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istry, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California. 92039, and the A. A. Noyes Laboratory of Chemical Physics,. California Institute of ...
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3894 Optically Active Amines. XVIII. Spectral Observations on Optically Active N-Substituted Pyrroles [ J . Am. Chem. Soc., 97, 3126 (1975)l. By HOWARDE. SMITH,* RICHARDK. OPR, and Fu-MING CHEN, Departments of Chemistry, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee 37235, and Tennessee State University, Nashville, Tennessee 37203.

Proton Magnetic Resonance Studies of sym-Oxepin Oxide [ J . Am. Chem. SOC.,98,6353 (1976)l. By D A N I E LD. HAAS and WILLIAM H. RASTETTER,* Departments of Chemistry, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02 138, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139.

On page 3 129, right column, line 22 of the Experimental Section should read: “(R)-l-(l,2,2-TrimethylpropyI)pyrrole [(It)-1] was prepared in 57% yield from (R)-2,2-dimethyl-3aminobutane, [ c Y ] ~ ~-5.6’ D (neat) [lit.” [ L Y ] ~-5.6’ ~D (neat)]”.

J. P. Snyder and D. N . Harpp [ J . Am. Chem. SOC.,98,7821 (1 976)] have published recently a careful reexamination of the nitrogen extrusion behavior of azo compound 11 and have found E , = 24.1 f 0.3 kcal/mol and A S * = 6.3 f 0.9 eu (CHCI3) for the extrusion process. These authors suggested experimental factors possibly responsible for the vefy great differences between their activation parameters and those originally found by E. L. Allred and J . C. Hinshaw [Chem. Commun., 1021 (1969)], E , = 14.9 f 1.5 kcal/mol and A S * = -21 eu. The method we employed for the kinetic analysis of azo diepoxide 8 (pulse Fourier transform N M R and metal-free reaction mixtures) most closely resembles the method of Snyder and Harpp. Further, these authors provide error limits for their value of AS$; Allred and Hinshaw do not. A comparison of Snyder and Harpp’s data for 11 with that found for azo diepoxide 8 ( E , = 26.5 f 0.4 kcal/mol and AS: 13.2 f 1.5 eu) suggests that the nitrogen extrusion processes for 8 and 11 are similar in character; i.e., both sets of data are in good accord with a concerted extrusion of N z . The new data for 11 strongly suggest that a similar degree of small ring strain is released from 8 and from 11 in going to the respective transition states for nitrogen extrusion.

Conformational Studies on Peptides. X-Ray Structure Determinations of Six N-Methylated Cyclic Dipeptides Derived from Alanine, Valine, and Phenylalanine [ J . Am. Chem. SOC.,98, 6676 (1976)l. By ETTORE BENEDETTI, RICHARD E. MARSH,and M U R R A YGOODMAN,*Department of Chemistry, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California 92039, and the A. A. Noyes Laboratory of Chemical Physics, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91 125.

I n Figure 3, center, the left-hand drawing represents cyclo(L-Val-L-Val) rather than cyclo(L-Val-D-Va1). T o obtain the correct structure for cyc~o(L-Va~-D-Va~), one isopropyl group and the hydrogen on the same LY carbon should be interchanged. Torsion angles in the right-hand drawing refer, as indicated, to cyclo(L-Val-D-Val), whose crystal structure has been worked Hydration of NH4F [ J . Am. Chem. SOC.,98,6820 (1976)]. By P. A. KOLLMAN*and I. D. KUNTZ, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, School of Pharmacy, University of California, San Francisco, California 941 43. We have noticed an error in eq 2; it should read [D. L. Beveridge and G. W . Schnuelle, J . Phys. Chem., 79, 2562 (1975)l:

Nucleophilic Attacks on Carbon-Nitrogen Double Bonds. 3. Diversity of Mechanisms for the Substitution of Diarylimidoyl Chlorides by Amines in Acetonitrile [ J . Am. Chem. Soc., 98, 8460 (1976)l. By RACHELTA-SHMAand ZVIRAPPOPORT,* Department of Chemistry, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel. Equation I on p 8461 should be: R2NH

+ XC6H4C(CI)=NChH4Y ---*

Also, our choice of 2.6 A as the radius of the cavity around solvated NH4+ and solvated F- is probably too small. Choosing a distance from the NH4+ or F- to the external hydrogen in the first shell water leads to cavity radii of 3.35 A around NH4+ and 3.19 A around F-. Using these radii in the corrected equation (2) leads to a reaction field stabilization of 100.3 kcal/mol for infinitely separated NH4+ and F- in H 2 0 ( t = 80), instead of the 24.6 incorrectly entered as the last entry of column 5 of Table VIII. This leads to a net relative energy of this structure of -21.5 kcal/mol (last entry of column 6 in Table VIII). This relative stability is sensitive to the choice of the cavity radius; if one chooses the edge of the cavity a t one-half the distance between the first and second shell waters, the reaction field stabilization is 90.8 and the net relative energy -1 2.0. However, the main point is that all the ionic NH4+ F- structures are of comparable stability in aqueous solution and more stable than neutral NH3-HF (Table VIII), in marked contrast to the relative stabilities in the gas phase (first row of Table VII).

Journal of the American Chemical Society




On page 8465, second column, line 1 1 from bottom, the concentrations should be 0.0007-0.005 M. Structure and Absolute Configuration of Strictamine and Strictalamine from Rhazya strich. Stereochemistry of the Picralima Alkaloids [ J . Am. Chem. Soc., 99, 1943 ( 1977)]. By YUSUFAHMAD,* K A N I ZFATIMA,ATTA-UR-RAHMAN, JOHN L. OCCOLOWITZ, BARBARAA. S O L H E I M JON , CLARDY,* ROBERT L. G A R N I C K ,and P H I L I P W. LE QUESNE*,P.C.S.I.R. Laboratories, Lahore- 16, Pakistan, H.E.J. Postgraduate Institute of Chemistry, University of Karachi, Karachi-32, Pakistan, Lilly Research Laboratories, Indianapolis, Indiana 46206, Ames Laboratory and the Department of Chemistry, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 5001 1 , and the Department of Chemistry, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts 02 1 15. The configurations of the ethylidene groups in compounds 6 and 7 are the same as in compound 4.

/ May 25, 1977