkeley, Calif. 94710

LKB INSTRUMENTS, INC. 12221 Parklawn Dr. Rockville, Md. 20852

Exhibiting: Hand-held, very inexpen­ sive disposable pressure filter, Statfilter ; amber repipets and dilutors for use with labile reagents; miniature re­ pipets and dilutors for use with diag­ nostic kits (also available in amber) ; lambda-dial, accurately dispense or di­ lute l/10-ΙΟΟλ; Grunbaum pipets, in sizes from 1—500λ, precisely dispense and transfer reagent or serum, no mouth pipeting ; free cylinder charts for volume, 1 length and diameter.

Exhibiting: L K B 9000 combined gas chromatograph—mass spectrometer, plus accessories;—i.e., peak matcher, mass marker, data acquisition system.

LABORATORY EQUIPMENT CORP. 1415 Hilltop Rd. St. Joseph, Mich. 49085 Exhibiting: New direct reading nitrogen-oxj-gen determinator; new immersion diskpin sampling device ; new wide-range carbon determinator ; the latest equip­ ment and accessories for the determina­ tion of carbon, sulfur, oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen in metals, alloys, and other materials.

LOENCO, INC. A Subsidiary of Infotronics Corp. 1062 Linda Vista Mountain View, Calif. 94040 Exhibiting: Model 15 D-3 gas chroma­ tograph ; Model 2400-FZ auto cycle chro­ matograph ; Model 160 Prepmatic re­ search/preparative GC ; components, de­ tectors, multiport valves, etc. THE LONDON CO. 811 Sharon Dr. Cleveland, Ohio 44145 Exhibiting: Radiometer p H meters, titration systems, automatic titrators, au­ tomatic six-channel switching control box, conductivity meters, polarographs, elec­ trodes and accessories, Heto constant temperature baths.

Pittsburgh Conference

LUFT INSTRUMENTS, INC. Old Winter St. Lincoln, Mass. 01773


Exhibiting: Master controller for au­ tomation of batch and continuous pro­ cesses; accessories for time-sharing, servo operation, titrations, Karl Fischer mois­ ture, etc.

• MAGNION DIV. VENTRON INSTRUMENTS CORP. 144 Middlesex Turnpike Burlington, Mass. 01803 Exhibiting: Model ER-12X solid state X and Ka-band electron spin resonance spectrometer system with klystron power supply; Model SE-30 solid state 5 to 100 MHz pulsed spin echo N M E spec­ trometer; Model STC-1055 variable tem­ perature control ; Model 420 4-inch high performance variable air gap laboratory electromagnet ; Model 1520 high regu­ lation magnet power supply.



markedly superior for storing, transporting, and injecting gas samples

MALLINCKRODT CHEMICAL WORKS Second and Mallinckrodt St. St. Louis, Mo. 63160

O LEAKTIGHT... from vacuum ... to 250 psi, and it stays tight. Unique Teflon plunger with an internal 0-ring for a lastingly resilient seal. No cold-flow leakage, as with other Teflon seals. © FRONT LOCKING mechanism. Two turns of the nosepiece-valve handle locks-in the sample for storage, for transport, or for pre-pressurizing to inlet pressure before injecting. Q NO DEAD VOLUME. The Teflon plunger bot­ toms against the barrel plug at the zero point, insuring accurate measurement. Ο POSITIVE REAR PLUNGER STOP. Plunger cannot blow out of the barrel at high pressures. Stop is threaded for disassembly, hexagonal flats prevent rolling and provide secure finger grip. 0 INTERCHANGEABLE PARTS. Special or re­ placement needles and other parts are available from stock for on-the-spot maintenance or cus­ tom modifications. *DuPont Trademark

Exhibiting: ChromAR sheet for ana­ lytical and preparative chromatography; ScintillAR and other high purity sol­ vents; new Amberlite ion exchange res­ ins; AR plastics labware. MATERIALS ANALYSIS CO. 1060 East Meadow Circle Palo Alto, Calif. 94303 Exhibiting: High resolution Model 700 scanning electron microscope; electron microprobe analyzer and scanning elec­ tron microscope, Model 400S. MATHESON GAS PRODUCTS P. O. Box 85 East Rutherford, N. J. 07073 Exhibiting: Flo-Tronic flowmeter, employs a new thermal technique for low-cost accuracy; linear mass flow­ meter; high purity helium, minimum purity 99.9999% ; primary standards, ex­ tremely high accuracy calibration gas mixtures made gravimetrically ; stainless steel high purity regulators.

Send for detailed literature today!


Exhibiting: NP-System 1000, consist­ ing of thirty-three electronic and optical modules for electro- and photo-analytical chemistry, instrument development, and research; introducing a new double beam chopper module, and an all solid state electrometer/operational amplifier. McPHERSON INSTRUMENT CORP. 530 Main St. Acton, Mass. 01720



McKEE-PEDERSEN INSTRUMENTS P. O. Box 322 Danville, Calif. 94526

P.O. Box 15119 • Bâton R ouge La. 70815 · (504) 924-1720


1 want

more info rmation

on why

Pressure-Lok gas syringes are better. TITLE

COMPANY NO. 306001-A V O L . ι ce. S36.00


Circle No. 205 on Readers' Service Card


See ad page 247 ACS Lab. Guide

VOL. 4 1 , NO. 2, FEBRUARY 1969


59 A

Pittsburgh Conference MARCEL DEKKER, INC. 95 Madison Ave. New York, Ν. Υ. 10016 Exhibiting:


MELABS 3300 Hillview Ave. Palo Alto, Calif. 94303 Exhibiting: General purpose, coulometric gas chromatograph detector, mem­ brane osmometer, pulse polarographic analyzer, proportional temperature con­ troller.

MILLIPORE CORP. Ashby Rd. Bedford, Mass. 01730 Exhibiting: A new modular system for producing purcr-than-distilled water us­ ing disposable cartridges for deionization, organic removal, prefiltration, and abso­ lute mierofiltration at the submicron level; a new semipermeable membrane and stirred cells for ultrafiltration and separation at the molecular level; our line of filter holders and laboratory ap­ paratus used for analytical and process mierofiltration.

ings ; complete industrial monitoring and process control equipment with directreading specific ion electrodes for halides, sulfide, and cyanide; NIL-Pungor high-frequency Oscillotitrator. NESLAB INSTRUMENTS, INC. 871 Islington St. Portsmouth, Ν. Η. 03801 Exhibiting: Temperature controlled liquid systems; baths, circulators, heat exchangers; introducing an entirely new viscosity reader.

MILTON ROY CO. P. O. Box 12169 St. Petersburg, Fla. 33733

NESTER/FAUST MANUFACTURING CORP. 2401 Ogletown Rd. Newark, Del. 19711

Exhibiting: Elhygen R electrolytic hydrogen generator, produces ultra-pure dry hydrogen on demand, capacity: 150 ml/min at pressures to 60 psig, ±0.05 psi, sufficient for dual-column chroma­ tograph; instrument miniPump; Chemalyzer D ; Milroyal D controlled-volume pumps, and other equipment.

Exhibiting: Model 1200 modular liq­ uid chromatograph; Model 900 chromatogram scanner; Model 1504 digital integrator with WTA and atomic absorp­ tion adapters ; Model 850 preparative gas chromatograph; NFA-100 auto-annular spinning band still; liquid chromatog­ raphy detectors, pumps, and accessories.

Exhibiting: Top-loading and analyti­ cal balances and related instruments; thermal measuring instruments.

MINE SAFETY APPLIANCES CO. 200 North Braddock Ave. Pittsburgh, Pa. 15208

NUCLEAR-CHICAGO CORP. 333 East Howard Ave. Des Plaines, III. 60018

MICROMERITICS INSTRUMENT CORP. 800 Goshen Springs Rd. Norcross, Ga. 30071

Exhibiting: Toxgard; temperature programmed chromatograph ; particle size distribution analyzer; CO analyzer; Model 300 Lira infrared analyzer.

Exhibiting: Multichannel analyzers; AEC standard modular instruments; portable monitoring instruments.

MET-BAY, INC. 900 Harrison St. Bay City, Mich. 48706 Exhibiting: Met-Pure spectroscopic graphite electrodes, and related labora­ tory graphite products. METTLER INSTRUMENT CORP. 20 Nassau St. Princeton, N. J. 08540

Exhibiting: Model 2100 Orr surfacearea pore-yolume analyzer; Model 2200 automatic surface area analyzer; Model 900 mercury penetration porosimeter; Model 1302 helium-air pyenometer; Model 1401 Knudsen-flow permeameter; Model 5000 particle size analyzer; Model 1001 particle classifier; Model 1501 con­ tact anglometer. MICRO TEK INSTRUMENTS CORP. Subsidiary of Tracor, Inc. 6500 Tracor Lane Austin, Texas 78721 Exhibiting: M T 150, M T 160, GC 2000 and M T 220 chromatographs with unique range of detection systems; flame photometric detector for Ρ and S; Coulson electrolytic conductivity detector for Cl, S and Ν ; plus V70 ultrasonic system for universal measurements. MICRO-TOL ENGINEERING CORP. P. O. Box 154, 2540 Clyde Ave. State College, Pa. 16801 Exhibiting: Resolution multiplier ; portable high vacuum system ; electron optics kits; small precision machined parts and electro-mechanical devices. MIDWEST INSTRUMENTS, INC. 6422 E. 41st St. Tulsa, Okla. 74135 60 A ·


NALGE CO. Division of Sybron Corp. 75 Panorama Creek Dr. Rochester, Ν. Υ. 14625 Exhibiting: Plastic laboratory ware, including beakers, bottles, volumetric flasks, desiccators, graduated cylinders, pipets, separatory funnels; all labware is made of plastics such as polyethylene, polypropylene, polycarbonate, Teflon F E P , and T P X . NAMÇO MACHINERY, INC. 54 Kosciusko St. Brooklyn, Ν. Υ. 11205 Exhibiting: Xew model of Unormatic Star Series laboratory glassware washing machine. NATIONAL INSTRUMENT LABORATORIES, INC. 12300 Parklawn Dr. Rockville, Md. 20852 Exhibiting: Electrolab, complete solid-state electroanalytical laboratory including ac polarography ; N I L auto­ matic flame photometry system, from sample pickup and dilution to printout, for analysis of water, cement, soils, etc. ; automatic model of Atebel atomic ab­ sorption spectrophotometer featuring sample transfer, digital printout, flame emission, and direct concentration read­

NUCLEAR DATA, INC. P. O. Box 451 Palatine, III. 60067 Exhibiting: Data reduction systems. NUCLEAR EQUIPMENT CORP. 931 Terminal Way San Carlos, Calif. 94070 Exhibiting:. Photon spectrometer for X-ray fluorescence analysis. NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE SPECIALTIES, INC. 1410 Greensburg Rd. New Kensington, Pa. 15068 Exhibiting: Pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer systems ; Model HD-60 and SD-60B hetcronuclear spin decouplers, and X M R laboratory acces­ sories. NUCLIDE CORP. 642 East College Ave. State College, Pa. 16801 Exhibiting: Mass spectrometers a n d / or associated components and services. NUMEC INSTRUMENTS & CONTROLS CORP. (NUMINCO) 106 North Plaza Apollo, Pa. 15613

Pittsburgh Conference Exhibiting: Instruments for particle characterization; instruments for elec­ trochemical studies. OHAUS SCALE CORP. 1036 Commerce Ave. Union N. J . 07083 Exhibiting: New concepts in labora­ tory balances; weighing clinic. OLYMPUS CORP. OF AMERICA Two Nevada Dr. New Hyde Park, Ν. Υ. 11040 Exhibiting: Microscopes, microspectrophotometer; photomicrographic equip­ ment.

Want to look at microgram quantities of solids, liquids, gases? We have a complete new micro sampling laboratory for you that may be used with any infrared spectrophotometer. The basic unit is a 4x reflecting beam condenser which may be equipped with a transmis­ sion sub-assembly for micro KBr pellets or micro liquid cells and a reflection sub-assembly for multiple-micro ATR and micro specular reflection measurements. A simple KBr pellet press for 1, 2 and 3mm pellets and new disposable ultra micro liquid cells are part of the laboratory. To complete the package, a high efficiency gas cell using a micro light pipe is available in either a heated or unheated version. Whatever your IR micro sampling SCIENTIFIC problem — theWilks Infrared Mi­ CORPORATION cro S a m p l i n g Laboratory w i l l solve it. Send for Data Sheet #48. SOUTH NORWALK • CONNECTICUT 0 6 B 5 6






WILKS has a better design for infrared! ORIEL OPTICS CORP. 1 Market St. Stamford, Conn. 06902 Exhibiting: New radiometer for 2000 to 12000 angstroms; spectral calibration set interference p H and neutral density filters, fused silica lenses, small quartz monochromator, xenon, mercury, and deuterium arc sources. ORION RESEARCH, INC. 11 Blackstone St. Cambridge, Mass. 02139 Exhibiting: Complete line of specific ion electrodes plus the following new products: Model 605 manual electrode switch ; Model 615 digital volt-ohmeter converter ; Model S55 automatic electrode switch; Model 872 digital controller; Model 407 specific ion meter; new solid state lead-cadmium thiocyanate elec­ trodes ; combination redox electrode ; combination sodium and fluoride elec­ trode ; direct reading multiple channel computer programmed data measuring s.ystem for ion electrodes.

...this time it's a complete, new micro sampling laboratory

ORTEC INC. An EG&G Co. Post Office Box C Oak Ridge, Tenn. 37830 Exhibiting: X-ray spectrometers for electron beam microprobes ; X-ray dif­ fraction and X-ray fluorescence instru­ ments; preamplifiers, amplifiers, rate me­ ters, and scalers for all types of analytical instruments and electrophoresis appara­ tus.

PACKARD INSTRUMENT CO. 2200 Warrenville Rd. Downers Grove, Ml. 60515 Exhibiting: Series 7300/7400 gas chromatograph systems; Model 7101 liquid chromatography detector; Model 566 dig­ itizer ; -Model 852 gas fraction collector; Model 7201 radiochromatogram scanner. Circle No. 204 on Readers' Service Card

VOL. 4 1 , NO. 2, FEBRUARY 1969 ·

61 A

Pittsburgh Conference PARR INSTRUMENT CO. 211 53rd St. Moline, III. 61265 Exhibiting. The Parr line of oxygen bomb calorimeters and combustion bombs and the Parr line of laboratory scale pressure reaction equipment and general purpose pressure vessels. PERGAMON PRESS, INC. Maxwell House, Fairview Park Elmsford, Ν. Υ. Exhibiting: Scientific, technical, medi­ cal, and reference books and learned jour­ nals. PERKIN-ELMER CORP. Ultek Div. P. O. Box 10920 Palo Alto, Calif. 94303 Exhibiting: Electron mieroprobe ana­ lyzer, low energy electron diffraction mi­ croscope. PERKIN-ELMER CORP. Coleman Instruments Div. 42 Madison St. Maywood, III. 60154 Exhibiting: Complete product line of UV-visible spectrophotometers and digi­ tal accessories; low temperature asher; ion-selective electrodes; molecular weight apparatus ; and p H equipment. PERKIN-ELMER CORP. Instrument Div. Main Ave. Norwalk, Conn. 06852 Exhibiting: Infrared spectrophotome­ ters; ultraviolet and fluorescence spec­ trophotometers, atomic absorption spec­ trophotometers; thermal analysis sys­ tems; gas chromatographs ; nuclear mag­ netic resonance spectrometers; mass spec­ trometers. PHARMACIA FINE CHEMICALS, INC. 800 Centennial Ave. Piscataway, N.J. 08854 Exhibiting: Scphadex gels of the G series for use in column and thin layer chromatography; Sephadex LH-20 for separations with organic solvents ; solvent resistant columns; other Sephadex lab­ oratory columns for research and prepara­ tive chromatography, Dextran deriva­ tives, and Ficoll. PHILIPS ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENTS 750 South Fulton Ave. Mount Vernon, Ν. Υ. 10550 Exhibiting: Electron probe microanalyzer; PW1220C—computerized auto­ matic X-ray spectrograph; P W 1410— new manual X-ray spectrograph ; a com­ plete line of manual and automatic g a s liquid chromatographs and showing data processing capabilities; automatic chem­ 62 A .


istry system ; automatic digital spectro­ photometers concentration and printer accessories for spectrophotometers; atomic absorption spectrophotometer; infrared spectrophotometer; automated powder diffractometer; 5KW X-ray gen­ erator; automatic liquid scintillation analyzer. PHOENIX PRECISION INSTRUMENT CO., INC. 3803-05 N. Fifth St. Philadelphia, Pa. 19140 Exhibiting: Dual wavelength scanning spectrophotometer; Brice—Phoenix light scattering photometer ; differential refractometer; aerosol and smoke photometer; variable gradient pump ; micro flow-col­ orimeter. PHOTOVOLT CORP. 1115 Broadway New York, Ν. Υ. 10010 Exhibiting: New automatic digital readout Aquameter; portable recording p H meter; digital p H meter; new high accuracy laboratory p H meter; complete electrophoresis system including new chamber for simplified application of sample, and handling of hard strips, in­ cluding scanner, recorder, and integrator; T L C densitometer; linear/log recorders. PICKER NUCLEAR (A Picker Corp. Div.) 1275 Mamaroneck Ave. White Plains, Ν. Υ. 10605 Exhibiting: A data acquisition system that links any mass spectrometer, of high or low resolution, to a high speed specially programmed digital computer; the system computes and lists mass, peak intensity, atomic composition, and struc­ ture for a mass spectrum in a few sec­ onds; a low cost mass spectrometer (iso­ topes ratios MS-10) specifically designed for precise determinations of isotopic abundances and ratios in oxygen, sul­ fur, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen gases; X-ray diffraction equipment for residual stress and retained austenite studies; other X-ray diffraction and fluo­ rescence equipment and related accesso­ ries.

POLYSCIENCE CORP. 909 Pitner Evanston, III. 60202 Exhibiting: Constant temperature cir­ culators; water baths; polarimeters; PAG electrophoresis; analytical standards; permeation tubes; column support ma­ terial. PRECISION GAS PRODUCTS, INC. 817 East Linden Avenue, P. O. Box 538 Linden, N. J. 07036 Exhibiting: The P G P CLUB ap­ proach in cataloging high purity gases and gas mixtures—a new bulletin style catalog designed to keep Club members current on de\ r elopmcnts in high accu­ racy gravimetric gas mixtures, precision gas handling equipment, and improved specifications for ultra high purity gases, plus all other special gas industry needs. PRECISION SAMPLING CORP. P.O. Box 1 5 1 1 9 Baton Rouge, La. 70815 Exhibiting: A complete line of ana­ lytical syringes, Pressure-Lok, including gas and micro-liquid models, high pres­ sure sampling equipment, sample stor­ age and transfer equipment, switching, regulating, and sampling valves, special samplers, custom-made sampling systems. PRECISION SCIENTIFIC CO. 3737 West Cortland St. Chicago, III. 60647 Exhibiting: Ovens; b a t h s ; vacuum pumps; chemical oxygen demand pollu­ tion control apparatus; dual jet polisher/ thinner (for electron microscope) ; evap­ orators; circulating systems. PREISER SCIENTIFIC, INC. 900 MacCorkle Ave., S.W. Charleston, W. Va. 25322 Exhibiting: Shimadzu QV-50; spectro­ photometer; atomic absorption spectrom­ eter; research microscopes; precision an­ alytical balances; liquid samplers; en­ vironmental products.

PITCHFORD SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS CORP. 1918 Painters Run Rd. P. O. Box 11668 Pittsburgh, Pa. 15228

PREMCO INSTRUMENTS, INC. 2006 E. First St. Austin, Texas

Exhibiting: Portable X-ray spectro­ graphs; electric arc button furnaces; se­ lective-uniform particle size grinders ; lab­ oratory pulverizers and surface grinders.

PRESSURE CHEMICAL CO. 3419-25 Smallman St. Pittsburgh, Pa. 15201

PLENUM PUBLISHING CORP. 227 West 17th St. New York, Ν. Υ. 10011 Exhibiting: Research level books in analytical chemistry and applied spec­ troscopy as well as journals translated from Russian in these and related areas.

Exhibiting: Special polymer molecular weight standards; liquid crystals; poly­ mer fractionation ; organometallics. PRESTON TECHNICAL ABSTRACTS CO. 909 Pitner Ave. Evanston, III. 60202 Exhibiting:


Pittsburgh Conference PRINCETON APPLIED RESEARCH CORP. P. O. Box 565 Princeton, N. J. 08540 Exhibiting: Model 170 polyfunctional electrochemistry system ; Model 171 polarographic analyzer and recorder; modular KÏM-compatiblo instrument system for processing low level signals in spectroscopy and other applications; other advanced electrochemical instruments; other signal processing instruments.

RESEARCH ANALYSIS ASSOCIATES, INC. 165 Dodge Ave. Stratford, Conn. 06497

\fears ahead of its time! The Orion system for pH, ion activity or potentiometric data accumulation. Interested?

Exhibiting: Reflectance and transmission cells and accessories for infrared; UV-Vis and flame atomic spectroscopy; also to be shown—a new radiospectrometer for analytical determination of nuclear quadrupole moment.

RESEARCH ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 E. Linden Ave. Linden, N. J. 07036

RHO SCIENTIFIC, INC. P. O. Box 295 Commack, Ν. Υ. 11725 Exhibiting: Dryseal desiccators ; Meter Monitor (convert any meter into controller) ; Spoctrodewar (for low temperature spectroscopy); rapid frac­ tion collector; glass centrifugal p u m p ; P.C.L. osmometer; universal tempera­ ture controller; micro DTA apparatus.

O. C. RUDOLPH & SONS, INC. P. O. Box 446 Caldwell, N. J. 07006

SADTLER RESEARCH LABORATORIES, INC. 3316 Spring Garden St. Philadelphia, Pa. 19104 Exhibiting: Reference spectra (over 115,000) for IR, UV, N M R , and D T A ; this will be on microfilm if one has a particular spectrum in which he is inter­ ested, a. free copy will be provided; lab­ oratory and computer services, and courses given, will be discussed also.

digital pH/mv meter model 801 • 4-digit data display with automatic decimal polarity sign. • Binary-coded decimal output for card or recorder or computer interfacing. • ±0.001 pH to 13.999 pH in 0.001 increments • —999.9 to +999.9 mv in 0.1 increments and

point, out-of-range input and tape, printer, magnetic data and with ±0.001 repeatability. with ± 0 . 1 repeatability.

digital printer system model 851 • Prints exact readings to four significant figures. • Eliminates interpolation and extrapolation errors . . . requires no zero or range adjustments. • Prints sample numbers from 0 to 999 automatically, manually or by elapsed time mode. • Provides accuracy of better than 0.05 seconds. manual electrode switch model 605 • Measures up to six samples with one pH meter. • Measures up to six ions in one sample. • Eliminates "crosstalk" by complete isolation of electrode positions. • Can be used with any other pH meter and all Orion specific ion meters. For complete information on this unique analytical system or any of the individual components, write . . . W. H. Curtin & Company, P. O. Box 1546, Houston, Texas 77001.

SARGENT—WELCH SCIENTIFIC CO. 7300 North Linder Ave. Skokie, III. 60076 Exhibiting: ChemAnal system—a modular approach to teaching optical methods of chemical analysis, spectro­ scopes, spectrometers, etc.





Circle No. 97 on Readers' Service Card

VOL. 4 1 , NO. 2, FEBRUARY 1969


63 A

Pittsburgh Conference SARGENT-WELCH SCIENTIFIC CO. 4647 West Foster Ave. Chicago, III. 60630

SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH 330 West 42nd St. New York, Ν. Υ. 10036

TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT CORP. 917 Alcoma St. Denver, Colo. 80204

Exhibiting: New p H recorder; new re­ cording titra tor; new p H meter; new wa­ ter bath cooler; spectrophotometers; D T A recorders and Polarograph.

Exhibiting: zine.

Exhibiting: Dcltatherm D T A - T G A using integrated Delatherm II—all purpose, DTA-TGA instrument.

SARTORIUS DIVISION Brinkmann Instruments,, Inc. Cantiague Rd. Westbury, Ν. Υ. 11590 Exhibiting: Redesigned and ex­ panded line of electronic microbalances: standard balances, sedimentation bal­ ances, vacuum models, and high pres­ sure models. SCHOEFFEL INSTRUMENT CORP. 24 Booker St. Westwood, N. J. 07675 Exhibiting: T L C spectrodensitometer and a clinical model for scanning plates, gels, discs, thin films, and column chroma­ tography; high intensity arc lamps, min­ iature monochromators, and photodetection equipment. SCIENCE MAGAZINE American Association for the Advancement of Science 1515 Massachusetts Ave. Washington, D. C. 20005 Exhibiting;


Scientific research maga­

SEMI-ELEMENTS, INC. Saxonburg Blvd. Saxonburg, Pa. 16056 Exhibiting: Over 300 different types of high purity single crystals including the recently announced lithium germanate material for laser applications; also, on display will be a diversified line of high purity sputtering discs, chemicals, foils, ceramic, metal, and other inorganic com­ ponents. SIEMENS AMERICA, INC. 350 Fifth Ave. New York, Ν. Υ. 10001 Exhibiting: trometer.




TEM-PRES RESEARCH The Carborundum Co. 1401 North Atherton St. State College, Pa. 16801

SPECTREX CO. 3594 Haven Ave. Redwood City, Calif. 94063 Exhibiting: Vreeland direct reading spectroscope for rapid, precise analysis of inorganics.

Exhibiting: Spex Ramalog, Raman spectroscopy system with a full line of its own accessories plus an assortment of spectrochemical laboratory accessories such as : arc/spark stand, freezer/mill for grinding under liquid nitrogen, Shatterbox and mixer/mills.

SCIENTIFIC INDUSTRIES, INC. 55 Madison Ave. Hempstead, Ν. Υ. 11550

R. L. STONE Division of Tracer, Inc. 6500 Tracor Lane Austin, Texas 78721

64 A ·


TECHNICAL OPERATIONS, INC. Northwest Industrial Park Burlington, Mass. 01803

Exhibiting: Laser Raman spectrom­ eter; argon laser; Lablite H e - N e laser.

Exhibiting: Model 851 Orion digital printer; Lab-Line Pyro Magnestir; Torbal BT-1 top loader balance; Coleman Model 111 spectrophotometer; Coleman Model 165 10" strip chart recorder; Cahn G-2 Electrobalance ; B&L Stereozoom 7 microscope ; precision vacuum pump.

Exhibiting: Β & L AC 2-20 atomic ab­ sorption instrument; Τ & Τ digital con­ centration computer; Westinghouse AA tubes; Westinghouse oxygen analyzer; new Mettler balances; Mettler FP-2 melting point apparatus.

Exhibiting: Technical Equipment Leasing Corp.—leasing all types of lab­ oratory equipment; Laboratory Instru­ ment Exchange, Inc.—reconditioned equipment and used equipment tradeins.

Exhibiting: Joyce, Loebl double-beam recording microdensitometer; Joyce, Loebl Chromoscan ; Autodensidater.

SPEX INDUSTRIES, INC. P. O. Box 798 Metuchen, N. J. 08840

SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTS Div. of American Hospital Supply Corp. 1210 Leon PI. Evanston, III. 60201

TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT LEASING CORP. Laboratory Instrument Exchange, Inc. 166 E. Superior St. Chicago, III. 6 0 6 1 1

SPECTRA-PHYSICS, INC. 1250 West Middlefield Rd. Mountain View, Calif. 94040

SCIENTIFIC GLASS APPARATUS CO., INC. 735 Broad St. Bloomfield, N. J. 07003

Exhibiting: S02 analyzer/recorder S0 2 stack analyzer; MSAS 360 micro sample analyzing system.

III—new circuits; research

Exhibiting: L B 202 Series D T A sys­ tems with full sampling capability from high vacuum (10"s torr) to high pres­ sure (3000 psia) at highest sensitivity (0.002 °C), plus HS subambient unit, time derivative computor and new TGA capability. SUPELCO, INC. P. O. Box 628, 146 S. Water St. Bellefonte, Pa. 16823 Exhibiting: Gas, liquid, and thin layer chromatograph chemicals and supplies; micro-ozonizer ; VandenHeuvel/Valentini T L C sample applicator ; T L C spray box.

Exhibiting: High pressure, high tem­ perature, Highdrothermal equipment; X ray accessories, optical devices. TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INC. Industrial Products Div. P. O. Box 66027 Houston, Texas 77006 Exhibiting: Stripchart recorders; X-Y fixed-chart recorders; X-Y movable chart recorders; event recorders; multi-point recorders; multi-pen recorders; compact stripchart recorders. THERMOLYNE CORP. 2555 Kerper Blvd. Dubuque, Iowa 52001 Exhibiting: Small electric muffle fur­ naces; electronic controllers; hot plates; magnetic stirrers; test tube mixer; dribath ; pyrometers; hot plate oven; tissue embedding apparatus; explosion proof hot plate. ARTHUR H. THOMAS CO. Vine St. at 3rd, P. O. Box 779 Philadelphia, Pa. 19105 Exhibiting: Automatic sampling, readout, and printout accessories for spec­ trophotometers ; laboratory and industrial p H electrodes; Kofler-type micro hot stage ; air pollution testing equipment ; specific ion electrodes and meters, other laboratory equipment.

Pittsburgh Conference TOMORROW ENTERPRISES 4 4 0 8 Hickory Lane Portsmouth, Ohio 4 5 6 6 2

Especially designed for Gel Filtration Chromatography Ion Exchange Chromatography

Exhibiting: Emission spectrographic equipment; ultrasonic nebulizing instru­ ments for solution sampling sub-systems; dc arc power supplies.


T H E T O R S I O N BALANCE CO. 3 5 Monhegan St. Clifton, N. J . 0 7 0 1 3

Exhibiting: Precision laboratory equipment.


Laboratory Columns


A product of over six years' research know-how brings you these "exclusive' column features:

TOSHIBA INTERNATIONAL CORP. 1 4 1 1 Peterson Ave., Unit 1 0 2 Park Ridge, III. 6 0 0 6 8

Exhibiting: goniometer.


diffractometer; 1 A Q U E O U S A N D O R G A N I C SOLVENT S Y S ­ T E M C O L U M N S — o n l y c o l u m n s s p e c i a l l y de­ signed for use in these chromatographic systems

TRACERLAB A Division of LFE 2 0 3 0 Wright Ave. Richmond, Calif. 9 4 8 0 4

2 MIXING C H A M B E R - o f less than 1/10% of b e d volume minimizes sample dilution to insure optimal zone sharpness for critical separations

Exhibiting: LTA-600L, low tempera­ ture dry asher ; plasma research systems include 100 watt and 2 K W R F genera­ tors, impedance matching network, re­ action chamber.

3 INERT N Y L O N OR TEFLON N E T T I N G - o n the s a m p l e a p p l i c a t o r , b o t t o m e n d p i e c e or f l o w adaptor eliminates adsorption of biologic material 4 DESCENDING TO RECYCLING OR U P W A R D FLOW—easily converted by replacing both endpieces with new Sephadex Flow Adaptors

TRACOR, INC. 6 5 0 0 Tracor Lane Austin, Texas 7 8 7 2 1

Exhibiting: Berkeley scientific labora­ tories data acquisition systems; Northern Scientific signal averagers; Westronics re­ corders and indicators; MicroTek gas chromatographs; JR. L. Stone thermal in­ struments. TRt-R I N S T R U M E N T S , 4 8 Merrick Rd.



5 S A M P L E A P P L I C A T O R - d i s t r i b u t e s the sam­ ple evenly over the bed surface to insure sharp zones for critical separations and protects as well as stabilizes the bed 6 SPECIAL DESIGN BED S U P P O R T - e l i m i nates troublesome sintered glass disc


Rockville Centre, Ν. Υ. 1 1 5 7 0 Exhibiting: Line of magnetic stirrers, (able-top and submersible models; lab­ oratory stirring motors with electronic torque controls; thermistor-type elec­ tronic thermometers; centrifugal filtering device; compact fraction collector. Τ & Τ CONTROLS CO., INC. 3 1 0 Station Rd. Media, Pa. 1 9 0 6 3

Type Κ 9/15 Κ 9.30 Κ 9,60 Κ 15/30 Κ 15.90 Κ 25/45 Κ 25'45 "Jacketed" Κ 25-TOO Κ 2 5 Ί 0 0 "Jacketed" Κ 50, 100 "Jacketed" Κ 100 100 "Jacketed"

Exhibiting: Spectroscopic graphite and carbon products; stock electrodes, rods and powders available in four purity levels; vacuum fusion and gas fusion cru­ cibles; pre-weighed graphite powders and miscellaneous graphite crucibles, boats and laboratory items.

ACCESSORIES Sample Applicator

Flow Adaptors



0.9x15 0.9x30 0.9x60 1 5x30 1.5x90 2 5x45 2.5x45 2 5x100 2.5x100 5 0x100 100x100 SEPHADEX COLUMNS "SR" RESISTANT TO ORGANIC SOLVENTS

SR25 45 SR25.100

ULTRA CARBON CORP. 1 3 1 0 North Madison St. Bay City, Mich. 4 8 7 0 6

Cooling Jacket

2.5x45 2 5x100

— —

S ~ Standard Accessories

O - Optio al Accessories

FLOW ADAPTORS' Flow Adaptors

To fit all Κ 25 Sephadex Lab Colu m n s

'Two Flow Adaptors should be used when conducting upward flow or recycling chromatography.

Information Service A comprehensive reference list, abstract cards, and other informa­ tion on Sephadex products are available. Direct inquiries on your letterhead to the local Pharmacia representative or to:

P H A R M A C I A FINE C H E M I C A L S INC. 800 Centennial Avenue, Piscataway, N. J. 08854 Pharmacia (Canada) Ltd., 110 Place Crémazie, Suite 412, Montreal 11, P. Q. (Inquiries outside U.S.A. and Canada should be directed to PHARMACIA FINE CHEMICALS. Uppsala. Sweden.) Circle No. 158 on Readers' Service Card

VOL. 4 1 , NO. 2, FEBRUARY 1969


G5 A

Pittsburgh Conference ULTRA-VIOLET PRODUCTS, INC. 5114 Walnut Grove Ave. San Gabriel, Calif. 91778 Exhibiting: Photochemical lamps; chromatogram viewers and photographic devices; UV intensity meters; Spectral 'light sources ; ultrastable UV sources.

UNICO ENVIRONMENTAL INSTRUMENTS, INC. 150 Cove St. Fall River, Mass. 02720 Exhibiting: PGC-10 portable gas chromatograph; Model 760 interferometer; Model 80TS tape sampler; Unico Model 400 precision gas detector.

UNION CARBIDE CORP. Carbon Products Div. 270 Park Ave. New York, Ν. Υ. 10017 Exhibiting: National spectroscopic products—carbon and graphite rods, pow­ ders, and electrodes; vacuum fusion and inert gas fusion crucibles; boron nitride crucibles, heat shields, rods, plates, and powder.

U. S. STONEWARE, INC. Box 350, Akron, Ohio 44309 Exhibiting: Tygon plastic tubing; lab­ oratory jar mills; laboratory ceramic sinks.

UNITED TECHNICAL CORP. Bradford St. West Concord, Mass. 01781 Exhibiting: Laboratory cart/bench ; digital thermometer; low cost gas chromatograph; Oak Ridge automatic pipetter.

VARIAN AEROGRAPH 2700 Mitchell Dr. Walnut Creek, Calif. 94597 Exhibiting: Model 2100 gas chromatograph; digital integrators; new moduline series ; liquid chromatography.

VARIAN—Analytical Instrument Division 611 Hansen Way Palo Alto, Calif. 94304

VARIAN—Electrographics Division Exhibiting: Statos I I I multichannel electrostatic recorder that ΛνίΙΙ accept both analog and digital inputs; Statos I 3 analog channel recorder for mass spec­ trometer applications.

VARIAN—Mass Spectroscopy 611 Hansen Way Palo Alto, Calif. 94304 Exhibiting: C H 5 Mass Spectrometer. VARIAN—Vacuum Division

VICTOREEN INSTRUMENT DIVISION 10101 Woodland Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44104 Exhibiting: Gas chromatographs fea­ turing: pyrolysis, cryogenic program­ ming, digital log presentation including integrated peak area readout.

VOLAND CORP. 27 Centre Ave. New Rochelle, Ν. Υ. 10801 Exhibiting: High precision weighing equipment; analytical balances.

Exhibiting: 2 Spectrosystem 100 interfacod'to a Varian spectrometer. 66 A ·


Exhibiting: Waco air analyzer—con­ tinuous monitor for S0 2 and N 0 2 ; Waco Couloximetcr—oxygen analyzer; Waco Lo-Temp baths and stirrers. WILKS SCIENTIFIC CORP. 140 Water St. (Box 441) South Norwalk, Conn. 06856 Exhibiting: Infrared reflection attach­ ments; infrared pyrolyzers; G C - I R ana­ lyzers; G C - I R instruments; complete line of standard infrared and sampling accessories including liquid and gas cells and KBr pellet making equipment ; also to be displayed will be the Model NQR1A nuclear quadrupole resonance spec­ trometer and a Model 44 A T R goniom­ eter. WILL SCIENTIFIC, INC. P. O. Box 1050 Rochester, Ν. Υ. 14603 Exhibiting: Premco differential ther­ mal analysis equipment ; Fischer & Porter gas chromatograph ; Β & L atomic ab­ sorption unit ; Schultz micro balance ; Turner spectrophotometer. WILMAD GLASS CO., INC. Rt. 40 & Oak Rd. Buena, N. J. 08310 Exhibiting: Precision glassware ; N M R sampling tubes; E P R glassware.

THE WARNER & SWASEY CO. Control Instrument Div. 32-16 Downing St. Flushing, Ν. Υ. 11354

XENON CORP. 39 Commercial St. Medford, Mass. 02155

Exhibiting: Rapid scan spectrometers for infrared, visible, and ultraviolet in emission and absorption.

Exhibiting: Apparatus for flash pho­ tolysis, flash spectroscopy, kinetic spectro­ photometry; also, high energy xenon flash tubes and trigger modules.

WATERS ASSOCIATES, INC. 61 Fountain St. Framingham, Mass. 01701

WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC CORP. Electronic Tube Div. P. O. Box 284 Elmira, Ν. Υ. 14902 Exhibiting: Line of high spectral output hollow cathode devices; line of vacuum pumps and gauges.

Exhibiting: T-60.

VARIAN—Data Systems

WILKENS-ANDERSON CO. 4525 West Division St. Chicago, III. 60651

JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. 605 Third Ave. New York, Ν. Υ. 10016 Exhibiting:


ZEE BAC, INC. 141 Fourth Ave. Berea, Ohio 44017 Exhibiting: Emission spectrographic instruments and accessories; includes B&L spectrographs; Eastman Kodak products; Mot-Bay high purity elec­ trodes; new model of Kel-Melt sample remelt furnace ; Swisher grinder ; new photographic processor; arc-spark stand; Atmo-Jet; power source u n i t ; X-Calc 1/1 calculator, and other items for the laboratory. CARL ZEISS, INC. 444 Fifth Ave. New York, Ν. Υ. 10018 Exhibiting: Zeiss-RSV-spectrographspectrometer; double beam recording spectrophotometer D M R - 2 1 ; integrating photometer I P M - 2 ; chromatogram spec­ trophotometer; microscope photometer for fluorescence reflectance; U V ; particle size analyzer.