Fastest way to make the resin you want. Call for ... - ACS Publications

Nov 6, 2010 - Call for Melamine. Chem. Eng. News , 1963, 41 (10), p 16. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v041n010.p016. Publication Date: March 11, 1963. Copyright ©...
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Fastest way to make the resin you want. Call for Melamine buffered

or recrystallized

Cyanamid has two types of melamine to make the resin you want. Aero® Melamine, Buffered—Aero Melamine, Recrystallized. Two plants assure speedy delivery. And Cyanamid's twenty-five years of experience in the manufacture and use of melamine for resins mean you can count on expert and willing technical assistance in all melamine applications. Write for the new melamine booklet or contact your Cyanamid representative.

CFAiVAil^JI> AMERICAN CYANAMID COMPANY · PLASTICS AND RESINS DIVISION · WALLINGFORD, CONNECTICUT Sales Offices in: Charlotte · Chicago · Cincinnati · Cleveland .· Dallas · Detroit · Los Angeles · Minnesota · New York · Oakland · Philadelphia · St. Louis · Seattle · Wallingford IN CANADA: CYANAMID OF CANADA LIMITED, Montreal · Toronto