Fabrication and Characterization of Large-Area, Semiconducting

Mar 1, 2010 - Kun LanYao LiuWei ZhangYong LiuAhmed ElzatahryRuicong ..... Myungwoong Kim , Nathaniel S. Safron , Changshui Huang , Michael ..... Myung...
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Fabrication and Characterization of Large-Area, Semiconducting Nanoperforated Graphene Materials Myungwoong Kim,† Nathaniel S. Safron,† Eungnak Han, Michael S. Arnold,* and Padma Gopalan* Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of WisconsinsMadison, Madison, Wisconsin 53706 ABSTRACT We demonstrate the fabrication of nanoperforated graphene materials with sub-20-nm features using cylinder-forming diblock copolymer templates across >1 mm2 areas. Hexagonal arrays of holes are etched into graphene membranes, and the remaining constrictions between holes interconnect forming a honeycomb structure. Quantum confinement, disorder, and localization effects modulate the electronic structure, opening an effective energy gap of 100 meV in the nanopatterned material. The field-effect conductivity can be modulated by 40× (200×) at room temperature (T ) 105 K) as a result. A room temperature hole mobility of 1 cm2 V-1 s-1 was measured in the fabricated nanoperforated graphene field effect transistors. This scalable strategy for modulating the electronic structure of graphene is expected to facilitate applications of graphene in electronics, optoelectronics, and sensing. KEYWORDS Graphene, graphite, band gap, mobility gap, transistor, field effect, block copolymer, soft, lithography, nanopatterning, nanoperforated, honeycomb, anti-dot, large area, nanomaterials

width of the nanoribbons, w, according to Eg ∼0.2-1.5 eV nm/w.7-9 Other forms of nanostructured graphene showing semiconducting behavior have also been fabricated using electron-beam lithography, including graphene quantum dots10 and inverse dot lattices.11,12 The successes of electron-beam lithography in fabricating graphene nanostructures that exhibit semiconducting behavior motivate future studies of nanostructured graphenebased materials and devices. Two future challenges have become apparent from these preliminary studies. First, in order to open a band gap . kT in nanostructured graphene, it must be nanopatterned to critical dimensions mm2 in area have been patterned with sub-20-nm critical dimensions. The structure of nanoperforated graphene also resembles that of 2D quantum well anti-dot lattices which have been extensively studied in III-V materials systems.17 Theoretically, it has been predicted that graphene anti-dot lattices should have a band gap roughly proportional to the hole diameter and inversely proportional to the square of the pitch of the lattice.18 Our results are consistent with this predictionanddemonstratethatournanoperforatedgraphene is semiconducting in behavior with an effective energy gap of 100 meV. We expect that the relative ease by which BCP lithography can be implemented and scaled to large areas and its effectiveness at controlling the electronic properties of graphene will enable practical large-area, commercializable applications of graphene in electronics, thin film electronics, flexible electronics, optoelectronics, and sensing. Experimentally, to pattern the nanoperforated graphene, we used a thin film of the cylinder-forming diblock copolymer poly(sytrene-block-methyl methacrylate)[P(S-b-MMA)] as a template. In order to ensure the lateral phase segregation of the diblock copolymer into vertically orientated cylinders on the graphene surfaces, two intermediate layers were deposited on graphene. The first layer was a 10 nm silicon oxide film which improved the wetting of the second layer, and the second layer consisted of a thin film of a random copolymer of methyl methacrylate (MMA), styrene (S) and glycidyl methacrylate (GMA), P(S-r-MMA-r-GMA),19 which acted as a nonpreferential or neutral layer. The use of the intermediate random copolymer neutral layer20 adjusts the interfacial energies between the PS and PMMA blocks of the diblock copolymer and the underlying substrate leading to vertical orientation of the cylindrical domains for patterning. We had earlier reported on the chemistry of P(Sr-MMA-r-GMA) random copolymers and detailed studies on the compositional windows for the assembly of cylinder and lamella forming block copolymers.21 For PMMA cylinder forming block copolymers, an intermediate random copolymer with 0.63 < styrene mole fraction (fst) < 0.73 led to the vertical orientation of domains in the diblock copolymer layer. Without the silicon oxide film, the direct deposition of the P(S-r-MMA-r-GMA) on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) substrates resulted in nonuniform coating and hence subsequent dewetting of the overlying block copoly© 2010 American Chemical Society

mer film upon thermal annealing (see Figure S1 in Supporting Information). The P(S-r-MMA-r-GMA) random copolymer was synthesized by nitroxide-mediated living free radical polymerization as described in the literature.21 The composition of P(Sr-MMA-r-GMA) random copolymer was calculated by NMR analysis (S, 70%; MMA, 26%; GMA, 4%). Number averaged molecular weight and PDI of synthesized P(S-r-MMA-r-GMA) were 46700 g/mol, and 1.2, respectively. P(S-b-MMA) was used as the cylinder-forming diblock copolymer (Mn(PS) ) 46000 g/mol, Mn(PMMA) ) 21000 g/mol, PDI ) 1.09) and was purchased from Polymer Source, Inc., and used as received. HOPG, Optigraph GmbH (Germany), was used as a source for graphene. Initially, in proof-of-principle experiments, we studied the BCP lithography directly on the HOPG substrates. In subsequent experiments, we patterned mechanically exfoliated graphene monolayers on SiO2/Si substrates via BCP lithography to characterize the electronic properties of the nanopatterned graphene. To pattern HOPG, first, a 10 nm silicon oxide layer was deposited onto freshly cleaved HOPG from a SiO2 source (Telemark e-beam dielectric evaporator: pressure, 30 V outside of our measurement range, even after subsequent O2 plasma etching, possibly due to excessive doping or degradation. One of the four characterized devices with a typical ON/OFF conductance ratio of 41 at room temperature was further characterized at low temperature. At T ) 105 K, the device demonstrated an increased ON/OFF ratio of ∼207 with lower ON conductivity (Figure 3c). The enhanced switching ratio of the nanoperforated graphene compared to that of unpatterned graphene strongly suggests that an electronic band and/or transport gap has been opened in the patterned material as a result of quantum confinement, edge, and localization effects in the constrictions. To characterize the effective gap of the nanoperforated graphene, we relate the measured OFF conductance of the device in Figure 3c to an effective gap by assuming that the OFF conductance varies as the thermally activated carrier concentration, which scales with temperature as ∼exp(-EG/2kBT), where EG is the effective gap. We find that the experimentally measured OFF conductance follows an Arrhenius relationship with temperature, indicating the opening of an effective gap of 102 meV as a result of the nanopatterning (Figure 3d). For comparison purposes, the nanoperforated graphene device with 18 nm constrictions can be approximated as a mesoscopic honeycomb network of nanoribbons with constriction widths ∼18 nm in which the ribbons are interconnected between larger graphene islands. Tight-binding calculations of graphene nanoribbons predict multiple families of electronic band structure with significantly different band gap dependencies depending on the exact width and orientation. For example, nanoribbons of width 18 nm have predicted band gaps of 0-60 meV.7 More rigorous ab initio studies that more closely match published experimental data on graphene nanoribbons have shown that all orientations of ribbons should have a significant band gap. The ab initio calculations predict band gaps of 80-250 meV for 18 nm ribbons, depending on orientation.9 Tight-binding calculations have also been developed to model the band gap of graphene anti-dot lattices similar to our nanoperforated graphene membranes. The anti-dot lattice calculations predict a 67 meV band gap for the nanoperforated structure.18 © 2010 American Chemical Society

The effective gap of 102 meV, measured here, qualitatively compares well with these calculations of the expected band gap. Previous experimental studies have empirically correlated the observed switching ratio and electronic band gap of graphene nanoribbons transistors with the width of the nanoribbons. Han et al. have shown that 24 nm ribbons have a switching ratio of 20 at T ) 100 K, suggesting a band gap of 27 meV.24 Furthermore, Lin et al. have demonstrated that 30 nm ribbons have a switching ratio of 9 at T ) 90 K, suggesting a band gap of 46 meV.25 In comparison, our measured effective gap of 102 meV exceeds these experimentally measured band gaps for comparable constrictions. In addition to the opening of an electronic band gap resulting from quantum confinement effects, experimental and theoretical work has also shown that large conductance modulations in graphene nanoribbons can arise at low temperatures by several mechanisms other than an electronic band gap. Nominal edge roughness in carbon nanostructures has been theorized to cause Coulomb blockade, strong localization leading to Anderson insulator-like behavior,26 and the formation of quasi-localized midgap states27 leading to a transport gap.28 Analysis of these effects is complex in our system because of the large number of percolating current paths that exist in the nanoperforated graphene membranes. The abrupt conductance modulations29 near the Dirac point at T ) 105 K in Figure 3c may indicate the formation of local resonances in the constrictions of the nanoperforated graphene giving rise to Coulomb blockade-like behavior, which has been experimentally demonstrated in graphene nanoconstrictions.8,10 In this case, two modes of conduction are possible. The first mode of conduction is limited by the thermal excitation of carriers across the electronic or transport gap and is responsible for the window of small conductance from VG ) 0-10 V in Figure 3c in which the Fermi level is approximately in the middle of the gap. The second mode of conduction, which can occur in parallel with the first, involves the tunneling of carriers between disorder-induced electron/hole puddles in the conduction and valence bands. Thermal excitation over the gap is not required for the second mode and Coulomb blockade-like effects result in abrupt conductance modulations8 superimposed on the minimum conductance. With this said, we believe that the overall conductance modulation is due mainly to the opening of a sizable electronic band gap rather Coulomb blockade or localization effects. This hypothesis is supported by the observed Arrhenius temperature dependence of the minimum conductance, which matches the dependence expected for a traditional semiconductor with a band gap of 100 meV. Furthermore, this hypothesis is supported by the observation of the enhanced switching ratio of the nanoperforated graphene at room temperature, and the agreement of the 100 meV extracted gap with the theoretical predictions of a quantum-confined band gap. However, future research is 1129

DOI: 10.1021/nl9032318 | Nano Lett. 2010, 10, 1125-–1131

extend the block copolymer templates to create 200 at room temperature and at T ) 105 K, respectively. Finally,toassesstherelevanceofnanoperforatedgraphene in potential device applications, the hole mobility of the FETs was estimated using a standard transistor model (µ ) gL/ VDSCoxW), where g is the transconductance, L and W are the channel length and width of the original graphene sheet, respectively, VSD is the source-drain potential, and Cox is the gate capacitance per unit area. The calculation describes the sheet mobility of the entire nanoperforated graphene layer and sets a lower bound to the mobility of the individual nanoconstrictions. After O2 plasma etching, the devices demonstrated a hole mobility >1 cm2 V-1 s-1 at low drain bias (1 mm2 areas. To overcome the poor wettability of the graphene and graphite substrates by solvents and polymers, we applied an intermediate layer consisting of 10 nm of silicon oxide. We then used a random copolymer layer to induce vertical orientation of hexagonally packed cylindrical domains in an overlying block copolymer film. Subsequent transfer of the hexagonal pattern to the underlying graphene and HOPG has been demonstrated using selective reactive ion etching. We show that by nanopatterning the graphene, its electronic structure and properties can be modulated resulting in the opening of an effective energy gap of ∼100 meV. Field effect transistors fabricated from the nanoperforated graphene are characterized by conductance modulation of 40× (200×) at room temperature (T ) 105 K) and a hole mobility >1 cm2 V-1 s-1, which demonstrates the utility of these structures for applications. This scalable strategy for controlling the electronic structure and properties of graphene is expected to facilitate applications of graphene in large-area flexible electronics, optoelectronics, and sensing. In particular, our approach of block copolymer lithography creates a facile route to the fabrication of graphene nanostructures and overcomes the limitations of electron-beam patterning such as low throughput and limited resolution. With the appropriate choice of the block copolymer templates, it should be possible to fabricate nanoperforated graphene structures with tunable dimensions, enabling enhanced control of the material’s electronic behaviors. In particular, it should be possible to © 2010 American Chemical Society

Acknowledgment. The authors would like to acknowledge support from staff and the use of equipment at the Center for Nanotechnology and the Synchrotron Radiation Center at the University of Wisconsin (National Science Foundation Grant No. DMR-0537588). N.S.S. acknowledges support from a University of WisconsinsMadison Materials Science Program Herb Fellowship. P.G. and M.S.A. both acknowledge partial support from the University of WisconsinsMadison graduate school and the National Science Foundation Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center at the University of WisconsinsMadison (Grant No. DMR0425880). Supporting Information Available. Additional SEM images. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at http://pubs.acs.org. REFERENCES AND NOTES (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23)


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DOI: 10.1021/nl9032318 | Nano Lett. 2010, 10, 1125-–1131