Convinces Jelly Maker. (reported by J-M ... B. T. Humphreville). CHICAGO DISTRICT:This wine maker had ... nothing and may save you money. Just address...
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Vol. 4 1 , No. 5

F A C T S ON F I L T E R I N G Representative case histories on widely varied clarification condensed from field reports of Johns-Manville Filtration

One Hydraulic Press Load Convinces Jelly Maker

were handled in two hours through 650 sq. ft. of filter area. This improved performance more than met the cus­ tomer's requirements.

(reported by J-M Engi­ neer T. A. Feuss)

FLORIDA DIS­ TRICT: W h e n I attempted to sell Johns - Manville Celite t o t h i s jelly m a n u f a c turer,the thought of putting a filter powder in his fruit to get more juice quicker seemed ridiculous to him. How­ ever, he took me out to see his press which was surrounded by split cloths and broken lattices—the result of at­ tempting to get dry cheeses. His six press workers were spending most of their time scraping off the cloths and cashing them in tubs of water. I sug­ gested t h a t he try a run with Celite. A run was made, adding 1 λ/ί c\, Celite 645 to the guavas at the cookers. Ob­ servers remarked t h a t they had never seen the press close so rapidly or so far. On emptying the press, the cheeses were quite dry and one laborer could remove them from the cloths because they sheared off by gravity. No cloths or iattices were broken, the juice was .loticeably free from suspended mud and the cloths were replaced in the press without washing.

Filtration Improved by Changing Filter Aid (reported by J-M Engineer George T. Anderson)

SAN FRANCISCO DiSTRicTrDuring a service call on a factory pro­ ducing ethyl al­ cohol from wood waste, Τ learned t h a t they first tried filtering their wort through a leaf press without a filter aid, and without success. They then experi­ mented with adding Hyflo Super-Cel to the wort during filtration but it proved too slow. I recommended a change to Celite 503. On the trial run, 60,000 gallons

Pre-coating Troubles Ended in Winery ( reported by J-M Engineer B. T. Humphreville)

CHICAGO DISTRICT:This wine maker had experienced some difficulty pre-coating a plate and frame filter and had been unable to get clarity. When I made a filtering run a t the plant, I noticed t h a t their pre-coat t a n k was too small and air was sucked out of the t a n k into the filter. Penetrating the pre-coat, the air caused cloudy wine to run through. I suggested t h a t an anti-splash pan be put under the return line at the pre-coat tank and that the level of the wine in the t a n k be kept higher. When this was done, they obtained clarity within two or three minutes . . . and filtration has been excellent ever since.

problems Engineers

Hyflo Solves Problem . in Tonic Plant (reported by J-M Engineer C. A. Cocks)

NEW YORK DIS­ TRICT: This tonic manufacturer always had dif­ ficulties in filtra­ tion. His original filter required 8 hours running plus 6 hours cleaning for each cycle. Asa remedy, he purchased another type fiUer but was unable to get good results with it. After other filtration men had failed to help him, he called on Johns-Manville. Making a test run with 1 % of Hyflo Super-Cel per 1000-gallon batch, the writer obtained perfect clarity in 7 minutes and filtered the entire batch in 2 hours. Customer then decided to filter a 2000-gallon batch. Because the filter would not hold 200 lbs. of Hyflo, the percentage of filter aid was cut to 0.75 %. A run of 2250 gallons was filtered in 4 hours and 20 minutes—which was little more than half the time previously required.

How to get help with your Filtration Problems If y o u h a v e a filtration p r o b l e m of a n y k i n d , call in a J o h n s - M a n v i l l e F i l t r a t i o n E n g i n e e r . T e c h n i c a l l y t r a i n e d a n d t h o r o u g h l y experienced, h e c a n p r o b a b l y h e l p y o u find t h e solution. H e m a y find t h a t a slight c h a n g e in e q u i p m e n t , o p e r a t i n g t e c h n i q u e , m e t h o d of a d d i n g filter aid—or a c h a n g e t o o n e of t h e high-speed Celite F i l t e r Aids will increase p r o d u c t i o n w i t h o u t affecting filtrate q u a l i t y . A c h e c k - u p of y o u r filtering m e t h o d s will cost y o u n o t h i n g a n d m a y s a v e y o u m o n e y . J u s t a d d r e s s J o h n s - M a n v i l l e , B o x 290, N e w Y o r k 16, Ν . Υ .

How to get clearest Filtrates at fastest Flow Rates W i t h Celite F i l t e r Aids, y o u c a n w r i t e y o u r o w n clarification formula. T h e v a r i o u s Celite grades, e a c h a different degree of p a r t i c l e fineness, e n a b l e y o u t o o b t a i n t h e e x a c t c o m b i n a t i o n of clarity a n d flow r e q u i r e d . F i n e r t h a n t h e finest filter cloth, Celite t r a p s o u t s u s p e n d e d i m p u r i t i e s , allows only t h e clear liquid to pass t h r o u g h . For further information, write J o h n s - M a n v i l l e , B o x 290, N e w Y o r k 16, Ν . Υ .



* R e « . U . S. P a t . Oft*.

Filter Aids