Fast Drawing & Reliable Property Prediction - C&EN Global Enterprise

Table of Contents. Fast Drawing & Reliable Property Prediction. Chem. Eng. News , 1996, 74 (25), Inside Back Cover. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v074n025.ibc...
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Fast Drawing & Reliable Property Prediction Enter Name-Obtain Structure •

ACD/BP calculates accurate boiling points at any pressure ^,Z^fA&I S^-'V W&s jj ?. from 0.001 mm Hg to 10atm - in most cases to ±10° or P.|wMg | i | BPfc»h»,> ~]1] better! For structures with "1270.54207 1 one or no polar groups the mum 2MUI0I 2W.1MS7 270 8*207 accuracy is usually better than ±5°! Contains over CH Ρ.\-*9 | t | BP.|-C.I>u. It] 10,000 carefully selected experi­ mental boiling Γ 21141021 20(24367 4 points-the 204 32(15 20213MI I M 01586 0.070 largest data 1S7.10233 0.060 _flJBSL_ mwff base of verified boiling points Έ"»»*! ['?""•> 1 available todayl ~*ii!WfiiiwWir""""^»iw

Synthesis Planning :

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Ξ Ο H3