FACT SHEET - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 11, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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• Here are some facts about Union Carbide that you should know. They are presented without illustrations or superlatives. You are the judge: CONTINUING EDUCATION: More than 3,000 of Union Carbide's 74,000 do­ mestic employees took courses at colleges and universities during the 1967-68 academic year. Union Car­ bide's educational refund plan pays half the cost, refunds other half if an advanced degree is attained. PATENTS: A total of 380 patents were awarded to Union Carbide and its em­ ployees in 1968. (The final figures for 1968 in the fol­ lowing three areas were not available for publication at press time:) RESEARCH: In 1967 Union Carbide spent $85 million on research and development activities. SALES: Union Carbide's sales in 1967 were about $2.5 billion. CONSTRUCTION: Construction ex­ penditures in the United States and throughout the world totaled $479 million in 1967. CHEMICALS AND PLASTICS DIVISIONS COATINGS INTERMEDIATES DIVI­ SION markets chemicals and plastics used to make paints, industrial coat­ ings, printing inks, urethane foam and other foams, tires and rubber products, floor coverings, and cal­ endered materials. It also sells vinyl resins and silicones with uses in the surface-coatings industry. PLASTIC PRODUCTS DIVISION sup­ plies many formulations of 11 types of plastics for molded and extruded products, for wire and cable insula­ tion, and for packaging film. It also markets fabricated products, basic chemicals used in making plastics, chemical intermediates, and plasticizer intermediates and stabilizers. PROCESS CHEMICALS DIVISION markets a g r i c u l t u r a l c h e m i c a l s , chemical intermediates for biode­ gradable detergents and fluorocarbon chemicals for use as propellants and refrigerants. The division also (ADVERTISEMENT)

provides chemicals for pharmaceuti­ cals, food p r o d u c t s , c o s m e t i c s , soaps, and automotive specialties. CHEMICALS AND PLASTICS OPERA­ TIONS DIVISION coordinates the ac­ tivities of all the functions performed within the Chemicals and Plastics Group, as well as develops new prod­ uct lines and market positions. It operates 20 plants producing over 800 chemicals and more than 1,000 formulations of 11 types of plastics. It manages 3 engineering centers, 7 research and development laborato­ ries, and 70 sales and distribution facilities. CARBONS, ELECTRONICS, GASES, METALS DIVISIONS CARBON PRODUCTS DIVISION pro­ duces a wide variety of products from carbon and graphite: elec­ trodes, anodes, brushes, corrosionresistant equipment, arc carbons, and special materials for the aero­ space and nuclear industries. ELECTRONICS DIVISION produces solid tantalum and plastic film ca­ pacitors, barium getters, transistors, integrated circuits, and synthetic ruby and sapphire crystals. Through its Korad Department, the Division produces lasers and laser systems. LINDE DIVISION produces atmos­ pheric gases and acetylene. Other product areas include on-site oxygen plants; cryogenic fluids and equip­ ment; welding equipment; and Mo­ lecular Sieves adsorbents. MATERIALS SYSTEMS DIVISION combines Union Carbide's product and process capabilities in the highperformance materials field, includ­ ing special alloys, metal ceramics, flame-plating, and special graphite products. Defense and space sys­ tems are also part of the division's activities. MINING AND METALS DIVISION car­ ries on world wide geological explora­ tions, mines and processes ores, and produces ore concentrates, alloying metals, ferroalloys, and commercial­ ly pure forms of a number of key metals. Use U-4 on Readers' Service Card on page 35A

CONSUMER AND RELATED PRODUCTS DIVISIONS CONSUMER PRODUCTS DIVISION markets more than 400 types of "Eveready" batteries and flashlights; " P r e s t o n e , " " W i n t e r F l o , " and "Prime" antifreezes; " 6 - 1 2 " insect repellent; "Linde" emergency oxy­ gen; "Linde Star" gems; and " G l a d " wrap, bags and straws. FIBERS AND FABRICS DIVISION markets products for the textile and related industries. Products include "Dynel" modacrylic fibers, "Krene" flexible vinyl film and sheeting, "Vileau" expanded vinyl fabric, and "Fiberbond" nonwoven materials. The Englander Company, a bedding products maker, is a part of the Di­ vision. FOOD PRODUCTS DIVISION serves the food industry with cellulosic and plastic casings for sausage and other meat products. Other products in­ clude a number of automatic proc­ essing and packaging machines and cellulosic tubing for medical uses. NUCLEAR DIVISION operates U.S. Atomic Energy Commission facilities at Oak Ridge, Tenn. and Paducah, Ky.; Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Y-12 production and research facili­ ties (Oak Ridge); and gaseous diffu­ sion plants (Oak Ridge and Paducah). OTHER UNITS include Ocean Sys­ tems, Inc. (partially owned subsidiary that does advanced work in ocean engineering) and Nacon Corporation (partially owned subsidiary that is de­ veloping sodium conductors for the power field). GENERAL OFFICES in New York City are headquarters for corporate and divisional management, international operations, and a number of general departments, including Purchasing, Data Processing and Distribution. For more facts, write V. O. Davis, Manager-Recruitment, Union Carbide Corporation, 270 Park Avenue, New York, Ν. Υ. 10017. An Equal Oppor­ tunity Employer. Career Opportunities
