SMIDTH rotary kilns For sintering, nodulizing, calcining, desulphurizing, oxidizing and reducing roasting. Coolers, precoolers, preheaters, recuperators.
Auxiliary equipment for Rotary Kiln Plants.
grinding mills Ball mills, tube mills and multicompartment m i l l s open or closed circuit— wet or dry grinding. Also airswept for grinding and drying. Over 1250 Smidth Rotary Kilns and over 5000 Grinding Mills supplied all over the world.
F. L. Smidth & Co. F. L. Smidth & Co.,
7 7 Vigerslev Copenhagen, Denmark F. L . S m i d t h & C i e France 8 0 Rue Taitbout Paris ( 9 e ) France
Engineers Alle
and Machinery Manufacturers 11 West 42nd Street N e w York 36, N . Y.
F. L . S m i d t h & C o . o f C a n a d a , L t d . 11 West 42nd Street N e w York 3 6 , Ν . Ύ.
F. London,
Smidth & Co.
1 0 5 , Piccadilly, W . 1, England
F. L . S m i d t h & C o . ( B o m b a y ) Private L t d . 4 2 Queen's Road Bombay, India
Circle Nts. 39-1, 39-2 on Readers' Service Card
24 A