Extraction of Cerium (IV) Nitrate by Butyl Phosphate

James C. Warf ... Louise S. Natrajan , Frank W. Lewis , Laurence M. Harwood , Stephen A. Parry , and Clint A. Sharrad ... J. B. Zimmerman and J. C. In...
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Sept., 1949



The rate of reduction of the cerium(1V) nitrate by butyl phosphate under the conditions described is indicated by the following results: After 1.6 hours, 1% of the total cerium(1V) was reduced; after 35 hours, 5%; after 120 hours, 10%; after 500 hours, 31%; and after 820 hours, 45y0. Conditions for favorable extraction were found to cover a wide range, 98-99% of the cerium entering the solvent when equal phase volumes were employed, regardless of the ammonium nitrate and nitric acid concentrations. The presence of nitric acid was found necessary to promote clean separaExtraction of Cerium(1V) Nitrate by Butyl tion of the layers. At extreme dilution (0.001 F Phosphatela Ce(1V)) less favorable partition was observed, only 60-70y0 being extracted. Solutions of ammoBY JAMES C. WARF'~ nium hexanitratocerate(1V) in 1.0 F nitric acid The extraction of inorganic compounds by or- were used most frequently. Aqueous phases after ganic solvents sometimes affords a unique method extraction were colorless, and a few per cent. of the for rapidly and easily separating compounds of cerium(1V) was reduced to cerium(II1) during the certain metals from common impurities. Well- course of the operations. Addition of ammonium known examples include the characteristic extrac- acetate or perchlorate to the aqueous phase had tion of iron(II1) chloride and the chlorides of a little effect on the degree of extraction, but ammofew other metals by ether, the extraction of uranyl nium sulfate caused serious interference. Recovery of the cerium from the butyl phosnitrate by ether, the extraction of silver perchlorate by toluene,2 and more recently the extraction phate by re-extraction with water or dilute nitric of thorium nitrate by methyl isobutyl ketone and acid was slow and laborious, although the use of other solvent^.^ The extraction of cerium(1V) ni- ammonium sulfate solutions was feasible. Genertrate by ether was employed by I ~ n r e who , ~ ob- ally the cerium(1V) was quickly and quantitaserved that the solvent was attacked, generating tively re-extracted through reduction to ceriumheat and necessitating cooling, and that high ni- (111) by hydrogen peroxide ; hydroxylamine, tric acid concentrations were required for efficient formaldehyde or glucose also were employed. extraction. Pure ceria, however, could be pro- Evaporation of aqueous solutions of the recovered cerium(II1) salts and ignition yielded gray or black duced. A number of solvents expected to be resistant products, owing to the presence of pyrophosphates. to the strong oxidizing action of cerium(1V) nitrate This difficulty was avoided by washing the water were tested, and nitromethane and tri-n-butyl phase thoroughly with benzene or carbon tetraphosphate found to be most satisfactory. The ex- chloride, to remove the small quantity of dissolved tent of removal of the cerium from the aqueous butyl phosphate, before evaporation or precipitation of cerium(II1) oxalate. Cerium(1V) oxide phase was also investigated. Ammonium hexanitratocerate(1V) from the G. Fred- resulting on ignition after such treatment was erick Smith Chemical Co. was employed. Tri-n-butyl practically pure white, and contained negligible phosphate from the Eastman Kodak Co. was vacuum dis- amounts of phosphorus. tilled, the portion boiling at 145-150" (8 mm.) being colOver 99.5% of the cerium could be removed lected separately; it was saturated with water before use. from cerium(II1) nitrate solutions by first oxidizThe degree of stability of the solvent toward oxidation ing electrolytically as recommended by Smith, by the solute was established by permitting portions of solutions 0.5 F in ammonium hexanitratocerate(1V) and Frank and Kottj6in three steps, each followed by a 1.O F in nitric acid t o stand a t room temperature with the solvent for increasing periods of time, after which the ce- butyl phosphate extraction. It was found more rium(1V) content was determined by titration with iron- convenient to perform the oxidation chemically, (11) sulfate solution using tris-( 1,lO-phenanthroline) -iron- using bromates in strong nitric acid solution, a (11) sulfate as indicator. The extent of extraction of the cerium(1V) nitrate was procedure first employed by Schuman.6 I n order determined similarly by separating layers and titrating to realize quantitative removal of the cerium, a each immediately. The solvent layer was scrubbed small continuous extractor was used. solvent. The distillate was washed with thiosulfate solution t o remove a Small amount Of free iodine, the Organic layer separated and dried over calcium chloride. Distillation produced about a ten mole per cent. yield of the new compound, fluorothiophene, a water white liquid, boiling a t 82 O and having a refractive index of 1.4971, 20 '/D. Anal. Calcd. for C4H3SF: S, 31.37; F, 18.6. Found: S, 31.45; F, 18.0. BEACON LABORATORIES THETEXAS COMPANY RECEIVED MAY13, 1949 BEACON,NEWYORK

several times with a solution 1.0 F each in nitric acid and ammonium nitrate before re-extraction of the cerium.

( l a ) Based on work done for the Manhattan District (Contract No. W-7405 eng-82), F. H. Spedding, Project Director. First recorded in Plutonium Project reports CC-2402 (April 3. 1945) and ISC-8 (August 7, 1947), by J. Wad. ( l b ) Present address: Department of Chemistry, University of Southern California, Los Angeles 7, California. (2) Hill and Miller, THISJOURNAL, 47, 2702 (1925). (3) Rothschild, Templeton and Hall, J . Phys. Colloid Chrm., 62, IO06 (1948). (4) Inre, 2. onorg. allgem. Chrm., M C , I14 (19271.

A U-tube stirrer-extractor, described by Huzise,' was constructed. It was charged with 100-150 ml. of a solution 0.2 F i n cerium(II1) nitrate, 8-10 F i n nitric acid, and 3 F in sodium nitrate. Small portions of solid sodium bromate were added over a period of two to three hours, using a total of 3 g . , while butyl phosphate was run (5) Smith, Frank and Kott, I n d . En#.Chcm., Anal. Ed., 12, 268 (1940). (6) Schuman, Plutonium Project Report CC-2739 (February 28, 1945). ( 7 ) B~sina,J , Chcm. SOC. Jnpstr, $4, a60 (1941).



through the extractor, a total of 300 ml. being employed. The solvent was well dispersed by the stirrer, and rose to form a static layer in the exit arm of the U-tube, from which it drained a t the same rate a t which Fresh solvcnt was added. Qualitative tests showed no detectable cerium remaining in the water phase. The butyl phosphate extracted bromine as well as cerium.

Uranyl and thorium nitrates were observed to be readily extracted by butyl phosphate. These elements can be separated by extraction of cerium(111) solutions. The extraction of iron, zirconyl and lanthanum nitrates by butyl phosphate was also studied. The results showed that excellent separation from iron, fair separation from zirconium, and rather poor separation from lanthanum can be expected. Iron(I1) nitrate solutions, containing 1 mg. to 5 g. of iron per 100 ml., and 1.0 F in nitric acid, were extracted with butyl phosphate, the organic layer washed with ammonium nitratenitric acid solution, and re-extracted with hydrogen peroxide. The amount of iron thus recovered was determined spectrophotometrically with 1,lOphenanthroline and the ratio of the amount of iron in the original aqueous phase t o the amount from the organic phase taken as a "separation factor." This factor varied from 2000 for low iron concentrations to 1.6 X 106 for the high concentrations. Similar experiments with zirconium, using a radioactive isotope (ZrS6, half -life 65 days) showed separation factors of 200 to 600, while with lanthanum (La1*",half-life 40 hours), factors of only 80 t o 100 were observed. Lanthanum nitrate solution (500 mg. of La per 100 ml.) was extracted exhaustively by the stirrer U-tube technique described above, using sodium bromate, when 4 to 7% was found to be carried over.*

The high degree of extraction by butyl phosphate over a wide range of conditions suggested formation of a compound between the solvent and cerium(1V) nitrate. Absorption spectra of aqueous and butyl phosphate solutions each 0.05 F i n cerium(1V) nitrate were identical except for a slight shift toward the longer wave lengths for the non-aqueous solution. The absorption curves had no maxima, and both solutions were transparent for wave lengths above 580 mp. The solvents were nonabsorbing for wave lengths above 400 mp. Kjeldahl analyses of the organic phase showed that no ammonium compound was present. Treatment of small known quantities of the solvent with a large excess of cerium(1V) nitrate solution, followed by extraction with carbon tetrachloride and determination of the Ce(1V) content, showed Bu8P04/Ce ratios of 2.5 * 0.1. Butyl phosphate extracts of ammonium hexanitratocerate(1V) from solutions containing no additional nitric acid were analyzed for nitrate by the nitron method,O and for cerium(IV), which gave N08/Ce ratios of 3.3 * 0.2. While these values do not coincide with the ratios demanded by a simple formula, there was also no assurance of complete conversion of the reactants into a single compound. The analytical work was not pursued sufficiently to establish unambiguously the identity of the extracted substance or substances. CONTRIBUTION No. 53 FROM THE INSTITUTE FOR ATOMICRESEARCH IOWA STATE COLLEGE AMES,IOWA RECEIVED APRIL19, 1949

Vol. 71 ~~~~~

NEW COMPOUNDS The Diacetate of 2-Methyl-1 ,J-pentanediol Investigations in this Laboratory led to the preparation of the diacetate of 2-methyl-l,3-pentanediol. This new compound is of interest as it was reported by previous investigators' that the reaction of 2-methyl-l,3-pentanediol with acetic anhydride yields only the monoacetyl derivative. Procedure.-One-half mole of 2-methyl-1,3-pen tanediol and one-half mole of acetic anhydride were refluxed with a trace of sulfuric acid for three hours. At the end of this period, toluene was added to the reaction flask and a water-trap placed in the reflux system. The water from the reaction was then removed by refluxing with the toluene. The glycol diacetate was recovered in good yield after removal of the toluene and subsequent fractionation through a five-bulb Snyder column. The physical constants of the diacetate of 2-methyl1,3-pentanediol are: h. p,, 225' (uncor.): dZo, 1.0025; n% 1.4253; anal. 99% ester content as the diacetate of 2-methyl-1,3-pentanediol;mol. ref. 51.68 found; 51.56 calcd. PETROLEUM RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT LABORATORY CELANESE CORPORATION OF AMERICA CLARKWOOD, TEXAS GUILESFLOWER, JR.* RECEIVED MARCH9, 1949 (1) Kling and Roy, Bull. SOC. chim., 141 1, 698 (1907); Kling and Roy, Comfit. rend., 144, 1112 (1907). (2) Present address: Dictaphone Corporation, Bridgeport 6, Connecticut.

Esters of 5-Methyl-2-thenoic Acid The esters of 5-methyl-2-thenoicacid listed in Table I were prepared by refluxing 10 g. (0.07 mole) of the acid' in an excess (125 ml.) of the required alcohol containing 6-7 ml. of concd. sulfuric acid. After refluxing for four hours, the esters were worked up in the usual manner, and vacuum-distilled.


B. p., OC. (5 mm.)


Yield ~ S D

Sulfur, % b Found

% ' Calcd.

77-79" 1.1736 1.5380 71 20.53 20.70 87-89 1.1234 1.5233 82 18.83 18.99 95-98 1.0936 1.5075 80 17.40 17.47 1.0766 1,5092 44 17.40 17.14 87-88 106.51.0668 1.4955 88 16.17 16.18 108.5 &Butyl 102-105 1.0610 1.5082 76 16.17 16.33 n-Amyl 116-118 1.0456 1.5054 64 15.10 15.29 0 Rinkes reported a b. p. 102" (16 mm.) (Rec. traw. chim., 52,538 (1933)). Analyses by Mrs. Betty Jarvis. Methyl Ethyl n-Propyl ;-Propyl n-Butyl

(1) Prepared by the method of Hartough and Conley, THIS 69,3096 (1947), in an average of 69%.



(8) Electrolytic oxidation is preferred to the use of bromates, for the latter seemed to permit greater extraction of iron, zirconium, and lanthanum. This may be attributable to the formation of bromides. It was observed that the behavior of zirconyl halides toward butyl phosphate extraction was quite different from that of the nitrate. (9) Busch, B v . , 88, 861 (1906); Gutbicr, 2 . anpew. Ckrm., IS,

344- and 5-Methyl-2-pyridylamino) -acrylic Acids1 These two new derivatives of acrylic acid were prepared for biological testing a t the request of the Chemical-Bio-

494 (1906).

iearch Corporation.

( 1 ) This work was carried out under a Grant-in-Aid from the Rc-