(97) Ver hens, J., Anal. Chim. Acta, 2, 681-6 (1948) (inEnglish). (98) Violante, C., and Imbrici, D.,Rir. dticolt. ecnol. (Conegliano), 2,. 329-34 (19...
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(94) Struck, R. T., and Iiinney, C. R . , I n d . Eng. C ' h m , , 42, 77~-!11 (1950). (95) Thomas, J. IT., S h i m , L. A., n'isenian, H. G., a n d Jloorr, I,. :\., . ~ x A I , . C H E J I . , 22, 726-7 (1950). (96) Thomas, P. R., Donll. Leon, and Levin. Harry, I h i d . , 21, 147(j80 (1949). (97) T'erheus, J., d u n l . Chiin. I c t r r , 2, 681-6 (1948) (in English). (98) Jlolante, C.. and Inibrici, I>..Rir. titicolt. e c n o l . i('oucylitrrso), 2, 329 34 (194!1),

(99) (100) (101) (102)


(Io4) Rr;ck:ivxn

S ' o ~ - e m h c r2 0 . 1050


SGliVl,;Y of t h c available references on :inalytic;LI cxtrnction Tvliich have appe:ired during the past year reveals a steady shift of intcwst 11s c-ompared to previous years. I-ery fen- papers on :qq)ar:itus or o n methods designed for simplr c9xtr:iction for reniov:il purposi:* Iinve appenred. 011t h r other hand, thr,re has ti activity conwrning extraction as :I tool for sep;ri,:itirig c~lo~c~ly related suhstnnces, tmth organic and inorg:inic. if-ith Thim+orc, thcj revicv for this yr:ir de:il~ almost i~zclusivc~l~sr1)ar:itioiiL. CIIOICE OF SUI?'.\BLE S l ~ S l E l I

The first thought i n :ittempting to apply extraction to an :tu:tl>.ti-

(A pi,ol)lem is the discovery of a suitable system. I t woriltl therefore appear of interest to inc~itionthe most iniport:tnt considerations in making a choice. .inalytical extraction as . K'>c. /3iu(;/wm., 19, 4x7 (1950). Chu, J. C., Taylor, C.C'.. nud T,o\-y, I). V.. fiiil. E / ( ( / f. ' / i v / n . , 42, 1167 (1950). ohil, W.E., J . -4nt.Chen ollander, R., A c t a Cliem. Ciaig, L. C., As.41.. C H & S f . , 22, iil (1!j50). Zbid., p. 1346. ('mig. L. C., and Craig, 1). ('., i t t \I.eissliwger, .L, "'l'echtiique of Orgaiiic Chemistry," Val. 111, 1111. 171 4 1 1 , Sen- York, Iiiterscience Publishers. 1930. Thitton, H. J., Lancaster, C. 11., a i i d Htelikc, 0 . I,...J. .4m.O i l (.'ttrmists Soc., 27, 25 (1950). F;Iderfield, R.C., et ul., J . A n i . ('/ie/!i. S u c . . 68, l5lti (1946). 1