Exposure Assessment of Rana catesbeiana Collected from a

Nov 1, 2000 - Sean M. Richards , Todd A. Anderson , Steven B. Wall , and Ronald J. Kendall. The Institute of Environmental and Human Health, Texas Tec...
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Chapter 9

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Exposure Assessment of Rana catesbeiana Collected from a Chlorpyrifos-Treated Cornfield Sean M . Richards, Todd A . Anderson, Steven B. Wall, and Ronald J. Kendall The Institute of Environmental and Human Health, Texas Tech University, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, T X 79416

Global anuran decline is well documented; however, the reason(s) for this are not apparent. Many governmental and private sectors are seeking answers to this dilemma. One limiting factor in determining the cause of anuran decline is available data. Relatively few studies have gathered data to assess the potential for anuran exposure to agriculturally applied pesticides and subsequent risk. For these reasons, bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana) were collected from a cornfield and adjacent pond following application of chlorpyrifos, an organophosphate used in the control of corn rootworms. Frogs were collected from two sites; one received an application of chlorpyrifos at the label rate (1.35 kg A.I./ha or 1.2 lbs. A.I./acre), the other received no insecticide application. Brain and plasma cholinesterase activities of bullfrogs from both sites were measured and compared. Our data indicate that while the inherent biological variation of both frog brain and plasma cholinesterase is large, no bullfrogs were significantly exposed to chlorpyrifos while occupying the cornfield or adjacent pond.

Recently, the scientific community has been inundated with questions about frog (Order Anura) population decline. Numerous studies have documented dwindling populations and discussed the probable extinction of many species of anurans (1-10). Many areas worldwide have chronicled an incidence of frog decline, often in numerous genera (11). Yet, a scarcity of data impairs the ability of regulatory agencies and researchers in assessing risk and offering a solution to this colossal puzzle. © 2001 American Chemical Society In Pesticides and Wildlife; Johnston, J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.


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120 Many theories have been developed in an attempt to explain the seemingly high rate of anuran disappearance. These theories include events such as natural disasters, climatological shifts, competition, and succession of habitat (12). Other contributing factors may include breeding habitat alteration, reduction, or destruction (3). Heyer (9) as well as Hayes and Jennings (10) propose that non-indigenous species of fish and frogs may be removing amphibians from their natural habitat via prédation and/or competition. Acid rain may be a culprit by lowering the pH of breeding water so that amphibian egg mortality drastically increases (13). Increased levels of UV-B radiation, due to depletion of the ozone layer, may contribute to amphibian decline (2). Even seemingly natural events such as pathogens (14, 15) and climatologie disturbances (16) have been suggested as possible explanations to the ongoing anuran loss. Agricultural pesticide application has also been scrutinized as a potential cause for anuran decline (2, 17). Although few studies have directly linked pesticide use to anuran decline (18), frogs have been shown to be sensitive to a myriad of herbicides and insecticides (19-24). Chlorpyrifos [0,0-diethyl 0-(3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridyl) phosphorothioate] is one organophosphate (OP) for which little anuran field exposure data exists (25). Of all the organophosphates applied in the US, chlorpyrifos is used on the most acreage, accounting for approximately 7 million acres per year (26). In order to maximize land use, chlorpyrifos-treated row crops are often planted close (< 3 m) to water sources that serve as anuran habitat. This practice increases the chance for anuran exposure to chlorpyrifos via direct contact in the field, rainfall drainage, or irrigation runoff. The US EPA (27) classifies chlorpyrifos as highly toxic to freshwater fish; the toxicity of chlorpyrifos is such that applications as low as 0.01 lb active ingredient (A.I.)/acre may cause fish mortalities. In the absence of toxicity data, it is sometimes assumed that frogs are likely to be as sensitive to OPs as fish (28). Despite the evidence of frog decline and their potential sensitivity to OPs such as chlorpyrifos, the USEPA has yet to establish or require toxicity testing with the order Anura. However, many groups have recognized the need for anuran protection and expansion of the small toxicological database (29-31). Governmental agencies are recognizing needs and calling for researchers to determine the rank of tolerance of anurans, identify sensitive species, define an indicator species, and evaluate all avenues of exposure (31). In the spring of 1998, while collecting specimens for a concomitant study, numerous bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana) were noticed occupying a cornfield recently treated with chlorpyrifos. Cognizant of anuran decline and the lack of data pertaining to frogs and insecticide exposure, we collected bullfrogs and analyzed them for biomarkers of chlorpyrifos exposure. Our original study design did not call for collection of frogs, as we did not expect to find any in the cornfield. It is not known why the frogs were in the field, although it is suspected that they were feeding on an abundance of Junebugs (genus Phyllophaga). The data from this opportunistic study are reported herein.

In Pesticides and Wildlife; Johnston, J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

121 Methods and Materials

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South central Iowa (93.3° longitude/40.9 latitude), the area from which the Rana specimens were collected, is characterized by rolling croplands interspersed with ponds, rivers, and associated tributaries. During May of 1998, chlorpyrifos was applied at the label rate (1.35 kg A.I./ha or 1.2 lbs. A.L/acre) to multiple 16.2 ha (40 acre) cornfields. Two cornfields, one treated with chlorpyrifos (Treatment Site), the other treated with blank clay granules (Reference Site), partially encircled ponds. These ponds, approximately 0.2 ha (0.5 acre) in size, contain water all year and receive precipitation run-off. Following chlorpyrifos application (Day 0), rain events were recorded (in inches) on Day 3 (0.04), Day 7 (0.85), Day 8 (0.10), Day 9 (1.32), Day 10 (0.01), Day 11 (1.30), Day 12 (0.05), Day 13 (0.02), and Day 14 (0.01) Within a 0.5 mile radius of the treatment site, the farming regimes included hay, pasture, soybeans, and oats. The field containing soybeans received one application of glyphosate (RoundUp®), an herbicide, prior to planting, while the remaining fields were pesticide free. Farming regimes surrounding the reference site within a 0.5 mile radius included hay, oats, and pasture, all were maintained without pesticide applications. Approximately 4 miles separated the treatment and reference site. To our knowledge, neither of these fields received an OP application for two years prior to this study. On two different occasions, 3 and 15 day post application (DPA), bullfrogs were collected from corn rows and pond margins of both sites. Upon collection, frogs were rinsed with tap water, and anesthetized with Tricane (Ethyl m-aminobenzoate). Blood was collected via heart puncture, using a heparinized 27-gauge needle. Bullfrogs were then decapitated while the brain was left intact; head and carcasses were frozen whole at-80°C. At the time of analysis, brains were removed while frozen. Great care was taken to excise consistent portions of the central nervous system. The entire forebrain (including olfactory bulb), midbrain, and hindbrain regions were removed. The hindbrain was severed from the spinal cord at the posterior portion of the medulla. Following removal, brains were homogenized in 0.05 M Tris buffer (pH 7.4) at 1:4 (w:v). An aliquot of the brain homogenate was further diluted to a final 1:99 in the same buffer and assayed immediately for ChE activity. Plasma samples were thawed, diluted 1:5 in 0.05 M Tris buffer, and immediately analyzed. Cholinesterase activities were determined colorimetrically using a modification of the Ellman assay (32) as described by Gard and Hooper (33) and using acetylthiocholine iodide (AThCh, Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO) as the substrate. Brain samples were evaluated for total ChE while plasma samples were evaluated for total ChE, AChE, and BChE. All cholinesterase activities are reported in μηιοΐβ of AThCh hydrolyzed / min / gram brain or ml plasma. To determine if the bullfrogs were exposed to an OP, we compared the plasma and brain ChE activity of bullfrogs from the treated site to that from the reference site. In addition, a reactivation assay was conducted by measuring the plasma and brain ChE activity before and after exposure to a dephosphorylating compound, pyridine-2aldoxime methochloride (2-PAM). Theoretically, if ChE has not been in contact with

In Pesticides and Wildlife; Johnston, J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

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122 a ChE inhibitor, the activity should be the same before and after exposure to 2-PAM. If the activity of a sample treated with 2-PAM was 10% greater than that sample without 2-PAM, and a statistically significant increase was shown by a one-tailed Student's t-test (P < 0.05) (34), the sample was considered "reactivated". Such a reactivation would suggest the presence of an OP-inhibited enzyme. In order to confirm that chlorpyrifos was not present on either field (prior to our application), pre-application and post-application soil samples were collected from the top 12 cm (4.72 in) of the treated and reference site. Soil was collected from the treatment site immediately following application of chlorpyrifos (Day 0) and subsequently on Days 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and 64 post-application. Soil was collected from the Reference Site on Days 0, 4, 16, and 64 post-application of blank granules. Five sampling points were randomly chosen within cultivated areas of each study site. From each point, 8 soil samples were collected, 4 from within the corn furrow and 4 between furrows. Each set of 4 samples was pooled in the laboratory to form a composite sample for analysis. This provided 10 composite samples per site for each time point (5 in furrow samples, 5 between furrow samples) with the exception of the pre-application samples that were collected prior to cultivation of the corn. All samples were extracted using a mixture of hexane:acetone (3:1), homogenization, and mechanical agitation. Extracts were treated with anhydrous sodium sulfate to remove excess moisture and filtered through a 0.45 μπι Acrodisk® filter. Extracts were concentrated under a stream of N prior to analysis. Each extract was analyzed using a Hewlett-Packard Model 6890 Series gas chromatograph (GC), operating in the splitless mode, equipped with a N i electron capture detector. The column was a 30 m χ 0.25 mm i.d. fused-silica capillary, coated with DB-5 stationary phase, film thickness = 0.25 μπι (J&W Scientific, Folsom, CA). Oven temperature was programmed from 100°C with a 1 minute initial hold to 200°C at 30°C/minute, and a final hold time of 4 minutes. Inlet and detector temperatures were 200°C and 320°C, respectively. The chromatographic system was calibrated before each analysis session. A l l calibrations consisted of 4 standards of analytical-grade chlorpyrifos (0.058 /xg/ml , 0.116 /zg/ml, 0.58 /ig/ml, 1.16 /Jg/ml) in hexane. Following every 15th sample, one of the calibration standards was re-analyzed to confirm GC performance. By fortifying soil samples with known amounts of chlorpyrifos, and using the described procedure of extraction, cleanup, and concentration, the method limit of detection for chlorpyrifos in the soil samples was 0.025 μg/g in soil. The method analyte recovery was also assessed and all data were corrected accordingly. Samples were considered positive for chlorpyrifos when the sample chromatogram contained a peak eluting within the retention time window of the chlorpyrifos standard. However, positive detections were not confirmed by mass spectroscopy. 2


In Pesticides and Wildlife; Johnston, J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.


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Statistical Methods Analysis of Variance (SAS Version 6.12, SAS Institute) was used to compare differences in frog blood plasma and brain cholinesterase activities (a=0.05). Total ChE and BChE activity values were log-transformed, as necessary, to meet ANOVA assumptions. Levene's test was used to examine homogeneity of variance. Factorial models were utilized to examine the presence of significant interactions between main effects. Models consisted of dependent variables; Total ChE, AChE, and BChE activity, and independent variables; site, frog weight, and date of collection. Plasma and brain activities and mean body weights were compared using a two-tailed t-test (a=0.05). A diagnostic threshold, calculated by subtracting 2 standard deviations from the mean ChE activity of Reference Site frogs, was established and used to evaluate frog enzyme activity levels from Treatment and Reference Sites (35). Samples that exhibited activities below the diagnostic threshold were considered (based on weight of evidence) to have been exposed to a ChE-inhibiting insecticide.

Results Brain and plasma total ChE activities were variable, but did not indicate exposure to chlorpyrifos. Although plasma samples were analyzed for BChE activity, we found that AChE is the predominant ChE in bullfrog plasma, accounting for approximately 95% of the total activity. Therefore we chose to report the total ChE of the bullfrog plasma instead of AChE and BChE separately. Brain and plasma activities are reported as percent of mean Reference Site activities. Brain ChE activities ranged from 66 - 141% of mean Reference Site values (Table I). Similar variation occurred in plasma ChE activities (65 - 138 % of Reference Site mean) (Table II). Although some brain and plasma samples appeared to be relatively inhibited (i.e., activities 66 and 65% of Reference Site mean), there were no statistically significant ChE activity deficiencies. This conclusion is based on the finding that no samples exhibited activities two standard deviations below the mean of Reference Site samples. The mean weight (± SE) of the bullfrogs from the Treatment and Reference Site was 113.36 ± 23.95g, ranging from 6.55 to 315.10g. In order to examine the effect of weight on brain and/or plasma ChE activity, frogs were divided into groups according to their body weight and statistically analyzed. Multiple weight class comparisons were made, none of which indicated that Rana catesbeiana brain ChE activity is dependent upon body weight. However, the plasma ChE activity did appear to be dependent upon the weight of the bullfrog. Plasma total ChE activity for bullfrogs < 80g (n=ll) was significantly higher (p 80g (n=12). If weight may be roughly equated with age (with obvious exceptions such as gravid females), then it may be assumed that the plasma total ChE activity decreases with age in Rana catesbeiana adults. Though these are preliminary results based on a small sample size (n=23), an inverse relationship between plasma ChE activity and age has, to our knowledge, been reported just one other time, in the mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) (36).

In Pesticides and Wildlife; Johnston, J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.


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Table 1. Brain ChE activity of Rana catesbeiana ChE Activity Collection



Treatment Reference


Treatment Reference




11 6

115.3 100

11.78 11.89

76.3 -124.2 66.2 -137.3

13 17

108.0 100

5.60 6.22

81.0 -141.3 63.2 -136.6

NOTE: ChE activity is expressed as % mean activity of controls.

Table II. Plasma ChE activity of Rana catesbeiana ChE Activity Collection







Treatment Reference

7 7

93.7 100

8.32 20.01

71.9-126.9 73.2 - 124.6


Treatment Reference

9 7

109.53 100

7.30 7.82

74.9-137.9 65.2-106.6

NOTE: ChE activity is expressed as % mean activity of controls.

In Pesticides and Wildlife; Johnston, J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

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125 Mean chlorpyrifos concentrations (± SE) in the Treatment Site furrow ranged from 20.5 ppm (±1.13) on the day of application to 0.67 ppm (±0.23), 64 days postapplication. At the time of frog collections, 3 and 15 DPA, in-fiirrow concentrations were 15.55 ppm (±1.77) and 4.88 ppm (±0.18), respectively. No chlorpyrifos was detected on the reference site. The treatment site received 3.7 inches of rainfromDay 0 to Day 15. In a previous study by this, laboratory (1997, unpublished data), chlorpyrifos was applied at the same label rate and manner as in this study. Temporal soil concentrations of chlorpyrifos in 1997 were similar to those reported above; however, in 1997 there was no rainfall until 18 days post application.

Discussion Based on the data presented, it appears that the ChE of Rana catesbeiana was not inhibited during their sporadic visits to a chlorpyrifos-treated cornfield, or while residing in the adjacent pond. Activities of brain and plasma ChE, from both Treatment and Reference Site, were highly variable. Such intraspecies variability in ChE levels of birds and mammals has long been acknowledged (35-39). Additionally, Baker (40) reports similar variability in the brain ChE activities of two species of salamanders. The use of a diagnostic threshold theoretically compensated for such variability, so samples that exhibited low activity were not misidentified as being chemically inhibited. If our only means of identifying inhibited samples was to compare individuals to the diagnostic threshold, sample groups with a high degree of variability may cloak OP inhibited individuals. However, by examining each sample for the potential to reactivate, we reduce the potential for the diagnostic threshold to hide samples that may have been OP inhibited. Since no sample fell below the diagnostic threshold or reactivated, a conclusion that the bullfrogs were not significantly exposed to chlorpyrifos was made. Limited studies have shown adult anurans to be relatively resistant to some OPs (41). The reason for the perceived resistance is not fully known. Amphibians, in general, have a highly vascularized, moist skin surface that is very permeable to water, gases, and ions (42). The highly water permeable skin of frogs means that the surrounding water is essentially an extension of the extracellular space of the animal (43). Water moves across frog skin in three ways: evaporation, diffusion, and osmosis (44, 45). Evaporation is an efflux of water vapor. Diffusion is the equal influx and efflux of water, one molecule at a time. (43). Diffusion results in a net water influx of zero; this is distinctly different from osmosis. For the scope of this discussion, osmosis is the only relative mode of water influx, as this process allows a bulk movement or flow of water to pass into the frog. Osmosis surpasses all other means of hydration by the frog, as amphibians typically do not drink water (46). In fact, Bentley and Yorio (47) conclude from tests with dehydrated Rana catesbeiana, Bufo marinus, and Xenopus laevis that oral uptake of water was, "incidental and unimportant in rehydration". The semipermeable, hydrophilic skin of the anuran may partially explain the perceived resistance of the frog. In order for a lipophilic chemical to pass across the frogs' skin, it may have to bind with water or some other

In Pesticides and Wildlife; Johnston, J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

126 osmotic liquid. Due to the hydrophobic nature of many insecticides, their ability to osmose may be limited. Shah et al. (48) present data that suggest penetration of a pesticide into a frog depends upon the toxicants octanolrwater coefficient (K ) and water solubility. In their study, numerous insecticides (dissolved in acetone) were applied to the back of adult grass frogs (Rana pipiens). These insecticides included (in order of increasing water solubility): DDT, dieldrin, permethrin, parathion, and carbaryl. Based on their report, it appears that amount and rate of penetration was generally related to the water solubility (Figure 1) and inversely proportional to the K . Dieldrin was the only exception, penetrating less than permethrin and DDT. The hydrophilic skin of frogs may provide protection from many of today's nonpolar, hydrophobic insecticides. Shah et al. (48) also noted that once the pesticide penetrated the skin of the green frog, the amount detected in the liver and other organs was surprisingly low. This is suggestive of a higher capacity for metabolism and/or excretion as compared to mammals and birds. It may be that the resistance conferred by the hydrophilic skin works in concert with superior metabolism and excretion. Anurans, however, are a very diverse group and skin permeability is quite variable (49). Shah et al. (48) examined the skin of one species of frog at one age. Much more research is needed before making generalizations about frogs and pesticide resistance. In our study, a granular pesticide was used. This probably afforded the bullfrogs even more protection, due to the dry form. Sprayable formulations typically contain emulsifiers. Such formulations (along with increased heat and pH) may dramatically increase the efficiency by which pesticides penetrate the skin of the frog. Concentrations of chlorpyrifos in the soil were comparable to those detected in a previous study by this laboratory (unpublished data). Due to the spontaneous nature and limited budget of this study, no pond water or sediment samples were collected from either site. Such data should have been collected, as it would have valuable for determining precise chlorpyrifos exposure rates. However, the high organic carbon partitioning coefficient (K^ = 8500) and low water solubility (1.4 ppm) of chlorpyrifos would lead one to expect concentrations to be highest in the soil, followed by pond sediments, and small amounts in pond water (50). Therefore, estimates of frog exposure based on chlorpyrifos residues in the furrow of the cornfield would be highly conservative, as the bullfrog rarely inhabits cornfields and concentrations of chlorpyrifos elsewhere are probably much lower. The similarity of the temporal chlorpyrifos concentrations between two plantings (1997 and 1998), despite the differences in rainfall, further indicates the tendency for the chlorpyrifos to remain in the corn furrow.

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o w

Conclusions Our study indicates that the adult Rana catesbeiana inhabiting one (1) farm pond adjacent to a treated cornfield were not significantly exposed to chlorpyrifos. Due to the spontaneous, opportunistic nature of this study, much caution should be taken when examining the results. This study examined one treated site and one reference site; the η of both was very low. Anura and other orders of amphibia are a very

In Pesticides and Wildlife; Johnston, J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

In Pesticides and Wildlife; Johnston, J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

















ι I







Time (min)

















Figure 1. Relationship between water solubility and penetration of selected insecticides through the skin of Rana pipiens. The legend ranks the compounds in descending order of water solubility. * Created from the data of Shah et al. (47).


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diverse group for which generalization is difficult. Most of the current anuran research is performed on a few species based on ease of obtainment, abundance in the wild, and ease of maintenance in the laboratory, not on how well the organism represents the order Anura (51). These studies must also be reviewed with caution. In order to adequately study, and ultimately preserve these vital organisms, much more research with multiple species from multiple age groups is needed.

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In Pesticides and Wildlife; Johnston, J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.