FACTS' 68 & FIGURES - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 6, 2010 - Publication Date: July 15, 1968. Copyright © 1968 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. First Page Image...
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Inorganics hold rapid pace



Make your plans now to advertise in the chemical process industry's Growth still outstanding in polymers

most thoroughly read business report.

FACTS! & FICURES (September 2,1968)

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Every year since 1956 C H E M I C A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G N E W S h a s published a special annual feature, "Facts and Figures for the Chemical Process Industries." This feature is the most complete business analysis of the chemical process industries available. Published as a completely separate issue with its own 4-color cover, " F a c t s and F i g u r e s " provides basic production, business, and financial statistics on major industry groups. Present and future a r e examined with whatever past is needed for perspective. Readership of "Facts and F i g u r e s " by management and technical professionals throughout industry and the scientific community is world-wide and far in excess of anything else available in the chemical field. 130,000 regular subscribers plus (according to research) a pass-along factor which boosts readership to 311,000. An additional 5,000 copies a r e printed to satisfy the reprint orders from industry. Here's an incredible value for your advertising — world-wide interest in an issue which is also saved for reference and repeat readership. I n 1967 "Facts and F i g u r e s " introduced an important innovation in t h e field of business publications — the use of a com* puter to make financial, economic and market projections of various products a n d indicators. Since that time the editors have refined their use of the computer. It h a s been t h e basis of several exceptional market and financial stories which have been acclaimed by businessmen throughout industry.


" F a c t s a n d F i g u r e s " and t h e use of a computer a r e major steps forward into more sophisticated editing techniques. They help to increase the reader's involvement with editorial and advertising and a r e indicative of C&EN editors' innovating approach to publishing — imaginative and pioneering, yet practical and business-oriented.

NEW PREMIUM PACKAGE A small charge of $175 is made to be included in "Facts and Figures ? 68." However this year, in addition to the issue's exceptionally wide readership, a new premium package of ad reprints and special mailings is available to advertisers. This package can add extra life to your advertising and offers special opportunities for select merchandising. Check with your C&EN salesman now. L e t him give you all the details of "Facts a n d Figures ' 6 8 . " Be sure your company is included in t h e industry's most widely read issue. Closing D a t e : August 2, 1968.

Chemical & Engineering


the newsmagazine of the chemical world. Advertising Management: REINHOLD PUBLISHING CORPORATION (A subsidiary of Chapman-Reinhold, Inc.) 430 Park Avenue, New York. N.Y 10022