february 15, 1992 chemistry - ACS Publications - American Chemical

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15, 1992

VOLUME 64 NUMBER 4 Audit Buipau



ANCHAM 64(4) 243A-294A/337-464 (1992) ISSN 0003-2700

Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; ©Copyright 1992 by the American Chemical Society EDITOR: ROYCE W. MURRAY ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Catherine C. Fenselau, Georges Guiochon, Robert A. Osteryoung, Edward S. Yeung Editorial Headquarters 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W. Washington, DC 20036 Phone:202-872-4570 Telefax: 202-872-4574 Bitnet: rmh96@cas Internet: [email protected] Managing Editor: Mary Warner Senior Editor: Louise Voress Associate Editor: Grace K. Lee Assistant Editors: Jane K. Baker, Felicia Wach


Contributing Editor: Marcia Vogel

On the cover. Z-Contrast s c a n n i n g t r a n s m i s s i o n electron m i croscopy. Buried inside a material and just a few atomic spacings across, grain boundaries and interfaces contribute little to bulk t e c h n i q u e s for t h e a n a l y s i s of structure or chemistry. S. J. Pennycook of O a k Ridge N a t i o n a l Laboratory describes a new a p proach to high-resolution imaging that allows researchers to directly interpret a material's atomic structure and composition, without the need for prior models of interface structure

Director, Operational Support: C. Michael Phillippe Head, Production Department: Leroy L. Corcoran Art Director: Alan Kahan Composition Systems Administrator: Vincent L. Parker Designers: Peggy Corrigan, Robert Sargent Production Editor: Elizabeth Wood Circulation: David Schulbaum LabGuide Managing Editor of Directories and Databases: Kathleen Strum Editorial Assistant: Joanne Mullican Journals Dept., Columbus, Ohio Associate Head: Marianne Brogan Editorial Office Manager: Mary E. Scanlan Journals Editing Managers: Kathleen E. Duffy, Joseph E. Yurvati Assistant Editors: Stephanie R. Harrell, Diane E. Needham

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283 A

E x p e r t systems. Although computers can perform tasks according to the decision-making logic of conventional programs, it is difficult to encode human knowledge into procedural programs consisting of algorithms and databases. Sharbari Lahiri and Martin J. S t i l l m a n of t h e U n i v e r s i t y of Western Ontario describe an expert system whose design and implementation illustrate how an ind u c t i v e shell is u s e d to code h e u r i s t i c information t h a t d e scribes the symptoms and causes of problems frequently encountered during AA analysis

Advisory Board: Michelle V. Buchanan, M. Bonner Denton, William S. Hancock, Joel M. Harris, Timothy D. Harris, Franz Hillenkamp, Dennis C. Johnson, Richard A. Keller, Philip D. LaFleur, Alan G. Marshall, John F. Rabolt, Geraldine Richmond, Ralph Riggin, Debra R. Rolison, Shigeru Terabe, Michael Thompson Ex Officio: Charles L. Wilkins


253 A

Instrumentation Advisory Panel: Daniel W. Armstrong, Anna Brajter-Toth, Thomas L. Chester, Raymond E. Clement, Norman J. Dovichi, Jack D. Henion, John W. Olesik, Dallas L. Rabenstein, Brenda R. Shaw


261 A

Nominations invited for 1993 D a l N o g a r e A w a r d . · T h e c o u n t i s in. · Quantum dots

Publications Division Director: Robert H. Marks Journals: Charles R. Bertsch Published by the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 1155 Sixteenth Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20036 (202) 872-4600 TDD (202) 872-8733 FAX (202) 872-4615


274 A

Conferences. · Short courses and workshops. · Call for papers

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Volumes on c o n t i n u o u s - f l o w FABMS, surface a n a l y s i s , and soil analysis are reviewed


280 A




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Articles Amide and Ester Surface Attachment Reactions for Alkanethiol Monolayers at Gold Surfaces As Studied by Polarization Modulation Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Robert V. Duevel and Robert M. Corn *


Enzymatically Amplified Time-Resolved Fluorescence Immunoassay with Terbium Chelates Theodore K. Christopoulos and Eleftherios P. Diamandis *


Separation of Fluoride from Fluoroelastomers by Diffusion in Test Tubes Pothapragada Venkateswarlu *


Detection and Determination of Dilute, Low Molecular Weight Organic Compounds in Water By 500-MHz Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy D. Bruce Fulton, Brian G. Sayer, Alex D. Bain *, and Harold V. Malle Comparison of Two Elemental-Analyzer Gas-Isotope-Ratio Mass Spectrometer Systems in the Simultaneous Measurement of 1 3 C/ 1 2 C Ratios and Carbon Content in Organic Samples William W. Wong*, LucindaL. Clarke, Gregory A. Johnson, Marisol Llaurador, and Peter D. Klein Evaluation of a Thermal Desorption Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometer: On-Site Detection of Polychlorinated Biphenyls at a Hazardous Waste Site Albert Robbat, Jr. *, Tyng- Yun Liu, and Brian M. Abraham




Surface-Induced Dissociation of Protonated Peptides: Implications of Initial Kinetic Energy Spread Richard B. Cole*, Sylvain LeMeillour, and Jean-Claude Tabet"


Determination of Phospholipids from Pulmonary Surfactant Using an On-Line Coupled Silica/Reversed-Phase High-Performance Liquid Chromatography System Laurent Michel Bonanno, Benoit André Denizot, Pierre Cyril Tchoreloff, Francis Puisieux, and Philippe Jean Cardot*


Counter-Propagation Neural Networks in the Modeling and Prediction of Kovats Indices for Substituted Phenols Keith L. Peterson


pH Gradient Capillary Zone Electrophoresis Using a Solvent Program Delivery System Takao Tsuda


Effects of Analyte Velocity Modulation on the Electroosmotic Flow in Capillary Electrophoresis Tshenge Demana, Urmi Guhathakurta, and Michael D. Morris *


Empirical Procedure That Uses Molecular Structure To Predict Enantioselectivity of Chiral Stationary Phases Alain Berthod, San-Chun Chang, and Daniel W. Armstrong*


Supercritical Fluid Extraction of Polar Analytes Using in Situ Chemical Derivatization Steven B. Hawthorne *, David J. Miller, David E. Nivens, and David C. White Corresponding author


continued on p. 251 A

ACS membership information: Lorraine Bowlin (202-872-4567)


analytical CHEMISTRY

Editorial Information Instructions for authors of AC RESEARCH are published in the January 1 issue, p. 107. Guidelines for the INSTRUMENTATION, REPORT, ANALYTICAL APPROACH, and A/c INTERFACE features are available from the Washington editorial office. Please consult these instructions and guidelines prior to submitting a manuscript for consideration for publication. Manuscripts for publication (4 copies of text and illustrative material) should be submitted to ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY at the ACS Washington address. Please include a signed copyright status form; a copy of this document appears on p. 111 of the January 1 issue. Correspondence regarding manuscripts under review should be directed to the Washington editorial staff; correspondence regarding accepted papers and proofs should be directed to the Journals Dept. in Columbus at the address below. For individual reprints of AC RESEARCH or A-page articles, please contact the authors d i rectly. Bulk reprints of individual articles are available from ACS. For information, write or call the Distribution office at the ACS Washington address (202-872-4539; fax 202-872-4615). ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Chair, Charles Wilkins (714-787-3518) Secretary, Sarah Rutan (804-367-1298) ACS Information Library Services Education Division Meetings Dept. Member Services Employment Services Public Outreach

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Frequency-Independent and Frequency-Dependent Polymer Transitions Observed on Flexural Plate Wave Ultrasonic Sensors Jay W. Grate*, Stuart W. Wenzel, and Richard M. White


Preconcentration of Dopamine by Uphill Transport across an Ion-Exchange Membrane James A. Cox* and Nongluck Poopisut


Development and Characterization of a Titanium Dioxide-Based Semiconductor Photoelectrochemical Detector Garrett N. Brown, John W. Birks, and Carl A. Koval*


Interfacing Ion Chromatography with Particle Beam Mass Spectrometry for the Determination of Organic Anionic Compounds John Hsu


Adsorption of Catechols on Fractured Glassy Carbon Electrode Surfaces Christie D. Allred and Richard L. McCreery *


Linear-Sweep Voltammetry in a Cylindrical-Pore Electrode John W. Weidner" and Peter S. Fedkiw


Correspondence Homogeneous Mechanism of Ascorbic Acid Interference in Hydrogen Peroxide Detection at Enzyme-Modified Electrodes John P. Lowry and Robert D. O'Neill *


Technical Notes Miniaturized Glucose Sensors Based on Electrochemical Codeposition of Rhodium and Glucose Oxidase onto Carbon-Fiber Electrodes Joseph Wang* andLucio Angnes Electrochemical Measurements in Submicroliter Volumes Walter J. Bowyer*, Mary Elizabeth Clark, and Jennifer L. Ingram

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Correction. Solvatochromic Studies of Stationary Phases on Thin-Layer Chromatographic Plates Jennifer L. Jones and Sarah C. Rutan *


Author Index


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